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How Night wave burned out my full clan.


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3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Please take this in the spirit it's meant but; are you ok?

From what I've seen you're an articulate individual and your last couple posts are very...not. 

Well, actually not sure...

I could having some problem in cognition module, so... maybe needs a rest?

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Most of these 60-min challenges are meant for a whole squad of veterans or players with proper gears. It’s not necessary to carry each and every clan member through this. I usually provide advices and not to help newbies in missions. They will need to figure out themselves after learning how to do it and learning how to mod their gears. We as veterans do not need to spoil this crucial process for them. 

Edited by George_PPS
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And i am sitting here with lvl 45, no burnout.. XD My clanmates have the same. I did all of them except for 2 daily 1kers during my time offgame. 

If you think its useless grind dont do it. Its a game for first, and you dont need umbral forma for 2nd, you dont need that armour, its not really that awesome at least for me (i got all of that dont use any). 

1h survi can be a 1h kuva survi with some friends for shyts and giggles and kuva which is useful, be on discord, speak with eachother, that 1h will be gone before you realise. I can do that few times a week np. I do sorties everyday, cause as baro says "an ananas a day keeps zanuka away" so those i would just do normally . The rest were basically play a bit with something while doing your normal shyt and that is completely fine. The fishing and mining i disliked cause i have no use for any of that anymore.

If you overloaded yourself and your clanmates with 60min survi all day long thats kinda easy to spot where the burnout comes from. Its not nightwaves fault.. 

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1 hour ago, Anduvriel said:

And i am sitting here with lvl 45, no burnout.. XD My clanmates have the same. I did all of them except for 2 daily 1kers during my time offgame. 

If you think its useless grind dont do it. Its a game for first, and you dont need umbral forma for 2nd, you dont need that armour, its not really that awesome at least for me (i got all of that dont use any). 

1h survi can be a 1h kuva survi with some friends for shyts and giggles and kuva which is useful, be on discord, speak with eachother, that 1h will be gone before you realise. I can do that few times a week np. I do sorties everyday, cause as baro says "an ananas a day keeps zanuka away" so those i would just do normally . The rest were basically play a bit with something while doing your normal shyt and that is completely fine. The fishing and mining i disliked cause i have no use for any of that anymore.

If you overloaded yourself and your clanmates with 60min survi all day long thats kinda easy to spot where the burnout comes from. Its not nightwaves fault.

Without Nightwave this wouldn't be an issue at all. Also, since this is a repeated challege some players may not be able to skip it this time around. I guess designing 30 unique elite challenges was too much work for DE, maybe they got burned out working on it.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Without Nightwave this wouldn't be an issue at all. 

This came from alerts. If you count in that what you really needed from them was nitain and few bps and you get enough standing to get 150 cred which is 3bps or 50 nitain for basically just playing the game for 10 weeks (those are early you dont need any elite done), which would probably net you similar or less nitain in old alerts and you get other really useful stuff for new players like slots on top of that.. The only gating is fashion here.. Which is.. well supposed to be gated. 

I think nightwave is not a problem. The problem is everyone takes it as an event and wants to max it out.. When you dont have to. Those series will never stop, when this ends next is coming right afterwards and wolf is returning somewhere in the future,  everything will be obtainable later. This is new alerts, did you do all alerts, did you do even 10% of them?  I can tell you i didnt even bother looking there if there was no cata/reactor. 

You are right that those missions are not really unique, but alerts were? It is an upgrade, not perfect as all things are, but an upgrade. I dont think you can convince me that alerts were better, they were garbage. 

OP burned out from a different thing. He run just too many long survivals. It would burn me out as well. 

They want also to reward those that dedicate themselves more than just doing anything and those get an umbral forma and some fashion. You dont need umbral forma:) as well as the fashion. To be honest its far more forgiving than i thought it will be. 

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On 2019-05-01 at 12:19 PM, EvilChaosKnight said:

And it's fair to say that quite a few of these parts aren't exactly fun either

I think this sums up the entire night wave. I don't want to play YOUR way, I want to play MY way. Alerts were bearable because you had to put up with 1 alert to get the nitain, now you have to mindlessly grind for months just to get enough to build anything. Oh, and DE put other items in that alert pack, but I doubt anyone even bothers to look at them since the only thing you can use them for is Nitain. Farming does not even drop any, and if anyone else can disprove this without 1/week with 18hrs/day grinding I will drop my argument. 

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2 minutes ago, J-Umbra said:

I think this sums up the entire night wave. I don't want to play YOUR way, I want to play MY way. Alerts were bearable because you had to put up with 1 alert to get the nitain, now you have to mindlessly grind for months just to get enough to build anything. Oh, and DE put other items in that alert pack, but I doubt anyone even bothers to look at them since the only thing you can use them for is Nitain. Farming does not even drop any, and if anyone else can disprove this without 1/week with 18hrs/day grinding I will drop my argument. 

You could literally get the first 50 wolf credits the first week which you could use to buy enough nitain to build anything.  Not everything but Vaubin for example you could.  And that's just playing an hour or two a day.  I love how people imbelish things to an astronomical level in these forums.  

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On 2019-05-01 at 4:12 PM, Kaimera_Prime said:

How Night wave burned out my full clan.


At the start of night wave like most I was exited to see what it would bring. This was followed by the horrid realization that to get anything of real interest to me I would have to grind through 27 levels of what I would consider near pointless items (bar the forma) to most people that have played for more than 6 months.


As I am a guild leader of what at the time was a clan of at least 20-30 people playing at peak times and most of my clan being new to the game. I enjoy teaching new people the details of the game and openly recruited new players


Night wave destroyed this. The grind required to get the useful items was a grind so bad that even with my more experienced members helping new players this was a massive toll on the clans leadership. 60 min missions that would be ruined by one ass hole basically meant having me and my officers having to spend hours on end in 60 min missions with lower MR ranked members.


All of this has resulted I an immediate and massive drop off of people playing the very week the rank 30 was hit by most members. This includes myself. Night wave is not new content its just daily missions linked to a massive grind. There is no faction or syndicate behind it. hell all of the items you can buy with wolf credits could have been set as rewards for a lotus specific syndicate that could have had things added to it with each new Warframe that was released Alt helms for example.


I hope that with new content that comes out my clan will recover from the burn out from this event but I fear that a lot of the new players will not return thanks to the grind that was basically mandatory to get the umbra forma that every one of the veteran members are after and the cosmetics of the wolf armor that the full event was based around.

Also Nora night got massively annoying after the 1st day. i am not "the once and future bad ass" for doing a dam emote. this needs a mute option placed on the night wave window. It just drives people up the wall when she talks now.


TLDR Night wave has killed my clan through burnout.

Same man, my clan has 350 people and over the course of nightwave it dried up horribly.

I myself have quit, walked away from an account that has 800 platinum on it and have 0 intention of coming back, honestly.

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On 2019-05-01 at 4:12 AM, Kaimera_Prime said:

The grind required to get the useful items was a grind so bad that even with my more experienced members helping new players this was a massive toll on the clans leadership. 60 min missions that would be ruined by one ass hole basically meant having me and my officers having to spend hours on end in 60 min missions with lower MR ranked members.

Just a suggestion, direct them to use recruiting chat to find public groups that have not done the challenge before in future.

Yes, the purpose of the clan is to help each other out easier but the clan leaders and you are not babysitters. If any member expects/requires you or the clan to help them complete any part of the game, then you've perhaps recruited the wrong type of people.

Edited by (NSW)Lunavay
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I just did the easy challenges every week and have had it done for 2 weeks now and I’m still gaining levels without even trying. I’m at 34. There was plenty of time to just cruise thru it and hopefully u fair better the next time around. For new players a lot of the challenges were helpful and I never went into any hour long survivals it’s not my thing. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Ashagin said:

You could literally get the first 50 wolf credits the first week which you could use to buy enough nitain to build anything.  Not everything but Vaubin for example you could.  And that's just playing an hour or two a day.  I love how people imbelish things to an astronomical level in these forums.  

Not if you're a new player. A new player, the people who actually need wolf Creds cannot do the Elite challenges. Because they cannot beat elite challenges they can only get 28k standing (if they can even do the normal weeklies).

Maybe your argument would have a bit of standing if wolf Creds were the first item, but even then it misses the forest through the trees. As it is though your math is kind of off.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

Same man, my clan has 350 people and over the course of nightwave it dried up horribly.

I myself have quit, walked away from an account that has 800 platinum on it and have 0 intention of coming back, honestly.

Now i wonder why you're in the forum

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On 2019-05-01 at 5:27 PM, (PS4)Limorkil said:

As always, all I hear is people who have the ability and inclination to do all Nightwave Challenges telling others that doing all the challenges is wrong and unnecessary.  I never see anyone go “I couldn’t do all the challenges and had a hard time with it but that’s perfectly ok with me. “

I cannot do any of the friends or clan related one. I play largely in pub group, never use recruit chat and run a solo clan. I am also not willing to do open world bounty one because I hate playing open world. Fishing, mining and conservation are the only things I enjoy doing in there. And I can get rank 30 just fine. I even missed the first 2 week of the NW because I was busy playing other games.

But yes, these challenges, especially friends, clan and 40 waves/60 minutes ones are bad. Even if it is not friends or clans related I do not have the patient for them.

I kinda miss the old alert mission. Having random time-limited mission for you to do through out the day is quite nice, so maybe bringing them back? Instead of alert reward it give NW experience instead. 150-500 depend on the mission level.

Edited by AhLiu338
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9 hours ago, (NSW)Lunavay said:

Just a suggestion, direct them to use recruiting chat to find public groups that have not done the challenge before in future.

Yes, the purpose of the clan is to help each other out easier but the clan leaders and you are not babysitters. If any member expects/requires you or the clan to help them complete any part of the game, then you've perhaps recruited the wrong type of people.

Thats pretty much exactly what I told him earlier.

First of all, they shouldn't have been trying to carry newbies through Elite challenges and second, if the newbies had issues with not being helped to do content that is clearly way beyond them, then perhaps they shouldn't be in the clan.

I mean yes, one reason for the existence of clans, is for people to get help, but what they were attempting to do was above & beyond the call of duty.


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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23 hours ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

Not if you're a new player. A new player, the people who actually need wolf Creds cannot do the Elite challenges. 

There is chat and shytload of helpful veterans that dont mind taking a newbie.

I dont know, maybe i am different, but as a mr 5-10 player i was doing long 100m+ survivals, 6k cryo runs cause i needed all that shyt in tons and the vets they didnt mind, ty - - Q-'s. I did have to hide behind my "older brothers" backs against those 300lvl grineers, but it was awesome, different experience and i contributed as a frost for example. It felt great and i learned a lot. I remember taxi, recruit group resource farms, players helping eachother was a thing. In mmo coop if you cant beat something you find someone who can and learn from them or google the shyt out of it. If you want to get somewhere you put some effort into it. I have never said no to a newbie when he asked for help. Maybe it is just my experience with this game.. 

Thats one and the second is you dont need the elite challenges to get to 30 lvl. If i recall correctly i needed things like slots far more than nitain as a new player and you can get 150 creds easily in 10 weeks with some effort which is 50 nitain.. Thats a huge amount. Not time gated as previously, just requires playing and some effort.

It is true that getting everything from the series and all bps and large amounts of nitain and potatoes on top is.. hard even for vets as the later levels give only 15 creds which is lame to be honest, but you dont have to get everything right away. Its new alerts you can do them at your pace, when you actually have the time to play and they will return. Nothing really lost if you dont do that 60 minute survival. 

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" most of my clan being new to the game. "
theyre new players, how do u know they wouldve continued if nightwave was a tad bit different ?
you dont, you assume its the game, but people maybe didnt have that much fun in the first place?
your argument is thus invalid, if u had argued with veteran players itd make sense but like this its baseless assumptions
also, nightwave isnt that hard if you use a bit of google, even children can take care of it then

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On 2019-05-03 at 1:24 PM, Gruiz said:

Now i wonder why you're in the forum

Because gaming is a part of my life, and even though I don’t play Warframe, spending 10 minutes a week on the forums is still something I enjoy?

We’re here to talk about warframe dude, why’re you trying to discuss me?

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Honestly, Nightwave will be a tedious chore until they realize everyone is unique and wants to do different things in the game and offer a wide variety of optional weekly bounties for all player skills and levels. Just give player 30+ different weekly bounties and allow them to choose the ones they want to do. That way if you're a noob, do noob challenges, if you're a vet that wants challenge, do long vet challenges, if you're currently playing fortuna, do fortuna stuff, if you're doing plains, do plains, if you have to level up stuff, do formas and leveling bounties... Make the system flexible and adaptible to what the player wants to do , instead of pretending every player has the same weekly goals and objectives.

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Am 2.5.2019 um 14:02 schrieb George_PPS:

Most of these 60-min challenges are meant for a whole squad of veterans or players with proper gears.

There was just one 60 min challenge, survival. Typical Nightwave challenge for this in a PUG:

"I'm doing it for the first time"

"You got a Limbo?"


You got a Saryn?"

"For sure"

"Ok, kill things"

Mission accomplished.

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1 hour ago, AshenHaze said:

OP vs 1st post is a perfect example of the community as a whole's mentality:

"F**k you, got mine."

I can't say its the whole community, but boy howdy is this true for a lot of things, especially the Wolf's tankiness.

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4 hours ago, AshenHaze said:

OP vs 1st post is a perfect example of the community as a whole's mentality:

"F**k you, got mine."

Actually that was my post...and I'm not even close to completing the event. Mainly because I haven't been trying that hard.


My post was in fact pointing out how lots of gamers (not just Warframe players - I've seen this in other game forums) have a grossly over-inflated sense of entitlement, generally poor attitude to anything that does not suit them, or inconveniences them personally in any way.

Basically special snowflakes who just cry "UNFAIR!" every time a dev does something they don't agree with, instead of taking a few moments to consider why.


Also, if you'd read the OP properly you would know they brought the problem on themselves by trying to do something they shouldn't have.


So if thats a "f**k you" attitude, then fine. You are a perfect example of the entitled snowflakes I mentioned above.



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