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Wolf Hunt Tactical Alert, really DE? Seriously?


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Thanks for making a tactical alert for the Wolf.

Thank you for reducing the Wolf Sledge to more or less MR fodder, not even difficult to get anymore you just have to repeat the same mission over and over and over and over until you get it.  Not interesting at all.  The weapon is no good, nothing you do with it makes it any better, not even god tier rivens.  It's so bad, the only reason anyone wanted to own it was for MR fodder and bragging rights, you know, a badge of honor being able to kill the Wolf and get the drops.  Now, just more make-work MR fodder.

Thanks for making how hard some of us worked, to make sure we were able to fight the Wolf at any time, any place, totally arbitrary now.  I specifically trained a frame to deal with the wolf, worked around how to make that frame viable while training weapons and doing missions.  I specifically modded and carried certain weapons when not using a special frame, to deal the wolf.  And now, all that is arbitrary.  I feel I should have just waited until it was super easy to fight the wolf instead of investing all the time, effort and energy.  A complete, total and utter waste considering there is no other content in the game I can use the tactics nor the specific frame and the way it's fitted, nor some of the weapons.  How awesome is that?

Not that I care because I'm not farming the Wolf for parts to sell, but you just ruined the market on any of the Wolf sledge items.  Doing that creates another issue with the content itself.  After everyone has the parts for the MR fodder sledge hammer, there is no longer any reason to engage the content, no reason to fight the wolf.  You get all his stuff then he becomes arbitrary.  You destroy the market prices and you make him even more arbitrary.  Nice job ruining the content meant to be engaging.

You created a situation where people are trying to farm the Wolf so fast, nobody enjoys the tileset.  People are farming the Wolf, not looking for ways to sneak around, or being amazed by the map and how to use it to your advantage.  The tactic now is to use a super fast frame, that is super tanky so you can just ignore the lava all over the floor the Wolf's slaves leave when they throw their molotav cocktails at you.  Stupid brute force with no though, no fun, no tactics or thinking it through or difficulty or anything worth of a game people will want to play for fun during their free time.

All that was done is that you ruined the market and the only reason to WANT to fight the wolf.  Made the wolf easy, super super easy now so that it's no longer a big deal to kill him even when he spawns 120+.  Ruined anyone bothering to use tactics all you literally have to do is use a fast tanky frame with a radiation weapon and you can farm the Wolf in minutes, even the hardest version of him. 

I just ran both missions, the first I made sure I was using the frame I trained up to fight the wolf, the melee weapon that would buff my ultimate went into the mission and everyone went running as fast as they possibly could through the map killing the slaves to get through the next door.  The entire mission, maybe 2 minutes.  2 minutes and I never want to ever do it again, no point.  I have the nitain extract now, which I no longer really need but whatever.  I got all the parts for the Wolf Sledge Hammer long ago so I don't need the parts.  The market prices were ruined once the Wolf was made easy to farm both by creating the alert and by making him super easy to kill so no reason to ever do the mission for Wolf Sledge parts even if I were inclined to sell them.  So mission one, phffft, never will do it again.  So I thought, maybe mission 2 will be more interesting, and I do want the riven.  It was harder, granted, the wolf spawned at lvl 121 but phffft, super easy to kill.  What really sucked bad was all the lava all over the floor and everyone dying and needing to be healed.  It wasn't engaging or interesting it was just running around healing people that died because nobody was using any tactics, nobody was doing anything but trying to kill the Wolf as fast as possible because you know what everyone was doing?  They were farming for Wolf Sledge parts, that's it.  Nobody was doing the mission because they wanted to enjoy themselves, have fun and play the game.  Nobody was doing the mission because it was engaging, interesting.  It's so un-interesting that people are not even bothering taking tanky fast frames because they know the content is going to be killed so fast, and the mission completed so quickly that wasting any time trying to do the mission better, is more or less just worthless, it has no value.  So people do the harder version one time to get the riven and the emblem, then you know what they do?  The easy mission, over and over and over and over and over and over until they have the Wolf Sledge parts.  Then you know what they do?  They don't ever bother doing the mission ever again because why, why would you want to? 

I love the game please don't get me wrong.  I love how new content is always being added, it makes things interesting.  I really like the fact that the devs are so attentive to the community, and bug fixes, and updates, and new announcements.  Really, I don't know how you all do it.  I am truly humbled and impressed.  However, the Wolf has been one of those things where I have to ask myself, did the people who created the Wolf just get lazy?  Lets spend all the time on the animation, on the graphics but when it came right down to it all the Wolf really was at first was a bullet sponge, not interesting at all just took throwing enough radiation modded stuff at it to kill it.  Then the minions were added, okay great, a bullet sponge with invulnerable molotav cocktail throwing minions.  Then making the Wolf a little less tanky and you hit the right recipe with a bullet sponge, the right amount of tanky and vulnerable.  You made what seemed like a fast lazy creation into something that was a little less annoying and a little more engaging, albeit not the most engaging content but okay, I was okay with that.  And now?  It just seems like a lot more lazy to me.  Why make the Wolf spawn at higher lvls if you are just going to make him super easy to kill, that makes absolutely no sense at all.  None.  Why not just reduce the level he spawns at?  Oh, well, because when he spawned at level 20 he was more difficult to kill than he is at level 120+ now. 

It just seems like lazy imagination, like a too quickly thrown together content to hit a scheduled date for new content, or something.  Like the corporate direction created a situation where rushed content was slapped together, and has almost the entire time sucked really bad.

I'm not going to be doing those missions anymore unless there are rewards added.  I'm just not going to bother fighting the wolf anymore because he's turned into something that is just an annoyance rather than fun and engaging.  We as players want something we have to use our intelligence and experience to overcome, not how fast we slam our controllers with our fingers.  We want something meaningful, not for all meaning to be sapped away by the content being made super easy to kill.  We as players want to enjoy the time we play the game, not given more opportunities to content made easier so that we are repeating the same missions over and over and over and over again. 

Or let me ask those who created this content.  How many times are you going to do the Wolf alert missions?


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6 minutes ago, Nexeroff said:

All that was done is that you ruined the market

You could have saved the wear and tear on your keyboard by cutting everything else out. The game is not and will never be developed around the prices on the player run side market.

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Just now, peterc3 said:

You could have saved the wear and tear on your keyboard by cutting everything else out. The game is not and will never be developed around the prices on the player run side market.

You didn't explain why I could have cut everything else out, your comment makes no sense.  I think I made it crystal clear that the thing that matters least to me is that they ruined the market, but I also think it worthy to note that people do farm to sell things, which causes them to repeat missions, by ruining the market those people will not be repeating the missions.

I think if you spent a little more time actually reading what is written instead of looking for anything you can make a negative comment about, you might actually get something out of reading anything on this forum.  Do you really think my post was about market prices?

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9 minutes ago, Nexeroff said:

Why make the Wolf spawn at higher lvls if you are just going to make him super easy to kill, that makes absolutely no sense at all.

Because it is a problem when people abandon missions when wolf spawns. You wrote it yourself – he was more difficult to kill at level 20 than he is now at level 120. Not everyone runs meta builds and not everyone wants to bother with a super tanky pest when there are better things to do. 

Also these alerts address the problem raised by players – some of them never had the opportunity to even meet the Wolf over the course of 10 weeks.

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Well ive not been very lucky for the wolf now seeing that its in an tac alert it makes me happy ^.^ 

Kinda gives me a shot at getting something else than a bunch a mods i allready have ^.^ 

Edited by trunks013
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4 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Because it is a problem when people abandon missions when wolf spawns. You wrote it yourself – he was more difficult to kill at level 20 than he is now at level 120. Not everyone runs meta builds and not everyone wants to bother with a super tanky pest when there are better things to do. 

Also these alerts address the problem raised by players – some of them never had the opportunity to even meet the Wolf over the course of 10 weeks.

I did complain about that, and shortly after his tankyness was reduced and he seemed, for me at least, fine.  Able to deal with him in a reasonable amount of time with a reasonably fit frame and weapons.  He was no longer a problem for almost everyone.

Now he's super easy to kill, he's been made into a farm, that's it.  That's my issue, he's been turned into a farm for parts for a weapon that is no good.  The only real reason to get the Wolf Sledge now is for MR fodder.  The only other thing the wolf might drop that people may want is the mask.  The mods are common.  The wolf has been reduced now to an easy farm for a weapon that is no good and serves no purpose except MR fodder.

The content was not made better or more engaging.  The issues that existed were not addressed it's just been made super easy to kill.  It's a mess.

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10 minutes ago, Nexeroff said:

Do you really think my post was about market prices?

You projected your own feelings onto the Wolf fight before the TA and now DE has betrayed something DE never knew existed. You got the Sledge before all of these peasants will get it, congratulations.

For not being about the market, you mentioned the prices quite a bit. DE does not care about the prices players set. It is not a motivation to change something for them. It does not factor into any part of their thought process. You could have dropped every paragraph containing the word market and been better off.

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My situation with the Wolf is that I spent 130p for the motor+blueprint, I did that yesterday and today hours before the event, I did this cause I though that once the nightwave was over he would be EVEN MORE RARE so I paniced and went to buy them thinking that in the last days the parts would be even more expensive similar to when items are about to enter the vault. The wolf should have been a node boss from the start being fightable in the saturn six scene, doesnt matter if he is level 30 or 150 it still would be better, people suggested this way back within a few weeks in the nigthwave, and only NOW did they decided to implement this, its frustrating it really is, there is nothing unique about the boss and they had a lot of time to think of something unique for him to implement in that node, like they could add a new mission type just for him where players would have to go break into the prison and kill him. Im disappointed that A LOT OF PLAYERS SPENT DAYS or platinum to get the damned hammer, and now players can easily get the weapon waaaay easier. Next nigthwave season if the boss is the same way as wolfy I will just wait till its about to end so everything can be made 10000% easier

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Just now, peterc3 said:

You projected your own feelings onto the Wolf fight before the TA and now DE has betrayed something DE never knew existed. You got the Sledge before all of these peasants will get it, congratulations.

For not being about the market, you mentioned the prices quite a bit. DE does not care about the prices players set. It is not a motivation to change something for them. It does not factor into any part of their thought process. You could have dropped every paragraph containing the word market and been better off.

I didn't project feelings, I actually made arguments.  The reference to market prices is related to how many times people will do the mission after they get the parts for the Wolf Sledge.  Making the Wolf easy makes more of the parts available which in turn causes the prices to drop for the parts.  Once that happens, then there is no reason to farm the Wolf, and that is where DE made their mistake, they made the Wolf a farm, specifically so people can get the Wolf sledge parts, but after they do so nobody will bother playing the mission anymore, no point, it's now just wasted content.  That means any work DE put into this mission, is more or less just wasted, nobody is paying attention to anything but killing the wolf as quickly as possible to farm the ports for MR ranking.  Nothing else, no other reason.  That's my point, not market prices, do you understand or should I make yet another attempt at clarifying this for you even further?

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21 minutes ago, Nexeroff said:

think I made it crystal clear

Just like DE made it crystal clear several weeks ago that by the end of Nightwave you'd be fighting him so often you'd get sick of him (their actual words), and yet still you wastes time RNG farming him?

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2 minutes ago, Nexeroff said:

I didn't project feelings, I actually made arguments.  The reference to market prices is related to how many times people will do the mission after they get the parts for the Wolf Sledge.  Making the Wolf easy makes more of the parts available which in turn causes the prices to drop for the parts.  Once that happens, then there is no reason to farm the Wolf, and that is where DE made their mistake, they made the Wolf a farm, specifically so people can get the Wolf sledge parts, but after they do so nobody will bother playing the mission anymore, no point, it's now just wasted content.  That means any work DE put into this mission, is more or less just wasted, nobody is paying attention to anything but killing the wolf as quickly as possible to farm the ports for MR ranking.  Nothing else, no other reason.  That's my point, not market prices, do you understand or should I make yet another attempt at clarifying this for you even further?

How many people, be totally honest here, do you think farm things in the game to sell them. I will assume your answer and say you overestimated by a huge margin.

It is not a valid measure of the "worth" of content. It has never been. You don't understand that the market has literally no bearing on content decisions. What about the people who just couldn't deal with the Wolf normally and wanted a fun and unique melee weapon? What if that was most people? If most people just never even see the weapon, let alone craft and use it, isn't that wasted content?

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I mean, I hardcore farmed him for 30 straight gameplay hours (over 6 or so days) just because I didn't trust DE to do this sort of thing at the end of this season of Nightwave and I'm perfectly fine with everyone else not having to subject themselves to that torture in order to get his drops themselves.

You seem to forget that the name of the game of Warframe is that nothing is exclusive and everything is subject to change, founders items not included.

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bruv, i bet u the 2 day freefarm. not even 5% of the player base gonna git the wolf sledge.
its a bit more like an unvaulting but for 2days. price still saturates.

also, valkyr had always destroyed any level of wolf. even if u give her a 150 one she'll rip him in 10-20seconds

Edited by CateNips
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You're either a new player, a returning player or just a slow learner, because honestly, it was 100% obvious that DE would make Wolf ridiculously easy to farm in the last few days. I was personally expecting a craftable or buyable with ducats Wolf Beacon and was actually surprised that they didn't bring it with the last Baro.

Take this as a lesson for the future when playing Warframe: Never, ever farm stuff on day one, and if there's an set duration for the event, wait until at least 2/3 of the time is gone. Doing stuff rightaway is only for bragging rights. Cetus rare gems resources farming, Orb Vallis resource farming, K-drive standing, Vox standing, Wise Razor farming, Nightwave standing (For those who went for the fugitives)... Holy hell, the list never ends, and the only single case to this day where it didn't work like this was the Exploiter Orb, due to the Nova/Octavia EXPLOIT that was later fixed.

"Oh, it's just wasted content now": Quite the oposite, the content is about to be killed by DE and this is the way to make everyone experience fighting this guy. And talking about the prices is the dumbest thing ever; DE literally gave us a shop that uses ingame currency to sell us potatoes, which are otherwise only obtainable through the cash shop; If they aren't worrying about their own market, do you really think they will care about the player one? Player market is a gamble, sometimes you earn high, other's you'll just create false expectations: That's how it works both IRL and on games in general, and it isn't different on Warframe.Don't be like those kids who cried just because they kept holding their Saryn parts waiting for the prices to rise and in the got rekt by a simple anniversary event.

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1 hour ago, Nexeroff said:

Thank you for reducing the Wolf Sledge to more or less MR fodder

How does the Tactical Alert have any bearing on the qualities of the Wolf Sledge? If it was MR fodder before, it still is now. If it wasn't before, then it still isn't now. Nothing has changed regarding the Wolf Sledge as far as I can see in the patchnotes.

1 hour ago, Nexeroff said:

the only reason anyone wanted to own it was for MR fodder and bragging rights, you know, a badge of honor being able to kill the Wolf and get the drops.

Oh, I see, you didn't actually want the Wolf Sledge; you just wanted bragging rights. The Wolf Sledge is an MR-granting weapon. MR-granting weapons will never be exclusive content locked away where no one else can get them. I have a Machete Wraith from the Gradivus Dilemma, but it doesn't give me bragging rights. No one except me knows where it comes from. As far as anyone knows I bought it from Baro a month ago. If it grants MR, then everyone will have access to it. That's how the game has always worked (Founders' gear aside).

1 hour ago, Nexeroff said:

Thanks for making how hard some of us worked, to make sure we were able to fight the Wolf at any time, any place, totally arbitrary now.  I specifically trained a frame to deal with the wolf, worked around how to make that frame viable while training weapons and doing missions.  I specifically modded and carried certain weapons when not using a special frame, to deal the wolf.

Most people didn't want to do this. I didn't. When I saw the Wolf spawn into my mission, I usually bailed. I don't have time to whale on him while I'm ranking up my primary, secondary, and warframe. DE knows that most people didn't do what you did. Their intent is to make the Wolf accessible for everyone. Because – and this is the key thing here – he drops exclusive stuff, including an MR-granting item. DE's established philosophy is to make that available, and making this special Alert is the best way they saw to do that.

1 hour ago, Nexeroff said:

you just ruined the market on any of the Wolf sledge items

Completely irrelevant, as @peterc3 explained.

1 hour ago, Nexeroff said:

After everyone has the parts for the MR fodder sledge hammer, there is no longer any reason to engage the content, no reason to fight the wolf.


1 hour ago, Nexeroff said:

You created a situation where people are trying to farm the Wolf so fast, nobody enjoys the tileset.

This is true of all content in the game. This issue is not exclusive to the Wolf.

It seems like you haven't seen many of the past events. This is the modus operandi for DE. Enjoy the event (or don't), but the rewards will always be available for everyone.

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All I got from this post is "I no lifed warframe and got decent RNG, allowing me along with a very select few to build the wolf sledge without spending any plat. That is HARD WORK. Also, I was waiting on the event to end so I can sell my spare wolf parts/set for a bazillion plat  to the whales in trade chat. Screw you DE for releasing a PRE-PLANNED tactical Wolf alert for the remaining few days" 

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)J Stark x said:

All I got from this post is "I no lifed warframe and got decent RNG, allowing me along with a very select few to build the wolf sledge without spending any plat. That is HARD WORK. Also, I was waiting on the event to end so I can sell my spare wolf parts/set for a bazillion plat  to the whales in trade chat. Screw you DE for releasing a PRE-PLANNED tactical Wolf alert for the remaining few days" 

The slightly rehashed: I spend eons farming the thing you just unvaulted, said you would be unvaulted and follow a general timeline on unvaulting things. How could you do the thing you said you were going to do???

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Nexeroff:

Bla bla *cry* *cry* bla bla

Usually I just use this forum to get informed but all I read ihere s a huge crybaby that cries so much that i need to reply. A crybaby who possible spends hundreds or even thousand of plat on the market for a now "easy" to get item. Mr. Baby deal with it. As everything in life, if you want some thing the first you have to pay a lot more then someone who can wait for a deal. Stop cry like a baby and grow up.

And God knows I no life farmed him by my self while still not getting his sledge completed.

Edited by D4Prot0Typ3
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2 hours ago, Tsudzurao said:

"Oh, it's just wasted content now": Quite the oposite, the content is about to be killed by DE and this is the way to make everyone experience fighting this guy. And talking about the prices is the dumbest thing ever; DE literally gave us a shop that uses ingame currency to sell us potatoes, which are otherwise only obtainable through the cash shop; If they aren't worrying about their own market, do you really think they will care about the player one? Player market is a gamble, sometimes you earn high, other's you'll just create false expectations: That's how it works both IRL and on games in general, and it isn't different on Warframe.Don't be like those kids who cried just because they kept holding their Saryn parts waiting for the prices to rise and in the got rekt by a simple anniversary event.

I love this statement.  

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The only grudge I have against the alert is that defeating the wolf doesn't grant any nightwave rep at all. This is coming from a salty tenno who had to deal with exams for the entirety of April and hence missed out on most of the nightwave, so I am probably quite biased. But come on man, like this would be the perfect event for others to catch up and reach rank 30 before season 2 rolls around. Not sure if anyone feels the same way, but that's how i feel.


Edited by MaxCrazybread
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