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Wukong rework first impressions


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18 minutes ago, scourge213 said:

"Warframe is all about being situationally best at something. 

Since when has that been anything more than just your personal interpretation?

Furthermore Revenant is tougher than Wukong so... what point are you even making?

Edited by DeMonkey
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10 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Defy is dumb as is.  I really shouldn't need to explain why.

Awesome counter argument.

10 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

lmao Saryn's melee build is still perfectly viable.  Just because you can nuke the map now doesn't mean it's not usable.  I'm done arguing with you.  If you wana be pessimistic that's your right I guess.

So much wrong in 2 sentences, yes its pointless to argue.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)RenovaKunumaru:

Wukong doesn't sound improved at all.

  • Giving Wukong a specter ability is worthless. We all know how effective AI specters are in Warframe. 
  • Wukong lost his permanent life with Defy
  • The problem with Wukong's 4 is that it isn't special. You might as well use a regular melee weapon than use his staff.

we know too little about him to actually give "constructive" feedback imo. it literally was a very rought preview. we know no details, no special interactions or kit-internal synergies yet so its hard to judge him by just simple core ideas.

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1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

No? It's your quote. It's up to you to prove that Warframe is about being situationally best at something.

Didn't i already proved it? Warframe is all about upgrading gear and combining it together. The whole gameplay is based on that. Otherwise we would be still running with mk1 weapons and everyone will call them the best. I.e. mini-maxing one way or another. And if minimaxing cant be best at everything - it can only be situationally best. No?

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3 minutes ago, scourge213 said:

Didn't i already proved it? Warframe is all about upgrading gear and combining it together. The whole gameplay is based on that. Otherwise we would be still running with mk1 weapons and everyone will call them the best. I.e. mini-maxing one way or another. And if minimaxing cant be best at everything - it can only be situationally best. No?

See my previous post regarding personal interpretation not counting.

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from what I noticed, pablo tend to have the mentality of 'go big, see how it works out, nerf it if it's too much' while general DE reworks go with 'start small, go safe with the numbers/ideas/effects, see the feedback, if it's too bad then do something, if not then just leave it' 

some frames can work with the DE mentality, but some can't. it's just a hit or miss kinda thing 

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Why was this done to his 4?

the whole purpose of restraint on Baruuk was to limit the use of what’s supposed to be a powerful ability (its not and still needs a buff or really good augment). Simply increasing the damage of Iron Staff doesn’t justify locking it behind a “restraint” mechanic.

Also, Why is CloudWaker still here? Nobody likes it.

Why are we making him into another AI companion frame and then focusing the abilities around that companion? It didn’t work with Revenant, it won’t work with Wukong.

I’m sorry but these changes just hurt to look at and I’m not even a fan of Wukong.

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Nezha is pretty good aside from having just a singular defined loop with the Abilities(so you use all of your Abilities in a singular predefined order forever), but i'm not sure if i can call Saryn good. since Saryn was turned into an AFKbot, from the really mechanically deep Warframe that it had been previously.

i still remember when a bunch of other veteran friends ping spammed me with 'press F to pay respects' when the current revision to Saryn was announced.

Edited by taiiat
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So the new wukong abilities were shown and i have some mixed feelings about them. They show good potential, but could also backfire terribly.

Hairs of the King: Many people like the concept of clones and it has already been shown to be his new 1, so i will not dwell on why the AI is bad and all the downsides of it.

First thing to improve it is not make it use the weapon that you are currently NOT holding, if i want it to shoot i do NOT want to be forced to my melee weapon and vice versa. I do not want go give it a sniper and have to be standing with my melee for it to shoot. Make it spawn with whatever weapon you have equiped on cast.

Second AI is bad and to minimize having to deal with it i think a short duration of 2 clones with high% dmg next you you is the ideal route. You jump into a group of badies, pop 1, they wreck S#&$ with the staff next to you and you move on. No need to babysit, no need for pathings, etc. The animation for the summoning is good, just make another one pop on the other side as well. (maybe have extra clones as aug?)

Defy: Complete invulnerabily is dumb and i am glad it is gone. Taunt with a invulnerability on a timer is GREAT, just need to make sure his base armor/health is good enough for survivability outside of it. Retaliation of the dmg absorved is AWFUL, it does not work, it is not good. Anything to replace the retaliation is better, maybe health regen while you are invulnerable would be good and make sense, so you pop defy when low and keep fighting while it regens you back to full, rinse and repeat. (We have operator healing etc etc, but maybe it opens possibilities for other arcanes?)

Primal Fury: Changing it from a channeling energy skill to a meter is good, from what i understood his meter will not dictate the use but the perks of the staff. Range and stats with a inbuilt meter is good fun, the more you gain "rage" with it the more powerful it becomes and bigger. A slight dmg boost will be needed as mentioned if we are to stop using a "stat stick" for it. New combos will make the skill shine, it is a good skill overall. 

Cloud Walker: This is where the problem lies in my opinion. The skill was terrible and had no place in the game, and that has not changed, making if faster is not the answer. The operator which is not an optional piece of equipement covers the invulnerability from it while not being hindered from action, specially now that we have more powerful operators, while mobility is vastly superior by not using cloud walker. This is basically madurai stacking. This ability needs to go, it has no place on old warframe and it has no place on current state of the game. No speed buff, make it not detectable by lasers, crit buff will make it fun or engaging.

Stats and Passive: While it was not adressed on the stream, hopefully now that he wont be immortal, would be a good time to tweak his base stats to reflect that, along with maybe making him more agile (1.1 sprint speed please). As for his passive, maybe %DR based on enemies nearby? the more he tackles on the tankier he gets?

Well those are my 2c on the shown concepts of his rework, hopefully he will be in a good place after it. I have a fear that we might get a crap clone AI, lose on survivability and be stuck with a cloudwalker noone wants. Sorry for any typos, not a native english speaker.


Edit: Just a reminder, %range increases are changing to flat +m increases, so his staff SHOULD become the highest reaching staff in the game. This nonsense range is going away most likely.

Edited by MonkeyKV
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10 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

See my previous post regarding personal interpretation not counting.

Well true, but unless you put a different, valid, and excluding mine, interpretation on how the gameplay works, that statement runs hollow.

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1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

Agree with everything said. Always been anti clone.

Yeah well, i wont dwell on it. Too many people love the idea, and it has already been shown to be his new thing. Hopefully we get a decent implementation of it.

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5 minutes ago, scourge213 said:

Well true, but unless you put a different, valid, and excluding mine, interpretation on how the gameplay works, that statement runs hollow.

Not really. Not even slightly.

But for the sake of it, sure. My personal interpretation of intended frame design is that DE have no clear idea and just make every frame into a one man army. 

One man army frame, not super specialised niche frame.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Why was this done to his 4?

Also, Why is CloudWaker still here? Nobody likes it.

I doubt that they'll make it exactly the same as baruuk. My guess is that they'll put the augment as a 'passive' on his 4, i.e. the more you fight the stronger you are.

For cloudwalker, i actually hoped they'll make it more jttw style - i.e. close large distance in single cast, zephir 1 style, but...

Yeah, i dont like it either.

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6 minutes ago, MonkeyKV said:

Yeah well, i wont dwell on it. Too many people love the idea, and it has already been shown to be his new thing. Hopefully we get a decent implementation of it.

I'm sure we will, if it comes out poorly people will complain and it'll get a change.

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I'm posting my ideas for a rework here because what was shown will kill Wukong off, if you like my ideas please like or provide criticism.

On 2019-05-15 at 4:12 PM, (PS4)sonicizanagi said:

What I'm trying to accomplish with this kit is to make Wukong a fun to use frame, While also offering more to his teammates and giving more variety to his kit

Passive)- Monkey king Wukong has erased his name from the book of Life and death and cannot die anymore

1.) - Brutalize Wukong summons his signature weapon from behind enemies shoving them closer if cast twice Wukong take the pole and swings it spit comes crashing down multiplying all damage for every enemy 2X

Wanted to give Wukong a simple ability that people wouldn't mind using and functions similarly to Nezha's 2 while also being to do decent damage

2.) - Defience Everytime Wukong prepares to fall in battle his allies send him aid to give him time to regain his strength actives 7 times before cycling, upon "death" Wukong boasts to aggro enemies they lose accuracy and allies are rallied boosting shields and health

This ability was kinda difficult to do something with, but I thought it would be a great self buffing and mild aggro ability it rewards soaking up damage for the team and aiding them while giving him cycled buff kinda like Octavia they go in the order of increased attack,  increased ability, disarming, movement speed, reload speed, damage reduction and armor increase.

3.) - Heaven's havoc Wukong summons the elements with his mastery of magic he summons wind to lift his enemies in the air to be set aflame only to be impaled on spires of ice

This is a CC ability that thrives on duration to do more damage it has stages as it decays it goes into the next attack so if enemies are hit with the initial cast they are then automatically triggered to go into the next phase of the ability this will be an are around Wukong fire stuns and does tick damage, wind damage strips armor, and the ice stores all applied damage for a final attack.

4.) - King's wrath the move still functions as primal fury but markes enemies for every 3rd mark activated wukong's 1 and 3 strength is boosted by .25 of damage collected from the stacks collected from marks

This ability will have an increase in range but it supposed to be an amp like Excalibur's and Octavia's 4

i would like criticism but please be detailed about it


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