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Warframes you like but most people dislike


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Valkyr- My first prime I built during my first week. I have over 40% of my time on her, and despite what many say about her, she's probably the best DPS tank if set up properly. Tested to level 300 solo, tank test approved!

Mag- crowd control master, glass-jawed, but only if you stop using her cc. Augments make her excel at her role. On Io she can work well as a nuke.

Nidus- The undying. In survival he can be unstoppable and all of his abilities flow very well. If you're not using all 4, you're not playing him properly.

Mirage- What's more fun than 1 gun, 3, with the main having 500% damage! Doppelgangers give survivability, and eclipse has either 95% damage resistance or insane damage buff. While Chroma outshines her, she's just fun to play with explosive weapons.

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15 hours ago, DeamoniC said:

I made an 'Eternal Assault' build on mine. Combine Eternal War and Hysterical Assault for maximum damage, then slap on a double Arcane Energise just to keep up the energy supply. 



Oh, I have a full Arcane energize on her. Took forever to get too.

I have two Valk Primes actually, one is a normal Hysteria build and the other is an Umbral build. It was literally easier for me to make a second Valk Prime and mod it that way then to rework my original lol.

I just wish I could get around her gas guzzling like I did with Ember Prime. Though admittedly I had to sacrifice power strength to do that for EP.

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i only see harrow during eidolon hunts AND IM THE HARROW 


but really harrow was one of those oh a weeks past for the chains of harrow content time to put in closet and never use it again because X 

but yeah harrow is frigging nice rewards healing by killing things line CC can give heaps of energy unless your team is overly kill happy and a ult that says i stopped 3k damage 50% Crit for everyone 200% for head shots 

he was the frame that made me practice doing head shots and hes been my go to for ages next to Oberon and nezha  

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My girl mag, being mentioned so many times.. She’s one of the best offensive frame in the game, and if you have good reflexes to keep pushing dodge button and keep cc ing the enemies, you can mitigate her defensive problem.. i rarely died when doing the 3rd sortie alone with mag, let alone in public.. haven’t played with her because i got bored of using her for almost entire year of 2018 (outside spy mission)..

Also, my current favourite, hildryn.. since her release, i saw mixed reaction to her, some said she’s a good frame, some said she’s bad.. i didn’t bother to tried her until last month, and with proper build (include arcane aegis and barrier) she’s immortal just like inaros, but with 2 more abilities (her 2nd and 3rd) which are really good.. i dont think i will stop using her in the near future..

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Excalibur. OK he's not "disliked" in a literal sense but he has been regarded as a n00b frame by community for awhile.

I got that people hate getting swooshed swooshed to deaf, while I relied a lot on EB in the first year of playing I've grown inseparable of his straight forward yet extremely versatile gameplay.

I used to build for EB. Then CB. And for a long period of time I built for 235 range for RB and flying PoE Excalibur. Now I build for 1.77 sprint speed Excalibur coz I don't even bother casting anything anymore. But when I'm against something tough I know I can always summon EB and beat the sh1t out of it.

I hate that when people saying EB is the best ability of Excalibur. Yes it's one of the best melee in this game but people shouldn't underestimate SD and RB too. Especially when killing is not the only way to get jobs done in this game - RB is a very good CC offering long CC time and large AoE, rendering enemies completely helpless and it's arguably the best buff you can have for melee weapons. SD is useful for surviving tough situations and offers high mobility. In my later phase in this game I always prioritized these 2 abilities over EB when I'm modding him.

I can go all day long when I start talking about Excalibur.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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3 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

I have to pinch myself every time I see someone complain about Frost.

Same. He's still really good, and just as viable as he always had been. Amazing tank and great CC, and people S#&$ on how amazing his bubble still is. Don't underestimate the bubble.

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Revenant. Whenever I see someone call him bad, I just groan.

I'm mostly a solo-player, and Revanent is honestly one of the best solo frames out there. No allies getting in your way or killing your Thralls, and Mesmer Skin + Reave can keep you alive real well.

Ironically, for everyone saying it's his best ability, I rarely use Danse Macabre. Though that's probably just me never using abilities I consider OP frequently.

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45 minutes ago, mac10smg--Toa_of_Green said:

Revenant. Whenever I see someone call him bad, I just groan.

I'm mostly a solo-player, and Revanent is honestly one of the best solo frames out there. No allies getting in your way or killing your Thralls, and Mesmer Skin + Reave can keep you alive real well.

Ironically, for everyone saying it's his best ability, I rarely use Danse Macabre. Though that's probably just me never using abilities I consider OP frequently.

He's great for team play too! For quick missions, bounties, Sorties or whatever, Enthrall annoying enemies like Nox to help your team mates or Enthrall a few enemies in a flood of enemies to revive someone as the thralls distract everyone. Or even drop the occasional thrall to take focus off yourself and keep your Mesmer stacks intact! Danse Macabre quickly becomes not-OP as you continue in endless missions. Conversely, Enthrall and Reave really start to shine more than Danse Macabre past an hour. For example, I solo Derelict Survivals and Danse Macabre has a tough time killing enemies after about 40 minutes when Ancient Healers and Toxic Ancients are around (Danse Macabre deals Gas damage to infested... Ancient Healers add armor to all nearby allies and Toxic Ancients effectively nullify Toxin damage for all nearby allies)... so definitely stops seeming OP.

The real secret: Reave is his most powerful ability.

EDIT: You want a laugh? Enthrall+Reave Kela da Thaym (1 Reave with 2 passes through her theoretically kills her for my build). Look up at the balcony and see her explode with loot (and she also moans in pain as she bombards you with missiles). Then the second time around when she spawns, she spawns face down on the ground moaning in pain. Rinse and repeat.

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Mirage!  I just love her and sometimes pull her out just for fun, but I don't see her around much.

Hydroid also has a soft spot in my heart. When I first got him and used his abilities, my eyes probably lit up like galaxies. The first opportunity I got, I took him to Ophelia on Uranus. All those Grineer who had taken so long to give up Condition Overload sitting in their creaking Sea Lab... I am their nightmares made manifest.

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On 2019-06-25 at 2:46 AM, Shion963 said:

Good 'ol Miss "Boatshoes" Banshee.

Bought her when she was first released, stuck through when she got nerfed, when the bug affecting Sonar persisted through multiple big updates unfixed. Found my personal favourite colour scheme and turned that into my personal colours and applied it to EVERYTHING in the game.

But I can't make her work. She's too frail and too finicky to make useful, while others required less work to be effective, and far, far more survivable in general.

Now she (and Banshee Prime) just.... sits there, in storage, while I Prowl around with Ivara.

Rolling guard / primed flow / quick thinking / arcane guardian / arcane energize


Yes it's a lot of mod slots just to survive but this will give you good survivability. You just have to make sure to activate rolling guard before taking damage.

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I would have to say:


- Frost: being one of my most used frames, i generally love to use him whenever i feel like playing a cc setup, whether with or without a party

- Wukong: ever since the most recent update, his rework has made me used him non-stop. He’s new and improved kit makes him incredibly fun to play, especially in long solo runs that lasts hours

- Baruuk: an incredible and fun to play tank with decent cc and an ok, but still fun-to-use exalted wep if modded correctly

- Ash: plain and simple fun with lots of slash, armor stripping, and a good amount of invisibility

- Garuda: near infinite energy, tons of dmg, slash queen

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like every frame, except inaros he is S#&$, but I do not play any vanilla frame, cause I get tempted to forma them, and its just a waste of time.


But answering the question: Frost, he is not as highly regarded as before, but mage frost is amazing for me.

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