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Hotfix 25.4.1 +


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Thanks for the update!

As most of the times i play umbra, this was quite nice!

But, can you toggle the scarf only and leave the attachments of Umbra that it has on his hands and legs ?


Kind regards.

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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed the Tekelu Nikana Skin not being available for all Nikana variants.

Dear DE,

I'd like to remind you that there are Zaws in the list of "all Nikana variants". 'cause you call entire category as Nikana even though there is actual Nikana and actual variants of it. So, until you let us apply skins to Zaws this doesn't count.

Or at least fix the scabbard on Zaw Nikanas.

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I wish to be able to solo farm toroids. Without dedicated party, without boosters, without dedicated ability, I've found 0 toroids in half a year. How is tenno supposed to progress if level up key item does not exist? Make it tradeable at least.

Also in my wishlist:
Auto skip cinematics.
Removal of Strict NAT welcome message.
Ability to skip NPC blabbering.
Fast travel to Maroo in Maroo's Bazaar.
Removal of that stupid screen blackening with red gibberish.
Implementation of error messages. That actually explain what's wrong.
Sprint always on, use toggle button to turn off sprint.
One click combo activation: for e.g. a button to 5 -> ctrl+space -> 5.
Removal of invisible energy nullifiers.

I wish DE actually played WF as players do. World exploration is complete. I'm tired of grinding. Where can I have fun in this game? I'd like to feel "satisfied" after 1 hour of gaming; I'd like to say to myself: "This satisfied my hunger for gaming fun. Now I can move on with real life daily tasks with happy feeling." I know, I know... "this game is not for me".
I guess this is why it is against the rules to talk about other games in region chat: DE fears all opposition.

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14 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Reduced chances of patrolling AI staring at a wall after reaching a dead end.

Oh this one is nice....

Can you guys also make em switch weapon when they need to reload too close to warframes?    Also, would be nice if enemies avoided walking around with empty mags....quite often i encounter enemies that start reloading as soon as they see me....kinda lame.    Would be great if enemies showed proper combat tactics from time to time....at least some of them.

Also, make laser (melee) MOAs a bit more agressive. Let em run after their target while burning it with laser.   These are way too weak.   

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42 minutes ago, tape_drive_TS1140 said:

I wish to be able to solo farm toroids. Without dedicated party, without boosters, without dedicated ability, I've found 0 toroids in half a year.

Actually, you CAN farm them exactly as you want - check the caves.

No party/boosters/abilities needed.

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109 hotfixes since chimera update and still no fix for melee locking your movement and momentum isn't working.


Sword and shield's shields are being holstered too high despite using final harbinger.

Before chimera update:





  • War's blade energy not displaying while having mara detron equipped



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15 hours ago, ErebusGaming said:

I just updated to the hotfix and I still can't remove umbra details...

in order to do that you must equip a different excalibur skin. the hotfix is not to remove prime details on umbra skin, it is only for skins that are not umbra. 

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21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Rathuum/Index not tracking kills done by Umbra or spawned allies (Equinox Duality, etc) when the player is in Operator mode.

Could you maybe also do this for Mirage's Hall of Mirrors in regular gameplay? I find it a bit frustrating to have to walk around not using that ability if I want to complete challenges like "Kill x enemies with a primary weapon"

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