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I was redownloading this game but. . .


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7 hours ago, Prostreet150 said:

Rush the video at 4:45 if the bug is because of games bad design you should not be banned. If you hack the game yourself then you should be banned.

There is a WORLD of a difference between an any% speedrun, and advertising to MMO players you made a macro system that will level-up all their gear to max in less than 10 minutes

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There's a huge difference between exploiting bugs in an MMO and a single-player game.

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10 hours ago, Prostreet150 said:

If you want an online game okay, i used to play this one in the past, you farm other people in the safe zone if you do this. Bad game design because people who afk "in their safe zone" can be killed from you and you steal their points.


So? What is your point? Just because the devs/publishers of Aion let those things slide, which you have no real proof of, it doesnt mean it should slide in another online game. All it really means is that the dev/pubs of Aion are asshats that dont care for their players if they let such things slide. I doubt they let it slide though.

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12 hours ago, Prostreet150 said:

. This is the programmers fault not the players fault.

fire the programmer or close the area 

or even close the game untill the bug is fixed.

These rules are a bit overdone.

Also i don't want to sound like a bad guy

holy skist, I hope you don't download it ever

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I uploaded a second video where hundrends of players was abusing a glitch by jumping into the enemy base but noone of them got banned. I know different company different rules.
I am not justifying the person who got banned. What i am saying here is that he got perma banned for doing it.
The support team could reverse every item he leveled up this way and ban him for example 3 months. Also warn him that if he does something similar to this again in the future he is going to get perma banned.
There are other videos showing that if you get reported by your team while you afk you are going to get your first and only warning. If for some reason you are going to get reported again for going afk you will lose your acount by being perma banned.
Last time i played a mission in Fortuna or Plains of Eidolon if my team for some reason didn't want to get to the extraction point, and i wanted to leave, i was going to lose all the rewards i farmed from that mission. So if someone wants to go afk untill the other team members decide to finish the mission and the other team members report him he might lose his account.
Thats sad.
Also the chat bans in this game are way too sensitive. People getting chat banned for saying "Nezha is a trap"? Nezha is not a real person so why would anyone get offended from this joke? This is just ridiculous. This is like the Dragon ball Z anime. There was a character called Mr.Popo and he was something like a black genie and people said that he is a horrific racial stereotype, and it's unacceptable in any age so they redrawed the whole anime and made him blue.
The last time i deleted a game was because i got chat banned for a week for saying this : https://imgur.com/c8srmMp // https://imgur.com/UCKjPfz
I did not offend someone but i got banned for saying the world "buly" because they thought i was a bully and i was bullying others.

Edited by Prostreet150
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20 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

There are other videos saying if you get reported while going afk you are going to get "Perma" banned for going afk the second time your team reports you.
Last time i played a mission in Fortuna or Plains of Eidolon if your team don't wanto to get to the extraction area you couldn't leave the mission. If you want to leave the mission you will lose all the rewards you got from that mission. So if you go afk because other people don't want to finish the mission and get reported, the next time you are going to do this again your account will be lost?
Thats sad.

Most videos are sensationalist and most-likely exaggerating to scare afkers as a service. Only the most egregious of offenses tend to have anything done to them anyway... like say... POSTING A VIDEO ON HOW TO USE A EXPLOIT THAT INVOLVED A MACRO. Macros are already a grey area for DE, Some combos in movement is looked past because of the possibility of those with physical disabilities making it hard to perform the keyboard gymnastics WF demands. Whats not wanted is a macro actually playing the game for you without input. such as letting it level equipment in seconds falls under letting macros play the game for you. It was also a super specific event to pull it off. And you worked for it. it wasn't some 'I accidentally did it and was banned!' It was premeditated and abused as hard as they could. When khora uses archwing it despawns venari, when khora stands on the ledge, venari cant spawn. No casting animation so the process is really fast. And spam power 3 for 4-5mins clicking or in seconds with a macro.

This horse was beat back in the Dec. They are in the wrong. That's that.

-And If you are in a open roam, you can choose to leave squad then extract solo.

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You cant expect DE to just let what that partner did slide when it threatens the ingame economy (affinity boosters are a thing people buy) and makes heavy abuse of glitches and macros. Generally common sense helps a lot in these cases: If an exploits threatens DE's income then you probably shouldnt do it just on that basis alone.

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55 minutes ago, Admortem_Inimicus said:

So what does a guy exploiting a bug and getting banned have to do with you deleting the game after you've just DL'd it?

It has to do with the laws policy of the game. If they give perma bans so easily then i might get banned too. Not from abusing a glitch or something but by going afk or talking in the public chat. As i mentioned in my previous post the last time i deleted a game was because i got banned from chat for a week for saying the word "buly". Here from what i've seen many people getting banned for saying other things in the chat. In the internet it says that this game is for 18 years old + but you getting banned so easily in the chat. I guess moderation is controlled by snowflakes.

24 minutes ago, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

the OP probably just salty his fav youtuber is still banned after a year and the youtuber mostly plays VR chat now if you check their steam page.

How can you be so sure that i was watching this guy videos? In my account i have maxed arcanes, overpowered rivens on my favourite weapons, the best mods i need maxed, many badass skins both on operator/frame, and more. So why would i watch another guy making videos about builds, when i, myself am full geared with 700+ hours in this game?

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13 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

In the internet it says that this game is for 18 years old + but you getting banned so easily in the chat.

Yes, DE expects that you will be mature enough to handle the responsibility that comes with the privilege of using their chat servers.

Edited by (XB1)R3d P01nt
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2 hours ago, Prostreet150 said:

The support team could reverse every item he leveled up this way and ban him for example 3 months.

You for real? How much work do you want other people to do, to reverse all of the items that everyone who abused the exploit, just to keep this dude around? 

You got a moron who decides to do something like that, and then encourage others to do something that will get them banned, but you think that as a youtuber he should get a tap on the wrist? That makes sense to you? Seriously? Actions have consequences. Those actions had very serious consequences, and the punishment was appropriate. 

Stop trying to convince people that someone who cheats, and encourages others to do the same, is something that we want to keep in the community. 

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3 hours ago, Prostreet150 said:

I uploaded a second video where hundrends of players was abusing a glitch by jumping into the enemy base but noone of them got banned. I know different company different rules.
I am not justifying the person who got banned. What i am saying here is that he got perma banned for doing it.
The support team could reverse every item he leveled up this way and ban him for example 3 months. Also warn him that if he does something similar to this again in the future he is going to get perma banned.
There are other videos showing that if you get reported by your team while you afk you are going to get your first and only warning. If for some reason you are going to get reported again for going afk you will lose your acount by being perma banned.
Last time i played a mission in Fortuna or Plains of Eidolon if my team for some reason didn't want to get to the extraction point, and i wanted to leave, i was going to lose all the rewards i farmed from that mission. So if someone wants to go afk untill the other team members decide to finish the mission and the other team members report him he might lose his account.
Thats sad.
Also the chat bans in this game are way too sensitive. People getting chat banned for saying "Nezha is a trap"? Nezha is not a real person so why would anyone get offended from this joke? This is just ridiculous. This is like the Dragon ball Z anime. There was a character called Mr.Popo and he was something like a black genie and people said that he is a horrific racial stereotype, and it's unacceptable in any age so they redrawed the whole anime and made him blue.
The last time i deleted a game was because i got chat banned for a week for saying this : https://imgur.com/c8srmMp // https://imgur.com/UCKjPfz
I did not offend someone but i got banned for saying the world "buly" because they thought i was a bully and i was bullying others.

Now you're just grasping at straws. You've gotten to the point you're just complaining about their rules. Follow their rules and you don't have to worry about being banned. Very simple concept. 

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

You for real? How much work do you want other people to do, to reverse all of the items that everyone who abused the exploit, just to keep this dude around? 

You got a moron who decides to do something like that, and then encourage others to do something that will get them banned, but you think that as a youtuber he should get a tap on the wrist? That makes sense to you? Seriously? Actions have consequences. Those actions had very serious consequences, and the punishment was appropriate. 

Stop trying to convince people that someone who cheats, and encourages others to do the same, is something that we want to keep in the community. 

The procedure is not that hard if you consider that in other games, when i accidently bought the wrong item and after i sented ticket to the support, it took them 1 day to restore my money and take away the item from my inventory. To give perma bans is easy like it was in CS 1,6 to exterminate other people games and destroy their games and maybe their computers. If you really care, you ban them for one year or so not for three decades. If a random guy finds a wallet lying down on the street and take the money from it (if you take advantage from a glitch that you just found) should he be puted in jail for a life time or should he be puted in for one/two months? I think a logical judge would put him in jail for one maybe two months since he found it on the street and didn't steal it directly from another person. So why instead of banning them for 1 year they banning them for a life time?

40 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

Now you're just grasping at straws. You've gotten to the point you're just complaining about their rules. Follow their rules and you don't have to worry about being banned. Very simple concept. 

Thats the point of my thread.
Some of their rules are too extreme.
Even if you don't flame a person you might get banned for just saying something.

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3 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

Thats the point of my thread.
Some of their rules are too extreme.
Even if you don't flame a person you might get banned for just saying something.

No, their rules are reasonable. You think they're too extreme, if you are a decent person you will never have to worry about being banned.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

No, their rules are reasonable. You think they're too extreme, if you are a decent person you will never have to worry about being banned.

Yea my man, what i don't like here is that normal players that might say something can get banned, but a partner that i don't want to say his name flamed dozens of times other players and yet he still plays the game.
They should first self-critical their stuff before banning other people for less things.
Just from that you can see that they giveaway perma bans but rules seem to not apply to their friends who break the rules.

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