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Just now, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Have you also noticed that’s it’s usually the same few of us in these threads late At night /in the morning lol we just need the cynical mango guy and the bands back together 

Insomnia and/or graveyard shifts will do that, also timezones.

Sometimes I'm actually awake during normal hours though I usually trawl around the forums at night out of boredom.

To keep things on-topic however: I think conclave would be a better thing if it were more asymmetric types of PvP or non-combat things like Lunaro or K-Drive racing

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Depends. I want to say rework, because there's definitely potential. But on the other hand it's not important enough to take priority over the PvE and lore related stuff imo. DE would also really need to have a small team of devs dedicated to keep it up-to-date, balanced, and working as intended. There's a lot of stuff being added, getting changed, as well as breaking with patches in this game, and that hits PvP pretty hard. 

So if being realistic, I'd say scrap it. They can still add some minor pvp-modes for fun over time, like the rumored k-drive races, but I wouldn't want them to over-do it if they don't intend on maintaining it properly over time. 

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Just now, Walkampf said:

With the exception of a few dozen out of tens of thousands of Warframe players, DEs current customers are not intersted in conclave. DE should just outright remove it to finally stop people from discussing the issue.

DE reworks conclave several times already, they even tried to make an exclusive PvP game, nothing got any return in investment.


People who are still lokking for a PvP experience in Warframe should finally realise that they are simply plying the wrong game.

You just want those sexy conclave cosmetics 😅

okay in all seriousness.

more then a dozen are interested in PvP while I can agree that the majority of players don’t play warframe for PvP (nobody does)

its a nice addition and I believe that if done well it’s no true negatives as to why it’s ingame 

let me ask you this if DE said this decision is final with the new item but we are working on conclave later down the road to make it A more enjoyable experience for everyone would you even give it a chance 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

nicest community in gaming right?

Us? Nice? Gimme what you're smoking. 

Respectfully, and without any intent on stepping on toes, I personally feel that duplicative threads are redundant, and well, I don't see any reason it's done other than a cheap attempt to farm forum votes. 

What else is there to say/argue than what has already been said elsewhere? At some point, the dead horse has been beaten into pulp. Doubly so when it's in the wrong subforum. 

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2 minutes ago, SirTobe said:

Depends. I want to say rework, because there's definitely potential. But on the other hand it's not important enough to take priority over the PvE and lore related stuff imo. DE would also really need to have a small team of devs dedicated to keep it up-to-date, balanced, and working as intended. There's a lot of stuff being added, getting changed, as well as breaking with patches in this game, and that hits PvP pretty hard. 

So if being realistic, I'd say scrap it. They can still add some minor pvp-modes for fun over time, like the rumored k-drive races, but I wouldn't want them to over-do it if they don't intend on maintaining it properly over time. 

On QuietteShy's artstream a while back, Reb mentioned that PvP in game is managed by pretty much 2 or so developers and that it's pretty much their passion project. 

So we can also take that as we could... 

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Just now, sleepychewbacca said:

Us? Nice? Gimme what you're smoking. 

Respectfully, and without any intent on stepping on toes, I personally feel that duplicative threads are redundant, and well, I don't see any reason it's done other than a cheap attempt to farm forum votes. 

What else is there to say/argue than what has already been said elsewhere? At some point, the dead horse has been beaten into pulp. Doubly so when it's in the wrong subforum. 

Hey at least we're not League of Legends level bad.

This place is a field of sunflowers compared to some, doesn't mean it is good, but not being the worst isn't bad.

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Just now, Aldain said:

Hey at least we're not League of Legends level bad.

This place is a field of sunflowers compared to some, doesn't mean it is good, but not being the worst isn't bad.

You'll have to forgive my cynicism hahaha. 

I guess we are 3.6 on the scale of communities. Not great, not terrible either. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:


LOL isn’t that. Bad if you good 

Maybe it has gotten better in the years since I played, but I never really played ranked and still ran into some...colorful individuals to say it lightly.

Though I also enjoyed playing Jungle Taric and coming screaming out of the Jungle with massive movespeed buff while blasting Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" at full volume.

You'd be surprised how many people didn't know how to deal with a man with fuzzy pink legwarmers and a huge hammer running at them at mach 2.

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3 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Us? Nice? Gimme what you're smoking. 

Respectfully, and without any intent on stepping on toes, I personally feel that duplicative threads are redundant, and well, I don't see any reason it's done other than a cheap attempt to farm forum votes. 

What else is there to say/argue than what has already been said elsewhere? At some point, the dead horse has been beaten into pulp. Doubly so when it's in the wrong subforum. 

If anyone really gives two cents about forum votes, they should probably seek professional help immediately.

I see nothing getting done about conclave. I'd like to see DE address it in some manner, but realistically I doubt it will happen. Always wondered why they didn't just have Teshin issue everyone a dueling frame and weapons and build from there on a level field.

Does anyone remember pre update 14 pvp going in with your full pve loadout man that was fun but unbalanced as all hell.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb (PS4)sweatshawp:

let me ask you this if DE said this decision is final with the new item but we are working on conclave later down the road to make it A more enjoyable experience for everyone would you even give it a chance 

I did give it a chance with each new mode including Lunaro, I'm Tempest ranked.

This isn't about my own interst in Conclave. I do actually enjoy every now and then, if I want to play a match and this point in time I'm actually able to find a match with at least half the playerslots filled, that is.

I'm talking logic and business.

DE invested several times in a PvP experience, Clonclave, Lunaro, the Amazing Eternals.

None of it got enough traktion get give DE any return for the invested time, on the contrary.

The developent of the Amazing Eternal took up so many ressources of DE that it massivly increased, if not even caused the current content drought of Warframe that has been lingering on for well over a year now.

Investing in anything PvP before DE have solved the content drought in their main source of income, namely Warframe, is nothing less of suicide for the company.

And these very few, but very vocal PvP-players are basically throwing a wrench into DEs gears to develop the PvE content which is needed to currently keep the company afloat.

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2 minutes ago, Nichivo said:

If anyone really gives two cents about forum votes, they should probably seek professional help immediately.

I see nothing getting done about conclave. I'd like to see DE address it in some manner, but realistically I doubt it will happen. Always wondered why they didn't just have Teshin issue everyone a dueling frame and weapons and build from there on a level field.

Does anyone remember pre update 14 pvp going in with your full pve loadout man that was fun but unbalanced as all hell.

How else will I flex my epeen? Life is sad, this is all the validation I'll ever get till the day i die. 


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I'd like DE to bring back variant modes permanently. No abilities, standardised stats, only few weapons. Then I'd maybe actually play it.

Warframe abilities is what ruins conclave for me, so having an alternative modes without them would be nice.

Frame fighter should be a part of conclave as well.

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10 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

And these very few, but very vocal PvP-players are basically throwing a wrench into DEs gears to develop the PvE content which is needed to currently keep the company afloat.

Nobody is throwing a wrench in anything considering de is going to do what they wanted regardless. A fine example would be the internal conversation that was held within DE to keep conclave rewards with conclave... they do what they please regardless if the community likes it or not...

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb (PS4)sweatshawp:

A fine example would be the internal conversation that was held within DE to keep conclave rewards with conclave... they do what they please regardless if the community likes it or not...

Am 5.9.2019 um 21:02 schrieb [DE]Megan:

Universal Syndicate Medallion Change:
As stated in Update 25.7.0, the Universal Syndicate Medallion is now useable for Ventkids and Simaris Standing! After some internal discussion and player feedback, we decided against allowing the Universal Medallion to apply to Conclave. It didn’t feel right to add a PvE path for a PvP gamemode, especially towards those you have actively played Conclave to get their Standing. Apologies for the chain yank!

I think it's clear, that DE wants to distance themself from Conclave, thus this idea in the first place.

But the Warframe community and it's sense of entitlement casued a major sh!tstorm and thus they had to step back from the decision.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Aldain:

I'd sooner remove my eyes with a rusty spork than see "One Clan Owns Everything the Game" return.

There is an easy solution. Be better then said clan. You know, competitive aspect an such?

Oh btw it was WAY more then one clan. Just saying.

Edited by -VS-Zany
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Conclave as it is now looks like a s*itfest, but a huge rework of it is just daydreaming.

In my humble opinion the problem is with this game studio. They’re  good at throwing new stuff in your face, and awful at maintaining the old stuff in general. Steve is their golden nugget with crazy ideas, but none of them seem capable to keep his old ideas relevant and connected with the new ones

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Doesnt need to be reworked or removed , instead tweaked to make it more appealing .

 - remove or highly restrict parkour

 - add daily and weekly rewards like from sorties for compliting daily and weekly chalanges

 - conclave standing should be universaly awarded no matter if match is won or lost and should require few runs to max daily cap

 - add more interesting rewards in conclave stading shop ( kuva , rivens , weapon augments , etc )

 - conclave exclusive mods should be allowd to be used in pve even if its nich or useless

Edited by bad4youLT
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