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Dire need for Mr27 gear


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Just now, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

So. Again. A lot of existing weapons need mechanics redone. I did a whole post on adjustments that could get people using "off meta" weapons again but no one really read it.

I think it more stems from the enemies also being made of flypaper with the intelligence of a bag of rocks, but overall weapon balance is a pretty big problem too (not even going to touch on melee shenanigans). Really the whole of Warframe suffers from being in a meta-rut where the game has been solved for so long that max efficiency is not only easy to reach but also comically better than any other options.

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33 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I think it more stems from the enemies also being made of flypaper with the intelligence of a bag of rocks, but overall weapon balance is a pretty big problem too (not even going to touch on melee shenanigans). Really the whole of Warframe suffers from being in a meta-rut where the game has been solved for so long that max efficiency is not only easy to reach but also comically better than any other options.

I'm sure that there's some hipster out there using a stug in arbitration just to be "ironic"...

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I feel I would agree with this IF we weren't able to take on all of the existing content with MR 0 gear. Some of the best-in-class weapons, which are Zaws and Kitguns, have no MR requirements, only grinding, while I spent an hour over-forma'ing my Mk-1 Paris a few years ago so that I can one-shot everything on the basic Star Chart with it without a Riven (the recent buff to bows, and a Riven, means that it can kill level 165 trash mobs in one hit, or heavy units in a few extra shots).

And that's without the buffs that the Warframes can give them. I'm fairly sure that the Mk-1 Paris I mentioned could handle quite a significant amount more if I boosted it with a Chroma or Mirage or Rhino.

We're already super, amazingly strong. So are our weapons and gear.

While endgame content is needed, we definitely don't need any more powerful weapons to handle the content we currently have.

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On 2019-09-07 at 7:24 AM, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

More and More stuff is being released, but none of them requiring you to max everything. it makes it dull to see a steady stream of low MR fodder being streamlined out.

So new stuff is only interesting to you if other people can't get it, and if they can it's dull?

That's... questionable.

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On 2019-09-07 at 5:24 AM, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

There is an absolute need for gear specially crafted for players that have already ranked 500+ items to lvl30.

What would be the point?

I can already one-shot Sortie 3 enhanced armored grineer.  I can one-shot well into an hour on a high end survival.  Why do I need more power?  Why do I need to one-shot the enemy 1000X over instead of 100X over?

On 2019-09-07 at 5:24 AM, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

More and More stuff is being released, but none of them requiring you to max everything.

And generally that's not a bad thing.

The number of people who have maxed everything are the tiny, tiny minority...there isn't much sense in making lots of content aimed at them because next to no one would be able to actually experience it.

Please tell me: Why shouldDE throw out a MR27 weapon that next to no one would be able to use, and even the people that could use it would have nothing to actually use it on?
The enemies we are fighting already have a hard time handling MR0 weapons (kitguns).

Honestly what would be the purpose of that much power creep?  Just so that you can see larger numbers?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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3 hours ago, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

Well ok. Scratch gear. Give me Tau system mr25^Locked.

How about you get off your high horse and stop being an elitist? The only reason anyone would want this is because they want to feel special or exalted above others. News flash, you're not. Aside from that, it'd be a terrible marketing move to lock out a huge part of the player base from something as big as an entire system


MR 26 here, btw. This idea is awful.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

Well ok. Scratch gear. Give me Tau system mr25^Locked.

With that I could agree. Not necessarily the MR itself, but having a high-end elite zone that you can access as a player who knows how to play very well. And Tau would be the perfect place.

Sadly the newbies and mid-rangers must be included at all times even if they can't tackle higher enemies, despite their having tonnes and tonnes of content already until they reach such a point as Tau. They must at the very least be able to be carried by the team and still earn their shiny endgame rewards, like with Eidolons. Or so the legend says.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hikuro-93:

With that I could agree. Not necessarily the MR itself, but having a high-end elite zone that you can access as a player who knows how to play very well. And Tau would be the perfect place.

The problem is how do you want to prove that you have the knowledge and skills? Run 100 meter in less than 5 seconds? Get five headshots with a stug while running through a parkour? Or just kill every boss by only relying on your warframe skills? I think the last one would be to hard. Until now I had only see ~10 people who know the weakpoint of Ambulas....

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10 minutes ago, ES-Flinter said:

The problem is how do you want to prove that you have the knowledge and skills? Run 100 meter in less than 5 seconds? Get five headshots with a stug while running through a parkour? Or just kill every boss by only relying on your warframe skills? I think the last one would be to hard. Until now I had only see ~10 people who know the weakpoint of Ambulas....

Yes, that'd be the hard part imo. Hence why mastery rank wouldn't be a good mechanic to use for such a thing at all.

But in the end it's mostly a casual game, so I'm still happy at the end of the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2019-09-10 at 7:30 AM, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Yes, that'd be the hard part imo. Hence why mastery rank wouldn't be a good mechanic to use for such a thing at all.

But in the end it's mostly a casual game, so I'm still happy at the end of the day.

Maybe mod collection percentage? That way you should be able to handle if this amount of listed mods are owned 

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On 2019-09-10 at 12:14 AM, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

Well ok. Scratch gear. Give me Tau system mr25^Locked.

Heh, absolutely nothing in this game other than the 'stuff' should be locked behind the statistic that tracks how much 'stuff' you have access to. Particularly because back when MR20 became the highest you could get, a bunch of people proved that you could get to MR 18 in 19 days with power levelling and enough Plat to Rush builds.

Having a few things get easier, like more trades, higher Standing caps, more mod points when you have an unranked weapon, that stuff means nothing and so can be ranked up with the 'stuff tracker' stat.

Everything we do in this game needs to be progression based. Planets unlock if you've completed the right missions, done the little grinding side-quests for the Solar Rail and so on. Nightmare missions unlock once you've completed every node on a planet. Quests unlock as you progress through, and more quests unlock by completing those, and some bosses only appear if you've completed certain Quests too.

Content in Warframe is the most effective way of gating the community.

.... it's just a shame that the content has gotten so slow to release in recent years...

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)iheartcampersz:

Maybe mod collection percentage? That way you should be able to handle if this amount of listed mods are owned 

Better not. People like me are still missing over 100 hundred of the obtainable mods. And not because I lack the knowledge or skills, but more that I don't wanted to repeat the one mission over and over again, just to get that one missing mod.  

What is with some special missions? Something like. "Beat 100 enemies with your operator. Throw enemies X over Y meter away. Kill Ambulas, while he has a complete damage immunization, except on his weakpoint" (example 3 would be very funny for many player. You can't even find it on the wiki. 😂🤣😂)

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On 2019-09-10 at 7:03 AM, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

With that I could agree. Not necessarily the MR itself, but having a high-end elite zone that you can access as a player who knows how to play very well. And Tau would be the perfect place.

Sadly the newbies and mid-rangers must be included at all times even if they can't tackle higher enemies, despite their having tonnes and tonnes of content already until they reach such a point as Tau. They must at the very least be able to be carried by the team and still earn their shiny endgame rewards, like with Eidolons. Or so the legend says.

MR is an arbitrary gating that have absolutely no purpose. I am currently rank 12, and I have all mods for melee and primary, fully decked. Multiple top tier primary and melee weapons (and some with rivens). And I consistently outdps players in rank 20. And I have been MR ranking through running cannon fodder for at least 3 MRs now. So what is the point of the MR20 locked anything again?! 

And unless the Tau is level 200+, do  you really think they will be a challenge for anyone passed MR10? 

Also, you many active players do you think are passed MR20? 0.5%-1% maybe? Do you think DE is going to create content that excludes 99% of the population?

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