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Master Rank up test, honestly 3 tries with a 24 hour cool down?


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If it's one of the stealth tests (MR9, MR19); those are currently a bit buggy. Presumably they will be fixed at some point.

If it is a different test: Go to Simaris and practice until you can do it first try every time.

As a player who is MR26, and who has only failed tests due to bugs/glitches, I can assure you that these are fair when they aren't bugged.

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36 minutes ago, ibokiller68 said:

This makes me not want to play this game anymore nor support you devs.


To bring this to a conversation level after your outburst. You should NEVER be doing a mastery test without practice first. (Unless you watch a video and fully understand how to ace it). Doing the test before confidently knowing you can is your own issue. The 24hr lock can be rough but they let you practice the damn thing first. You still get mastery points so it doesn't even hurt the time needed for the next rank at that point. The chances you have enough points for back to back tests at MR 24 is unlikely. 

As for why you might be failing. If you don't have a decent amp by MR 24 you have some work to be done. Doing the test with something less then a 111 amp you have a bit of a challenge. Not having points into the focus trees to get extra energy and other stats will also put you at a disadvantage. MR test are trivial and for the most part no more than a gear / skill check. 

Edited by Zelmen
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The difficulty curve for MR tests is all over the place, the MR9 test which is the one youre trying to do is one of the more difficult ones to deal with as there arent really any indicators for line of sight on enemies without using Enemy Sense or Enemy Radar or Ivara's passive so getting caught out can be pretty easy if an enemy rounds a corner behind you. My suggestion would be to either make use of one of those mods if you have it or take the test more cautiously. Take your time and wait so you can see the enemies patrol pattern and move when they arent looking. I would suggest that you also practice your upcoming mastery tests when you see that youre getting close to ranking up as you can practice it as much as you want before reaching the rank up point.

As for not being able to use weapons, you can continue to use weapons if youre at max mastery rank(unless they are MR locked obviously) as the XP will not disappear into the void and will go into your total when you rank up. If youre three days into failure and cant for whatever reason do the test yourself watching a non-cheese tutorial video and repeating what is done will get you through it unless youre inept.


*editing out my completely reasonable response to the tone of this thread is not cool mods.

Edited by LordPantaloonsthe3rd
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2 hours ago, ibokiller68 said:

Like wtf is this even why is this still in the game? you're punishing players for no real valid reason, can't even use other weapons right now because i have to wait 24 hours???

This makes me not want to play this game anymore nor support you devs.

I blame DE for this. There is a practice option in Cephalon Simaris Sanctuary in relies, where you can practice any test however many times until you master it. Which you would not know about... unless you read a guide.

Welcome to Warframe 😐. Bring Warframe Wiki and YouTube guide videos with you.

Edited by (PS4)thegarada
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On 2019-10-15 at 1:06 PM, ibokiller68 said:

 can't even use other weapons right now because i have to wait 24 hours???

Why yes, all of your weapons are locked, you can't do anything at all in the game for 24 hours! No completing nodes, no farming materials, no collecting prime parts. It's totally locked down!

None of this is true. You can keep using items and the XP will pile up in the background. Making a post like this without trying to find out more information just looks foolish.

22 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

I blame DE for this. There is a practice option in Cephalon Simaris Sanctuary in relies, where you can practice any test however many times until you master it. Which you would not know about... unless you read a guide.

It's true that information isn't pointed at with a big glowing arrow, but if one actually explores places like relays and looks around it can easily be discovered. A little curiosity and situational awareness goes a long way.

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On 2019-10-15 at 10:42 PM, (PS4)thegarada said:

I blame DE for this. There is a practice option in Cephalon Simaris Sanctuary in relies, where you can practice any test however many times until you master it. Which you would not know about... unless you read a guide.

Here we go again.  

Right there at the bottom....


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

I have never noticed this 😲

I blame DE for small font 😝


Tooootaally makes sense that they need to include a big old button that lets you instead goto Simaris to practice the test instead. Though it might help if players get a proper understanding they are able to use other warframes/weapons for said tests, which plenty can trivialize the utter crap out of the test its not even funny.

  • Not a fan of mobile capture? Use a Loki and watch as you can give zero cares on enemy gunfire and have such a absurdly good base sprint speed so its not that hard to keep up with the node without needing to bullet jump/slide to keep up.
  • Hate the archwing launcher MR25 test? Do the:
  • How about those tests that force you to use a melee weapon only? Lets whip out that Glaive/Gunblade and get all Darksector/meme-age up in this biz!
  • Absolutely hate the mastery test that forces you to use the operator? Magus Arcanes will gladly turn that gripe into glee to trivialize alot of stuff, unless they patched that out already.
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В 15.10.2019 в 21:06, ibokiller68 сказал:

Like wtf is this even why is this still in the game? you're punishing players for no real valid reason, can't even use other weapons right now because i have to wait 24 hours???

This makes me not want to play this game anymore nor support you devs.

Git gud dude. Back in the day your papa had no option to practice MR tests.

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Le 15/10/2019 à 20:06, ibokiller68 a dit :

Like wtf is this even why is this still in the game? you're punishing players for no real valid reason, can't even use other weapons right now because i have to wait 24 hours???

This makes me not want to play this game anymore nor support you devs.

Training. Don't try to rush things you can't handle.

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