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Is leyou looking to sell?


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14 hours ago, Corvid said:

From what I know, they're effectively a worse EA, that has direct ties to the Chinese government.

That is quite worrying to be honest, any info how much shares DE devs have in DE? I remember people telling me activision would have no influence on blizzard....oh how wrong they were

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6 hours ago, Renegade343 said:

No, but at the very least I'll be watching a bit more closely, since you are dealing with the devil. I don't discount the possibility that you can still keep your ideals and morals intact even while dealing with them, but at the same time, I won't ignore the chance that you may discard them for more money.

If it becomes a thing that Tencent will take over Leyou, all we really need to do is look at other companies where they are involved on the western market. Neither GGG or Epic are politically involved or have any hidden agendas in their games. They just produce and publish top quality games. And if the chinese government was deeply involved I highly doubt certain games like say Borderlands 3 would ever end up with a great offer on the Epic store given the history of their CEO among others.

As for Blizzard, well they've always had an extremely neutral approach towards politics aside from the diversity aspect, which can also be seen as neutrality since everyone is represented in a good light no matter what. The only questionable thing was the latest incident. But I think Blizzard did the correct thing since it was more or less about a representative of theirs that was backed up and promoted by them. Since Blizzard have always been neutral I wasnt surprised they acted like they did in order to keep neutrality. If they would have let it slide by they would have actively taken a stance and it would have led to even more questions incase similar future incidents would occur. Soon you'd have pro-gov, anti-gov, right wing, left wing, liberals, conservative and everything in between commenting on all worldly things. At that point, what colors should they show then?

Also, when it comes to WF and DE, it will also fully depend on who will sit at the board aswell as CEO spots on DE. Just because a company owns another, it doesnt mean it will have direct influence. And things like Canadian laws will still apply even if the parent company is chinese. DE wont magically have their staff, office etc. moved to china.

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

If it becomes a thing that Tencent will take over Leyou, all we really need to do is look at other companies where they are involved on the western market. Neither GGG or Epic are politically involved or have any hidden agendas in their games. They just produce and publish top quality games. And if the chinese government was deeply involved I highly doubt certain games like say Borderlands 3 would ever end up with a great offer on the Epic store given the history of their CEO among others.

As for Blizzard, well they've always had an extremely neutral approach towards politics aside from the diversity aspect, which can also be seen as neutrality since everyone is represented in a good light no matter what. The only questionable thing was the latest incident. But I think Blizzard did the correct thing since it was more or less about a representative of theirs that was backed up and promoted by them. Since Blizzard have always been neutral I wasnt surprised they acted like they did in order to keep neutrality. If they would have let it slide by they would have actively taken a stance and it would have led to even more questions incase similar future incidents would occur. Soon you'd have pro-gov, anti-gov, right wing, left wing, liberals, conservative and everything in between commenting on all worldly things. At that point, what colors should they show then?

Also, when it comes to WF and DE, it will also fully depend on who will sit at the board aswell as CEO spots on DE. Just because a company owns another, it doesnt mean it will have direct influence. And things like Canadian laws will still apply even if the parent company is chinese. DE wont magically have their staff, office etc. moved to china.

There is truth in what you say about warframe still being under canadian law but you're aware that tencent is heavily involved in spyware, right?

Even EGS has been, and still is, under fire for suspicious codes resembling malware used for keyloggers. Tencent does not only deal with videogames but also social media as it owns Wechat and I strongly encourage you to do a simple research on this company's history of questionable moral conduct. It is not time to panic yet but it will be IF and only IF Tencent gets a hold of DE.

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2 hours ago, Olphalarepth said:

There is truth in what you say about warframe still being under canadian law but you're aware that tencent is heavily involved in spyware, right?

Even EGS has been, and still is, under fire for suspicious codes resembling malware used for keyloggers. Tencent does not only deal with videogames but also social media as it owns Wechat and I strongly encourage you to do a simple research on this company's history of questionable moral conduct. It is not time to panic yet but it will be IF and only IF Tencent gets a hold of DE.

All of that is true, but it will have no impact on games on the western market aslong as they are published/produced by western companies. All those are governed by national aswell as continental/regional laws. Tencent would have as much of a chance to implement spyware in the games now, without owning the companies involved, as they would after a possible takeover. Several chinese (and other asian) companies had to shut down their western ports in connection to the EU law that saw the light in 2017 (or was it early 2018?) since they couldnt sell user info anymore without concent. Which pretty much broke their whole monetization.

There wont be a reason to panic even if Tencent does obtain DE, unless of course the whole company is either replaced by chinese agents, the company moves to china or the Canadian government gets replaced by infiltrators that manage to somehow change the laws. Because as I said before, there are laws to protect the game and the devs since they arent located in china. China can practically do nothing outside of china, which has already been proven time and time again by restrictions placed on Huawei expansions within europe. Anywhere they wanna expand they are facing very specific regulations in order to build telecom towers. They arent allowed to send their own workers, they must use local contractors. They arent allowed to ship materials without paying massive amounts to get it all checked in order to get the greenlight. All just to make sure nothing has any software or hardware in it that can gather and send info to the chinese government. It got so big in Sweden that the law was refered to as the "Huawei law" even though it is in place for all foreign companies pretty much.

Similar laws shields companies in other countries aswell.

edit: And if there ever was a case of spyware injected into any game Tencent is involved in it wouldnt last a week before real tech-geeks would have figured it out and sent it further to the appropriate authorities. We are afterall not living in an age anymore where spyware is a mystical little thing that wont get found. That in the end turns into massive risks for china because the world already needs little reasons to put in place embargos or other actions targetting the country.

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I strongly wonder if this has something to do with all the nerfing started since about 18 months is ago. These nerfs, especially Riven disposition changes help DE to earn much more money through rotating weapons popularity and their Rivens’ prices and sales? This is good for their bottom line short term as players buy more Plat to chase new meta but hurting players and players’ plat/time investment. This hurts Warframe long term as players’ investment and efforts spent in the game is wiped out over time. 

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23 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

From DaoC and forward I havent played a single MMO where the public chat is not off limits for politcal and religious discussions. If not prohibited by the ToS, it is prohibited by the specific rules of the chat. Plenty have had chats you've been able to opt into, off topic chats with zero rules etc. aside from personal insults and personal threats.

And it doesnt matter if the times have changed, aslong as the company doesnt greenlight political debates then it is against the rules.

Whatever your idea is based on, it is against free speech, a foundational value of western societies. We can discuss politics and religious matters in chat as well. There is no such thing as that these two topics are off limits. We are not living in China. 

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3 minutes ago, George_PPS said:

Whatever your idea is based on, it is against free speech, a foundational value of western societies. We can discuss politics and religious matters in chat as well. There is no such thing as that these two topics are off limits. We are not living in China. 

Free speech is different from country to country, hence why it doesnt apply to a multinational platform and the reason why companies rather see it all as inappropriate and unwanted behavior. The only thing that free speech has in common across several countries is that you are allowed to criticise your government as a citizen. Outside of that both freedom of speech and freedom of press/the written word is widely different from country to country. 

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18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

There are deeper parts of ToS and EULAs that covers it all passively. Most companies tend to run on the same basic forms, forms accepted and implemented by their lawyers. Most of those cover things that could potentially lead to the company getting sued etc. if not kept in check, more so in the US where you can sue people/companies for practically anything.

Yeah, see, I read the whole thing. They're not long documents. There are no "deeper" parts that cover things "passively". It's not written in dense legalese where you have to search for the real meaning. There are very few paragraphs that refer to what you can post on the forums or chats, and I've already written what they say about the topic of political speech. The other sections deal with things like alternate accounts and buying counterfeit plat and installing malware. And there's a section that says you can't sue the company without entering into arbitration first, and a section that gives DE a blanket limitation of liability, so I don't think they're too concerned about being sued over what someone says in Region.

18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

And the people that relax by discussing politics should maybe find another hobby activity where such a thing is actually common and doesnt invade on the people that try to exercise the actual hobby at hand. I dont go to a concert, public resturant or the movies to talk politics with random people. You know why? Because it would be rude and odd, same deal when it comes to people pushing their idea on total strangers in a game.

You know, I can sort of get behind your idea. I don't talk about politics at concerts and I don't talk at all during movies because I'm not a terrible person. Similarly, I don't open up Region chat and start posting political slogans. But when I'm hanging out with my friends at a restaurant or café or bowling alley, we will talk about politics because it's something we all find interesting and agree is important, and if someone from the next table overhears us, I'm not going to apologise for it (presuming we're not speaking at an unreasonable volume). Similarly, if someone is having a discussion in Region chat, I don't find that inappropriate and I may join in – just because the chat is open to all players doesn't mean that the chat topics need to appeal to all players; that's tyranny of the majority. And if someone opens a forum topic about a Chinese company as it pertains to Warframe and Digital Extremes, then I may just join into the conversation with discussions about how the Chinese government and economy may influence the game.

18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I havent seen or sensed political colors in any game over the last 25 years unless it has been 100% out in the open like in Overwatch (pandering to the rainbow)

Assuming by "pandering to the rainbow" you're referring to LGBT representation, that isn't political. It's people's identities, and there really isn't an opinion to be had on them.

I'm not too plugged into what games are out there, because I really only play Warframe, but even I know that Cyberpunk 2077 is dealing with a lot of hot-button societal issues. And [DE]Steve has said that the debt-slavery conditions in Fortuna are a commentary on today's Western capitalism. Games, like all art, are often made by people with political views, who often don't shy away from injecting those into the art they create.

18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

And where does the line go regarding when a company is political or not? If say I have a game development company and decided to sell it to Tencent because they were interested, would that make me politically engaged even though I dont give a rats ass about anything except the money I get to further evolve and safeguard the games future? Do building contractors/architects suddenly show political colors if they accept a contract from the chinese government to build or design a new building? Do I suddenly start to support fundamentlist islamic views if I accept a job in saudiarabia that involves expanding the infrastructure?

I mean, yes? It means that you value the money from that sale / contract / job more than you value the unethical practices / human rights violations conducted by those parties. If I gave a job to or otherwise entered into a business relationship with an unrepentant serial killer, that would be a commentary on my values.

I actually can't speak to Tencent because I'm not really in the loop on their business practices, but the Chinese and Saudi governments are strange examples given their extensive track records of horrific human rights violations, even in recent times.

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On 2019-10-26 at 12:33 PM, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

This is why the US government and the CIA consider China such a threat that needs to be "maintained." China is on incredibly close watch by the US government, and the CIA has China (and preventing terrorist attacks, which are constantly being prevented, you have no clue) on top priority. 

Pure propaganda. They make China an enemy to prop up capitalism, which is a failure on all counts. Its the same since WW2- they're our enemies so of course we don't have money for infrastructure, education or healthcare. We need bombs! This is not to say that China is better or less violent than the United States but once you take a historical view of how the west tried to subjugate and enslave the east it is easy to see all this as a reaction against homogenization and invasion. Sanctions are acts of war, after all, and economic inequality created by these sanctions is violence on civilian populations- innocent people. 

Honestly the United States Government through the CIA and other Deep State organizations is been the greatest terrorist organization in history. There are no good guys, only enforcers of an exploitative system.  

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49 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

Yeah, see, I read the whole thing. They're not long documents. There are no "deeper" parts that cover things "passively". It's not written in dense legalese where you have to search for the real meaning. There are very few paragraphs that refer to what you can post on the forums or chats, and I've already written what they say about the topic of political speech. The other sections deal with things like alternate accounts and buying counterfeit plat and installing malware. And there's a section that says you can't sue the company without entering into arbitration first, and a section that gives DE a blanket limitation of liability, so I don't think they're too concerned about being sued over what someone says in Region.

You know, I can sort of get behind your idea. I don't talk about politics at concerts and I don't talk at all during movies because I'm not a terrible person. Similarly, I don't open up Region chat and start posting political slogans. But when I'm hanging out with my friends at a restaurant or café or bowling alley, we will talk about politics because it's something we all find interesting and agree is important, and if someone from the next table overhears us, I'm not going to apologise for it (presuming we're not speaking at an unreasonable volume). Similarly, if someone is having a discussion in Region chat, I don't find that inappropriate and I may join in – just because the chat is open to all players doesn't mean that the chat topics need to appeal to all players; that's tyranny of the majority. And if someone opens a forum topic about a Chinese company as it pertains to Warframe and Digital Extremes, then I may just join into the conversation with discussions about how the Chinese government and economy may influence the game.

Assuming by "pandering to the rainbow" you're referring to LGBT representation, that isn't political. It's people's identities, and there really isn't an opinion to be had on them.

I'm not too plugged into what games are out there, because I really only play Warframe, but even I know that Cyberpunk 2077 is dealing with a lot of hot-button societal issues. And [DE]Steve has said that the debt-slavery conditions in Fortuna are a commentary on today's Western capitalism. Games, like all art, are often made by people with political views, who often don't shy away from injecting those into the art they create.

I mean, yes? It means that you value the money from that sale / contract / job more than you value the unethical practices / human rights violations conducted by those parties. If I gave a job to or otherwise entered into a business relationship with an unrepentant serial killer, that would be a commentary on my values.

I actually can't speak to Tencent because I'm not really in the loop on their business practices, but the Chinese and Saudi governments are strange examples given their extensive track records of horrific human rights violations, even in recent times.

Then you obviously missed the ancient part about it being their IP/product and they can do what they want with it. That covers pretty much every decision they make within the game and you have no way to object. This covers chats and everything else pretty much. Their product, their rules. Basic online ToS 101.

You are doing that within a group of friends. As I said, you wont go around poking strangers in order to try and get a convo going. Obviously people will overhear things in resturants, but as you say, if you arent overly loud it wont matter. The same cant be said about a chat, because text doesnt have volume, so it is far more common that off topic discussions like politics in a game chat overshadows the on-topic discussions, like game related subjects. In those cases people should form a chat group if they wanna get deep into the politcal discussion and not take a whole chat hostage. It simply isnt well manered for say 5 people to clog up a chat occupied by 95 others just in order to have a personal discussion on a specific subject. Those are cases when you tend to get reported, those are also the cases game companies tend to avoid by simply not allowing it, which leads to less work regarding reports of such incidents. And you already clicked understood on the ToS/EULA, so you agreed that "tyranny" (cant believe you throw around a word like that) is OK for you already.

Exactly, I think I expressed that same thing in another post aswell. Also not my opinion that it is pandering, it is just what all the angries liked to call it. I'm fine with it, they should be represented just like everyone else, equaly. Same reason I hate the rainbow flag and days dedicated to specific groups of people. Equality should be equality, simple as that.

Cyberpunk isnt dealing with anything specific, except what people decide to read into. Those "hot button" society issues have been part of the Cyberpunk universe since the early 90's and date back to Gibson novels prior to that. It is nothing new, nothing that has sprung to life now, it has always been there within that IP. And obviously inspiration comes from somewhere, that still doesnt mean a political stance for or against has been taken. It just means that the subject makes for a good setting. If you know the person and their values at hand it may very well change your perception of the work. Just take an old band like Immortal as an example. Without any knowledge about the members, your first idea of the band would likely be "norwegian satanists" but when you actually get into the music and texts you are really experiencing a vast fantasy story loosely based on ancient scandinavian history with a dash of what could be inspirations drawn from the norscan and chaos stories of Warhammer. Not until you actually get to know the men behind it due you realise there are also ideas and criticism towards society in there aswell as odes and hymn to people they look up to. Nothing is spoken out right, but when you hear it and sense it you can see it crystal clear.

Isnt that a bit closeminded though? Kinda black and white dont you think? That is asking quite alot of the common man. If someone isnt politically aware, or for that matter a politician themselves, there are several things a person would miss regarding who is involved with who in the grand scheme of things. If avarage joe gets contacted and contracted to build a new govermental building in china or saudiarabia, is it really realistic that he should have deep knowledge in the workings outside of his profession? I dont think so since he already follows the laws set up regarding trades and everything else around it. And regarding the serial killer, that would imply you know everything about him, at that point you are guilty of a crime by not turning him in. Last I checked, getting contracted or having your company bought out is not a crime unless they suddenly ask you to commit criminal acts, which isnt the subject here. The person selling is doing nothing illegal, he is just selling because he needs to, which there is no law against. And while it may shine a light on values, it doesnt shine a light on my political stance. It simply means I care more for me than I care for people I do not know. And that would need me to know everything beforehand aswell, which the majority of people probably dont. Otherwise everyone that travels to X country and stays at Y hotel that happens to be owned by the state is suddenly morally corrupt aswell, simply because they dont know the lay of the land. Which is an absurd claim.

With Tencent we can only go on evidence we have at our disposal, which would be several western gaming devs and publishers that are under their wings. None of them have had any issues, or caused issues for the players or the people.

edit: And Amercians shouldnt really point fingers, especially not those supporting the man in power, the man who ditched his allies to fend for themselves very recently. The man who also managed to give an opportunity for several know terrorists to escape from inprisonment with that same act of stupidity.

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8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

The only thing that free speech has in common across several countries is that you are allowed to criticise your government as a citizen.

Funny you mention that, considering how China sends lackeys to beat up (or worse, disappear) anyone who talks sh!t about them within its borders - and not even outsiders are safe.

7 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

With Tencent we can only go on evidence we have at our disposal, which would be several western gaming devs and publishers that are under their wings. None of them have had any issues, or caused issues for the players or the people.

Lies. I already pasted links earlier demonstrating Tencent's wriggling parasitic tentacles into PoE's wrongthink filters. Do I need to post Riot's (100% owned by Tencent) LoL censorship of certain problematic phrases as well? The one that got "walked back" for all clients except for Taiwan?

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8 hours ago, (NSW)Badger said:

Pure propaganda. They make China an enemy to prop up capitalism, which is a failure on all counts. Its the same since WW2- they're our enemies so of course we don't have money for infrastructure, education or healthcare. We need bombs! This is not to say that China is better or less violent than the United States but once you take a historical view of how the west tried to subjugate and enslave the east it is easy to see all this as a reaction against homogenization and invasion. Sanctions are acts of war, after all, and economic inequality created by these sanctions is violence on civilian populations- innocent people. 

Honestly the United States Government through the CIA and other Deep State organizations is been the greatest terrorist organization in history. There are no good guys, only enforcers of an exploitative system.  

Why not take this back to Democrat Underground where it was spawned? This is a gaming site, not a communist coffee house.

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I want to say this upfront.


Full stop: If tencent buys DE, i'm out. If any other Chinese company buys DE? I'm likely out. Creative control or not.


Earlier this year i made a thread imploring DE to take their company back. This might be the opportunity to do so. I Rightly feared what would happen as the situation with China progressed. The Blitzchung incident has put everyone on a razor edge. That's only a 5% stake in Blizzard and access to the Chinese market and you saw what happened. Gamers across the world have the right to be VERY concerned when it comes to Chinese influence as it stands. Canada does NOT have a first amendment that so many Americans Enjoy.


On these grounds alone i assume i do not have an actual freedom of speech or expression in game or on the very forums we post. 


But this is also a potential opportunity to solve a long standing problem. How many of you would chip in 100 dollars to save this game from that fate? Not sure i could afford one hundred but i'd try to find it.


(I can think of a large group of Tenno who did that once already. And might be wiling to do so again if it meant taking control back.)


IF DE is really up for sale, who's got the respect of the playerbase to put up a Go-fund-me for the company and bringing it under a council of people who paid for it in the gofundme?


Who among you guys would be able to do this? Personal opinion: Its gonna take at least 30-40 million. Possibly more. But can it be done? The answer is most definitely yes. Who's going to do it?

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11 hours ago, RS219 said:

Funny you mention that, considering how China sends lackeys to beat up (or worse, disappear) anyone who talks sh!t about them within its borders - and not even outsiders are safe.

Lies. I already pasted links earlier demonstrating Tencent's wriggling parasitic tentacles into PoE's wrongthink filters. Do I need to post Riot's (100% owned by Tencent) LoL censorship of certain problematic phrases as well? The one that got "walked back" for all clients except for Taiwan?

Did I ever claim China has free speech or freedom of press? Nope. Just a short while back there was a swedish-chinese journalist/writer that got locked up in china along with several others, including people that had sold his book in their stores.

I counter that with the same word, lies. Those filters have been there for a long long time well before Tencent had any part in PoE or LoL. It is just that people started to see it after the change of ownership because it involved China and Tencent. People see what they wanna see and read into what really isnt there.

We already had the knee jerk "zermagerd!!! DE cencerchipped ma wurds bout hung keng!!!!" just a week ago or so on these forums. Turned out it was all BS and people proved the person wrong on several seperate instances. That is exactly what people see on PoE and LoL.

In the end, do I really care about any of this political crap? No not really. Kinda the reason why it is annoying to see a bunch of people, often with double standards, putting their "righteous" ideas in a chat, in a game that I enjoy to play for the sake of the game and nothing else. Life is simply too short imo, and in the end the real important part of everything is me and what enjoyment I get out of my life before I hit that final time gate. I cant really be bothered to worry about what happens to others, outside of possibly those nearest to me. That is also the reason why I dont really care about our environment either and what is going to happen. I'll be long gone by then, I wont even be food for maggots at that point. So aslong as whoever owns the game I love doesnt turn the gameplay into a dumpster fire and adds crap monetization options to it I wont really care what they may be involved in on the side.

11 hours ago, Hyperion5182 said:

Full stop: If tencent buys DE, i'm out. If any other Chinese company buys DE? I'm likely out. Creative control or not.

DE is already owned by chinese companies. Leyou is Hong Kong based and Perfect World Co is mainland based.

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On 2019-10-31 at 1:31 PM, (NSW)Badger said:

Pure propaganda. They make China an enemy to prop up capitalism, which is a failure on all counts. Its the same since WW2- they're our enemies so of course we don't have money for infrastructure, education or healthcare. We need bombs! This is not to say that China is better or less violent than the United States but once you take a historical view of how the west tried to subjugate and enslave the east it is easy to see all this as a reaction against homogenization and invasion. Sanctions are acts of war, after all, and economic inequality created by these sanctions is violence on civilian populations- innocent people. 

Honestly the United States Government through the CIA and other Deep State organizations is been the greatest terrorist organization in history. There are no good guys, only enforcers of an exploitative system.  

China as a threat has nothing to do with the corrupt capitalist system. These are two completely different and very detrimental issues.

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On 2019-10-27 at 4:13 AM, -Kittens- said:

They'll be leaving warframe behind when they leave.

And the people who bought it will make no money off it, because the devs won't continue it.

In other words, the doomsday scenario being talked about here is a situation of Mutally Assured Destruction.

If they want to take away DE's creative freedom, DE will simply shut down, and there's no profit.

It will never realistically happen.

On 2019-11-01 at 10:03 AM, SneakyErvin said:

DE is already owned by chinese companies. Leyou is Hong Kong based and Perfect World Co is mainland based.

Hong Kong and mainland China are practically two different planets.

On 2019-10-31 at 1:31 PM, (NSW)Badger said:

Pure propaganda. They make China an enemy to prop up capitalism, which is a failure on all counts. Its the same since WW2- they're our enemies so of course we don't have money for infrastructure, education or healthcare. We need bombs! This is not to say that China is better or less violent than the United States but once you take a historical view of how the west tried to subjugate and enslave the east it is easy to see all this as a reaction against homogenization and invasion. Sanctions are acts of war, after all, and economic inequality created by these sanctions is violence on civilian populations- innocent people. 

Honestly the United States Government through the CIA and other Deep State organizations is been the greatest terrorist organization in history. There are no good guys, only enforcers of an exploitative system.  

In the case of China, they are legit a horrible country and our enemy. It's nothing like the propaganda about Russia, or Syria, or any other country that the CIA props up as enemies of the state.

Take a look at what China has done to Turkmenistan. It's cultural genocide that's slowly turning into full-blown physical genocide. The MSM doesn't even talk about it.

The difference is China is a en economical enemy. They've recognized that physical warfare brings no real gains, while we're over here still playing with bombs.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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7 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

Hong Kong and mainland China are practically two different planets.

I know, was more seeing what answer I'd get from the fellow who claimed he'd leave.

I'm also fairly sure that this whole sale to Tencent thing wont happen because of that particular reason, that Hong Kong and China are very different. I dont really see why a Hong Kong based company would sell to a chinese one since the appeal of being based in Hong Kong is because it isnt mainland China.

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  • 1 month later...

As long as DE can do with the game what they want i am okay with it.
The game feels like it still has the DE spirit in it, and THAT EXACTLY is the reason i play it.

I would leave if the DE spirit leaves Warframe !!!

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