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grendel, the useless.


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this wont be constructed as how feedback is suppose to be, i'm just going to show a picture of some thoughts on the abilities and how they can be changed because currently grendel is just mr fodder and he has 1 ability spread across 3 abilities and a passivegrendel_the_trashcan.PNG

quick grammar fix, start of second sentence: and then they can turn his 2 and 3 into new useful powers.

edit: i see now that i posted this in general instead of warframe feedback, sorry for the oversight.


Edited by --RV--Earth
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4 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Useless how? He deletes enemies from your screen by pressing 1, permanently deletes them one by one with 2, yeets them out of sight and out of mind with 3, and rolls around with them dying in his belly with 4.

Because knee-jerk reactions from not understanding how something works without using it first 

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A bit early don't you think?

Regardless. While I agree that his entire devour and digest/spit mechanic could've worked as one ability, I don't think that will make him automatically useless.

He seems to have 350 base HP which makes him super tanky just from the get go, depending on armor he might reach similar EHP as Inaros (550 base HP) as Inaros doesn't really feature that much armor. Inaros is quite highlly regarded because of his tankiness and tbh Inaros just doesn't have abilities at all, I guess pocket sand is kind a useful but thats about it.

While the description of his nourish buffs seemed kinda vague to me (hence feedback on him being early) both providing armor and what sounded like a strong toxin dmg buff akin to the 1 augments of Saryn, Ember and co. is quite useful and if you can boost a gas weapon with extra toxin dmg thats quite strong.

Being able to kill every enemy devourable with noruish gives him innate covert lethality which will find niche uses and probably break the game occasionally but thats funny I guess.

He might end up being a better Inaros for what its worth. He might end up being a slightly worse Inaros but I wouldn't write him off before he is released. He isn't super flashy but nto every frame needs to be a flashy god of 50m AoE radius destruction to be good.

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1 minute ago, Gabbynaru said:

Dude, where are all these time travelers coming from? Share the tech with us, will ya? Maybe it'll bring world peace. You'd have achieved far more doing so than just complaining on a random forum about a thing that none of us have experienced yet.

I agree that it is too soon to call grendel completely useless but I'm getting tired of these ''time traveler'' comments. e.e

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i saw the videos and it seemed pretty useless. you cant deny his 1 ability is spread across 3 buttons for no reason. also why are you attacking the post it literally says ways i think that can improve grendel. wisp has 1 useful ability, gauss is useless, he is just another option to take for speedrun other than volt but the only difference is that volt has 3 useful abilities and gauss has 1. stop being some fan boys blindly defending digital extremes this is feedback and i gave my opinion on how to improve i didnt come here say his trash and left.like gauss and wisp i wont play him except that 1 scenario he is useful in which with grendel the case is none. you have all been trash talking this without explaining what he can do, just saying no your wrong because i have a different opinion is not actual criticism.


lastly this is the one sentence that disproves all your "you dont have him so you cant have an opinion" comments: DE has delayed plenty of content based on player feedback from dev builds, forum posts with future changes/additions and videos. closest example i can think of is that saints of altra was meant to have echos of umbra but it was delayed based on player feedback.

dont come here and just dump your first thought, this is feedback. do some research before u come here.

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15 minutes ago, Raikh said:


being able to kill every enemy devourable with noruish gives him innate covert lethality which will find niche uses and probably break the game occasionally but thats funny I guess.

i would agree if this was true but his 1 only holds enemies inside him that take dmg inflicted to grendel by other enemies. he doesn't kill them. well he might if the ability has dmg and the enemy is low level enough, he might have been good for disruption if the demolysts didn't have a nully pulse to free themselves from him.

as a replacement for inaros, inaros can use his 4 to generate more armor and his 1 to blind, grendel can use his 1 to generate more armor with his passive but he needs to suck enemies for that and to have energy to hold them. he got shields and health unlike inaros with only health and shields dont take the benefit of armor. he does have a lot of health but is his kit enough right now to replace inaros? not unless they give him some new ability. personally i see fitting to replace his 2 with a low cc ability and add his 2 to his 1


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vor 2 Minuten schrieb --RV--Earth:

i would agree if this was true but his 1 only holds enemies inside him that take dmg inflicted to grendel by other enemies. he doesn't kill them. well he might if the ability has dmg and the enemy is low level enough, he might have been good for disruption if the demolysts didn't have a nully pulse to free themselves from him.

I'm pretty sure they stated that his Nourish "consumes" the oldest enemy in his stomach, killing it. Which is what I'm referring to.

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5 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

Yea and Gauss had his every skill buffed the next patch to make him actually playable.

Wisp is still just a passive buff with rest of her skills being pretty useless.

And I honestly doubt Grendel will do much better.

His abilities were buffed, but none of them were changed substantially. And he was good even without the buffs.

I wouldn't call Wisp's abilities useless, either. Her 2 is good for movement and gives you short invincibility, and her 3 is a nice damage buff and some CC. Maybe she doesn't fit the way you play, but useless is an exaggeration.

10 minutes ago, --RV--Earth said:

dont come here and just dump your first thought, this is feedback. do some research before u come here

But you did exactly that. You formed your opinion without playing and you call watching youtube videos research.

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tbh im a little concerned as well. unless his eating, spitting and rolling does something extra i dont think they would be that useful. de just doesnt give that much damage to abilities generally. if they do stuff other than just damage, that would be nice. but we shall see. 

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1 hour ago, --RV--Earth said:

this wont be constructed as how feedback is suppose to be, i'm just going to show a picture of some thoughts on the abilities and how they can be changed because currently grendel is just mr fodder and he has 1 ability spread across 3 abilities and a passivegrendel_the_trashcan.PNG

quick grammar fix, start of second sentence: and then they can turn his 2 and 3 into new useful powers.

edit: i see now that i posted this in general instead of warframe feedback, sorry for the oversight.



10 minutes ago, --RV--Earth said:

i saw the videos and it seemed pretty useless. you cant deny his 1 ability is spread across 3 buttons for no reason. also why are you attacking the post it literally says ways i think that can improve grendel. wisp has 1 useful ability, gauss is useless, he is just another option to take for speedrun other than volt but the only difference is that volt has 3 useful abilities and gauss has 1. stop being some fan boys blindly defending digital extremes this is feedback and i gave my opinion on how to improve i didnt come here say his trash and left.like gauss and wisp i wont play him except that 1 scenario he is useful in which with grendel the case is none. you have all been trash talking this without explaining what he can do, just saying no your wrong because i have a different opinion is not actual criticism.


lastly this is the one sentence that disproves all your "you dont have him so you cant have an opinion" comments: DE has delayed plenty of content based on player feedback from dev builds, forum posts with future changes/additions and videos. closest example i can think of is that saints of altra was meant to have echos of umbra but it was delayed based on player feedback.

dont come here and just dump your first thought, this is feedback. do some research before u come here.

Though I do agree Grendel's ability lineup could be better/improved, but I don't believe players that disagree with you should be labeled as "fanboys". People just have their "way" of stating what they feel.

I don't see Wisp and Guass as being "useless". 

1. I'm still figuring out how to play, Guass. I just don't see the boosts given by Redline , and I can't figure out where I'm doing fire or cold damage with his 3. I haven't used him since 30, so maybe I'll get around to looking at his patch.

2. Wisp, is an absolute beast! She's still a bit squishise with her health mote, but she was my go-to for the Halloween event. All 3 motes and Sol beam, cast Surge when things get scary.

Neither frame has any use during world-boss fights. 


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1 hour ago, Genitive said:

People said similar things about Wisp and Gauss before their release.

So how about waiting until you actually play him?

Who said Gauss would be useless? I know there were concerns over his 3rd ability being useless (which were right until DE buffed it). But other than that I didn’t really see any other valid concerns.

Wisp deserved all the skepticism because that first reveal of her was terrible. Stationary buffs didn’t sound appealing because we figured DE wouldn’t make them strong enough, her 2 was the only thing people liked, her 3 was just a joke (abilities requiring other abilities to be active to cast is a no no) and while her 4 looked cool there were the concerns about its damage output, and those concerns were shown to be very justified (seriously DE, 1 Damage tick per second?).


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12 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Who said Gauss would be useless? I know there were concerns over his 3rd ability being useless (which were right until DE buffed it). But other than that I didn’t really see any other valid concerns.

That's why I wrote "similar things" instead of "also useless". My point was that people tend to judge warframes before release rather than waiting to actually test them.

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I don't really mind Grendel but his Passive really bothers me. Another user brought this up, passives aren't supposed to use energy in order to be activated, and his energy drain is faster than Gauss' ass spreading game on a Sunday.

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16 minutes ago, Genitive said:

That's why I wrote "similar things" instead of "also useless". My point was that people tend to judge warframes before release rather than waiting to actually test them.

While I agree that the majority of people who are judging the frame before release have no business do so because their judging him for the wrong reasons (i.e. people complaining that Garuda wasn’t gonna be Valkyr 2.0). There are people who actually know what their talking about and give valid criticism towards an upcoming frame. We can’t all be like “Oh yeah DE 100% without a doubt knows what their doing with this frame. There’s no reason for us to be critical of this frame whatsoever”. Because that’s how we get useless garbage frames like Revenant. Feedback before release has its place. Without it Wisp would likely still have that god awful 3. I know there’s other examples but none are coming to mind rn.

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2 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

Yea and Gauss had his every skill buffed the next patch to make him actually playable.

Wisp is still just a passive buff with rest of her skills being pretty useless.

And I honestly doubt Grendel will do much better.

Would you like to explain to the jury how your ignorant baseless opinion has more weight and validity than the YouTubers' who have actually played him and gave  him overwhelmingly positive reviews?

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2 hours ago, --RV--Earth said:

this wont be constructed as how feedback is suppose to be, i'm just going to show a picture of some thoughts on the abilities and how they can be changed because currently grendel is just mr fodder and he has 1 ability spread across 3 abilities and a passivegrendel_the_trashcan.PNG

quick grammar fix, start of second sentence: and then they can turn his 2 and 3 into new useful powers.

edit: i see now that i posted this in general instead of warframe feedback, sorry for the oversight.


Eh I'd rather wait for him to release before we say he sucks. We've been saying frames that sucked before even hitting release for too damn long.

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