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Surprised to see that Warframe copied Destiny's style of grind of grind

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Destiny 1's grind revolved around getting weapons with perfect perks, like a hand-cannon with both "faster reload after getting a headshot kill" and "bonus damage after reloading". Now we're farming Liches for Kuva weapons with the perfect bonus, like a Chakkurr with 50% Radiation or something. 

Seems kinda silly that DE did this right after Destiny 2 went free to play. 

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Destiny isnt the first game with these random elements its existed way earlier.And besides only a few weapons are currently like that  i believe 13 in total out of over 300 total weapons in the game which is way better than complete randomness like the way Destiny does it

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1 hour ago, FLSH_BNG said:

Well, I'd at least give a +1 to DE for letting us transfer bonuses from better weapons to our fully leveled ones instead of having to discard the old and work on the new from scratch.

+1. Now I can keep transfering my Brakk bonuses indefinitelly as I hunt for the weapons I am missing.

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hace 1 hora, Corvid dijo:

Players asked for sustainable content without defining how to accomplish it. This is the result.

Personally, I'm fine with it.

Man, you know that isn't true, people made long- ass post (here and Reddit) telling DE how to make it possible, but as always, DE simply ignores it or either don't care to do that.

Just because you are lazy to look up if people actually made that kind of post, you can't say It wasn't made.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Gravitus123:

Destiny isnt the first game with these random elements its existed way earlier.And besides only a few weapons are currently like that  i believe 13 in total out of over 300 total weapons in the game which is way better than complete randomness like the way Destiny does it

better or more boring. depending on how u look it. personally one of my fav things in destiny is chasing good rolls. i stopped after d2 launch when every weapon had a fix roll. people will never understand why people do that. you run that one strike over and over and over again and then u get your rifled barrel, outlaw, rangefinder, hidden hand imago loop. i screamed like a little kid back in d1 days 😄 the satisfaction ... there are no words for something u chace for  a long time and then get it. or can be frustrating , looking at you anarchy^^

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Destiny 1's grind revolved around getting weapons with perfect perks, like a hand-cannon with both "faster reload after getting a headshot kill" and "bonus damage after reloading". Now we're farming Liches for Kuva weapons with the perfect bonus, like a Chakkurr with 50% Radiation or something. 

Seems kinda silly that DE did this right after Destiny 2 went free to play. 

Kid, destiny did not start the randomized loot system, heck even borderlands was likely a inspiration to that style further down the line and that was likely pulled from older games that i cannot specifically think of. 

Major difference with Destiny`s is those perks actually modify a considerable portion of the weapon (such as even changing the sights on the weapon for the bigger cases) and you could especially toggle several of them at once, not slap on a bonus elemental to let you screw running 2 mods for dual elemental builds. For Borderlands version, you did not have the option to toggle them and usually plenty of weapons were about with little care to if its a `perfect roll`, till you got to `legendaries`, that it was more on what felt right to oneself, with chasing those legendaries being a matter of getting the best combination when plenty of ways to get easily 2 to as many as 10 legendaries a `boss kill` could be possible thru gameplay manipulating mechanics, especially in borderlands 3.

Course in both cases, you got the weaponry extremely frequently to where one did not need to care too deeply unless they want a VERY specific legendary asap, which one could use certain game functions to `speed up that process`. Warframe is no-where near designed to pull random weaponry unless the dang thing keeps those rng-sus elements the frock away from the process to get it, if they are not going to make it short-term grinds to get the weapon and the long-term is repeating it for a `better roll`, of just `THAT SPECIFIC WEAPON`, we cant even use boosters to improve our odds at getting a better weapon either for example, only thing close to such is speeding up getting void traces and thats just it.

Sadly its clear D.E. are going to want to have thar heads up thar rears cause they forget the following things that a certain `INTERVIEW`, bascally shed light on how they plan to expand it, aka the same dang setup as with disruption, except disruption had a model that improved what it stood for...but as for kuva lich system:

  1. If more kuva weapons are introduced, would that not make the odds of obtaining newer weapons even WORST and make what is likely going to become the new `kuva weapon market` going to turn into a even worst plat scam front if D.E. just straight up allows us to `trade away` kuva liches? Especially once Ephemera gets thrown into the mix?
  2. If we get corpus & infested variants, Is D.E. actually going to take the time to improve the system or just throw in another 13 weapons of infested & corpus variety each and then everyone wants to get Kuva Lankas, Kuva Lenz, Kuva Hemas, Kuva (*insert op vanilla weapon getting overpowered kuva variant*), so then it basically made a bunch of weapons obsolete cause D.E. wants to flood a bunch of weapons with no restraint on gradually releasing them nor separate the weapon pools into controllable pools of 2-3 weapons each so people have less issue chasing after specific ones?
  3. For cripes sake if they still plan to do the kuva lich galleon which i assume is going to let a kuva lich go from a max of 5 to maybe 10, are they going to actually do any improvements on the loot itself? Cause i do not think anyone wants to fight level 160 liches, just to random roll again only to once again get the same weapon with trash stats, again and again.
  4.  Clearly if D.E. plans to expand alot more content into the kuva lich system, would it not make sense to tidy up and condense older systems, especially so newer players can catch up and not be utterly by being delayed for months just to get caught up on open world, only to have several other contents pass by them and then they get stuck in working on those unless they plan to quit their day job for a while to get caught up...no? D.E. not really going to take the time to tidy up even old as heck tedious systems? Well, thats certainly a kick in the nuts for new players, who are suppose to be D.E.`s main target audience, since some people basically said they aren`t going to cater much to veteran players for various reasons.

Anyway, Point n case, I would like to say D.E. is a good company and all that, but one can only give a kind little pat on the wrist, so many times, for repeated screw ups on things like taking a long while to get certain fixes out(Or having to do the League of Legends Ryze treatment with Vauban and doing stupid things by putting in very useless things like that needle mine layer or speed pad mine layer which should of just gave a slow debuff on the former due to `wounding` and a duration speed buff for the later, after you run on the dang thing, to justify it better) and seeming to show more grand-stand time towards little cosmetics or showing off a bunch of musical instruments, which are clearly going to get left in the corner, Just like the Ludoplex & Lunaro, after a while has past, with only the music-memelords likely keeping the thing alive.





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34 minutes ago, Aesthier said:

And this is why I grow tired of players who continually insist that warframe should be more like some other game they play. If you like that game better then go play it instead.

This is a problem. People need to understand that Warframe isn't perfect, far from it even. Other games do do things better.

Anthem's level of customising is superior to Warframes with regards to colouring and texturing, as an example. However by saying that some people, you apparently being one of them, seem to believe that I'm saying Warframe should be more like Anthem, and that instead of providing feedback on an area I'd like to see improved I should just go play Anthem.

This is absolute nonsense. One of the greatest sources of inspiration for people's ideas for Warframe will come from other videogames. No one is trying to make Warframe into Destiny, no one is trying to turn it into Anthem, what you're referring to is simply people expressing their opinion on parts of the game that were done better elsewhere.

E.g. Destiny 2's world design and environments are far superior to Warframe's, imo.

Am I trying to turn Warframe into Destiny 2? No.

Do I think however that this is an area Warframe hasn't done well in, and as such would like to point out a game that has done well as an example of what I do like because that's good feedback? Yes.

If you're going to dismiss people for that, then you are the problem, not them.

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4 hours ago, DeMonkey said:


Anthem's level of customising is superior to Warframes with regards to colouring and texturing, as an example. However by saying that some people, you apparently being one of them, seem to believe that I'm saying Warframe should be more like Anthem, and that instead of providing feedback on an area I'd like to see improved I should just go play Anthem.

I think Steve said at one point they're experimenting with letting us change materials on our warframes as well. Get ready for texture palettes in 2025 I say.

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On 2019-11-12 at 3:59 PM, (PS4)Midcall said:

better or more boring. depending on how u look it. personally one of my fav things in destiny is chasing good rolls. i stopped after d2 launch when every weapon had a fix roll. people will never understand why people do that. you run that one strike over and over and over again and then u get your rifled barrel, outlaw, rangefinder, hidden hand imago loop. i screamed like a little kid back in d1 days 😄 the satisfaction ... there are no words for something u chace for  a long time and then get it. or can be frustrating , looking at you anarchy^^

I guess it just depends personally ive had awful luck and never seen a god roll but id rather be able to manipulate the system somehow then just rely on pure chance since my luck is godawful

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