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Why is Rising Tide Locked Behind Clans


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Why is all of this content locked if you don't join a clan? A lot of players probably don't want to join a clan or deal with all the mindless requirements of staying in a clan.

I don't want to join a clan and be booted for not being active or not doing whatever requirements whichever clan requires, I'd have to consistently re-craft clan keys which limits me even more. Why can't there be ANY other way of accessing this content without being forced to make/join a clan? Am I just going to be completely incapable of accessing any of the new content just because I don't want to be forced to join a clan?

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29 minutes ago, Spharin said:

Why can't there be ANY other way of accessing this content without being forced to make/join a clan?

Rebecca will says: Could you suggest a way how to implement Railjack or where to put the DryDock without a clan?

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39 minutes ago, Spharin said:

A lot of players probably don't want to join a clan or deal with all the mindless requirements of staying in a clan.

What mindless requirements?  You don't have to join one of the big clans with stringent activity/donation requirements.  My clan as an example just requires you log in once every few months, or inform me of longer Hiatuses.  I even have someone in my clan who I offered membership to because they said they were sick of getting clan invitations from random people in their inbox.  They didn't want to interact with people and were sick of getting kicked (as you seem to be).  Just find one with similar ideals, or as others have replied to anyone posting these threads 'just make your own'.

Edited by Jiminez_Burial
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Having run my own clan, the pressure to keep a fast paced schedule of regular active members comes also From members.
Many people wish to see the clan they are in to be teeming with people, who are always ready.
The steep requirements are for clans of Large size, with many active members..
but this is not necessary for running, owning, or being in a clan.. just the really active ones.

I've had to strike a balance between how much work I'm willing to do to with regimenting tasks,
trimming members, settling disputes, etc.. with what members feel they can expect.
In my case, I've had to retire all those constant duties, and tell members if they feel they
need something more fast paced and interactive, then they're encouraged to do what's best for them.

Point being, I can't be the only person running things low key.
Small or solo clans are pretty cheap to stock out.

And! If you don't want to build a whole clan..
Join one for a week after you save up 3 million credits or so..
buy out all the blueprints for the weapons at once..
leave, and start your own just for Rail jack.
It's an option.

Best of luck, OP.
Check in with recruiting either here or in game,
and see if there aren't some laid back clans that suit you.

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59 minutes ago, Spharin said:

Why is all of this content locked if you don't join a clan? A lot of players probably don't want to join a clan or deal with all the mindless requirements of staying in a clan.

I don't want to join a clan and be booted for not being active or not doing whatever requirements whichever clan requires, I'd have to consistently re-craft clan keys which limits me even more. Why can't there be ANY other way of accessing this content without being forced to make/join a clan? Am I just going to be completely incapable of accessing any of the new content just because I don't want to be forced to join a clan?

You know they told us from the start of railjack that it was clan only. Man why do some people just ignore what they say and then whine about it after its out.

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2 minutes ago, PrinceMeliodas said:

why do some people just ignore what they say

Well for starters, not everyone watches the devstreams.

I've started watching them, but only after playing for Years.
Codex doesn't really tell you what was planned at tennocon or whatever,
so as far as the game experience is concerned, these things may be easier to expect.

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Like many others said, start a solo clan. I have a ghost clan I started with only 1 other active member, it's just like an expansion to your orbiter. Then you also have the extra resource dump for the researches rather than sitting on 3 mil ferrite. Also also, you can recruit up to 9 others for no extra cost, and accept their resources like forma to expand the dojo. Have a chill casual clan.

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I have my own clan with one other friend who plays and contributes.

Ghost clans are dirt cheap. The biggest issue is building rooms, which take 1 forma each, so if you don't have a stockpile of those, you'll be building 1 room per day as forma allows.

Other than that... the bigger question is why are you so opposed to clans anyway? Most of them don't have crazy requirements. People are chill. Hell, I'd offer to let you join mine, but it's currently undergoing reconstruction just to make room for the drydock, AND I'm not sure what this thread says about your attitude, tbh...

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2 minutes ago, HomicidalGrouse said:

I have my own clan with one other friend who plays and contributes.

Ghost clans are dirt cheap. The biggest issue is building rooms, which take 1 forma each, so if you don't have a stockpile of those, you'll be building 1 room per day as forma allows.

Other than that... the bigger question is why are you so opposed to clans anyway? Most of them don't have crazy requirements. People are chill. Hell, I'd offer to let you join mine, but it's currently undergoing reconstruction just to make room for the drydock, AND I'm not sure what this thread says about your attitude, tbh...

lol creating a clan is cheaper than maxin all kuva weapons trust me

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8 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

Point being, I can't be the only person running things low key.
Small or solo clans are pretty cheap to stock out.

You aren't. I run a clan of I think four people. I made it for myself and invited a couple of homeless friends because why not? I've invited a couple more friends since, but I don't know how many are still active. Point being - as long as your clan is under 10 people and you know everyone, it's entirely possible to run it quite easily. Costs are cheap for everything sans Polychome colours and if anyone REALLY wants something NAO... Well, they can damn well build it themselves.

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