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To Naysayers:DElayed no more, should hashtag DEarly


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i'm mostly appaled that the very first mission has your ship almost destroyed like 15 seconds into the fight, and requires multiple failures, near deaths and constant upkeep and repairs to even finish it. C'mon DE, railjack was shown to us at least two years ago , and you haven't managed to make the first mission playable since then ? Wjy not do a simple, easy mission where you fight a couple of easy ships to get your bearings ? Why does my ship has less HP and survivablity than an archwing , making it feel like a piece of fragile porcelaine floating in space. There's zero tutorialisation about anything , and the only reason I have a remote idea of what to do is because I watched some devstreams.

Quick feedback time:

1 - The starter guns are atrocious. They have very low range, terrible tracking and deal almost no damage.

2 - There's way too many enemies, especially for a first mission.

3 - Having people infiltrating and your ship getting constantly destroyed on a 60 seconds wipe mechanic 30 seconds into a mission is no fun. Can't even leave the ship for a second because it becomes a critical risk of destruction.

4 - The ship is very slow in both movement and rotation, making it really hard to follow and track ships.

5 - Side windows are too small and visibility is crap, also since you can't really readjust the view, and since the pilot is always moving, you usually get targets in view for a split second before they are out of view again, making side gunners useless (maybe once you unlock tracking missiles).

6 - The feedback on repairing holes in the ship is unclear. Sometimes It appears to fixes itself almost immediately , other times I go back and forth with the guns without the hole ever appearing to close.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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If i recall right this is part 2 of the update?Plus liches supposed to be in railjack and they pushed TNW back in order to push this "part" now .Even if we forget all of the above and assume this is a the full thing, techincally it's the last week of the fall so still not DEarly.

Edited by DeathDweller
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1 hour ago, foxydadee said:

Well well well, looks like you naysayers are eating crow right now.  Where's your lovely little pun DElayed now?  You should be ashamed of yourselves.  From this day forward, we shall only talk of DE's epic DEarly release of Empyrean. #DEarly

a single instance of DE being early does not compensate all the other times things were delayed

EDIT: Railjack was scheduled for fall 2019. Meteoroligical winter starts december 1st, calender beginning of winter is december 21. so depending on what system you prefer it got delayed or it's on time but not early

Edited by Helch0rn
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

i'm mostly appaled that the very first mission has your ship almost destroyed like 15 seconds into the fight, and requires multiple failures, near deaths and constant upkeep and repairs to even finish it. C'mon DE, railjack was shown to us at least two years ago , and you haven't managed to make the first mission playable since then ? Wjy not do a simple, easy mission where you fight a couple of easy ships to get your bearings ? Why does my ship has less HP and survivablity than an archwing , making it feel like a piece of fragile porcelaine floating in space. There's zero tutorialisation about anything , and the only reason I have a remote idea of what to do is because I watched some devstreams.

Quick feedback time:

1 - The starter guns are atrocious. They have very low range, terrible tracking and deal almost no damage.

2 - There's way too many enemies, especially for a first mission.

3 - Having people infiltrating and your ship getting constantly destroyed on a 60 seconds wipe mechanic 30 seconds into a mission is no fun. Can't even leave the ship for a second because it becomes a critical risk of destruction.

4 - The ship is very slow in both movement and rotation, making it really hard to follow and track ships.

5 - Side windows are too small and visibility is crap, also since you can't really readjust the view, and since the pilot is always moving, you usually get targets in view for a split second before they are out of view again, making side gunners useless (maybe once you unlock tracking missiles).

6 - The feedback on repairing holes in the ship is unclear. Sometimes It appears to fixes itself almost immediately , other times I go back and forth with the guns without the hole ever appearing to close.


I can answer almost all of these points with one question. Are you playing solo, or co-op? Because much of what you just complained about is not that big of a problem if you're playing co-op. And DE specifically stated Railjack's first update will be co-op intensive. NPC crews will become available at a later date.

As for the rest, keep in mind that our railjacks are to be upgraded just like our warframes and weapons have to be. You're not going to start with a top of the line, extremely fast, insanely powerful ship. You have to work up towards such upgrades. And, after only 4 hours of playing with friends doing just the first two missions, I'm already seeing huge improvements on my end. You have to walk before you can run, just like everything else in this game and games similar to it.

Oh, and I was the Engineer of my group. Repairing holes is as easy as dragging your mouse along the breach. Some of the smaller breaches don't need as much movement. Fires, ice, and electricity are fixed by playing the mining minigame. Very simple stuff.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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3 hours ago, foxydadee said:

Well well well, looks like you naysayers are eating crow right now.  Where's your lovely little pun DElayed now?  You should be ashamed of yourselves.  From this day forward, we shall only talk of DE's epic DEarly release of Empyrean. #DEarly

Say that about the New War. All they did was release about 25% of an update they promise would be out by now, then there going on Christmas break,  I think us "naysayers" will keep calling DE,  DElayed for now.

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4 hours ago, foxydadee said:

Well well well, looks like you naysayers are eating crow right now.  Where's your lovely little pun DElayed now?  You should be ashamed of yourselves.  From this day forward, we shall only talk of DE's epic DEarly release of Empyrean. #DEarly

Doesn't ring off the 👅 that well sorry lol

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