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{SPOILERS} Warframe ERRA Cinematic Discussion {SPOILERS}


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5 hours ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

Wonder if the Lotus has command of the "man in the wall"? It appears so?

Unlikely. She wasn't aware of his presence in Chains of Harrow, after all, only acknowledging his existence in Jovian Concord, with 'I have seen the Wall's other face too'.

The Man seems to manifest in accord to repressed parts of our personality - our 'Jungian Shadow'. However... under the effects of the long dream, that's more or less everything. Everything is being pushed down, repressed, to make the 'perfect' warrior.

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10 hours ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

After seeing this has anyboy's opinion changed about the Lotus and/or Natah?  Sentients? Ballas (Orokin) or the Tenno? If so please explain. 

(I just love Waframe Lore and DE's cinematics) 

IMO I still think Natah and the Sentients need be exterminated from the Galaxy along with any remnants of the Orokin empire, yes including Teshin Dax. 

Are we not remanants too?

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This didn't change my views of Natah (she's a pawn in a greater scheme). But it did change my views of the Tenno. I thought that the Tenno were adults in the Old War at some point, but it seems that the only place the Tenno age (or can choose their age) is likely in the void itself. I expect to learn more about this in the Planes of Duviri, which is the most exciting lore bomb I'm looking forward to.

I also didn't expect to see the Tenno controlled by the Lotus. If she has this power, why is she not using it now to force us into helping the sentients? I suspect this may tie into the role that Rell was playing in keeping the Man in the Wall at bay.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

After seeing this has anyboy's opinion changed about the Lotus and/or Natah?  Sentients? Ballas (Orokin) or the Tenno? If so please explain. 

(I just love Waframe Lore and DE's cinematics) 

IMO I still think Natah and the Sentients need be exterminated from the Galaxy along with any remnants of the Orokin empire, yes including Teshin Dax. 

Here’s my theory:

Natah was “Riven” and “reclaimed” just as her father Hunhow warned would happen.

The theme of “Sacrifice” will apply to everyone in The New War.

The atmosphere of the New War is dire, with the combined forces of the solar system suffering egregious loss after loss to the Sentients.

But I also see it as tragic for the Sentients.  I see War for them as very costly because reproduction is a time-consuming process and those Sentients that volunteer to become machines of War are forever made barren and forever slaved to that purpose by the Void. 

The Sentients Sacrifice further evolution and choice to become instruments of war that can know only what they do, forever outcast from the idealic Eden that is Tau, also sacrificing numbers as they do so.

”Dream...not of what you are, but what you want to be.”


Ultimately, Natah wants to be a mother and a daughter and Hunhow the father who can protect his daughter, even if it meant sacrificing himself at Uranus.

Notice that Hunhow has gone strangely silent.

I believe a familial rift now exists for Hunhow, with the wildcard being that he is willing to turn against the Sentient Collective if it means saving his daughter from the fate of simply being used up as an instrument of war and then discarded.

Natah willingly buried and forgot her Natah persona beneath Margulis’ Transference dream-Tech to guarantee that she became the unseen surgical knife that was able to end the Orokin Empire.  The Ultimate Mimic.

It doesn’t add up that the Orokin fully tricked Natah when the Orokin Elite still died to the beat of Ceremonial Drums and the Empire Fell.

The Great Choice and Free Will:

Ultimately, Natah, made barren and slaved to the purpose of War by her own choice, dreamt of being a mother and protector.

The Tenno are children without parents, slaved to the task of immortal child-soldier by weaponized dream-Tech...But now awake and free to choose.

Do you see the Irony?  Margulis designed transference to give the Tenno a means of escape from the Void powers that were harming them and the Orokin enslaved them with it. Lotus broke those chains when she AWAKENED your Tenno.  They became free to “Dream...not of what [the Orokin say] you are, but what YOU want to be.”

The Orokin sought to Enslave Natah, but in doing so may have given her a way to break free by re-granting her the free will that was taken when the Void fated her to functional purpose...”Dream...not of what you ARE, but what you want to BE.”

The Race to (re)Claim the Power of the Unum:

Hunhow “died” (lost his “World Destroyer Class” Sentient body), but in doing so, may have broken the chains of the “Sentient Collective”, putting individual want and need above the group.

I think saving Natah is his primary goal.

I see the Unum as a way for him to reclaim that body by reforming the Eidelon’s scattered remains (a “World Destroyer Class” body without a mind).

I think the big shocker is that Hunhow will rebel and join the Tenno AGAINST the Sentients and become the game’s Sentient-Tenno faction in hopes of getting you to help save her.

ERRA wants that yummy Unum power to make his people whole again and able to reproduce and wipe us from existence.  I wonder if ERRA had a personal connection to EIDELON.

Natah could use it to once again become the Mother she dreamed of being...for the Tenno...or her people...or BOTH...and maybe even use it as a way to show that War is not the answer and take her FAMILY and leave.


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18 hours ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

After seeing this has anyboy's opinion changed about the Lotus and/or Natah?  Sentients? Ballas (Orokin) or the Tenno? If so please explain. 

(I just love Waframe Lore and DE's cinematics) 

IMO I still think Natah and the Sentients need be exterminated from the Galaxy along with any remnants of the Orokin empire, yes including Teshin Dax. 

im a crazy kid who has slaughtered millions for loot and cosmetics. i see no problem in destroying some machines(lotus and other sentients) for some new weapons that i can use on orokin remnants, but i would prefer not to destroy grineer so they can keep making clones which will give me a reason to leave the orbiter. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Here’s my theory:

Natah was “Riven” and “reclaimed” just as her father Hunhow warned would happen.

The theme of “Sacrifice” will apply to everyone in The New War.

The atmosphere of the New War is dire, with the combined forces of the solar system suffering egregious loss after loss to the Sentients.

But I also see it as tragic for the Sentients.  I see War for them as very costly because reproduction is a time-consuming process and those Sentients that volunteer to become machines of War are forever made barren and forever slaved to that purpose by the Void. 

The Sentients Sacrifice further evolution and choice to become instruments of war that can know only what they do, forever outcast from the idealic Eden that is Tau, also sacrificing numbers as they do so.

”Dream...not of what you are, but what you want to be.”


Ultimately, Natah wants to be a mother and a daughter and Hunhow the father who can protect his daughter, even if it meant sacrificing himself at Uranus.

Notice that Hunhow has gone strangely silent.

I believe a familial rift now exists for Hunhow, with the wildcard being that he is willing to turn against the Sentient Collective if it means saving his daughter from the fate of simply being used up as an instrument of war and then discarded.

Natah willingly buried and forgot her Natah persona beneath Margulis’ Transference dream-Tech to guarantee that she became the unseen surgical knife that was able to end the Orokin Empire.  The Ultimate Mimic.

It doesn’t add up that the Orokin fully tricked Natah when the Orokin Elite still died to the beat of Ceremonial Drums and the Empire Fell.

The Great Choice and Free Will:

Ultimately, Natah, made barren and slaved to the purpose of War by her own choice, dreamt of being a mother and protector.

The Tenno are children without parents, slaved to the task of immortal child-soldier by weaponized dream-Tech...But now awake and free to choose.

Do you see the Irony?  Margulis designed transference to give the Tenno a means of escape from the Void powers that were harming them and the Orokin enslaved them with it. Lotus broke those chains when she AWAKENED your Tenno.  They became free to “Dream...not of what [the Orokin say] you are, but what YOU want to be.”

The Orokin sought to Enslave Natah, but in doing so may have given her a way to break free by re-granting her the free will that was taken when the Void fated her to functional purpose...”Dream...not of what you ARE, but what you want to BE.”

The Race to (re)Claim the Power of the Unum:

Hunhow “died” (lost his “World Destroyer Class” Sentient body), but in doing so, may have broken the chains of the “Sentient Collective”, putting individual want and need above the group.

I think saving Natah is his primary goal.

I see the Unum as a way for him to reclaim that body by reforming the Eidelon’s scattered remains (a “World Destroyer Class” body without a mind).

I think the big shocker is that Hunhow will rebel and join the Tenno AGAINST the Sentients and become the game’s Sentient-Tenno faction in hopes of getting you to help save her.

ERRA wants that yummy Unum power to make his people whole again and able to reproduce and wipe us from existence.  I wonder if ERRA had a personal connection to EIDELON.

Natah could use it to once again become the Mother she dreamed of being...for the Tenno...or her people...or BOTH...and maybe even use it as a way to show that War is not the answer and take her FAMILY and leave.



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21 hours ago, Numerikuu said:

I kinda feel bad for the Sentients to some degree. They're not too much different to the Geth from Mass Effect. Created to do good, creators deemed them too intelligent, attacked first our of fear, then the Geth retaliated out of defence, etc.

I do feel there's a hidden third player to all of this though.

Um no. The geth were attacked because they were becoming too real. The sentients attacked because the orokin destroy and ruin everything they touch and they were trying to prevent the spread to a new system. Quarians attacked the geth while sentients attacked the orokin.

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46 minutes ago, TheWalkr said:

When I saw the female dax Erra was about to kill. I thought "Was that Nora night?". It would kinda make sense of all her mentioning of a golden blade being polished. 

Why the heck will people think its Nora of all people?, is this what fandom is about?, As soon as an female Dax shows up, an random one at that its: "OmG, It'S, NoRA, SPlecATE!"

It makes ZERO sense for this to be Nora, we barely have any lore on it. Let alone her being related to Orokin

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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On 2019-12-21 at 9:09 AM, iLightning13 said:

I now very much hope that the Primes aren't unique frames.

If that's the canonical death of Excalibur, Mag, and Nova Prime, there seems to be a bit of a wasted opportunity.


(Still holding out hope for a Stalker Collapse origin quest).

Doesn't really seem mathematically possible considering we're meant to take that all the Tenno already existed at this point, and the Primes were just frames back when the Orokin were around to know how to make them shiny. Some of the quests don't quite work out with this, since Harrow and Titania, for instance, were definitely the Orokin-made originals in their quests, but maybe non-Primes is just what we get when we try to make them at home without original parts.

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2 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

Doesn't really seem mathematically possible considering we're meant to take that all the Tenno already existed at this point, and the Primes were just frames back when the Orokin were around to know how to make them shiny. Some of the quests don't quite work out with this, since Harrow and Titania, for instance, were definitely the Orokin-made originals in their quests, but maybe non-Primes is just what we get when we try to make them at home without original parts.

Look back at the opening cinematic for Warframe released at TennoCon. That took place at the end of the Collapse, and they were normal warframes. I find it very difficult to believe that the Orokin sacrificed a Dax soldier for every single Tenno to use as a Warframe, potentially multiple times if they're destroyed. I find it far more believable that there was a single original Prime warframe of each type, and they were then mass-produced using standard organic matter, similarly to how we do it in-game at the foundry.

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I wasn't aware of any lore connection between how Umbra was created and how Prime frames were made. Umbra was just part of the experimental process that led to the other warframes, and a way for Ballas to be terrible. There were a lot of false starts in creating the warframes as we already know, and no apparent connection between what makes Umbra special and what makes Primes special, considering they don't act on their own and he didn't require any original parts. 

If all original frames were Primes, the trailer might break the illusion by using anachronistic frames, but if they were unique, then any squad with two Mesa Primes does, so. Hand shrug

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4 hours ago, alukard18 said:

i think i know what Erra ability are  

   Natah have mimic ability  

When i first saw Erra he looks like plague doctor ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plague_doctor )

 Then remember chimera prologue and corpus amalgams i thought what if he have ability to turn organic matter into sentient like disease.


Erra is also a name of a God that is based after war, pestilence (in some cases famine) and violence, so it makes sense.

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On 2019-12-20 at 6:55 AM, Numerikuu said:

I kinda feel bad for the Sentients to some degree. They're not too much different to the Geth from Mass Effect. Created to do good, creators deemed them too intelligent, attacked first our of fear, then the Geth retaliated out of defence, etc.

I do feel there's a hidden third player to all of this though.

No no no and no. The Sentients attacked first, unprovoked and essentially out of pure racism. Convinced of their own superiority they are just as bad as the Orokin if not worse. Burn. Them. All. 

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The Orokin hacked Natah and turned her into The Lotus to betray her kind, but this backfired and she ended up wiping out both the Sentient and Orokin. When Ballas visited her in the Apostasy Prologue, he fixed the malware and now she's back to her true self. 

Born to die
Origin System is a !@#$
Kill em All 19890
I am Sentient 
410,757,864,530 DEAD DAX

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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