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Railjack and TNW


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I love how DE stated dozens of times that Railjack will be a gamemode separate from normal Warframe gameplay and will be completely optional, but we are 99% likely to be forced into playing it so we can participate in TNW questline. That's so stupid. Like many others, I don't give 20 fu*ks about Railjack, and would rather choke on my own spit than subject myself to the horrid grindfest and RNG circus that is upgrading my ship. This is absurd, they straight up lied to us, and dozens of times at that.

Edited by (NSW)FlameDivinity
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I never really cared much either, I've mostly been hopping between random crews or on my Clan Leader's Railjack. but you're right that they are likely going to put some content behind it; they already have with Shedu and Tenebrous Ephemera, and while it can be argued it's just one weapon and a cosmetic, this will be just the start. if I were you, I would just start.. trying to care. which is tricky when you have no interest, but maybe you'll find a crew you'll have fun with and it won't be so bad after a while?

the RNG aspects and resource grind will hopefully get better over time. if it doesn't, well.. just another game mode that will get added to the list of abandoned content.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I never really cared much either, I've mostly been hopping between random crews or on my Clan Leader's Railjack. but you're right that they are likely going to put some content behind it; they already have with Shedu and Tenebrous Ephemera, and while it can be argued it's just one weapon and a cosmetic, this will be just the start. if I were you, I would just start.. trying to care. which is tricky when you have no interest, but maybe you'll find a crew you'll have fun with and it won't be so bad after a while?

the RNG aspects and resource grind will hopefully get better over time. if it doesn't, well.. just another game mode that will get added to the list of abandoned content.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

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You dont have to have your own ship to do The New War tho, just jump onto someone else ship, most likely they will give that option to anyone who does not have yet a railjack, or like you, are entirely skipping that part of the game.

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1 minute ago, Trapkin said:

You dont have to have your own ship to do The New War tho, just jump onto someone else ship, most likely they will give that option to anyone who does not have yet a railjack, or like you, are entirely skipping that part of the game.

It's still doesnt stop the core issue op is stating.

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1 hour ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

I love how DE stated dozens of times that Railjack will be a gamemode separate from normal Warframe gameplay and will be completely optional, but we are 99% likely to be forced into playing it so we can participate in TNW questline. That's so stupid. Like many others, I don't give 20 fu*ks about Railjack, and would rather choke on my own spit than subject myself to the horrid grindfest and RNG circus that is upgrading my ship. This is absurd, they straight up lied to us, and dozens of times at that.

Where did you get the 99% statistic from?
Why did you specify 20 f's when it's normally just 1?
How would you choke on spit?
Did you know you can use other ships and not your own to play railjack?
How have they lied when TNW quest isn't out and little to no information is out about it?

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1 hour ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

I love how DE stated dozens of times that Railjack will be a gamemode separate from normal Warframe gameplay and will be completely optional, but we are 99% likely to be forced into playing it so we can participate in TNW questline. That's so stupid. Like many others, I don't give 20 fu*ks about Railjack, and would rather choke on my own spit than subject myself to the horrid grindfest and RNG circus that is upgrading my ship. This is absurd, they straight up lied to us, and dozens of times at that.

When and where have they stated that?  


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Uh...correct me if I'm wrong folks but hasn't DE (or maybe Steve more specifically) been talking about making Empyrean something that connects all content together rather than another separate island?

Because I don't remember DE ever saying that they just wanted Empyrean to be optional side content.

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15 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Uh...correct me if I'm wrong folks but hasn't DE (or maybe Steve more specifically) been talking about making Empyrean something that connects all content together rather than another separate island?

Because I don't remember DE ever saying that they just wanted Empyrean to be optional side content.

Rising Tide was the first part of the entire update. Empyrean is the core and also, just the 2nd part. The 3rd part is supposed to include Squad link, liches commanding their own galeons, and maybe more stuff they have under the sleeve. DE stated Empyrean is not finished, and is gonna be constantly monitored, and improved, to become part of the core game, and not just side content that can be left forgotten for years.

People seem to not understand that part. Focusing on how broken Empyrean is right now, doesnt mean it will be this bad going forward. The Lich system got the same reactions, some even worse, for the first few days, there was complaining non stop, and the next week, DE fixed stuff up that pleased many of us. There is still room for improvement, but ill leave that to DE to read the feedback subforum.

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I don't remember DE saying Railjack being optional side content. In fact, everything I've read and heard about Railjack tells me the opposite. Devstream 135 pretty much openly confirmed what I've been saying for months; Railjack is intended to be what Warframe was originally envisioned to be all along. This is going to be the new core gameplay.

It's already confirmed that DE will be taking another look at the economy, drop rates and balance. 2020 looks like it will be the year DE double down on Empyrean; I expect 60% of all new content will be Empyrean, The New War, or both. The Corpus Ship remaster, for example, is highly likely to come with the Corpus portion of Empyrean.

I therefore suggest you re-evaluate what it is about Railjack that you have complaints about, see if they can be fixed, and take appropriate actions and preparations accordingly. If not, I think you're going to have a miserable year.

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50 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Why are people so angry that you have to play the game to play the game? Also, you've got it backwards. DE stated dozens of times that Railjack will not be a gamemode separate from normal Warframe gameplay and will not be completely optional. Nobody lied to you. 

Because a lot of us think it is not a fun way to play the game. There is good reason it is being called the "worst update yet" (and that is saying something) I do hope they rethink integrating it in to the game   

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DE never said Railjack would be optional.

However, I am concerned on them locking Storyline behind it as Railjack (the Ship) is locked/Gated by Clan Membership/Research.
It's asking ALOT to expect players who don't have time for Active Clans & etc to:
1. Make their own Clan.
2. Build a Dojo capable of housing a Dry Dock.
3. Farm all the Materials nessicary for Cy & the Railjack.
(6 Million is asking alot for a frighteningly large portion of the player base.)
4. Pull the Slot Machine *ahem* I mean Grind the RNG for Railjack parts just so they can actually play & contend with the story.
(I SINCERELY doubt DE would design the New War in a manner to where t is balanced around the starter Railjack  I also can see ALOT of Community ire should DE do such a thing...)
5. Expect Random Groups to behave/coordinate for the storyline.

I'm going to bring up one of 2019's GREATEST games of ALL TIME! A Game so great that Warframe, Destiny, & even World of Warcraft dream in unison of one day being like it...
That game is none other than...ANTHEM! (I hope you all could feel the sarcasm ephemera emanating from me.)

In Anthem the devs had the gloriously intelligent idea of wanting players to progress the storyline in random/public teams...
Wanna know what happened? Well, the story was RUINED for the majority of players...

A. Players would rush past/through the level while others were loading/in combat & end up tethering them, triggering cutscenes (and skipping them for the entire team), & killing bosses & other major events before the player actually trying to experience the story was ready/could experience it.
B. Players who were overgeared literally trivialized what was supposed to be epic moments/battles.
C. Cutscenes were skipped thus ruining the story for the first timers.
D. Players felt the requirement to just follow the rushing players instead of actually experiencing the story.

I mention this because if DE keeps Railjacks in their current state (RNG loot, & locked behind Clans thus forcing a large percent of players to rely on random/public groups) then I see ALOT of backlash & upset players.

Already players feel held hostage after missions as Railjack owners farm for materials.
Can you imagine when players are in cutscenes? Or if the team can skip said cutscenes...the vitriol that will spew once folks skip a cutscenes because they are tired of waiting for the 100th time?

I mean, if DE really buckles down on this then they need to make the content 100% solo-able, streamline Railjack progression (not RNG...), & allow ALL players a way to access Railjacks without spending Platinum (IE: Dojo's cost ALOT of Forma...).
Hell look at how pissed players were when Profit Taker cutscenes weren't skippable, in fact the first thing said when DE demo'd Empyrean on Devstream was:
"Can we skip this cutscene?" in reference to the "launch from dry dock animation"

So...yeah...storyline behind Railjack is a BAD idea unless DE gets the content together. (I say just make Landing Craft fighters & allow them the possibility to solo Railjack content...)

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
Formatting & typos...
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Not sure about the railjack is a side grade content or the liches are I did not done these partly because have no time recently and I am not interested in those. Still they can make a statement the railjack at least is necessary to do the new war otherwise they wasted rescources on a content what is disconnected from the majority of the game. Developers wants their work to be fruitful and if not possible to do in peaceful way then they doing "force" so you must do a content in order to reach another. The whole game is this, because you need operator to kill eidolons, which is funny when you are using a killermachine warframe which supposed to be sentient killer. ( I know the sentients can adopt but come on )

In my opinion the railjack will be a necessary part of the game to do the new war and the duviri paradox and the next content after those.

Edited by Cleopatranikea
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5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

it won't be so bad after a while

Oh wow, what a shining endorsement of the new game mode. I've heard this from so many people it's not even funny. "Not so bad after a while" is the best the commnity can bring themselves to say about this game. "Not so bad after a while" is what's winning awards these days. The mind boggles.

I have the opposite advice: If it's not fun, go do something else that is instead. It's a casual game, you shouldn't have to grit your teeth and power through it. It's supposed to provide fun and relaxation precisely as an escape from that kind of thing, so if it's not doing it for you, don't hesitate to ditch it for something else that will.

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3 hours ago, Nighteyezzz said:

Because a lot of us think it is not a fun way to play the game. There is good reason it is being called the "worst update yet" (and that is saying something) I do hope they rethink integrating it in to the game   

Lol, being called the "worst update yet"... by whom?? 10-30 dudes on forums, while thousands are playing it and having fun with it, despite bugs? It's like saying "there is a good reason Anthem is called the best looter shooter" just because 4 fanboys called it the best looter shooter on their reddit.

When you pull crap like this out of nowhere, it makes it very hard to take your point seriously.

But, for those that do not like this gamemode - you have the entirety of the game made for you. More than 6 years of content that were focused mostly around core Warframe gameplay loop. Now, those of us who wanted a spaceship game with boarding action and a customizable ship got what they wanted as well. It doesn't take away anythin from the rest of the game, you can keep playing abitrations, survivals, profit takers, eidolons, whatever you want, while others, such as myself, are playing Railjack.

But of course, because you personally don't like something, it shouldn't be integrated at all, and f*ck everyone who likes it, right?

You know when an update would be a failure? It would be a failure if nobody played it, because trust me, normal individuals without psychological issues do not force themselves to spend their free relax time on something they detest.

A lot of people are playing Empyrean, even despite not having their own ship.

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8 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

Lol, being called the "worst update yet"... by whom?? 10-30 dudes on forums, while thousands are playing it and having fun with it, despite bugs? It's like saying "there is a good reason Anthem is called the best looter shooter" just because 4 fanboys called it the best looter shooter on their reddit.

When you pull crap like this out of nowhere, it makes it very hard to take your point seriously.

But, for those that do not like this gamemode - you have the entirety of the game made for you. More than 6 years of content that were focused mostly around core Warframe gameplay loop. Now, those of us who wanted a spaceship game with boarding action and a customizable ship got what they wanted as well. It doesn't take away anythin from the rest of the game, you can keep playing abitrations, survivals, profit takers, eidolons, whatever you want, while others, such as myself, are playing Railjack.

But of course, because you personally don't like something, it shouldn't be integrated at all, and f*ck everyone who likes it, right?

You know when an update would be a failure? It would be a failure if nobody played it, because trust me, normal individuals without psychological issues do not force themselves to spend their free relax time on something they detest.

A lot of people are playing Empyrean, even despite not having their own ship.

So the game is grindy and people have invested their time in the game. Changing the game basics is the same as changing to a different game. Sorry it can piss you off if someone paints your car ? Having the option to paint your car is ok. This may be difficult for some to understand. Selfish self centered people tend to completely debase other people’s perspectives and have little respect for any preference their own. 

reflect on that. Imagine someone changed your religion or decided to change a law that was a long standing norm. Change can be good too..... imo this railjack is a different game - flying a ship and doing the whole spaceship building thing isn’t anything we did before. It isn’t a game I’m interested n either. I hope that it isn’t forced on me to do future game quests. 

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9 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

Lol, being called the "worst update yet"... by whom?? 10-30 dudes on forums, while thousands are playing it and having fun with it, despite bugs? It's like saying "there is a good reason Anthem is called the best looter shooter" just because 4 fanboys called it the best looter shooter on their reddit.

When you pull crap like this out of nowhere, it makes it very hard to take your point seriously.

But, for those that do not like this gamemode - you have the entirety of the game made for you. More than 6 years of content that were focused mostly around core Warframe gameplay loop. Now, those of us who wanted a spaceship game with boarding action and a customizable ship got what they wanted as well. It doesn't take away anythin from the rest of the game, you can keep playing abitrations, survivals, profit takers, eidolons, whatever you want, while others, such as myself, are playing Railjack.

But of course, because you personally don't like something, it shouldn't be integrated at all, and f*ck everyone who likes it, right?

You know when an update would be a failure? It would be a failure if nobody played it, because trust me, normal individuals without psychological issues do not force themselves to spend their free relax time on something they detest.

A lot of people are playing Empyrean, even despite not having their own ship.

Everywhere we have the ability to look it is being torn apart on the forms, in comment sections, in game it's not 10-30 it's thousands. looking at steam charts the numbers are already in decline even though it never met the popularity of other updates, there's more to that then the update being rushed out in a buggy incomplete state, there is actual competition at the moment and instead of DE putting their best foot forward they overhyped and under-delivered.

I'm glad you're enjoying it and you have every right to that opinion, but this thread was about railjack being integrated into multiple aspects of the game to a point where it can't be ignored and I personally do think that's a mistake

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they have changed stuff in the past, but I mean they also have to make money on it and encorage people to play modes. I dislike the tatics they used with the reserch and being able to pay for random rolled stuff without knowing that its really really not worth it, but at the same time gota make cash somehow.


*stares at pvp* lets not talk about some of the other modes tho...

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On 2020-01-01 at 8:12 PM, Aldain said:

Uh...correct me if I'm wrong folks but hasn't DE (or maybe Steve more specifically) been talking about making Empyrean something that connects all content together rather than another separate island?

Because I don't remember DE ever saying that they just wanted Empyrean to be optional side content.

I just heard them wrong on that part. However, the issue still remains regardless. Forcing the story behind a broken, boring, incomplete mess is just absurd. Railjack should've been DElayed until mid-late this year instead of being released in this state. If it was done right and was what they showed us, it'd be amazing. But they butcher the Kuva Lich system and now butcher what is currently railjack. The reason behind all of that is because they get in over their heads and take on way too many things at once, then they don't give themselves enough time to do it well and end up DElaying them, just for them to still release in a broken mess. The fact that even after a DElay game modes release so broken is just indicitive of how they go way in over their own heads. I believe part of the issue is them trying to please every single player. You can't do that. People were complaining about a content drought and then DE did this. People complain about this and the game goes in a content drought. DE needs to hamper down on the feedback and do what they believe to be best for the game. If I were to say anything directly to any DE dev, I'd say, "Take your time."

Back on topic, my issue is with the story being locked behind a broken mess that isn't fun for many, many players. And it's also with it being locked behind something very different than the normal game, so much so it bores so much of the playerbase.

Edited by (NSW)FlameDivinity
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