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Toxicity in warframe.


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there is no such thing as "toxicity" thats just a new modern buzzword these days for "stuff i dont like", the things the OP describes have always been here, its just people vocalize it more on the forums or reddit, its far from a new thing and doesnt need a new nickname tagged to it

Morons are out there in any and all games, warframe is no different, unfortunately you cant patch out stupid or offensive ppl.

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I must be incredibly luck then, the only toxicity I found is on this forum and never found real toxicity in the game (yet I trade, recruit etc so no, it's not like I don't use global chats). Aside the incredibly rare individual who behaves poorly, I found 99.9% of people I interacted with to be nice or just absolutely normal (as per peer reference accepted standard).
Tenno are good kids once you get rid of the scary shell in which they hide...

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i cant confirm that! i meet a lot very cool and friendly players. most of them are from USA!

my body is from russia and i live in germany atm. europe is horrible for friendship. there are to many nations that hate each other. russians have very hard life and they bring "toxicity" in games.

BUT! yes but! this is not because people are bad. life is hard and people share what they have.

so even if my english is not so good i always try to play with north america players for example.

and this is only MY EXPERIENCE. its not true for everybody.

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Not sure PC and Console Players are mixed. My expirience is when the folks playing are too young and sitting in front of their console, you can expect a higher possibilitie of toxic play. Maybe frustraded with siblings, parents, homework, teachers....

I am not scared to block the one or other when it gets too crazy.

Edited by Nevaee
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On 2020-01-14 at 4:55 AM, 844448 said:

Guess being a teacher to my squad and discussing some strategy before jumping into a mission work really well in avoiding toxicity

You, don't even complain about being toxic. You're response to enemies doing too much damage was "Don't take damage" and "git gud". 

Edited by XxElite2015xX
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Toxicity in the game... can't say I've actually seen enough to worry over it, if anything most of what I have seen is due to frustration with the game mechanics or other players just not doing what they're supposed to be doing in a mission...


On the forum however, yep plenty of it but it's usually a case of immature people not being able to consider other viewpoints and then deciding to report it as toxic instead of actually considering or discussing the other viewpoint in a mature way. 

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В 14.01.2020 в 08:19, Yamazuki сказал:

You probably just ignored "toxicity" in the past. There's no such thing as a "toxic" or "non-toxic" gaming community unless the population for the game is incredibly low and managed to attract a very specific type of people.

Yeah no.

Its a fact that most pvp games are toxic as f**k, and after playing overwatch for couple years, especially in the beginning when the chat wasnt moitored so much and there was no reputation systme, it was sooo freaking bad. And hilarious. pvpv games are toxic. Team based pvp games are double so.

Warframe's only saving grace even tho its not pvp but it can be team based at times is that its not mandatory and that its casual as hell.


there is no such thing as "toxicity" thats just a new modern buzzword these days for "stuff i dont like", the things the OP describes have always been here, its just people vocalize it more on the forums or reddit, its far from a new thing and doesnt need a new nickname tagged to it

Yeah stuff you dont like like saying someone should **** themselves and uninstal or that they're playing like ***ded monkeys.

More modern invention is trying to reject the idea that it exists. While it doesnt bother me specifically and I find most of those things just hilarious, that freaking word exists for a reason - many players in online games are ***bags, and this is an appropriate term for them because this is exactly what its called when you spit your venom at everyone around when you're losing or whatever is the reason atm.

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On 2020-01-13 at 6:22 PM, Niloc333 said:

I do agree that those that join a random group shouldn't get mad at whatever they end up getting paired with since expectations should be super low.

I posted a topic on needing child locks for side gunners in railjack because players were going crazy using up all my flux and missiles.  Then I adopted the "low expectations" philosophy and I'm much happier now.  

Most of the time it's all in good fun or players new to railjack trying out their options.  It's not expensive to reload after missions so I don't mind.

Although, sometimes I do wish I had a tactical mod that let me place any player onboard into the slingshot and shoot that player into a crew ship.  A pilot can dream ya know...lol

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Back in my day being "toxic" was just called being a -clem-hole.

You know what you do to -clem-holes to make them go away? You ignore them, you don't mock them, you don't get angry, you don't fight fire with fire, you just simply deny them their purpose, which is to enrage you.

Report any outright abuse and/or harassment and use the ignore function. Crusading against something vague like "toxicity" is just giving the -clem-holes credence and driving people to these inane arguments which is exactly what they want.

There are many people in the world, don't waste your breath on the ones who don't care to be civil, and yes, that includes me because I am far from civil myself sometimes, but that's just the human condition.

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I didn't experience much toxicity in Warframe... except when i play my slowva. I don't understand what's up with people but the hate i get from it is unreal. I love my slow nova... feel like im the only one who does. Somehow i can relate to limbo mains? 

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6 hours ago, Hyrianeth said:

I didn't experience much toxicity in Warframe... except when i play my slowva. I don't understand what's up with people but the hate i get from it is unreal. I love my slow nova... feel like im the only one who does. Somehow i can relate to limbo mains? 

Well, if you bring your slowa into void fissure low level defense or exterminate mission don’t be surprised...  Because why would I want sitting there twice as long, running around and looking for mobs stucked in some holes...
And it’s not toxicity in this case btw. It’s a common sense. I value my time (and I think the same goes to a lot of people with jobs, families and whatnot) which I don’t have much left after working day so I don’t need to spend more than it’s really necessary. 

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Speaking of toxicity. Someone pmed me directly from region chat and said something rude and I told them to #*!% off. I made the mistake of typing it in region chat. Now all I get is a failed to connect to chat server message. So I have no idea if I'm banned or suspended or what. Any ideas? From what I've read that if you are suspended it will tell you if you try to use chat.

Edited by (XB1)Demon Intellect
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2 hours ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:

Speaking of toxicity. Someone pmed me directly from region chat and said something rude and I told them to #*!% off. I made the mistake of typing it in region chat. Now all I get is a failed to connect to chat server message. So I have no idea if I'm banned or suspended or what. Any ideas? From what I've read that if you are suspended it will tell you if you try to use chat.

It's best not to respond to such things.  If someone is being rude, report them if it's bad enough and/or put them on your ignore list.

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20 hours ago, Hyrianeth said:

I didn't experience much toxicity in Warframe... except when i play my slowva. I don't understand what's up with people but the hate i get from it is unreal. I love my slow nova... feel like im the only one who does. Somehow i can relate to limbo mains? 

The only time people hate Slowva and Limbo is in defense and survival missions, defense more than survival, but in both killing is the only means to progress or keep up the mission respectively.

I've had life support run out on me several times in survival because a Slowva or Limbo had hoards of enemies stuck in small corners which made getting life support drops impossible.

As Nylon mentioned it also slows down defense which ends when every enemy is killed, enemies being slowed or stasis'd behind walls on the edges of the map delays everything by large degrees. The exception to Slowva/Limbo being disliked in defense is usually defense Sorties, where the defense target moves and as a result needs much more cover.

Really it all boils down to playing with other players in mind, having a different build for those two mission types out of respect for your allies is a good thing. 

That's why I have a +Duration -Range Limbo build after all, drop it on the defense target and it keeps it safe without making allies not able to shoot everything or stasis'ing enemies at the edge of the map.

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1 hour ago, Aldain said:

The only time people hate Slowva and Limbo is in defense and survival missions, defense more than survival, but in both killing is the only means to progress or keep up the mission respectively.

I've had life support run out on me several times in survival because a Slowva or Limbo had hoards of enemies stuck in small corners which made getting life support drops impossible.

As Nylon mentioned it also slows down defense which ends when every enemy is killed, enemies being slowed or stasis'd behind walls on the edges of the map delays everything by large degrees. The exception to Slowva/Limbo being disliked in defense is usually defense Sorties, where the defense target moves and as a result needs much more cover.

Really it all boils down to playing with other players in mind, having a different build for those two mission types out of respect for your allies is a good thing. 

That's why I have a +Duration -Range Limbo build after all, drop it on the defense target and it keeps it safe without making allies not able to shoot everything or stasis'ing enemies at the edge of the map.

Obviously i know that a slowva isn't welcomed in those missions. I usually bring her for the index but since Railjack, she's an AMAZING boarder. 

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21 hours ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:

Speaking of toxicity. Someone pmed me directly from region chat and said something rude and I told them to #*!% off. I made the mistake of typing it in region chat. Now all I get is a failed to connect to chat server message. So I have no idea if I'm banned or suspended or what. Any ideas? From what I've read that if you are suspended it will tell you if you try to use chat.

It's a 7 day ban, you can't do anything but wait for it to be over. 

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A lot of Toxicity is caused by unhappiness, and you have to admit, there are a lot of unhappy people playing Warframe at this moment.

Lets hope that 2020 is the year that DE fix all the things that are making the players unhappy.

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8 hours ago, Fl_3 said:

Lets hope that 2020 is the year that DE fix all the things that are making the players unhappy.

Here's hoping they'll fix parental misguiding, political conflicts, resource deficiency, world hunger, climate disasters and all the illnesses out there~
Because that's when this universal growing anger caused by ruined lives due societies rotting will be diverted from a random f2p video game and the people who, despite capitalist pressure of corrupted 1st world values, keep providing for free.
Come on, DE we're all waiting for these fixes! Hurry up!

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