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New Player Experience: Feedback Megathread!


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With The Heart of Deimos update, we introduced a brand new, New Player Experience, complete with a beautiful introduction and new location. It also covers new movement tutorials and other parts of the game in a whole new package.

If you have feedback to leave on the subject of the New Player Experience, then please do so in this thread. Please remember that you should keep your feedback constructive and civil. If you like an aspect of the new content, tell us what you like. If you do not like an aspect, then tell us why, and what you would change to make it better!

Please bear in mind this is not a place to leave bugs you discover while playing. If you do need to report a bug, please use the dedicated New Player Experience Bug-Hunting thread!

Thank you!

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I think it's pretty good; all the mobility was well covered. Some gameplay things that I'm not sure were in it but might be helpful to add:

  • wall latch
  • stealth attack
  • melee slam attacks
  • melee heavy attacks

Since veterans were only able to access Awakening and not Vor's Prize, I wasn't able to see how these two tie in to each other. I also don't know if any systems outside of the core gameplay (e.g. modding, damage types) have been updated to be better explained, as those were also quite problematic when I was learning as a new player.

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The New Player Experience is surprisingly very nice. However, the game really needs new animations, and an rework of the textures for Excal, Mag, and Volt, so that the New Player Experience really feels like the new Cinematic Intro.

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I mean. The quest is cooler now. No denying that. But when you said you were updating the "new player experience" I hoped you would be doing a bit more than just the first mission. Cause for the most part the first mission is not what makes the new player experience in this game so difficult. Modding is very confusing even for experienced gamers, and most aspects of it are not explained clearly, including what the different statuses do. The early game story, pretty much everything from Vor to the Second Dream is lackluster to say the least, and does not lead to the most important things in the game, such as corrupted mod farming. Important things, such as where important resources drop, or where relics or warframes drop, are hidden for no reason, requiring people to look at the wiki. If you are not willing to fix this, at the very least tell new players where to find this information. The game requires other players to teach new players, and that is not sustainable. Its great when it works, but when it doesn't, new players bounce off this game hard, and they didn't do it because of this first quest, or anything that this new quest fixed. Sure, this quest is great. But you didn't help the new player experience at all.

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One thing that bugged me:


After the tenno vanished into thin air, I was fully expecting ^this shot of the three moss-covered warframes to smoothly transition into the "character selection".
Like, the pre-rendered video would somehow transition into actual gameplay rendering of the three warframes kneeling in the same positions. And then the player could click on each warframe to bring up a window explaining the characteristics; maybe zooming the camera in for a closer look at each one or something.

But instead, the video simply ended, and the entire screen snapped to a fullscreen diorama of Excalibur (with Excal/Mag/Volt buttons on the side). It was very jarring, and didn't really fit in with the video that the new player just watched.


It's a small complaint for sure, but considering how smooth and well-polished the rest of the quest was, this moment kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.

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This was the first thing I did when I got in game.....

Im sorry but I hated it on so many levels...

Who the hell is the chick laying flowers at the feet of the warframes?? An Ostron? Lotus?  She hears the grineer coming, pulls her hood down...and then disappears... wtf...

The video that plays while the chick is laying flowers was extremely choppy on ps4.  

There were 3 warframes, a chick and grineer....  then Vor comes in and I forget if he mentioned lotus or lotus just starts chipring in your ear about trying to help you.  That is a very very rough splice point between old starter quest and new.  And didnt we get woken up in space??  Why is it happening on earth now??   But vor or lotus saying they had been trying to help you wake up as like whaaaaaat....  since when......

But it gets worse....

In the flower girl video of the 3 frames.... Excalibur runs up a freaking walll backflips off it, activates his energy sword ability and does a massive ground slam......cut to actual hands on gameplay your tenno gets to a 10 foot high wall and has to do a bunch of hops up it lmao................Having those two things side by side would be both shameful and absoutely freaking hilarious.  Was ripping wall running out of the game worth being able to hae a tree sticking out of a wall or a partially collapsed wall or whateer art crap makes the walls NOT FLAT??  I dont think so and I never got to play with wall running =(.    I dont understand.... you have wall latch that lets us stick to things for short periods.  Just add movement to that while your holding the button down.......rotate the warframe in relation of the warframe and what he latched to.  

Whatever...next up our Warframes get to choose weapons yay!!!   Except... you can barely see the damn things laying on the tables.. you will have COUNTLESS noobies who will never even realize they had a choice to pick different weapons lol.   They are just going to walk to the table, slap the button the game tells them to slap, and start killing. I "think" you had enemies attacking during selection so that puts even more emphasis on grabbing something and fighting back asap.  


The map was super nice,  I think everyone wishes thats the way earth looked in PoE.  I like to skirt the edges of maps and I liked how big they were. 


The whole thing made me want to be able to play the OG starter quest to compare vor/lotus stuff.  


I did get some feels tho...  Mag was my starter and I used her ALOT.   If a warframe passes original mag in usage% then I know how much I have used them.   I got Mag Prime at some point and I used her off and on over the years,  but she got some killer skins and I started playing her alot more, and then you guys gave us shield gating.  Mag Prime just jumped to #3 for me.  She got me to start doing Sorties.  Im currently trying to get her to #2 spot but its hard because Nekros Prime is who I used after Mag and he sat at #1 forever (until the other day!).   So I logged in today with Mag Prime as my selected frame.. ran through the tutorial as Mag... then went to Deimos as Mag Prime.  It felt like I have been using her this whole entire time and it makes me kinda cry lol.   

But I think that new start quest hurts the game/hurts the lore.  To many jarring disconnects,  Even if they go back and play it much later like me its just going to cause questions.   

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The "new" tutorial looks nice. It is nice to see that the Ostrons have a larger society beyond Cetus. But other than updated parkour introductions, what of the new player experience has actually been fixed? There certainly wasn't a wider array of starter weapon options. Also, why is it potentially spoiling the only notable story reveal in the entire game? (I'm being facetious, but the girl in the cutscene should have just been an Ostron or something, not looked like an Operator). 

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7 hours ago, Khaos_Zand3r said:

Also, why is it potentially spoiling the only notable story reveal in the entire game? (I'm being facetious, but the girl in the cutscene should have just been an Ostron or something, not looked like an Operator). 

Would it really be a potential spoiler though?

A new player would have absolutely no idea what an Ostron is, nor what operators are, nor what they look like.

They'll just most likely confuse that girl with a regular Ostron village girl rather than an operator.

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The Quality of the intro Cinematic was odd there was Screen Tearing and the sound quality seemed of.

vor 5 Stunden schrieb Lutesque:

So has the New Player Experience done anything to fix the problems with Energy and Healing ?

 As far as i know they only changed the first mission to integrate the cinematic after that not much has changed.

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The new quest is much better than the old one. It feels much more exciting, follows well from the intro cinematic, introduces the basic mechanics quickly and effectively, and even has some nice small hints about later things like Vor's mention of the Twin Queens and "divine blood".

Some small things:

  1. The lander blowing up was neat, but running into another lander that is your "old lander" a few minutes later feels strange and maybe even slightly confusing. I think it would help enormously if the first lander that was blown up had a different skin on it to make it look more distinctive. The Lotus is sending it for us - put the anniversary Lotus skin on it! Or any other skin! This would also introduce the idea of customization: here's your old lander, and it looks really plain, but you've seen from the start that there are cooler-looking landers!
  2. The cinematic at the very end is confusing. The bottom of the lander opens up, and you can briefly see the slot for the warframe, but new players don't know what they're looking at since they've never seen a warframe slot itself into that part of the lander. So that's already confusing, and then it just instantly cuts to the bottom of the lander closing up with the warframe having disappeared, and it's jarring and not clear what actually happened. I honestly think it would be better if the part of the cutscene with the bottom opening up were just removed.
  3. My warframe was covered in a thick layer of dust, having sat there for who knows how long. Why is my old lander clean and ready to go, sitting on a grineer landing pad? And if it was right there, why did the Lotus send me the lander that got shot down in the first place? It makes no sense. A simple VO change would help a lot here. Where the Lotus says "Quick! Get to the console and release the lockdown. Do that, and I will guide you to your old ship. It's your only chance.", the Lotus should instead say something like "We're in luck: it looks like the Grineer were trying to salvage your old ship. Quick! Get to the console and release the lockdown. Do that, and I will guide you to your old ship. It's your only chance.". This would also make sense given that there's a line of dialogue on your orbiter about how the Grineer want to salvage old tech.
  4. The starter melee really ought to just come with a stance pre-installed. The three-weapon swing makes melee seem so much more clunky than it really is! New players can be given a basic stance without worrying about the fact that they don't know about the different melee combos - both of the starter weapons work fine if they're just mashing the melee button. I know that the stances were moved earlier in the Star Chart, but there is really no reason not to just give them to players pre-installed so they can see what melee in the game is actually like! The first impression here matters! Right now, the thing players are learning just a few minutes into the game is that melee in Warframe is a clunky, generic three-swing combo. It's really selling the game short.
  5. Right past the first slide is a perfect opportunity to explicitly teach about executions, and if you're going slow enough you might see the button prompt and go for it, but it would be nice if this were just a big button prompt like all the other tutorials in the mission.
  6. In the defense part at the end, there's a doorway the enemies are coming out of, and if you go down it you just get unceremoniously warped back, as if you had fallen off the level. The sudden warp is confusing, and also unnecessary - in the entire rest of the game, enemies are allowed to spawn in "dead ends", so I really don't think it was necessary to make the end of that tunnel open, and I don't think the increase in "realism" was worth confusing new players with their screens suddenly turning black, then appearing somewhere else.
  7. It wouldn't hurt to throw some enemies and/or some little breakable supply caches around the map. The map at the beginning is actually quite large, and it's great that there's room for players to play around with the movement system and explore, but it's also weirdly empty - it feels like the map being so large was accidental, and it also doesn't really give a sense of what the rest of the game is like, since in the game there are never these huge empty spaces with absolutely nothing interactive in them. The emptiness feels unintentional and low-budget, and a little interactive clutter would help a lot.

I'm not sure if the floating text in the spy mission is new, but it's a nice touch.

One not-nice touch: the market and especially the navigation segment installation animations look awful. The animation for the navigation segment installation looks like it's just straight-up unfinished, with the character moving their arm, but somehow shoving a nonexistent segment into the smooth surface of the floor. It gives a terrible impression about the level of animation polish that the game actually has, and looks remarkably terrible compared to how great the new segment installation animations are in the orbiter.


The big thing:

The mission was neat and exciting, but this was incredibly disappointing as a "New Player Experience". The New Player Experience was supposed to be a major rework of the game's tutorializing, and while this is more engaging, the old tutorial already taught these basic controls more or less fine, and this doesn't address any of the very serious problems that the early game has with poorly explained systems.

Too much is still unexplained. This misses the most important things that needed to be addressed. Putting terse requirements on relays is not effective tutorializing for complex basic systems like mods.

I have a few friends who always wanted to get into Warframe, but found it intimidating when they tried, and I told them they might want to check it out again with the New Player Experience coming with this update. I told them not to bother. This looks slick, but it doesn't address a single one of the actual problems that were causing people to jump ship only an hour or two into the game.

Four things that desperately need to be fixed:

  1. The game still doesn't guide you to buy blueprints from the market! There is a pretty simple way this could be fixed. Instead of giving you the Ascaris Negator blueprint, Darvo should tell you that he's "discounted" the blueprint and tell you to go buy it from the market, where it should be sold for 0 credits. This way players learn how buying blueprints from the market works, and they understand the eventual flow of buying blueprints and then building them at the foundry. This would also show players where the Platinum offerings are, while simultaneously helping by immediately correcting the incorrect perception (which drives new players away) that everything in Warframe has to be paid for with the Premium currency - you'd show the player very clearly that not everything in the market is Platinum-only.
  2. The introduction to mods is still incredibly barebones, and it is not emphasized nearly enough how important these will be. The flawed mods are still confusing and terrible - the bonuses they give you are so small (wow, a whole 3% more duration, these must be important!) that any new player is naturally going to think that mods are not actually very important. This could be fixed pretty easily by making flawed mods identical to non-flawed mods, with a few differences:
    1. They start at a non-zero rank - the middle rank would probably be a good idea for most of them. So a Flawed Vitality actually starts as a Rank 5 Vitality, with 5 pips lit up already. This makes the bonus on all the flawed mods large enough that it's obvious why you would slot them. It makes it clear to new players that mods are not little bonuses, they're hugely impactful.
    2. Flawed mods y cost far fewer mod capacity than a mid-ranked mod of that type normally would. You can slot this Flawed Rank 5 Vitality immediately, for only 1 or 2 capacity, giving players an early chance to make some flawed-mod "builds" that give them a taste of what the game's customization and upgrade system is actually like even as they're slowly leveling up their first warframe, without a reactor and without forma.
    3. There is only one dimmed pip past the lit ones. You can only upgrade it a single time (for a much smaller endo cost than a regular Rank 5 Vitality would cost to rank up). This makes ranking up your flawed mods an early, achievable goal that offers a clear improvement to mods that have large enough bonuses that they clearly matter. It also prevents players spending too much endo ranking up flawed mods - there's only one additional rank you can get for each one.
    4. The rest of the upgrade pips are visibly broken in some way. They're cracked or blacked out or something. So when you compare your flawed mod to your non-flawed mod, it's really obvious what the difference is - you can immediately see that you'd be able to upgrade the regular mod further. The initial missions currently give you both a flawed and a non-flawed Vitality mod, which is great, but this would make it clearer why you should care, while also allowing the flawed mod to be more impactful early on without being confusing: it's already half-way ranked up, but look, this other one can go even higher!
  3. There's no introduction to weapon mods or elements at all. You shouldn't get any weapon elemental mods until the mission where you retrieve the nav segment, at which point it should give you a few. After you get the nav segment, Ordis should lead you back to the arsenal and tell you to upgrade your weapons with the elemental mods to increase their damage and make them more effective for your fight against Vor. He should also mention that it's possible to combine elements.
  4. There's no introduction to upgrading mods at all. This is another thing that could easily be put in after getting the nav segment - Ordis should guide you to the mod station and tell you to upgrade your mods to get ready for the fight with Vor.

So just a couple of relatively small changes and it would fix most of the issues: put the Ascaris Negator in the market as a 0 credit purchase instead of giving it to you (and have Ordis or Darvo tell you to go to the market), make some tweaks to make flawed mods less unintuitive and make obvious to players that modding is actually a source of substantial power, and after the nav segment mission, give players their first (flawed) elemental mods, have Ordis lead the player to the arsenal again and slot some elemental damage into their weapons (mentioning the possibility of combinations), and then have Ordis lead them to the mod bench to upgrade a couple of their flawed mods. Those small things would go miles towards making the game more approachable.

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So, had a go at the new intro quest and overall, it's pretty cinematic and a lot better than the old version, feels really smooth, too. The tile set is wonderful and I really hope we see bits of it again - either as part of the Earth locations and/or in Cetus/PoE. It's certainly showing Warframe in the best light and captures the atmosphere of the game at its best.

Still there are a few things that could be done a bit better:

  • Teach remaining useful movement options: notably wall latching and dodging/rolling - both are very valuable things to do and not showing them here will make new players less survivable and less agile. Agility is a key fun factor, new players should not miss out on that
  • Weapon switching: I don't think this was really shown/requested from the player? You just pick up your primary and stick with it. Would be good to use this opportunity to prompt new players to switch just so they know the key binding.
  • Parazon/Mercy: Show off the fancy parazon! It's such a cinematic part of combat, don't hide it. If we can use it on downed Vor, it'd be even better... because he kind of just disappears right now and it would teach people that it's part of several boss fights (Jackal, Liches)
  • Landing crafts: Use a more distinct landing craft for the one shot down and the one you escape in, by using Lisets for both, it feels like cheap asset reuse... given how many landing craft options we have, this is doing the game a disservice! It also makes it clearer that they're customisable. Also, give the Liset we defend a nice scratched up wear-and-tear layer - that way fixing it later actually feels necessary (that also means setting the "default" interior slider to more wear and tear)

I'd love to give more feedback on the entire chain, but Vor's Prize isn't replayable, so that's all I can really add here.

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I like the overall presentation of the revamped quest and it fits well with the intro cinematic from last year's tennocon. It's still a marvel to look at by the way. However, I feel like the quest's pacing probably needs tweaking. Or rather there should be more new player experience in the sense that it needs to train the player more on a few things. Specifically on the chaining of movements. It's nice there's a bit more on the movement side and there is a jumping tutorial. However, the one thing I see new tenno all do is that they just run normally through the levels unaware of their movement potential. What usually ends up happening is that if anyone joins their mission that's known the game for a while they will fly through the level, finish the objective, and hit extraction point before the new player is even aware of what has happened. There's gotta be a way early on to ease a new player into that mindset so that they too can be just as agile.

Perhaps have an obstacle course of sorts within the first or second mission that is similar to the jupiter obstacles but not as demanding. The whole intention being to get the player to naturally start chaining their movements, like doing a roll as they're bullet jumping and doing a slide after the roll, etc.

Also, are there any plans to get the cinematic music in some form in the somachord or even on bootcamp or someplace like that? I think it's pretty cool piece of music.

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- Reskin of an old level 

What to do, how to make it better:

- the intro cinematic is misguiding by showing of Excalibur as a beast master, mag as a flying frame, and volt as time manipulator - try showing of the actual abilities for each of the 3 starter frames and show how they are used In teamplay

It's impossible to explain the warframe universe to a new player in a none-confusing way so try making it just about Capitan Vore you and lotus while teaching the player how to mod, craft weapons, select missions, and explain him/her the mastery-rank system. And please - no other caracters and quests to distract the player.

Don't show the starter player a random little kid, Kubros, Arch wing's, or none-existent abilities in the intro of the game, give them what they need to know about parcour, modding and progression while making it interesting and rewarding

Try Motivating the player to build new weapons and frames, (perhaps by for a short one mission you give the new player a sneek-peak of what a mooded MR12 weapon loadout looks like.

Make it simple, rewarding, and with no distraction. After the intro ends the player has to know to progress on his own.

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I think this is a really good start toward making the game more approachable and engaging for new players. @Modus-Pwnens makes good points about the discontinuities with the landing craft, which caught me as well, especially the fact that we don't see the frame step on. I don't expect this short initial quest to solve everything with introducing all of the systems and mechanics a new player needs to be aware of, but it's a very good first step. 

And the change in story terms is a very good one. It feels much more grounded in the dense world of lore that Warframe has grown since that original opening was created and much more in keeping with the current tone. The Origin System isn't just masked cyborgs and armored troopers in military complexes anymore, there are quite a lot of vulnerable civilians out there caught in between. 

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i still defend that new players should have access to every weapon they are offered in the intro, those are small things, but to a new player it also means more choices and getting used to diferent weapons, i remember when i started and i suffered alot because i didnt have a silent weapons, since i picked the braton. those things are extremely cheap, so why not give them to new players? like some people already said, many players wont even know they had a diferent choice there.as for the parazon finisher, here's what should've happened.

lightning happens, camera effect, to show you can select, move in towards mag, show her details and put 2 massive arrows one on each side, so the player can pick either excal or volt. after they pick their choice, close in on the hand and show them moving(instead of only mags), from there, do the same thing... until you finish the enemies in the room, energy will be low, show a soldier running away, with a parazon simbol on top, lotus explain that we should not let him escape, so we get in, and the game teaches about finishers. move on, and we find a deteriorated skana on the floor, player is told to pick it up(which explain interactibles). go on, and you lotus says there are some weapons stored in the place, and she tells us to do a mini spy mission to colect it we go hack the computer and is given a choice, lato or kunai. we pick it, and then the room is invaded with some enemies, she tells us to run out, to the exit point. a cutscene plays a drahk master shows up, the warframe starts shooting it but and the DM disarm us, it then sends a pack of dhrak at us, but then, a scimitar shows up and does a carpet bomb killing everything, turns back to gameplay, vor show up and blasts the scimitar then turn to us, back to gameplay) he starts to blasting us(but we defend since we have only melee equiped), however, as soon as we get to a certain point, the skana breaks, and lotus tells us that there are some weapons in the fallen ship, we jump towards it, lotus tells us a couple of weapons fell out of it, she tells us to pick one and move on to a diferent exit point, she then says not to worry, we can come back here later to pick the other up(hint hint), as we move on, we reach our secondary, and pick it up, she then explains how to swap weapons, rest of the mission plays out the same way.

as we get to the orbiter, the only 2 things working are the foundry and the arsenal, ordis tells us to put the broken skana in the foundry to be repaired. teaching players how to craft things. we get the build for the skana, using the broken skana piece. he says crafting will take a while, and that we should equip a new melee they have in the arsenal, the bo, he teaches about the arsenal, how to equip weapons, and how to we can customize them. lotus then give us a mission to return there and collect the remaining weapons we didnt pick,

this way we start with all the basic weapons, and a good understanding on how to play the game.

also, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DE GIVE THE BASIC PALLETE TO PLAYERS. IT ONLY MAKES YOU GUYS LOOK BAD. for people who already bought it, just give us the plat back, again, its not that much!

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The new update is very pretty. The map looks great, it's atmospheric, it's nice and immersive, it's super open, and there are Kuakas, which are great. I was expecting the scene where all three warframes are centered perfectly in the shot and there's a UI-looking bit surrounding them to transition organically into the warframe selection, but that only disrupted the flow a little. Vor looks great, although the crashed Liset doesn't, and it still doesn't really visually explain that those were two different ships. However, the new paint job doesn't solve any of the major problems with the new player experience that already existed. There is still very little communcation of how game systems work, and complicated game systems are thrown at you immediately that make it incredibly difficult to even know what's going on, let alone become engaged in the experience.

The second mission in the game is a Spy mission, which is a very big problem for a lot of reasons. It is one of Warframe's most complicated gamemodes, and for a player still familiarizing themself with Warframe's movement, stealth mechanics, and enemies, as well as the specific Warframe and weapons they have, introducing the alarm system, hacking, regulators, and one of the least intuitive and least communicative puzzle games I have ever played, all at the same time, is incredibly overwhelming for most. Out of all the things you could have done to make Warframe more accessible, this one seems the most important, gameplay-wise. Please give the player a chance to learn the mechanics gradually rather than dumping them all on top of them. The changes to the Spy mission help, but you can't just bandaid this kind of thing. You are introducing too many game systems at a time. Don't do that to new players. It sucks. All it would take is switching the first and third mission in Vor's Prize, and you'd lose far fewer players to the quest.

As @Modus-Pwnens said above, the Cracked mod system does not adequately, let alone accurately, introduce the player to the mod system. They had a very good and well-thought-out suggestion as to what the Cracked mod system could look like, and I would like to voice my support of that idea. Regardless of what implementation you take, there need to be significant changes to how the mod tutorial is handled. Considering that Vor's Prize is like, seven or eight missions, it's frankly absurd that there's no interlude space dedicated specifically to learning the mod system, which is the most essential system to the game. If giving players a rank 4-5 Vitality or Hornet Strike or whatever gives you the jitters, just replace them with mods that add flat health, shield, etc. to your Warframe. Or do something else to indicate the concept of "a ranked up mod is several times as powerful as its rank 0 version" to the player.

The Communications tab is also still incredibly difficult to navigate. The guns Ordis says you can buy with the Communcations Tab are not on screen when you open it. This is not good. If something like a "new player featured" tab containing most of the items a new player will be looking to purchase is too complicated, at least force the Strun, the Braton, the Skana, etc. into the Featured section of the market for anyone who hasn't purchased them. I would also probably add a tab below the platinum price of an item that either lists the blueprint price or says it's a clan BP or that it drops from somewhere else, since the UI does not clearly indicate that weapons can be obtained without platinum unless you've already clicked on them. Why would you do that if they appear to be only obtainable through platinum? This is bad, and considering how many UI revamps you guys have done, it's absurd to me that this incredibly easy bit of abysmal UI design has gone unchanged for an entire decade.

All in all, the new player experience still actively throws huge bundles of information at me, misleads me about game mechanics through its design, and absolutely does not communicate effectively the essential aspects of progression. It is for good reason most people who start playing Warframe quit during Vor's Prize, because it sucks for anyone who hasn't watched a community-made tutorial on the game.

At the very least, thanks for finally starting to tackle this part of the game. Hopefully it'll be at a point soon where I won't have to promise my friends playing through it that it'll get better. You guys have clearly worked hard on this update, and I don't think we thank you enough for that.

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59 minutes ago, Aevire said:

The new update is very pretty. The map looks great, it's atmospheric, it's nice and immersive, it's super open, and there are Kuakas, which are great. I was expecting the scene where all three warframes are centered perfectly in the shot and there's a UI-looking bit surrounding them to transition organically into the warframe selection, but that only disrupted the flow a little. Vor looks great, although the crashed Liset doesn't, and it still doesn't really visually explain that those were two different ships. However, the new paint job doesn't solve any of the major problems with the new player experience that already existed. There is still very little communcation of how game systems work, and complicated game systems are thrown at you immediately that make it incredibly difficult to even know what's going on, let alone become engaged in the experience.

The second mission in the game is a Spy mission, which is a very big problem for a lot of reasons. It is one of Warframe's most complicated gamemodes, and for a player still familiarizing themself with Warframe's movement, stealth mechanics, and enemies, as well as the specific Warframe and weapons they have, introducing the alarm system, hacking, regulators, and one of the least intuitive and least communicative puzzle games I have ever played, all at the same time, is incredibly overwhelming for most. Out of all the things you could have done to make Warframe more accessible, this one seems the most important, gameplay-wise. Please give the player a chance to learn the mechanics gradually rather than dumping them all on top of them. The changes to the Spy mission help, but you can't just bandaid this kind of thing. You are introducing too many game systems at a time. Don't do that to new players. It sucks. All it would take is switching the first and third mission in Vor's Prize, and you'd lose far fewer players to the quest.

As @Modus-Pwnens said above, the Cracked mod system does not adequately, let alone accurately, introduce the player to the mod system. They had a very good and well-thought-out suggestion as to what the Cracked mod system could look like, and I would like to voice my support of that idea. Regardless of what implementation you take, there need to be significant changes to how the mod tutorial is handled. Considering that Vor's Prize is like, seven or eight missions, it's frankly absurd that there's no interlude space dedicated specifically to learning the mod system, which is the most essential system to the game. If giving players a rank 4-5 Vitality or Hornet Strike or whatever gives you the jitters, just replace them with mods that add flat health, shield, etc. to your Warframe. Or do something else to indicate the concept of "a ranked up mod is several times as powerful as its rank 0 version" to the player.

The Communications tab is also still incredibly difficult to navigate. The guns Ordis says you can buy with the Communcations Tab are not on screen when you open it. This is not good. If something like a "new player featured" tab containing most of the items a new player will be looking to purchase is too complicated, at least force the Strun, the Braton, the Skana, etc. into the Featured section of the market for anyone who hasn't purchased them. I would also probably add a tab below the platinum price of an item that either lists the blueprint price or says it's a clan BP or that it drops from somewhere else, since the UI does not clearly indicate that weapons can be obtained without platinum unless you've already clicked on them. Why would you do that if they appear to be only obtainable through platinum? This is bad, and considering how many UI revamps you guys have done, it's absurd to me that this incredibly easy bit of abysmal UI design has gone unchanged for an entire decade.

All in all, the new player experience still actively throws huge bundles of information at me, misleads me about game mechanics through its design, and absolutely does not communicate effectively the essential aspects of progression. It is for good reason most people who start playing Warframe quit during Vor's Prize, because it sucks for anyone who hasn't watched a community-made tutorial on the game.

At the very least, thanks for finally starting to tackle this part of the game. Hopefully it'll be at a point soon where I won't have to promise my friends playing through it that it'll get better. You guys have clearly worked hard on this update, and I don't think we thank you enough for that.

i remember a few years ago i made a post about how DE should revamp the market to make it easier for new players, however, i was bombarded by "veterans"(and i dont mean every veteran, but those who think the game is perfect the way it is because they managed to get into it), saying i was wrong, and the market was perfect.

i still belive the market needs a MASSIVE rework. it should be divided between credits, and platinum. with the platinum shop only opening up after vor's prize.

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On 2020-08-21 at 9:27 PM, SilverBones said:

With The Heart of Deimos update, we introduced a brand new, New Player Experience, complete with a beautiful introduction and new location. It also covers new movement tutorials and other parts of the game in a whole new package.

If you have feedback to leave on the subject of the New Player Experience, then please do so in this thread. Please remember that you should keep your feedback constructive and civil. If you like an aspect of the new content, tell us what you like. If you do not like an aspect, then tell us why, and what you would change to make it better!

Please bear in mind this is not a place to leave bugs you discover while playing. If you do need to report a bug, please use the dedicated New Player Experience Bug-Hunting thread!

Thank you!

Oh, i didn't realize that there was this thread, so i have made another thread elsewhere. Mainly because i was really disappointed about "New player experience".

I don't see reason to repeat myself, so here's the link: 

On 2020-08-26 at 10:29 PM, Khaos_Zand3r said:

They'll just most likely confuse that girl with a regular Ostron village girl rather than an operator.

Beginner wouldn't even know what in the earth is ostron.


EDIT: I want to keep that thread alive, if anyone has some ideas to add. I love the game, but it really needs something to bring it to the new heights. So if nothing i hope it's not closed anytime soon.

Thanks - Ryuurik

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The game needs to teach the players modding better, because of how extremely core modding is.

Sadly, this is not covered anywhere. You can look at AnthonyCSN's video. He STILL does not know what modding is and I can't blame him. The game does not say anything about how to mod and why to mod.

Modding is extremely core. This should be one of the first things covered.

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The Awakenings quest was pretty great. The map flowed with ease especially for a beginner. The new map was a graphical upgrade, better than many of the older mission maps. Textures looked more solid and the corridor level feels larger and less like a corridor compared to past designs. The standout of the map is the lighting. The rain was a great idea at setting the mood.

The Cinematic was amazing. But it made me wish plains of eidolon looked like that. It doesn't need a huge graphical overhaul, but an artistic change to green with grass so it doesn't look like muddy swamp. Grass doesn't have to be everywhere but the map currently is almost all dirt.


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The new player experience is definitely a step up!

The game definitely needs to do more hand-holding for new players not to fumble too much around learning all the game systems. 

AnthonyCSN is a very good showcase of a new player fumbling about to learn new systems, and to learn the UI. 

I think you should to a 'training wheels' mode, with additional voice lines for many of the common figures: Lotus, Ordis, Maroo, Darvo, Teshin, maybe some more. 

Player would have the option to turn off 'training wheels' to make NPCs less chatty. 

Training wheels should inform and guide the player on what to do and give UI hints. 

The game should be able to replay the last 10 seconds of gameplay, either in-engine or as a recorded video, and point out what killed the player. Think how Overwatch shows how the player died. With training wheels, this replay would point out additional UI information that teaches the user to be aware of its negative status effects.

Game should generally do a better job of informing the player where to farm resources in the forge and inventory screens - as long as the player has already unlocked the node in the starchart and scanned the enemies that drop them. 

Game should do a better job teaching the players how to scan enemies and objects.  



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You folks need some help explaining all your systems to new people.

Conservation is never explained to new players.  I ran into a person that wanted to unlock the helminth segment, but had zero clue how to get the Common Avichea and Medjay Predasite tags to rank up.  This could be rectified by amending the Vox Solaris quest on Fortuna to include a conservation-related mission.  At this point anyone that would gripe about giving away a tranq rifle and the first echo-lure should probably be ignored anyways.

By doing this you will ensure that players understand what they're getting into and it would better explain how you collect animal tags.  If a player at MR10 has never done any conservation, they're going to be at a loss for words when it comes time to start playing with Deimos rank ups, as you never needed animal tags prior to Deimos to rank up.


You still haven't sufficiently explained the lich system to players interacting with it for the first time.  I don't know how many times I've had to explain the difference between Vanquish and Convert, much less how many times I've had to explain how the requiem mods work.  It should not be up to the playerbase to explain the systems that you at DE have put into the game.  In a perfect world, when the Old Blood launched you would have included a quest called "Old Blood" which covers all of the basics.  Much like how Glast Gambit covers The Index.

If I had control of it I would setup the quest this way explicitly:

1. Have an extra special Lich that gets created the very first time with specific (read: not randomly generated) mods as their kill cards.

2. Have the player run a quest version of a Kuva Siphon that grants a "Kuva Relic" (new item).

3. Point the player to fissures on the Kuva Fortress to unlock their "Kuva Relic".

4. Have rewards of "Kuva Relic" be one specific mod, ex: "Fass", that will be required to kill the lich with a single use (since we already removed the randomness from it)

5. Have player equip the requiem mod and then run a quest Lich mission, and force the special Lich to show up.  As part of the quest have the player interact with Lich using their requiem mod.  Upon trying the mod, have the player fail, to show that:
a) the mod is not used up on the attempt
b) that you gain more murmur progress from stabbing your Lich.
c) the difficulty will increase as a result of trying to stab the Lich

6. Reveal that one of the mods required is "Netra" (or whatever).  Repeat steps 2 through 4, only this time with the reward being "Netra".

7. Have player equip the Netra mod into a slot, and then go into a Lich mission.

8. Force lich to spawn near end of mission again, but this time with the Netra mod equipped, the player successfully gets through the first bar, and the lich disappears, revealing that the other required mod is "Jahu" when they get back into their orbiter.

9. Again, repeat steps 2 through 4, with "Jahu" being the only reward available.

10. Instruct player to equip at least the "Jahu" and "Netra" mods.  Then enter yet another mission, and have them kill the lich.  Have player succeed on "Netra", but fail on "Jahu".  This demonstrates that: a revealed mod is not necessarily revealed in the order that it is needed.

11. Reveal the last word as Fass.  Instruct the player to equip all 3 of the requiem mods, with emphasis on the already tried combinations.  In this way you reinforce the idea that there is a required order, and that they are not always revealed in the order they are needed.

The reward for this little quest could be something as simple as a statue to decorate your orbiter with, with one being available for "kill" and the other for "convert".  Afterwards you won't have to worry about the Fass Jahu and Netra requiem mods as they will immediately be defiled (they only had one use after all).  From there you can toss in a mail from Ordis encouraging the player to look at the codex for more information and for the love of all you hold dear PLEASE UPDATE THE CODEX WITH USEFUL INFORMATION.  Include: where to get requiem relics, specify that the requiem mods are the uncommon (silver) reward tier, encourage multiplayer by pointing out that it gives you a much higher likelihood of getting requiem mods, etc.

And then, upon completing the quest, tag the account with a flag that indicates they completed your tutorial and thus are able to spawn more liches.  Similar to how you need to complete Chains of Harrow to get other quests.


-- It is absolutely vital to remember that new players did not immediately jump into the content and in all likelihood did NOT see the devstreams leading up to the release of the content.  Going forward you should probably consider this any time you talk about updating the NPE.  The only reason I knew roughly how conservation worked was because I did watch the devstreams leading up to the release of Fortuna.  Liches were another thing that had been hyped on devstreams in the month leading up to their release, while Railjack suffered from no in-between devstream.

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