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Low damage on Steel Path


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You are lacking a lot of important mods and I wouldn't even recommend steel path in your situation at all. You would definitely want to have berserker, condition overload and either maxed sacrificial steel or organ shatter there, the biggest and most important one being condition overload. You can also replace body count if using Naramon focus school to maintain your combo. Also a cool little trick you can do with Nikana Zaws is to combine Blind Justice stance with the Exodia Hunt arcane. With the Heeding Call combo you can stunlock and pull enemies near you with the slam attack that is part of the combo.

I would replace pressure point with condition overload, gladiator vice with berserker and carnis mandible with either 1 of the crit mods. If using Naramon, replace body count with another crit mod.

You should also probably switch your Warframe to something that can actually strip armor. Wukong is kinda meh in Steel Path.

EDIT: Using the Helminth system to replace Wukong's 4 for Fire blast could also work. It removes upto 75% of enemy armor with only the base 100% power strength. It also applies a heat proc for Condition overload to scale from. Give your Twin a high status weapon, like the Kuva Nukor to proc more status. That setup actually works really well on Wukong.

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okay for the zaw, i can i would suggest getting rid of those 60/60 mods and use primed fever strike and north wind. get rid of body count with organ shatter and replace steel charge with swift momentum on your wukong to keep your combo at 12x. replace gladiator vice for berserker. pressure point with condition overload/ primed pressure point, carnis mandible with primed reach/gladiator might. as for exodias i would suggest exodia hunt or exodia contagion.

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- Your melee build is absolutely horrible, like 2 days into the game horrible. You play with bloodrush and weeping wounds and you have 0 payoffs, 0 crit damage mods and no condition overload. No wonders you struggle killing anything, I'm pretty amazed you haven't felt bad in regular starchart. The melee mods you are missing are worthless, people would give them to you. At least swap carnis mandible with organ shatter please!

- Your frame build is extremly lackluster as well but I get it overall, you miss a lot of mods and you find forced synergies between mods that fit in and let's go. At least put mobilize or handspring on your exilus slot. You paid 20plat for it and even have 10 polarity free.

Now about your gearing choices:

- You play a Zaw without any arcane in SP, zaws have lower power level than most prime weapons, their payoff is the arcane.

- You warframe has no arcane, in those situations Wukong is probably one of the best for SP with no forma no arcane setup. But the frame has very low clear, if you want to main wukong for doing all the SP content, at least consider Helminth spells. The frame will never feel very good in SP but it does the job.

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From the melee weapon setup, you can upgrade pressure point to prime pressure point or condition overload when available to you.

I would drop gladiator vice and body count. You must use organ shattered. I would also use berserker (Or fury it no berserker). Personally, I would never use a melee weapon without primed reach (or 4.5 meter range), but I will leave that to you.

If you are not using naramon focus, you must have drifting contact. Otherwise your x12 combo will keep falling off to 1x. Even with naramon I would never use a melee weapon without at least 8-9 seconds on combo counter. It is way too inconsistent.

Put the three gladiator mod on Helios deconstructor. Even if it is destroyed you still maintain the passive benefit.



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4 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

I dunno why people are hung on armor strip. You do not need armor strip if you are using top tier melee weapon. You can can kill anything in front of you in 1-2 seconds with a top melee weapon and a riven with viral+slash setup, even above level 200 on SP.

No real need to mod viral on your melee if you're using a weapon to prime. Free up a mod slot and run toxic for another DoT of just run pure slash and free up 2 mod slots. It really does not matter that much since we can walk through most everything DE puts in front of us. 

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

You have to strip armor. You can do this in a variety of ways, like Corrosive status, heat status, and a variety of abilities. Wukong doesn't have any abilities that strip armor, but Gauss, Nyx, and some others do.

Did you miss me, ya wanker? HAHAHAHA


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On 2020-10-09 at 2:19 PM, DewastatorSrak said:

Hi. My problem is low damage on Steel Path. My main warframe is Wukong Prime and main melee is Zaw (Sepfahn, Laka, Vargeet II Jai). I can only do like 300 damage with 12x combo.

My Zaw and Wukong builds:



Now the issue here is your zaw parts and your mods my zaw build is better I guarantee you. My part are the sepfahn, peye, ekawana II jai. Your issue starts with the vargeet because it’s critical chance which does nothing to endgame levels, you must use status chance if you wanna see my zaw in action(idk if your on PS4 but I am) please message me and I’ll be happy to show you 

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Hmm, I cannot look at the builds, but it's save to say that Condition Overload is a much better choice than (Primed) Pressure Point in almost all scenarios. Pressure Point is actually only useful on heavy attack builds and statsticks imo. Nowadays, every melee weapon with a decent crit chance (18% - 20% or higher) and status chance (20% or higher) and a decent amount of slash on it can be build into a monster with Berserker, Weeping Wounds, Bloodrush, Organ Shatter and Condition Overload. Put Viral (via 60/60 mods) or pure Slash (Carnis mod) on it as you please. Range is vital imo. In order to fit all this into your weapon, Naramon is mandatory (I never have issues using it without Drifting Contact or Body Count, as soon as the counter is up, everything dies anyway). You might not come into red crit territory with 18% or 20% base crit chance, but this is not neccesary at all to beat standard SP missions. Also, you can bring an Adarza kavat to spice things up ;-) With this kind of build, status priming with a gun is not needed at all if you just want to clear the missions imo. 

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I can tell your a bit new to the game by looking at your build, you should go learn game mechanics, farm better mods, get better arcanes etc before going to steel path, you won't really get much from the steel path other than more loot, cosmetics and affinity so if I were you I wouldn't prioritize beating the steel path yet.

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