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Well the Nightwave ending wasn't that terrible.


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Yeah some stuff is kinda bullocks. Like searching for clues is still not pleasant. And that was a really nice way to put it. The fight was not very great but overall you just have to move around a lot and pay attention to Nihil.

I guess for a free sword it worth it. I dunno. I'm still building mine and I only have the plat to rush Nezha. It seems like a nice wrapon but hey, you will correct me if I'm wrong.

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1 minute ago, JackHargreav said:

Yeah some stuff is kinda bullocks. Like searching for clues is still not pleasant. And that was a really nice way to put it. The fight was not very great but overall you just have to move around a lot and pay attention to Nihil.

I guess for a free sword it worth it. I dunno. I'm still building mine and I only have the plat to rush Nezha. It seems like a nice wrapon but hey, you will correct me if I'm wrong.

Disagree: despite turning bloom off, I cannot read the symbols on the Synth Weave (mine is 1 off 2 on pips),  the sword and the dagger are very similar in appearance especially when they scale the dagger up to be roughly the same size as the sword on the icons when travelling through the maze, and I still don't know what I'm looking for on the Orokin Legem as the correct symbol looked nothing like the symbol I saw in the little diorama.

And then there's the poorly broadcasted boss fight mechanics.  The instagib sword swing.  The getting glassed as soon as you respawn.  The fact that it switches the throw button from MMB (like it would be on the exploiter orb fight for example) to the LMB.

"Some of the stuff is bullocks." is a misrepresentation.  That's just the stuff that pissed me off enough to bring it up.

And the fact the diorama, even 6 months later doesn't have a use for the pulse other than "here's this noise and effect that does nothing to assist you, enjoy" is another sour point.  Have it highlight through walls, or function as sonar, SOMETHING.  A "discovered clues" list would have also been nice, so that you can check them off & revisit the clues without tracking them down all over again.  Those two features alone would have improved this series a tenfold, if not more.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Opyt:

And the fact the diorama, even 6 months later doesn't have a use for the pulse other than "here's this noise and effect that does nothing to assist you, enjoy" is another sour point.  Have it highlight through walls, or function as sonar, SOMETHING.  A "discovered clues" list would have also been nice, so that you can check them off & revisit the clues without tracking them down all over again.  Those two features alone would have improved this series a tenfold, if not more.

So much this, the whole design was not needed if it did nothing, we could had basically gone in a normal misison aswell and look with our Warframes around that places. I not want hand holdign but the effect and sound more irritates then it should i suppose help. Before the Halloween "event" i uninstalled already and not intent to retrun for now, this whole updates are such a mess lately and this dumbass battlepass which only gets longer and more lost again shows Warfraems downfall slowly.

I stil lfollow the forums for infos and i not say the game dies, no game really does, but it lost its former glory heavily from a much praised innovative game and dev team trying so much to a mixed mess of never finishing anything completly and jumping from one project to the next and Night wave not helped that in any way, putting even more work on themself with side storys that go nowhere or change any in the world.

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I'm of like mind about the pulsing. I spent 30 minutes looking for those damn chains on a wall alone. The Nihil fight was a challenge and I got it in my second run. It was refreshing to actually fail at a task because of my own shortcomings and not something glitching out. More of that, please. 

The biggest gripe I have with the last diorama in particular is just how... WIP it looked. It honestly has the feel of being at 90%. The major assets are there and the art and animation work has been done on all the segments. But they haven't been properly meshed together. Heavily infested floors going up to a perfectly clean wall with no meshing between the two. 

THAT is my biggest gripe. 

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1 hour ago, Opyt said:

Disagree: despite turning bloom off, I cannot read the symbols on the Synth Weave (mine is 1 off 2 on pips),  the sword and the dagger are very similar in appearance especially when they scale the dagger up to be roughly the same size as the sword on the icons when travelling through the maze, and I still don't know what I'm looking for on the Orokin Legem as the correct symbol looked nothing like the symbol I saw in the little diorama.

And then there's the poorly broadcasted boss fight mechanics.  The instagib sword swing.  The getting glassed as soon as you respawn.  The fact that it switches the throw button from MMB (like it would be on the exploiter orb fight for example) to the LMB.

"Some of the stuff is bullocks." is a misrepresentation.  That's just the stuff that pissed me off enough to bring it up.

And the fact the diorama, even 6 months later doesn't have a use for the pulse other than "here's this noise and effect that does nothing to assist you, enjoy" is another sour point.  Have it highlight through walls, or function as sonar, SOMETHING.  A "discovered clues" list would have also been nice, so that you can check them off & revisit the clues without tracking them down all over again.  Those two features alone would have improved this series a tenfold, if not more.

"searching for clues is still not pleasant. And that was a really nice way to put it."

As I said the clue searching is still not good. So you didn't disagree. You just said everything that had to be said about the mini game.

The fight? Again not very pleasant but I feel like it was a lot easier than I expected. I beat it in my first run (and I only failed at the mini quiz because of what U said about the clues being not well thought out). But the fight was kinda easy. For me It was pretty clear after 3 deaths how everything works and after that It was just a game of patience. The throwing button being different really just a non issue. The glassing is easy to avoid since you just have to bullet jump so the guy can't reach you.

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I can't prove anything but I am convinced it was hardcore rigged.

Like items not spawning before x amount of times and letting you fail the puzzle stage, even when picking the right option.

Either which way, the "gameplay" feels like one of those days, where you are your limit at work, then some lamer just keeps pushing, and you just sitting there in the back or your mind spending every ounce of your energy to not have an actual full blown meltdown.

It's weird too, because a lot of people are actually genuinely interested in the lore and wanting to engage with the story of it, then they slap on this heartbreakinly terrible timegate, and you just end up resenting it all lol.

People would actually want to walk around the crimescene if added in lore, context, easter eggs and what not, letting you play in regular movement 3rd person.

The second you spawn in, notice they cut your speed, you are already angry. Second by second after that is just red kettle from old school cartoons working it's way up to explosion.

Like, have some faith in yourself, you don't have to whip people into staying on the map, you can actually do it right way instead.

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I think they nerfed Nihil a bit - either that or I was just way unlucky. There were times earlier when I would repsawn and instantly get hit by a glass missile. Or killed by a sword sweep, none of that happened when I went in for the last time earlier today. Maybe it was just luck but the respawn platform now appears to be a safe space (until it crumbles).

That made it a LOT better, I killed him, listened to Nora talking and got the rewards. As for the crime scene, the items are more easily confused this time. maybe that's because th scenes were designed to be a bit harder. The legem - you're really looking for the blue handle, that's what changes most, and the sword/dagger - they are different enough even though I got them mixed up once as I was running through it just that little bit too quickly.

The crime scenes would have been a ton better had they not been so slow to navigate.


but lets hope they learn that another platformer jump-out-the-way and attack the invulnerable boss 3 times isn't what people really think of as good design. If only the game designers were as good as the artists at DE.

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1 hour ago, gbjbaanb said:

The crime scenes would have been a ton better had they not been so slow to navigate.

I’ve been pretty satisfied with this nightwave in general, but this is something I agree wholeheartedly with.

as much as I enjoyed the exploring and lore snippets as a change of pace diversion, a sprint button for those who don’t (and those checking the clues again) would be a good call.


I do kinda get the reasoning behind a platformer style boss fight even if it feels a bit out of place. There was a dissatisfaction with the earlier bullet sponge style bosses and one of the defining aspects of warframe that never loses its appeal is the parkour. Makes sense to have a fight that highlights that aspect of the game.

Reminded me a bit of a boss fight with -redacted spoiler- in the virtual world of the weave when helping cephalon Suda.

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10 hours ago, Opyt said:

I cannot read the symbols on the Synth Weave

I have hearing issues, so I missed any kind of "clues" during the fight as to what to do and just brute forced the mechanics.  This made the entire experience very annoying and tedious to me.

My alliance leader has eyesight issues and can't read tiny details so they have failed nearly every investigation multiple times, simply due to not being able to see minute detail differences under a time-limit.  And I'm sure the [DE]fense some will have is that they shouldn't be playing if they can't see tiny details or some other nonsense.  They're nearly MR 30 with like 5k hours in the game and consistently are the top performer in nearly anything we do as an alliance.  I'm used to being way on the top of the pile in pub games, and then my alliance leader just smokes me in all aspects.  But they can't pass this stupid flash card test because DE wanted to put some half-ass pretend investigation crap into the game.

I've honestly hated every second of this current Nightwave series.



1 hour ago, gbjbaanb said:

The legem - you're really looking for the blue handle, that's what changes most, and the sword/dagger - they are different enough even though I got them mixed up once

The legem was the one with the bronze/gold symbol in the middle.  The weave conduit was the thing with the blue symbols on the handle.  I got the weave one easy, I could tell what I was supposed to be looking at without issue.  With the legem, I screwed my first test up because I had zero clue what I was supposed to be memorizing for that one, and when those symbols popped up they were all unfamiliar to me.

And maybe I play too much, but the dagger is a Fang Prime reskin and the Sword is a Dakra Prime reskin so they looked completely different to me.  


5 hours ago, Surbusken said:

Like items not spawning before x amount of time

Dude, this.  100%.  I didn't want to look like a tinfoil hat type, but the location I found 2 of my "clues" I 100% know for a fact that I looked dead at where they were and there was nothing there until I wandered the map for several minutes, steadily getting more and more irritated.  I checked the pot where I found the dagger clue (my last clue) at least 3 times.  I literally was counting pots and looking at the layout from the highest point I could get to to make sure I wasn't just missing a pot thinking I had already checked it because I just knew they would put something there.  Then suddenly there's a dagger in one of them after like 20 minutes.  Okay.  I was so annoyed when I got to the fight that I honestly don't know if it was good mechanically or not.  I remember hating it because I was pissed by the time I got there and having to figure out what stupid chore the devs wanted me to do next was not what I was feeling after that crime scene BS.  

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The boss is absolutely stunning artistic work. Maybe they will reuse Nihil in other parts of the game? Because if that one boss fight we have to beat just once is it... DE all that work to make that character and all of that art and no one will ever see or appreciate it again.

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11 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

"searching for clues is still not pleasant. And that was a really nice way to put it."

As I said the clue searching is still not good. So you didn't disagree. You just said everything that had to be said about the mini game.

The fight? Again not very pleasant but I feel like it was a lot easier than I expected. I beat it in my first run (and I only failed at the mini quiz because of what U said about the clues being not well thought out). But the fight was kinda easy. For me It was pretty clear after 3 deaths how everything works and after that It was just a game of patience. The throwing button being different really just a non issue. The glassing is easy to avoid since you just have to bullet jump so the guy can't reach you.

I agreed that it was "unpleasant", but disagreed that it was only "unpleasant": you didn't go far enough for me to completely agree.  That's okay though.

You can't bullet jump/dodge when you're reviving which is where I got glassed the most.  I was getting constant vertical swings, and had no luck on the RNG there lmao.  The crystal that you have to pop disappeared from sight and I couldn't find it after I died like twice.

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7 hours ago, Opyt said:

You can't bullet jump/dodge when you're reviving which is where I got glassed the most.  I was getting constant vertical swings, and had no luck on the RNG there lmao.  The crystal that you have to pop disappeared from sight and I couldn't find it after I died like twice.

Off Well I was lucky maybe. He never tried to kill me while I was respawning. Actually I'm really surprised how smoothly my game was going. Usually if there's a bug I will run into it. That's why I stopped playing. And I was hesitant to come back. Anyways I think I will just stop and come back once they release something bigger.


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10 hours ago, nslay said:

The boss is absolutely stunning artistic work. Maybe they will reuse Nihil in other parts of the game? Because if that one boss fight we have to beat just once is it... DE all that work to make that character and all of that art and no one will ever see or appreciate it again.

Probably he will come back. All the Nw stories were left on a cliffhanger so the Wolf Arlo and Nihil will come back one day probably.

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1 hour ago, JackHargreav said:

Probably he will come back. All the Nw stories were left on a cliffhanger so the Wolf Arlo and Nihil will come back one day probably.

I do want the Wolf to come back! But the Wolf spawned in normal missions and didn't seem to be as artistically stunning. Look at Nihil though! He's got his own special dedicated boss fight arena with its own mechanics and Nihil (to me) is amazing work in terms of art! Would be a shame if he didn't manage to escape his prison and wreak havoc on the system. I mean even the Zealoid Prelate fight doesn't seem to be as involved as the Nihil fight.

I mean, Nihil ought to be like another Vor or Alad-V... used multiple times in multiple places in the lore!

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So, I was about to write something like "aaah, finally someone that isn't there to complain about non issues", but then I scrolled down and... yeah... people complaining that a giant guy with a giant sword and very predictable moves can one shot you, people saying utter nonsense like items appearing after x amount of time or puzzle failing with correct code (which is undoubtably completely false), and people complaining seemingly just out of spite about purely incorrect statements. This forum never changes...

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