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Update 29.10.0: Bug Hunting Megathread (Read First Post!)


Message added by [DE]Danielle,

Please note: All known and fixed bugs, popular and live feedback, and more are being tracked on our Trello board: https://trello.com/b/K34ACrAu

We will not be updating this forum thread with the above. 


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  • TYPE: [FEEDBACK/SUGGESTION] Visual: Zephyr Deluxe
  • DESCRIPTION: It would be very nice if you allowed us to disable the big shoulderpads on Zephyr Deluxe skin like pablo did in His Zephyr 2021 Revisit Video.
    This can be confusing, for example i bought the skin because i thought there will be an option to disable them (i prefer the skin without the shoulderpads). I would love to see it as a feature
  • VISUAL: Zephyr Deluxe in Pablo's Video (without the shoulderpads): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bex4uux1o-M // Comparison https://imgur.com/a/dKwRRtU

Maybe it was supposed to be a feature but you forgot to add it, so a quick reminder from a fashionframe fan

Edited by CephalonLinter
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    TYPE: In-Game
    DESCRIPTION: Piloting, in space, or running around inside railjack, in any railjack mission whilst crewmembers are assigned as gunners. When they kill an enemy ship no affinity is gained.
    REPRODUCTION: Equip railjack crew as gunners. Start a railjack mission, check affinity and intrinsics. Pilot the ship and let gunners destroy targets, do not use your own weapons. Check affinity and intrinsics afterwards.
    EXPECTED RESULT: Affinity and intrinsics should be gained for ships destroyed by gunners.
    OBSERVED RESULT: No affinity or intrinsic gain.

It may be the case this is "by design" and not a bug. In which case it seems like a bad idea, as you are punished by reduced (or zero!) affinity gain for using the command intrinsic. This will result in the command intrinsic being ignored, since it will just extend railjack grind time.


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  • TYPE: UI
  • DESCRIPTION: I was equipping crew mates with weapons and I gave them a cedo. After I equipped the cedo on them they dissappeared. I was able to do this to a second crew member the exact same way.
  • VISUALhttps://imgur.com/a/O8e8DaD
    • This shows the initial menu where the crew members have disappeared and the assignment menu where their slots still exist but cannot be interacted with despite taking up space.
  • REPRODUCTION: give a crew member a cedo to equip in the crew tab in the drydock.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The crew member should have equipped the item and been fine.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: the crew member disappeared. Their slots are showing in the menu to assign but are empty and do nothing when clicked.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: This happened exactly the same when I tried it on a second crew member.
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  • DESCRIPTION: Why don't you fix random infinite loading on railjack missions?
    This was a problem before corpus proxima, this is a problem still.
  • VISUAL: Imagine loading screen while you fly on a mission. Loop this animation infinitely.
  • REPRODUCTION: Randomly.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: You start a mission and gain progress
  • OBSERVED RESULT:  You are lost. Lost beyond words. Alt+f4 is the only way to go on.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Smth like 20-30% of all railjack missions

HPQ : High Priority Question

Sometimes you select mission, railjack starts it's flight and.. And nothing.  Not a thing for eternity. re-plugging net cable does not help. mixing settings does not help, you can not even quit this, bcs game says "You can't leave the mission, objective is complete" and you are forever lost in hyperspace.
Why? Done one mission, immediately going to another - ding, infinite loading, alt+f4, no progress saved, -90min of lifetime
Done one mission, returning to dojo, starting another - ding, infinite loading, alt+f4, arse engines are getting overheated.
Done one mission, returning to dojo, and infinitely loading, losing lifetime again.

Please explain why you dont do anything about it for 2 years now, while doing tons of unneeded resource converting and icons repainting just to imitate you are working, while players are just going suicidal because you nullify their hours of grind.
Interested af.

Edited by Candy_Boy
missed post samples.
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Vauban Bug

I was testing Vauban in ESO and other missions when the bug occurred.


All I do is use my 4th ability as Vauban.

I expected the enemies to be pulled in.

The enemies keep falling over, getting up, falling over, etc.

It happens every time I use my 4th ability.

I have tested it in various missions, and every time it would only stun them like that.

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1 минуту назад, oBT2 сказал:

Vauban Bug

I was testing Vauban in ESO and other missions when the bug occurred.


All I do is use my 4th ability as Vauban.

I expected the enemies to be pulled in.

The enemies keep falling over, getting up, falling over, etc.

It happens every time I use my 4th ability.

I have tested it in various missions, and every time it would only stun them like that.

Feels like some kind of ability resistance like tenno specters have. Some of the pulling abilities does not pull them, just forcing them to fall in certain direction until duration runs out.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: I was trying to mod my Plexus when an enemy Kuva Lich kept saying Fear of Space lines. She doesn't Fear of Space Travel as a quirk. However my Converted Kuva Lich who is currently on my Railjack Crew does. But the enemy Kuva Lich keeps repeating it over and over and over on the Railjack modding screen and to be quite honest. It's annoying.
  • VISUAL2666C37DBA3F0138D21F6D9F12718CE3B37A189B
  • REPRODUCTION: Have a Converted Lich with a quirk in your crew and an Active Enemy Lich at the same time. Look at them in the Crew Menu and then go back out and look at the other options in the Railjack menu and Lich will keep repeating lines from the quirk. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The enemy Lich doesn't talk to me about how much she hates space when she's not afraid of space when I'm modding my Railjack.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: "Space. Gulfs. Of. Space. Incalculable void. My mind... a recursive... plummeting... loop... AAAGH!"

  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Trying to look through my Crew when I found that one of my assigned crewmates had disappeared from their slot, there was a blank slot where the Crewmate should be.
  • VISUALB3AFD9AF8B23A96DF4C80270FEC4E275FC150CF2
  • REPRODUCTION: This didn't start happening until I had an active Kuva Lich. So I suppose have an Active Kuva Lich then look at your Crew, look outside of the Crew then go back in and the Crewmember should have disappeared leaving a "Assign Crew" slot. This also may have something to do with the Crewmate dying during my latest Railjack mission. I'm sorry to say I'm not exactly sure what caused this.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should see the Crewmate in the slot.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The Crewmate goes out for early lunch.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I really can't say.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: After a Boss or Mini-Boss spawned (for example a Lich, the Stalker or even an Acolyte) the health bar and names over enemies disappear. This don't change, when it's killed, only solution is to go into options -> interface and toggle the option to "Show Enemy-Names" off/on, to get it back shown.
    On the image below, you can see no enemy-names and healthbars, altough it's activated in the interface.
    I don't have "Show Health over Enemies" activated, because I don't like the look of it.
  • REPRODUCTION: Kill a Boss or Mini-Boss
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Seeing Enemy-Names and the Healtbars all the time, when selected in the Interface.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemy-Names and Healthbars disappear.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Everytime a Boss spawns. This is current since the introduction of Liches.


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Operator abiltiies seem to be enabled and disabled at random during the orphix mission type at least. Unairu wisp, magnetic blast, protective dash all seem to be working sometimes and not working other. I believe uniaru's operator armor is messing up too.

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TYPE: In-Game 
DESCRIPTION: End of Mission complete softlock on mission: RAILJACK| PEREGRINE AXIS. Floating in space without equipment, operator, no access to ESC menu or Gear Wheel.
VISUAL: https://youtu.be/g1XvxDhS81w 
REPRODUCTION: CNR/Could Not Reproduce
EXPECTED RESULT: Mission should have loaded us back onto ship, gameplay resume as intended.
OBSERVED RESULT: Total loss of functionality, no control or interactions available.


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  • TYPE: In-Game quest progression
  • DESCRIPTION: Upon attempting to begin Rising Tide
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Now that Dry Docks have been added to relays, new players should be capable of starting Rising Tide and building their railjack without needing to be members of a clan.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Cephalon Cy is mandatory to begin the quest, and his blueprint is clan research, meaning the quest cannot be started by clan-less tenno.

    Additional notes: I expect more will report this in the coming days, but if no one else steps forward with this problem, I should let you know that I have not experienced this problem firsthand, but instead I am describing a problem described to me by [PC] Valentta. If a follow-up is required, contacting me will not be useful.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Voidrig 4th ability : GUARD MODE - after hitting 4 you start shooting, but after some time shooting stops even its fully auto and you have to press shoot again
    • in added video i am still holding shoot button then reclick it when shooting stops
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Once deployed it should be fully auto shooting mode
  • OBSERVED RESULT:  Shooting stopped
Edited by kacmed
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: On NSU Grid in the Veil Proxima in Railjack, it is impossible to finish the mission due to a door in the Pulse Turbine refusing to open. The only way to leave the mission is to abort or get the railjack destroyed, which forfeits all loot obtained in the mission.
  • VISUALcIK3Urz.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: I have attempted this mission multiple times now, and each time I get to the step in the Pulse Turbine where you have to go down and destroy the Radar Array, the door on the path leading to it refuses to open.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The door should open, I should be able to walk through it and complete the objective.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Regardless of the order in which I completed the objectives, the door refuses to open.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time I have attempted this mission today.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: On NSU Grid in the Veil Proxima in Railjack, it is impossible to finish the mission due to a door in the Pulse Turbine refusing to open. The only way to leave the mission is to abort or get the railjack destroyed, which forfeits all loot obtained in the mission.
  • VISUALcIK3Urz.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: I have attempted this mission multiple times now, and each time I get to the step in the Pulse Turbine where you have to go down and destroy the Radar Array, the door on the path leading to it refuses to open.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The door should open, I should be able to walk through it and complete the objective.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Regardless of the order in which I completed the objectives, the door refuses to open.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time I have attempted this mission today.
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New nautilus sentinel is not leveling neither is its gun.  Shows leveling in gameplay but in the end of mission no xp for it and sentinel is still unranked and so is gun .  Tried reloading ,switching companions and running mission and relogging with other pet then switching back to new sentinel and still stays unranked.  Bought the sentinel bundle just in case it is only happening with the bundled one.  Playing on PC

Edited by StormTheReaperDragon
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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Doing Sanctuary Onslaught with Zephyr
  • VISUAL: BsUfM7F.png
  • REPRODUCTION: Did not try to replicate but using Zephyrs 1 straight down into the SO portal makes her stuck in the animation for ever
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Go through the portal and just keep playing
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Stuck in this weird pose without being able to do anything
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Can not give this information
Edited by xThIsIsBoToXx
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  • TYPE: In-game + UI
  • DESCRIPTION: Completing the defense mission normally.
  • VISUAL: Provided below.
  • REPRODUCTION: Complete the Defense missions in any Railjack Proxima.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Be able to navigate the rest of the mission, UI show up, be able to enter derelicts.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Missing UI when playing in your warframe. Only visible once you pilot the Railjack. Couldn't enter the derelict when disembarked.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: All the time. No matter in what Proxima

unknown.png?width=1131&height=636After the mission has been completed. In Railjack.

unknown.png?width=1131&height=636Markers showing up normally when piloting the Railjack.

unknown.png?width=1131&height=636No entering option when disembarked for the derelict.


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the new ui is awful, the icons are a lot smaller incomparison to what it was, i would appreciate it if the ui for selecting missions was made the size it was before with all the new good additions you added such as a more in-depth description of the event that its displaying.

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TYPE: Gameplay

DESCRIPTION: Bonus affinity from previous RJ mission is being applied when going to Railjack's free roam and back to the Drydock.

VISUAL: [N/A] Last mission results were inaccessible to provide rank comparisons when going back from dojo from freeroam.

REPRODUCTION: Take a unranked/partially ranked frame or weapon. Complete a railjack mission. Travel back to the drydock. Head to Freeroam. Leave freeroam and

EXPECTED RESULT: No new affinity is gained from Freeroam.

OBSERVED RESULT: Affinity is gained from freeroam and added to warframe/weapon's rank in correspondance to previous mission's.

REPRODUCTION RATE: Happens often. Occured during when testing out the new railjack turrets during freeroam.

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8 часов назад, 480cunh2 сказал:

unable to download the update. already reastart the launcher and pc, optimized and still nothing.

feel bad to inform you, but you have to try installing the game on other drive, having ~50gb of free space to be sure. If that won't help, contact me in pm.

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vauban's bastille vortex isn't working properly, enemies aren't getting dragged at all. they constantly play their getting up animation and fall over again in place.

others may have already reported this but it is still present after the most recent hotfix a few minutes ago

Edited by DisGuyOvahEere
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36 minutes ago, Candy_Boy said:

Feels like some kind of ability resistance like tenno specters have. Some of the pulling abilities does not pull them, just forcing them to fall in certain direction until duration runs out.

all enemies except bosses and mini bosses would get pulled. corrupted heavy gunners have no such ability that prevents the succ

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When leaving the Railjack throught slingshot, the screen got darker and i could barely see what was happening outside the Railjack.

After completing 5 waves of defense in corpus ship, we choosed to leave but said that the mission failed..

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Operator does not destroy Orphix Resonators as host in 1 hit (as a client would)
  • (note: this is old footage from Orphix Venom, but it's still the same bug and it hasn't been fixed yet)
  • REPRODUCTION: As host, attempt to hit a Resonator with Void Blast or Amp.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Host's Operator should oneshot Orphix Resonators, the same way that clients do.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Host's Operator doesn't oneshot Orphix Resonators, while client's Operator always oneshots.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: always (10/10)
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