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Update 29.10.0: New Railjack Equipment Feedback Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Greetings Tenno!

Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack is live on PC and we are looking to hear your thoughts on this new, improved, and more deadly Railjack experience!

With this update, we are taking a slightly different approach to how we communicate known bugs, fixed bugs, and other feedback submitted by you, the community! To see a list of known bugs and fixed issues, please check out our new Trello Board: [Trello Link!]

You will also be able to see notifications of changes and fixes by joining our official Discord Channel, found here: [Discord Link!]

Please use this thread to let us know your feelings on the following:

  • The Plexus
  • New Avionics and Avionic Changes
  • New Armaments and Armament Changes
  • Battle Mod Changes
  • The New Plating Components

If you want to let us know your feedback, please make sure that you do so in a civil and constructive manner. Read our How to Provide Good Constructive Feedback thread before posting. 

If you like something, let us know! If you did not like an aspect of The Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack, then tell us what it is, and what you would change to make it better!

If you have encountered a bug with any of the new content items, be sure to submit a bug report over on our Bug-Hunting Megathread!

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First of all, let me say I love new content and love this game as I've accrued almost a thousand hours in less than a year. On the other hand I immediatley went to check something and it hit me like a truck. The New Plexus mods cost a lot more than the old ones. The old mods were pretty easy to upgrade and use, but the new ones cost 30+k endo and 1.5 million credits to upgrade a single mod to max rank. If you thought that would encourage players to play railjack I think you were very wrong. For now It's a hard pass on "new" Railjack mods, I will probably play Railjack to get some weapons, frames and sentinel, after that I'm putting it on the bench since I have better things to use my resources on. Hopefully I've managed to pique your interest and helped this game with a constructive and non-aggressive feedback.

Hope You have a nice day, Darkidjani

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Railjack revised was a step in the right direction.

Railjack 0.3 seems a step backwards. This is a big showstopper:


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy


... like lot of people predicted in the workshop thread. It is just a bad idea....

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I pretty much hate the switch to mods and mod cards.

I now need to funnel tens of thousands of endo and millions of credits and endless forma grinding in Railjack just to  get the ship up to a decent state again. Even tho I had already maxed out everything previously.
That miniscule "refund" on resources is absolutely nothing in comparison how much you need to funnel into it now.

And RJ not having separate own energy is horrible. It means you now have to choose frames with highest energy pool whenever you choose to go into Railjack.

30k endo is no joke. With the average play time I have it is months of collecting.

Also locking the hull/health behind new drops means my ship is now paper thin until i get lucky enough to get drops for new parts or just go offline for a week and wait for clan research.

Edited by Ketec
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"And with the change to Avionics becoming mods...I hope it doesn't cost 30K endo to level up R10 Railjack mods now as opposed to before. The conversion from dirac to endo is 1:1. However, I hope the costs are 1:1"

This was something that I wrote as soon as I heard the dirac to endo changes. And , unfortunately, my suspicion was true.


If the conversion from Dirac to endo is 1:1, the COSTS should be 1:1 as well

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Tried hyldrin with the new energy system - the cost scaling is insane. Using swarm at similar interval as i am used to - the cost quickly went up to 6000 shields.
And it took AGES for it to slowly tick down (and was even stuck at 6k for 10+ seconds).


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It's frustrating to hear that the concerns about Forma with the Plexus addressed and that it was generous enough to not have to worry about it - when I didn't have to Forma in the first place - and then see that the drains of several mods were increased. Meaning more Forma. Meaning possibly removing existing polarities because I want "the good ones." Double Forma. And the Aura not having any polarity, but ADDING polarities to the auras? Really bad.

I do appreciate Battle and Tactical not draining capacity, at least, I guess. 

Edited by Eiddew
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I really like the new version of modding my railjack. I did the first few missions on Veil and must say, the crew is really helpfull.

The only thing that i noticed that is dampening my joy is that Ships killed by my crew don't award Affinity for my Plexus its kinda annoying when you have to compete with the bots for the lasthits on the fighters to get affinity from them.... Im okay with kills through Crewmates not giving Intrinsics, but please let them contribute to the Plexus.

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Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy

It was said hundred times it's gonna be bad, and it is.

I have under 200 energy on most of the frames i use. 'super' battle avionics cost 200 energy. With 25% cost reduction from intrinsics i am able to cast it once. Then I have couple of options:

  • i can stop piloting and zenurik dash every 30 secs
  • spam energy pads
  • visit forge every void hole

Having to stop piloting every avionics you cast is kinda killing the gameplay and being forced to add flow to your every frame build is not really fun. 

Bring back flux and flux capacity mods or make battle avionics cooldown based


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The Plexus
Okay, it's independent from a dojo and it's closer to the player, but I think that plexus must be inside the railjack ship, will simplify the understanding of the novice player, "he is inside the railjack so he will configure the railjack ship on the plexus inside the railjack ship.
UI Build tabs A B and C must be primary above all, so "Integrated" "Battle" and "Tactical" must be within each tab.

New Avionics and Avionic Changes
New mods = more builds, that's a good thing and this information box about each mod is incredible, now there is a lot more information space here, I really liked it. 👍 👍 👍 👍

👍OaXI9cG.png  👍

New Armaments and Armament Changes
As I mentioned above, new mods = more builds with more flowcharts, this is a good thing.

Battle Mod Changes
Great, now the interface is more pleasant as it is similar to the rest of the game, the reading of mods is fast as we can see rarity through the colors. The old interface was simpler and without tabs, but it was bad because there were only symbols and small letters, all in a single color.

The New Plating Components
I have no comments so far

Edited by Famecans
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Railjack abilities being tied to Warframe energy leads to certain builds spamming railjack skills at ludicrous rates while most standard setups are heavily restricted. I can't imagine how players before casual energy regeneration like zenurik dash fare.

The Railjack once again feels like paper. Letting even a couple of fighters on Venus reach the railjack is almost certainly going to cause breaches.

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Hyldrin uses shields (with somewhat insane scaling with very slow recovery) After 3-4 uses of swarm the cost was 6000 shields and took minutes to drop to reasonable levels.

Lavos is cooldown based.

Every other frame is useless - we don't have the sources of recovery you usually have - No trinity, no orbs, pies, zenurik, life to energy, arcane triggers and no efficiency.

Edited by Ketec
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6 minutes ago, Dazzul said:

Railjack abilities being tied to Warframe energy leads to certain builds spamming railjack skills at ludicrous rates while most standard setups are heavily restricted. I can't imagine how players before casual energy regeneration like zenurik dash fare.

The Railjack once again feels like paper. Letting even a couple of fighters on Venus reach the railjack is almost certainly going to cause breaches.

yeah its pretty much Protea or pizza's 

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The new Plexus is too costly to get into proper function in comparison to the capacity-dirac cost in previous version. The addition of credit and endo cost on the plexus mods is especially not new-player or new-railjack user friendly and it is draining resources in an unbalanced manner, costing millions of credits and endo in ten thousands, whereas in the previous version of avionics does not need to require such extreme cost of resource investment to achieve a similar build.

In personal feeling, I strongly hope for a full refund to my investment for examining the resorce cost on building the decks because it is not even friendly towards veteran player like myself.

Please, at the very least, consider setting a lower cost for the mods.

Edited by TouFuub
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I'm going to chime in, as a Switch Player who these changes haven't affected yet, I have no interest in having to invest even more credits, and more Endo into upgrading the Avionics and stuff I already have upgraded to perfection. If I'm consistently able to solo the Anomaly nodes right now, come this update I should be able to do the exact same thing after taking into account the changes to Tether. 

Regarding the Plating here are my thoughts: I should be able to after respeccing my Intrinsics, be able to jump back into the Veil Proxima and not hit any snags. Instead I'm hearing that this isn't the case, that people are being screwed over because of the changes that the hull component brought. Those of us who upgraded our Hull avionics to max should be getting a Tier 3 Tenno Hull, it won't be fancy but it'll at least be able to let us jump into the missions we were already clearing in the Veil Proxima prior to this patch. Not allowing this is a terrible precedent. It's forcing players to replay lower level missions just to get back to where we were prior to the patch. That's a bad thing.

Here are my main issues with regards to Mods (nee Avionics):

One I have not received confirmation of whether or not our already upgraded Avionics will stay upgraded to their current status as Mods once the change hits. This needs to occur, Mods should reflect the time and effort we put in to upgrading our Avionics. A confirmation one way or the other would be nice, but this should be something that is a thing. A Maxed Avionic before the Patch should equal a Maxed Mod after the Patch.

Two, the resources needed for upgrading them should be 1:1 in regards to before patch and prior to the patch, instead it's costing 1.5 Million Credits and 30k Endo to upgrade a mod to full. This isn't okay, frankly you already have too many drains on our already limited resources of Endo and Credits as players. Instead they should end up costing 3810 Endo. That's it. Otherwise the compensation of our Dirac to Endo which is 1:1 is meaningless. This isn't something like a Nightwave Seasonal credit being useless after the season ends, this is a resource that was intended to upgrade a piece of equipment being highly devalued. Wreckage only giving 75 Endo for tier one parts is unacceptable with the current costs of upgrading the Avionics turned Mods.

Three, Mod Capacity being limited to 74 capacity at max rank is just bad form, even with the already polarized slots this is still limiting players who already had a perfect Railjack. If a player can't slot in the exact same things they did prior to the patch this isn't okay, even with stuff being removed like Hyperflux. Players who had a maxed out Avionics grid should be able to slot in any remaining "Mods" that are left after the update, so they can jump right back into playing the same level of missions. This means that the Plexus should come automatically at Rank 30, like Excalibur Umbra did. This isn't happening and it needs to.

If you're noticing a trend in my feedback you're getting my point. Everything a player should have been able to do prior to the patch, should be performable after the patch, with the only differences being ability changes (like Tether, or the removal of the Railjack's Stamina). Otherwise you're going to get a bunch of pissed off players. 

First Edit:

More feedback. Copied to a new post as well in case you (DE) don't go back to reading threads for whatever reason. 

Reactors: I'm glad that Reactors are doing something else now, but I'm really confused as to why our Mark 3 pieces are actually a downgrade with an addition to another stat. This isn't like a weapon mod where you are choosing to have more elemental damage or elemental damage and status chance increased. This is an integral part of a SPACESHIP. If Mark 3's are supposed to be the best of the best, why is it a downgrade compared to the Mark 2s in terms of pure primary stat gains. So heres a basic and really easy solution. Make the Mark 3's an upgrade instead of a downgrade, so a 100-120% boost in primary stat with a 20-30% boost secondary as opposed to the current 60% to 80% for primary and 20%-40% for secondary. Frankly for the time invested to get them, from building the Railjack initially to building the mark 3 parts, them being a bit overpowered is fine. Again this is supposed to be the best of the best. Make them like that fact is true. 

Energy/Flux: Like others I hate this change, like others I see this as being even more limiting and not at all logical. We have giant freaking reactors in the ship, why the hell are we using our Warframe energy to power it? This is bad for all the reasons others have stated, but there's more. It affects the ground portion of the missions as well since when in transit via Archwing any energy gains are sent to that rather than the actual Warframe. If a gunner decides to use the slingshot to punch into a crewship to destroy their reactor and they have used all their energy as a Gunner they're going to be screwed when they land in that crewship. I regularly use my Ivara Prime to take out Crewship reactors because of the punch through inherit to the Artemis Bow, but I'm still squishy as hell and now I can't stealth or fire my bow because I was being a helpful gunner and using my energy to take out fighters. That isn't fun, it's not a choice I should be forced to make, and frankly is bad design. 

So here's a solution, bring back Flux. Even if you have to make it shared that's fine, because the rest of the Payloads are also messed up which I'll detail below. I'd rather have limited Flux that's shared by everyone than have to deal with being a newish player that doesn't have thousands upon thousands of energy refills (pizzas) made in the 8 years I haven't been playing since launch. You need to develop for the lowest common denominator and since you allow complete newbs who just built their archwing (which is a quest they need to do before going to Mars if I remember correctly) into it, you have no reason to not be accounting for those exact players. Those players aren't going to have Energy refills, they aren't going to have resource stockpiles, frankly I'd not let them join Railjack Missions until they build a Railjack themselves but that wasn't up to me and I'll detail more into the why in a separate post in another feedback thread since it's more appropriate there.

Payloads: Why are people now screwed once they load up into an Railjack Mission for the first time in a play sessions? Even having the previous numbers to munitions, revolite and charges would be more acceptable, but now you've nerfed that? Why? What possible reason is there for it? Bring back the previous basic numbers of 300, 21 and 5. In addition allow players to use their stockpiles of Railjack Resources from the get-go, and not have to scrounge around in mission for stuff to refresh munitions. Take out the refinement option if you have to, frankly not many people use that feature as far as I can tell. I'd gladly give it up to be able to use the 60k Cubic Diodes I have to make some revolite RIGHT NOW when my ship is burning and leaking air. The amount of times I've been frustrated by that exact scenario is far too many to count and I've been playing Railjack for only a couple months tops.


Second Edit: Even more Feedback! Again there's another post with just these changes to my feedback if for some reason you (DE) don't read the first post again.

Tactical and Battle "Avionics":

Tactical: I don't like the changes I'm hearing about, frankly the fact that we can't have Void Cloak (which should just be a feature at this point since everyone intelligent uses it, but more on that in a bit) and Battleforge together anymore is stupid. Really, Really Stupid. Frankly it's a stupid change which goes against the whole idea of a mod, which is short for module, which is the adjective form of the noun Modularity which refers to being able to mix and match parts of a tool to fit your needs. Why was this change allowed, it's not a choice, people will always pick Void Cloak (it's much too useful). Choices can be fun (sometimes, others it's not) So please allow players to mix and match all the abilities at least in regards to the Tactical "Avionics". Battle is another matter of course, but for Tactical there needs to be more freedom.

Battle: I don't like the scaling Energy/Flux usage, it's poorly done and takes much too long to scale back down to normal. In addition does it scale based off everyone using an ability? If my gunner spams Seeker Volley will I as Pilot be penalized for that? I don't remember seeing any confirmation or denial in the Patch Notes on this subject.  Remove the Energy Scaling and implement very short cooldowns instead like those that occur in Sanctuary Onslaught where Simaris disables an Ability for ~10 seconds. This will prevent Ability spamming, while not penalizing people who love to use them too much like the scaling does currently.

Specific "Avionics":

Tether: A reminder that I haven't played the new content, so I can't speak from experience. I understand why this was changed, it was really powerful, but one particular part of the Patch Notes stood out to me where it was also mentioned that Fighters spawn patterns were changed to not clump them together anymore. That change right there should have been enough. If I'm understanding right they should be spread out much more so that it would take players purposefully gathering up the enemies to clump them together to make the old Tether viable like it was before the change.

That takes skill, and that skill should be rewarded, but the change to Tether removes that option and choice from Players. That's not a good thing, and frankly it's a shame that you decided you needed to nerf Tether in addition to the spawning change. I'd ask that you really consider changing it back to where it was before, and if necessary further spread out the spawn patterns for enemy Fighters. If players want to spend that extra 15 seconds to clump up those Fighters with some speedy maneuvers that should be an option that allows Tether to work it's charm. 

Void Cloak: Please just make this a feature of the Railjack. Everyone uses it like I mentioned above, if it's so useful just make it a feature. Make it so that Railjacks become invisible whenever it is not being piloted, and to remove the potential for abuse disable all guns when Cloaked. Do allow for Archwing Slingshots to be usable though as they aren't directly damaging. In regards to Forward Artillery not working when Soloing please add an option for Pilots to fire the Forward Artillery cannons via the Pilot controls. This should allow players who solo or do stuff with the Command Intrinsic to not constantly have to switch between those two stations while allowing the current Artillery station to be usable by other player crew still. 

Players with Disabilities Issue:

Forward Artillery: This is a complaint I have as a disabled player, but here's some background first. My disabilities are mostly on the mental side with me having borderline crippling depression and anxiety, but one thing that I've always had problems with in addition to those issues is the fact that I have very minute shaking in my hands. It's not noticeable unless you're looking for it, but it does affect my ability to write by hand, and in the case of shooter games do precision aiming. There is a reason I use the Ignis Wraith and Acceltra as my main two primary weapons, and that is because it's much easier for me to get consistently high damage numbers off with those guns even if I don't precisely hit headshots every time and even those guns aren't used as much as my Melee weapons, So my complaint is this for the Forward Artillery, it's much too easy to miss particularly given how big Space is and that's actually reflected in the game pretty well. A single degree of aim off and I'll miss when I'm playing Railjack.

So here's my solution to this problem: please add target lock like the Archwing Slingshot does to Crewships, and add Targets of Interest like reactors and what not on stations and capital ships. This would allow players like me to enjoy using the big flashy cannon. As it currently is I can't do so, because of my disability. I've got ways around it, by using the Slingshot to manually board Crewships and take out their reactors, but it'd be nice to use the Artillery feature of the Railjack. Because currently I can't, and I don't see a reason why it can't be fixed like my suggested solution. 


This is all feedback from a Switch Player taking information that I was able to gather purely from Patch Notes. I also have a post in the Missions thread that touches upon some things that are mentioned here.

Edited by (NSW)Windbornesword
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Is this going to be another case of early players getting the short end of the stick? I'm 4 missions in and haven't gotten any plating components. My RJ that used to tank fighters no problem is now getting 5+ catastrophic breaches every mission.

Edited by DeweySalt
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I don't necessarily mind having to use forma on the plexus, but I am not a fan of having polarities on it. That may change when I start seeing new mods but at the moment but to me it feels like having to lock in certain polarities will hurt build diversity.


I really don't like having only having two forward artillery shots before needing to forge more. I saw there was some kind of timer/bar ticking but it's way too slow and probably only helpful for those who lack the resources to craft more and can't find any on the map.

Edit: I'm testing something out. Is there no ceiling to crafted munitions and armor hull? Was at 1050 hull in the forge now I'm up to 1350? 2/2 for dome charge. Crafted until I reached 11/11, used 2 and crafted again now I'm up to 12/12.



Quick Second Edit: I'm back down to the default numbers. Not sure what caused them to drop back down after doing several low level missions in a row and abandoning a free flight mission.

Edited by Hitical-Crit
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So while the Energy from Flux is interesting, it kind of makes it so we can only take certain frames to Railjack. You've basically set up that Hildryn could be used exclusively, since her "energy" regen will be far better than any other option, plus the capacity for energy is nice. With any other frame, you have to build for high energy cap at least have pizzas or Zenurik. With Hildryn you ignore all of that.

The forward artillery changes make the cannon extremely sluggish. Not only have the charges dropped, but also it is so much slower to recharge. I'd rather slingshot my way in. This is especially frustrating when you have to leave the cannon to build another two charges....even though you have an engineer AI that should be doing that for you...(Mentioned in the other feedback post)

Moreover, the frigates are no longer incapacitated when you shoot their engines out with turrets? Kind of liked taking them out of the battle until I was able to handle them.


I mean, good changes so far after a couple hours of play, but there are a couple of things that really stand out as annoyances.


Edit: I discovered that the slow artillery recharge was a bug. Still, only having two to start is rough. Unless that's a bug too.



Edited by R34LM
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I honestly don't know where to start with this update.

Let's start with the very few good things I have to say so far.

1.) The UI changes on the mission map look nice, they are way cleaner now than before. Great Job Graphics-/Visualdepartment.

2.) Changing the RJ Avionics to Mod cards is a good idea, at least for the continuity of the game. When you start you learn to equip mod cards into your warframe, you learn to put mod cards into your weapon and later you learn to put modcars into your RJ... makes total sense.

But that's it for the good things, as far as I've taken a look arround. Now to the bad stuff.

1.) WHAT did you do to my SPACESHIP??? You transformed my beautifull Railjack into a floating Two-Room Appartment with an open floor plan. Has noone in the graphis/design department watched any Scifi-Show EVER? You do understand that RJ is a SPACESHIP right?! Do you know what's outside a spaceship? It's in the name... SPACE. Do you understand what MOST of SPACE is? A f...ing vaccum. I mean an open floor plan can be a little bit annoying if your significant other forgot to close the window in the kitchen-area after making dinner, so now you are a bit chilly while watching the evening tvshow. But can you imagine how annoying it is to loose all your precious O2 in the cockpit only because a grineer shot a hole in your engineroom and the "designer" thought bulkheads are a stupid idea in a Spaceship?? Openfloorplan have no room on a spaceship, doors/bulkheads do!!

2.)Why the turret thing? First, there's no difference if the turrets are on top and bottom or left and right at least not for the "logic" of firing/looking arcs. One might say the new system is even worse than the old one since it's totaly unintuitive. In our old RJ every turret covered the left and right hemisphere of the ship which made sense since the guns are mounted left and right of the ship. Now we are in a ventral and dorsal turret with guns STILL on the right and the left.

3.)The Cost of doing buisness... at least in space. As many others stated upgrading our RJ got way more expensive and it dips into our already thin endopool. Not a cool idea.


These are just the first things I noticed after installing the update and taking a quick sniff around the new RJ.

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while the plexus wasnt personally as expensive as for some other people, i would still advise to reduce the cost of at least the rare rj mods by 20-50%. since endo and credits are already used for so many other things in the game, one might find it annoying to have to put aside just large amounts of resources for a railjack; in its current state at least.

 i dont necessarily mind my former 6k+ hp ship going down to 1k hp but i still would have liked if i at least got a mk3 plating as compensation with the t3 early adopters bundle

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Well, looks like Hildryn is actually quite a crappy choice for a pilot, since the "increasing costs" mechanic takes ABSOLUTELY FOREVER to come back down to normal. And since the #3 ability costs 150 energy... at the absolute minimum, this rules out a lot of frames or builds. Want to use Valkyr in a maximum armour tank build? No spaceship abilities for you. Nidus (who doesn't benefit from large energy reserves)? No abilities. The same goes for any other frame which doesn't rely on mass spellcasting spam.

I really do not understand why a 100 metre spaceship relies on a tiny little manthing for its energy. It's got a reactor of its own.

Not only does this not make sense from an internal consistency perspective, it's also telling the players that they must build for frames with high energy storage. You've put a bunch of arbitrary constraints on how they build their frame which are completely nonsensical. If I want to use Ash or Nekros on a ship, I'm actively gimping myself and there's no good reason why this should be the case.

If you're going to have the giant spaceship rely solely on a warframe to power its missile swarms, then why don't you just let us make ten Ivaras, give them energy siphons and flows and shove them in the cargo hold to act as batteries.

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