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Sisters of Parvos: Hotfix 30.5.4


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Thank you so much for the hotfix!

For next time, can you please look into:

  • Using Transference as Excalibur Umbra will cause the Operator to return to Excalibur Umbra's position rather than the Operator's position if you are not the host in a mission.
  • Using Blade Storm as Ash Prime, with Fatal Teleport and a hammer, will sometimes cause Ash to remain stuck in Blade Storm camera angles. Only way to fix this currently is by aborting the mission or dying and reviving.
  • You are currently unable to put any kind of Special Forma on the Dark Split Sword (Aura, Stance, Umbra, etc.).
  • Buffing the stats of the Ambassador
  • Increasing the drop rates for Corrupted Holokeys
  • Vauban Prime being compatible with the Phased Asa Skin, similar to how Rhino Prime is compatible with his Rubedo skin
  • Would you be willing to extend some "Toggle Prime Details" to regular skins, such as Valkyr Gersemi?
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8 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Added 60% fall off to the Tenet Tetra Alt Fire area-of-effect as intended.

phew! luckily you fix the buggy things that are overperforming so quickly!

would be a shame to fix the buggy things that dont work at all, like yareli, kuva hek not beeing a hek, yareli, CO weapons mods not working on all guns.. oh and yareli..

thank god the real problems are solved!

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45 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Fixed Yareli getting knocked off Merulina even when Primed Sure Footed is equipped.

Merulina should at least just make her straight up status immune (or at the very least stagger immune).

lorewise the board could just be able to absorb the shockwaves due to its floaty nature.


furthermore you cold make her count as airborne while on marulina (she technically is anyways) which then gives her syngeries, once with the aksomati mod for a fun almost endless ammo playstyle, and much need synergie in aviator to further reduce damage taken, since you dont let us scale her DR on merulina.. (which you could also just let us do..)

which would need the exilus slot and further solidifies my argument to make her staggerimmune at default on merulina

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12 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Reverted the Melee Follow Through changes that unintentionally went out in 30.5. This was an experimental change we tried out in development, but it should have been reverted before release.

Mama, life has just begun!

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Just tried it. The Kuva Tetra change feels too punishing. The large heavy AE was the only redeeming grace with the slow reload, heavy ammo use. The normal fire mode is too weak to compensate.

Kuva Tetra will now be shelved by everyone for any of the other AE weapons that have less drawbacks and the same AE damage, like Kuva Zarr, Kuva Ogris or Tenet Envoy.


Grattler is annoying as well, though it feels ok still.

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7 minutes ago, Orakan said:

we need a solution for this  unknown.png

Getting only 3.7 percent elemental damage buff at the end of nearly one hour is feeling painfull , and we are constantly getting low percentages (25-35percent) so pleaase put some buff to this cause there are lots of weapon to max out and this cycle is kinda bringing a burnout to the players . 
And please put a quest for Kuva Liches as well

IIRC you get the higher bonus and 10% of it added to the final bonus of Valence Fusion.

In this case 36.6>26.8 so then final bonus is 36.6+0.1*36.6 = 36.6+3.66 = 40.26 which rounds up to 40.3%, math checks out.

I agree with them being rather very grindy to upgrade, especially the ones from Glast.

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17 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Normalized the Kuva Grattler Arch Gun stats with Heavy Weapon as intended and exposed said stats in the Arsenal:

  • Impact Damage from 100 to 50

  • Area-of-effect Damage from 205 to 155

Normal Grattler does double the damage now, are you kidding me?!!


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27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Normalized the Kuva Grattler Arch Gun stats with Heavy Weapon as intended and exposed said stats in the Arsenal:

  • Impact Damage from 100 to 50

  • Area-of-effect Damage from 205 to 155

Something went wrong, my kuva gratler still has the 50/155 damage from before

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