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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, just on a quick break at work and a thought occurred so forgive me for not reading through the whole thread.

If they're making it so much easier to get primes via the free route, and therefore potentially devaluing/lowering the price and demand for primes through trade chat, maybe their hope or intention is that less trading will be done for players to make platinum from, and as a result players may be more inclined to buy platinum to make up for the loss they would have made from selling primes?

Hope that made sense, running on fumes today...

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)RWalls91 said:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, just on a quick break at work and a thought occurred so forgive me for not reading through the whole thread.

If they're making it so much easier to get primes via the free route, and therefore potentially devaluing/lowering the price and demand for primes through trade chat, maybe their hope or intention is that less trading will be done for players to make platinum from, and as a result players may be more inclined to buy platinum to make up for the loss they would have made from selling primes?

Hope that made sense, running on fumes today...

That is probably a very sound thought, my friend. Good luck with work :)

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19 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

And if you do believe that those are fair prices, then boy do I have some smokin' hot deals for you. How's 5k plat for those sculptures sound? That's only $240 USD, you're saving $20! PM me I'll sell them to you real cheap.

But that is you putting a value on it as part of the pack when DE themselves have said they are a free gift. It has even been quoted in this thread. It is the same as the examples I've given regarding other real world things. Certain bonus gifts are added to things, they also have the chance/risk of changing over time, or getting removed, it does not devalue what you actually buy. It doesnt mean we have to like it or support it though, but since it is a future change that doesnt impact what we have and we dont know if there are more underlying reasons, we should atleast accept it, since it is their product and their way of gaining revenue in an otherwise free-to-play game.

We dont know if the platinum gain from unvaults has too much impact on platinum sales, so they change it to something of equal monetary value that impacts their revenue less. And I accept that since I rather see the game continue instead bickering over a 1-time-purchase. But no wait, you guys dont want this to be about the 1-time-purchase, you want it to apply to the multi-buy option that is the RA itself and not the bundles.

14 hours ago, sapphicReprobate said:

That's not how economics work and you need to stop misleading people.

It is and several stores will show that constantly. The personal value of bonuses are never accounted for, hence why we get everything from a free supply of TP, streaming services or frying pans when buying TVs, music equipment or cars IRL. The care is only in the hard value of the gifted products.

17 hours ago, (PSN)Spider_Enigma said:

so ur saying, that single war frame and 2 weapons,holds the same or more value then a full fighting game with 40 hours of game play that comes with 10 character and 3 costumes for each character, and this is at full price not even on sale..and that is just 1 game, most fighting games give more then 4 unique attacks to a single  character....

we will say it again, the plat is not a bonus, plat is over priced, and the reason to buy the bundles is not for the frame or cosmetics, its for the platinum

According to the game pricing yes. You can look this up inside the game with no trouble. Does it mean it is good, that is up to each individual player.

Apparently not since Nidus Accessories PA costs 49.99 without platinum in the pack and people buy it.

2 hours ago, Hokkis31 said:

Oh my goodness! I think I understand what you're saying @SneakyErvin. You are not agreeing with DE's decison. You don't like their prices. But you are defending their right to make the choices they made. Am I correct in this assesment?

If this is the case, then I am sorry on the bahalf of everyone who has barrated you. I disagree with their decision, and I don't believe in defending them, but at least I think I understand your argument better now

Yep exactly. It is their choice and we dont know nor do we have the right to know all reasons why this shift is happening. I neither agree nor disagree with their decision, I understand it and accept it out of a business perspective and with respect that this is their product and it is about a future non-retroactive change.

And while it sucks to not get the extra plat, WF is still one of if not the most generous game out there regarding premium currency since we can trade it, with no taxes tied to it so it leaves the game gradually. We can make it shift hands for eternity if we like.

What is mostly annoying me though are the players that now want platinum tied to the Regal Aya bundles and not the unvault bundles. That to me is just hypocrisy, since it is OK when the player wants to get an infinite stream of free plat, but it isnt OK for DE to remove it from the 1-time-purchase bundles. That just does not add up for me when Regal Aya also allows for targeted purchases.


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vor 1 Minute schrieb Hokkis31:

Well in that case DE is the greedy mastermind, and I don't want to believe that just yet

I really wouldnt call a little price hitch for cosmetic items greedy. They're whole value was imaginary in the first place...

And dont underestimate the economics side, they need to take some control over the market, if they wanna do crossplay / cross save without plunging the market into total chaos


vor 7 Minuten schrieb (PSN)RWalls91:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, just on a quick break at work and a thought occurred so forgive me for not reading through the whole thread.

If they're making it so much easier to get primes via the free route, and therefore potentially devaluing/lowering the price and demand for primes through trade chat, maybe their hope or intention is that less trading will be done for players to make platinum from, and as a result players may be more inclined to buy platinum to make up for the loss they would have made from selling primes?

Hope that made sense, running on fumes today...

But there are still a lot of other items for people to trade: mods, weapons etc... Also the people that this change hurts the most are the scalpers, not the usual F2P traders. You are imho right that they probably want to devalue plat a little, but as stated above I rather think it is because of game economics, than because of real world economics

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

Notice... in both the Mag and the Nova, the accessories cost 3 regal aya per pair of accessories that would normally come in said bundle. Guess how much that would cost the normal way? 20 bucks. So far it is 1:1. 

dude how can that cost 20 bucks??

Also why are you ignoring the 200plat thats normally added on to each bundle? 

literally what you are saying is 1000% wrong.

if it was a 1:1 ratio, the 200 plat would be included in the new bundle, its not......

by default 200 plat roughly would be something along the lines of £10 GBP (As an example for me) thats half the value of the total they're asking for with Regal Aya

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1 hour ago, Hokkis31 said:



I don't if I made it clear enough with the posts I made with the past days, but I am FAR from a DE-supporter, the point I was trying to make is that, people can "vote with their wallets" all they like, but DE (and Tencent) won't stop doing this "Event" cuz the players said so, that's not how it works, This is about money, not the players.

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36 minutes ago, TheONLYHamster said:

dude how can that cost 20 bucks??

Also why are you ignoring the 200plat thats normally added on to each bundle? 

literally what you are saying is 1000% wrong.

if it was a 1:1 ratio, the 200 plat would be included in the new bundle, its not......

by default 200 plat roughly would be something along the lines of £10 GBP (As an example for me) thats half the value of the total they're asking for with Regal Aya

Read further. Also you didn't understand the message you quoted. Your first line here proves that. 


36 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


I don't understand what you're confused about. 

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I still think this is an overreaction over prime cosmetics and 200p. 

I really don't understand how it's a ripoff and scummy to charge whatever they want for a narrow range of cosmetics. 

The event overall is very player centric, and only the laziest of players would need to buy a frame with regal aya. So what you have here are pitchforks about the perceived value of a few prime syandanas and armor pieces. 


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28 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

What is mostly annoying me though are the players that now want platinum tied to the Regal Aya bundles and not the unvault bundles. That to me is just hypocrisy, since it is OK when the player wants to get an infinite stream of free plat, but it isnt OK for DE to remove it from the 1-time-purchase bundles. That just does not add up for me when Regal Aya also allows for targeted purchases.


Just to clarify, it might be that you are looking at Console players views, since on Console you do get Platinum with Unvault Accessory Bundles and Prime Access Bundles. 

Also I think you are making sound points, but didn't you also say earlier that when you have purchased some of Warframe items that came with bonus/free items, that wasn't a factor for you? Don't you think that undercuts your arguments? Of course if an individual (such as yourself) actually views a bonus/free as just that and they are as satisfied as much without it as they are with it, but then they only need to understand a different perspective that to some this isn't the case to realise the objections. You can also frame it as, the company selling the product frames it this way, but its really just semantics. Since a lot of these bundles aren't just plat, but discounted Plat. You get more value with many of the packs that purchasing Plat outright with money, but its also a reason you can't but multiple Prime Access (and also why we sometimes get people asking if they can gift Prime Access to each other, because they realise that its cheaper that way). Plat by itself you can get plenty of, they even throw you a "free/bonus" Gold Mods. Could one seriously view or argue 2625 Plat and 3 Bonus Rare Mods as being similar? If so... I have 3 Rare Gold mods I am selling... (rhetorical point to illustrate a point). 

Again, I think I understand where you are coming from, but some of your points to others, makes me wonder whether you are being as considerate to their views. You do not necessarily have to agree with them to understand their points. Hyperbole like "player just wants infinite stream of plat" doesn't help, and I do understand that a lot of users have thrown veiled or direct insults and rhetoric your way too, which I don't agree with, think is wrong and I am sorry about that. 


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I can't buy any of these things! plat, prime access and off course regal aya! I think farming items like prime warframes or prime weapons for PLAT is gonna be harder! because everyone can farm specific item faster and you can't sell those because everyone have these things! this is the best way to farm PLAT! or it was! maybe i am wrong!

Everyone complaining about regal aya but this whole PRIME RESURGENCE is doesn't sound good for someone like me.


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7 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

It's genius really if you are wanting to squeeze out F2P players ability to live comfortably within the ecosystem.

Normal Aya allows players to get the exact relics they want, devaluing those rare and valued prime parts (glaive prime disc, nova prime, ember prime, etc etc.) This causes market prices to drop for those parts outside of the prime trash submarket.

Royal Aya NOT including plat shrinks the supply of plat flowing into the economy to balance out plat being spent in the market (which removes plat from the system.)

Royal Aya being untradeable and ungiftable leaves players unable to engage in anything that currency is used for without putting money on the table.

We, the vocal minority, will look at Endo and rightly go 'this is garbage it is nowhere near an equivalent.' Yet to a new player just starting out due to all the hype about the New War, that sudden influx of endo just quietly scoots them along so they're feeling GREAT about the purchase til they get to the end of the star chart, unlock railjack, and realize how it is relatively easy to just passively farm up the kind of endo these packs are offering.

The damage is already done though. Those new players are weeks into the new system and have been singing its praises, shouting down people who are trying to steer them away from the scammy scummy nature of it all, and their satisfaction can be used as a shield when outside entities come knocking.

In short? DE has, of their own volition mandate or other instigation, turned to the dark side of monetization.

Combine that with players who seem OK with 'oh juuuust this oooonce' when to DE it doesn't matter if i's a few players buying regularly, or waves of people buying once. The metrics are going to look similar with cash flowing in, which will tell them 'Hey this works!'

Since we are in a very delicate period where DE acting, or not, has a major influence on things.... and I trend towards pessimism? I won't speculate on what they will or won't do. Just that we the players should vote by closing our wallets. 

And contact Jim Sterling. Why him? Well, we the playerbase had been clamoring for seperate prime accessories packs for years. DE was silent. Jim Sterling makes a video gushing over how much he likes warframe, and on and on, and oh ya hey could you guys do the thing where I can buy just the accessories? Suddenly as if by magic that goes from 'can't do' to 'now suddenly an option.' Almost like DE would rather this behavior not hit the more mainstream outlets.

So Jim Sterling, YongYea, etc. Please get in touch with them. We the forum going population may be relatively small, but we might be large enough to flag down more public attention. Be polite. No demonizing. Just 'could you guys look at this because it looks very scummy and very scammy.'


I already tweeted out to Jim and angry Joe. Will be tweeting skillup and young yea today. 👍🏼

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20 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


Just to clarify, it might be that you are looking at Console players views, since on Console you do get Platinum with Unvault Accessory Bundles and Prime Access Bundles. 

Also I think you are making sound points, but didn't you also say earlier that when you have purchased some of Warframe items that came with bonus/free items, that wasn't a factor for you? Don't you think that undercuts your arguments? Of course if an individual (such as yourself) actually views a bonus/free as just that and they are as satisfied as much without it as they are with it, but then they only need to understand a different perspective that to some this isn't the case to realise the objections. You can also frame it as, the company selling the product frames it this way, but its really just semantics. Since a lot of these bundles aren't just plat, but discounted Plat. You get more value with many of the packs that purchasing Plat outright with money, but its also a reason you can't but multiple Prime Access (and also why we sometimes get people asking if they can gift Prime Access to each other, because they realise that its cheaper that way). Plat by itself you can get plenty of, they even throw you a "free/bonus" Gold Mods. Could one seriously view or argue 2625 Plat and 3 Bonus Rare Mods as being similar? If so... I have 3 Rare Gold mods I am selling... (rhetorical point to illustrate a point). 

Again, I think I understand where you are coming from, but some of your points to others, makes me wonder whether you are being as considerate to their views. You do not necessarily have to agree with them to understand their points. Hyperbole like "player just wants infinite stream of plat" doesn't help, and I do understand that a lot of users have thrown veiled or direct insults and rhetoric your way too, which I don't agree with, think is wrong and I am sorry about that. 


It is the same on PC, plat comes with the prime bundles. But people now want the plat directly from the Regal Aya packs, which would mean infinite purchases with dual premium currencies compared to vault bundles that are a 1-time-offer only. 

I fully understand that people are upset since they see personal value in the plat, but at the same time they do not seem to understand that the game needs revenue to keep going and that if there is a change, there is likely a reason for it aswell when it comes to the monetary setup of the game. 

And it isnt really hyperbole saying "people just wants infinite stream of plat" (not that I said that so you shouldnt really use "*" around it), because some people do actually want that, which is why they not only demand plat to be returned to the system, they want it placed directly on the Regal Aya packs (which they can buy over and over) instead of having it put back on the unvault bundles (1-time-purchase). That is a massive change that is OK for them, but it isnt OK for them if DE removes something that results in a lower personal value. Not only would it be something they can buy over and over instead of play, they'd also get to pick whatever prime items they want and not be limited to what the bundles offer.

I can fully see why people want plat returned to the unvault bundles, I just see DE's view aswell. I can not see a single reason for plat to be places on RA packs though.

7 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

It's genius really if you are wanting to squeeze out F2P players ability to live comfortably within the ecosystem.

I just wonder how your mind came up with that? If anything this will have massive improvements to F2P players.

1. A F2P player would never and will never buy a PA of any kind, since well... they are not free.

2. Being able to buy specific relics with free Aya instead of relying purely on RNG for relics will let F2P players target exactly the relics needed.

3. This in turn will increase the availability of specific items on the player market, reducing the value, making them cheaper. Again F2P players will be even more comfortable.

4. They couldnt get hold of the cosmetics as F2P and they wont be able to get hold of the cosmetics in the future either. So what exactly changes for the worse for the F2P player?

The people impacted by this are only the paying players, more notably those that used the unvault system to get the plat they needed.


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3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

it isnt OK for them if DE removes something that results in a lower personal value

It isn't, mr White Knight. The problem is this is the first step towards the inevitable removal of platinum from the game as a whole, and then what kind of premium currency can players trade amongst themselves? None.

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6 minutes ago, SephirothWS said:

It isn't, mr White Knight. The problem is this is the first step towards the inevitable removal of platinum from the game as a whole, and then what kind of premium currency can players trade amongst themselves? None.

Maybe, just maybe consider using the whole sentence in its full context. You kinda just prove my point atm since you dont touch the full subject it was directed at there.

edit: Also I didnt know you were a farseer that has glimpsed the future. But I guess we should all go out there and cry wolf or that the heaven is falling.

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27 minutes ago, SephirothWS said:

It isn't, mr White Knight. The problem is this is the first step towards the inevitable removal of platinum from the game as a whole, and then what kind of premium currency can players trade amongst themselves? None.

This is just pointless fear mongering. 

How would they even do that? Regal aya is clearly for prime accessories. How would they convert that to reomoving platinum? 

You really think they are going to start to have "prime boosters" or something?

Prime access has always been cash  exclusive.

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

This is just pointless fear mongering. 

How would they even do that? Regal aya is clearly for prime accessories. How would they convert that to reopening platinum? 

You really think they are going to start to have "prime boosters" or something?

Prime access has always been cash  exclusive.

Yeah, this is starting to get really silly. It has gone from "please can has back plat in bundles plox?" to "zermagerd! platenem getten removed!" fearmongering.

It will end up with DE kidnapping are owned platinum and forcing us to pay a ransom of goose feathers to have it back.

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vor 35 Minuten schrieb Hypernaut1:

I still think this is an overreaction over prime cosmetics and 200p. 

I really don't understand how it's a ripoff and scummy to charge whatever they want for a narrow range of cosmetics. 

The event overall is very player centric, and only the laziest of players would need to buy a frame with regal aya. So what you have here are pitchforks about the perceived value of a few prime syandanas and armor pieces. 


Glad I am not alone! I think the whining about such a thing shows rather how spoiled this community is...


vor 12 Minuten schrieb SephirothWS:

It isn't, mr White Knight. The problem is this is the first step towards the inevitable removal of platinum from the game as a whole, and then what kind of premium currency can players trade amongst themselves? None.

Lol, yeah sure. Let me guess: It is a big secret plan orchestrated by tencent...

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1 minute ago, DukeRukasu said:

whining about such a thing shows rather how spoiled this community is...

Setting to one side my obligitory 'ooo you really showed us lets all bow down to your rightness and sob while flailing ourselves as pennance for daring-' blah blah blah blah...

DE is testing the waters here. They have said so themelves. On the plus side this means they can fix things as needed to ensure they get what they want (money) and we get what we want (what we percive as fair trade FOR that money.) 

I am no economist, nor am I even a big picture sort of guy, but it really does give the appearance DE is trying to deflate the amount of platinum out in the wild both by devaluing a major trade source for it to circulate, and by reducing the inflow to just platinum packs. It could just be that they're seeing number go up and not liking that, not wanting to mix premium currencies, or even that they're trying to slowly remove plat altogether. As of this point we do not know, but given the overal landscape of micro transactions (and this goes well past 'micro' into just plain transactions....

I wouldn't go so far as to call people ignorant or tinfoil hat for being fearful of a company with a history of fair practices marred all throughout with instances of boneheadedness, much less calling the community 'whining and spoiled.'

That is just inflammatory and unproductive, and I will ask that you please not be antagonistic to people who are already on edge over the matter since it does nothing but make the situation worse.

The solutions I keep seeing time and again that seem most agreed upon to help balance perceived value so that players feel they are getting their money's worth as compared to current unvaulting packs are:

* Add platinum to the r-aya packs at a one to one equivalent to unvault pack tiers.
Which is doable, but given everything it is unlikely DE will do this let's move on to the next option.

* Halve the cost of the R-Aya packs.

Given current prime packs have roughly half their financial value as plat, halve the costs. This seems unlikely as DE seemed very specific in these real world monetary tiers even though instead of a $60 R-Aya pack to go for the equivilant unvaulted pack, there is an $80 R-aya pack. To me this suggests that DE clarly is wanting to hit these real world price points as opposed to simply reduce the values.

* Add more R-Aya per pack.

While on the face of it this seems doable, since there is no scarcity to digital goods, this invites DE to redo their math to make accessories (which these packs are primarily intended to buy) go up in cost.  However it does give a more bang per buck argument assuming prices stay the same.

* Give a more flexible sort of value-add per pack (boosters, forma bundles, potatoes, etc etc.)
Doable, and would help dampen the sting a bit since whatever value add they give will have more intrinsic use in game than a one time endo infusion. However you will always run up against a situation where the hypothetical buyer does not value that bundled thing and would instead prefer plat.


The only option I see that would gain near universal approval is putting plat in with the R-Aya bundles at a 1:1 to their equivalent unvault pack levels, and DE seems adamant in not doing that. 

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

But that is you putting a value on it as part of the pack when DE themselves have said they are a free gift. It has even been quoted in this thread. It is the same as the examples I've given regarding other real world things. Certain bonus gifts are added to things, they also have the chance/risk of changing over time, or getting removed, it does not devalue what you actually buy.

If that was true, I would agree. It it was a bonus it can re removed or change. However, despite what DE said in this thread, that is not the case. If you look at the store currently, especially on playstation, it say the bundle includes "DISCOUNTED platinum". This means it isn't a bonus, but part of the bundle. 

Personally. When I buy access packs, it is for the Plat; with the primed parts as the bonus. I'm sure I'm not alone in that aspect

I'm thinking, the only reason they took out the platinum is to cut out the middle man. If they use a new currency without adding platinum, they can say it's a different system and not have to split the profits as much.

I have no problem cutting out plat. It is what it is. Just adjust the price accordingly, and don't pretend that the pack didn't just get devalued. Also, maybe bit more than endo as bonus. You can get endo in every mission, sorties, rathuum, and even 30k from teshin rotations. It is clearly not equal value. Plus, if I bought sculptures 5p each and an average of 2500 endo per sculpture, that's 20 sculptures for 100 plat. Not exactly equal to 1200 plat replacement.


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4 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It is the same on PC, plat comes with the prime bundles. But people now want the plat directly from the Regal Aya packs, which would mean infinite purchases with dual premium currencies compared to vault bundles that are a 1-time-offer only. 

I fully understand that people are upset since they see personal value in the plat, but at the same time they do not seem to understand that the game needs revenue to keep going and that if there is a change, there is likely a reason for it aswell when it comes to the monetary setup of the game. 

And it isnt really hyperbole saying "people just wants infinite stream of plat" (not that I said that so you shouldnt really use "*" around it), because some people do actually want that, which is why they not only demand plat to be returned to the system, they want it placed directly on the Regal Aya packs (which they can buy over and over) instead of having it put back on the unvault bundles (1-time-purchase). That is a massive change that is OK for them, but it isnt OK for them if DE removes something that results in a lower personal value. Not only would it be something they can buy over and over instead of play, they'd also get to pick whatever prime items they want and not be limited to what the bundles offer.

I can fully see why people want plat returned to the unvault bundles, I just see DE's view aswell. I can not see a single reason for plat to be places on RA packs though.


A lot of them feel that way because of the 1:1 idea or pricing, idea of value comparisons, around that. I agree with you as far as issues it could create, hence why I think a more realistic alternative for people to take is the actual dollar value and amount of Regal Aya you get, as opposed to just adding in Platinum. Thats what my own independent earlier post suggested. 

I am sure many of them understand, its just a complex subject with a lot of hard to pin down concepts. Many of which are abstract. Like we could have one person say, that DE would be justified in increasing the prices of all its in Packs and Currency to a crazy unreasonable amount... so that say only whales could afford them. If there are enough whales that are into Warframe, and they make more revenue, then such a move could be justified right? Since it is a business? Except we and they don't necessarily know that. Likewise someone could suggest that if they lowered the prices across the board, more FTP players may be able to afford to spend real money and if more people play the game, it might help get other people playing... so that should be what DE does... but we/they also don't know that. 

People understand a business needs to make money, they just don't always necessarily agree about all the details and risks. 

I mean hyperbole in the sense of addressing peoples issues then introducing ideas that may not fairly reflect those views. You are correct though, since that was not your specific phrasing, but do you get the point I was making i good faith, or should I try and rephrase? 

I'd be more inclined most of the people in this thread don't want Plat included with Aya so they can get free, easy plat that way. I might be wrong, you might be right. I'd probably ask those people who want it to be included, if they realise the issues it would create around that specifically and whether they would be fine with other alternatives. See, I'd assume many just default to that thinking because they, unlike you, as per your earlier statement, do see the bonus of Plat in those other bundles as a part of the value they are paying for. So they are looking for other ways to be compensated when they are getting Aya. I think many, if not most, knew they were getting what they perceived as the value equivalent of such discounted Plat even if its not discounted Plat they'd be fine. 

I mean, I'd like to think a lot of people could see it from DE's view as well, just that, thats complicated as well. Its an issue a lot of businesses have to face, because of the (oversimplified) example i gave above. DE has already adjusted Regal Aya value, Platinum often has sales (which often incentivises people to spend more), so DE's view is ever shifting and changing and attempting to accommodate the purchasing habits of potential customers. Oh and btw I don't say any of this as if I think you are unaware, just for context. When it comes to giving DE real life money, you and I are different and that is okay, obviously, people have different preferences. The Plat bonus to you is insignificant factor in your purchasing (I assume this is accurate to you, based on what I think I read a few pages back when I was skimming, please correct me if I am wrong), but it is a significant factor in my purchasing, and I think thats why you got so many people jumping all over you. I think its very significant to many peoples purchases. Again I think you make sound points, but its details DE and their bests interests, to be aware of and consider those players. Unless of course those players are very rare, which, hey, that could be the case. DE has already made adjustments though, and hypothetically if they want Regal Aya to be viable alternative to Plat, they may have to make more changes, based on the feedback given, and I doubt you would take issue with that? 

I think if some of the people discussing this with you, would tone down if they realised that, maybe. I don't think you are the things some have accused you of, and yeah, often when someone tried to introduce the viewpoint of a business many can rush to accuse them of things, but then the same way we can abstractly wonder about peoples motivations over how much plat they can greedily accumulate, some do that with the idea of people who will stick up/defend for a company to that own companies failing and destruction. 

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24 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yeah, this is starting to get really silly. It has gone from "please can has back plat in bundles plox?" to "zermagerd! platenem getten removed!" fearmongering.

It will end up with DE kidnapping are owned platinum and forcing us to pay a ransom of goose feathers to have it back.

Yeah, you're totally right. About half of the bundle value getting removed is just not a big deal. It's basically the same thing in the end, right?

So when are you gonna buy this super cool mod of mine for 200p that you by your own logic think is worth that cost? It is what DE has priced it as, after all.


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14 minutes ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

Setting to one side my obligitory 'ooo you really showed us lets all bow down to your rightness and sob while flailing ourselves as pennance for daring-' blah blah blah blah...

DE is testing the waters here. They have said so themelves. On the plus side this means they can fix things as needed to ensure they get what they want (money) and we get what we want (what we percive as fair trade FOR that money.) 

I am no economist, nor am I even a big picture sort of guy, but it really does give the appearance DE is trying to deflate the amount of platinum out in the wild both by devaluing a major trade source for it to circulate, and by reducing the inflow to just platinum packs. It could just be that they're seeing number go up and not liking that, not wanting to mix premium currencies, or even that they're trying to slowly remove plat altogether. As of this point we do not know, but given the overal landscape of micro transactions (and this goes well past 'micro' into just plain transactions....

I wouldn't go so far as to call people ignorant or tinfoil hat for being fearful of a company with a history of fair practices marred all throughout with instances of boneheadedness, much less calling the community 'whining and spoiled.'

That is just inflammatory and unproductive, and I will ask that you please not be antagonistic to people who are already on edge over the matter since it does nothing but make the situation worse.

The solutions I keep seeing time and again that seem most agreed upon to help balance perceived value so that players feel they are getting their money's worth as compared to current unvaulting packs are:

* Add platinum to the r-aya packs at a one to one equivalent to unvault pack tiers.
Which is doable, but given everything it is unlikely DE will do this let's move on to the next option.

* Halve the cost of the R-Aya packs.

Given current prime packs have roughly half their financial value as plat, halve the costs. This seems unlikely as DE seemed very specific in these real world monetary tiers even though instead of a $60 R-Aya pack to go for the equivilant unvaulted pack, there is an $80 R-aya pack. To me this suggests that DE clarly is wanting to hit these real world price points as opposed to simply reduce the values.

* Add more R-Aya per pack.

While on the face of it this seems doable, since there is no scarcity to digital goods, this invites DE to redo their math to make accessories (which these packs are primarily intended to buy) go up in cost.  However it does give a more bang per buck argument assuming prices stay the same.

* Give a more flexible sort of value-add per pack (boosters, forma bundles, potatoes, etc etc.)
Doable, and would help dampen the sting a bit since whatever value add they give will have more intrinsic use in game than a one time endo infusion. However you will always run up against a situation where the hypothetical buyer does not value that bundled thing and would instead prefer plat.


The only option I see that would gain near universal approval is putting plat in with the R-Aya bundles at a 1:1 to their equivalent unvault pack levels, and DE seems adamant in not doing that. 

So wait... Giving players LESS reasons to spend money on prime frames is actually a plot to devalue plat and make DE more money somehow? That missing 200p is really going to make people rush out to buy huge amounts of plat to make up for it.

How do people even arrive at that logic? 


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4 hours ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

When did DE say it would be equal?

In the text you ignored, I guess?


Regal Aya Pack prices are an exact 1:1 with what you could get before in the Prime Vault Packs

An exact 1:1 with what you could get before. Two accessories and nothing else is not an exact 1:1 with two accessories and 200 plat. Same with the packs and dual packs.



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