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The Upcoming Corrections with Regal Aya: Next Steps


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If you actually pay attention to what you are buying it isn't quite as bad. IF you are actually looking to get everything that is currently available the actual cost is :


Dual Pack = 10  {every item not individually listed is included in this pack and the pack is cheaper than buying separately, so adding the prices individually would be moronic}

Systapa Syandana = 2

Spektaka Syandana = 2

Spektaka Sugatra = 2

Static Reactor Sigil = 1

Avia Armor = 2

Avia Syandana = 2

Filigree Prime decoration =1

Operator accessories = 1

16 Noggles = 16

Total = 39.


To legitimately compare to the costs of prior prime purchases you need to reduce the comparison to what was actually in the unvaultings.

When we had the Mag/Nova unvaulting in 2019, the big bundle had : Mag, Nova, the 4 weapons on sale right now, the Distilling extractor, 1 syandana, 1 armor set, 1 sigil, 1200 Platinum, and when next christmas rolled around the 2 noggles. Price - 60.

The current 10 point bundle has : Mag, Nova, the 4 weapons, the distilling extractor, 2 armor sets, 1 sigil, 50000 endo. Buy one Syandana and 2 Noggles to cover the missing components, for a total of 14 Regal Aya. Buying 15 RA will set you back $80, leaving you with 1 RA towards another purchase and one more armor set than the Vault - plus the 50k Endo which admittedly isn't worth all that much (but if you were dumb enough to buy it from the ingame market with plat it would cost 2500 plat). So, yes it is a bit more expensive but not nearly to the extent you think it is.


Now, if all you want is the accessories packs, the M+N packs combined had... 1 Syandana (2RA), 1 Armor Set (2RA), 1 Sigil (1RA), Distilling Extractor (1RA), and a total of 400 Plat. Cost was 20/pack, or 40 total.  That would cost 6 RA with can be purchased for 40, leaving you with one excess RA and providing the same 400 plat. Overall, contrary to your belief it is a better deal - same price, same total contents, 1 RA available for whatever. If you are like most players and never use extractors you can leave that out, spend only 5 RA and have 2 left for future purchases.

Edited by Zyffyr
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11 hours ago, (PSN)TONI__RIBEIRO said:

U can buy each individual accessory if you want, armor, sigils etc .

The currently available dual pack would cost 20 regal aya to buy individually for the cost of 10 regal aya before considering the endo and exclusive glyphs.

Players who dont have any vaulted prime gear are literally being offered more than twice as good a deal as players who dont need them.

If this is the new way vaulted gear will be offered to us and prime vault/access will become a thing of the past, im really really going to miss prime accessory packs.

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  Pasted here because it felt more the right category.

8 hours ago, Silescere said:

While I do see where the prices for RAya do come from, I'd still vote for a different calculation of the price of a single RAya.

DE oriented themselves based on previous Prime Vault packages. Which is fine. What is new so far is the chance to buy those previously bundled items single.
I'd suggest ~halfing the price of a single RAya. That way they and we could be way more flexible with ie Prime Sigils and Armor and whatnot. Even though I'm suggesting this price reduction, the cost of the bundles for RL cash shouldn't go down. Otherwise that'd be unfair.
There would be some recalculation needed of how much RAya which item should cost (Sigil = 1 Raya which would mean 3€ instead of 6€, Armor = 3 for example). So while the Mag bundle would still cost 37€, the amount of RAya to buy it would double.

Apologies for stammering like this, having a migraine today and have the speech capabilities of a 2year old it feels. And again, I don't wish for the frame-bundles to become chepar, I suggested a different calculation for RAya to make buying single items more attractive. Stuff that still gives you an edge in gaming like weapons n frames could still cost same as now. Just.. throwing my thoughts out here. That's all.

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3 hours ago, Vorpal_Ocelot said:

Any dedicated long-term players have more advice to add? +quote!

Play the game-modes you enjoy the most. Don't force yourself to do the most efficient farms if you don't like them. If disruption is the best way to get *insert resource*, but you hate that game-mode, but love defense. Do the defense instead. There is no rush, after all. Personally I enjoy cracking open relics and to faff around in the Void, so I often find myself doing exactly that. Not exclusivly, of course, but more than anything else.

Also. Don't optimize your playstyle for optimizations sake. Do it because you want to and enjoy it. Play something that fits you rather than something that fits the meta. You're in for the long-run. So I'd advise you enjoy it along the way :)

See you in space, Tenno

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To start with I'm not blaming the messenger here.

As nice as it might seem that you lot at DE finally added the platinum to better the value of these Raya packs... you still tried to scam your customers nonetheless. I will not praise nor jump in with others thanking you for what should of been done right at the start. Instead it had to come to getting backlash from both constructive and "toxic" criticism from a lot of people to adjust the value of these Raya packs. When it comes to money and the value of using it most will get toxic whether you like it or not.


While you lot did adjust the value of Raya with the added platinum rather fast despite saying you couldn't add it... that right there is the problem, you lied and tried to get away with it. I really was looking forward to trying out the upcoming New War update but with how greedy you lot got with shoehorning in a new premium currency and attempting to overprice it without taking in feedback, nor thinking about the repercussions beforehand, I won't be participating. Granted everyone is human (I hope) and mistakes are made, but this comes off as blatant greed that tried to run rampant and you only reined it in when you got caught.

Edited by (PSN)Flatulent_Draco
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what will happen to the prime accesses that arent in the prime resurgence event? when can i give DE more money ? "We needed a way for Prime content to make its way back around to players, so that if they missed it the first time, they had another chance to either purchase the packs"

this is the most true statement ever but it also includes newer prime releases. i for example missed out but realllllly reallly want the zephyr/wukong/nezah prime accessories. i dont get why they arent in the event, kinda sad... but i hope DE will change something up with the unvaultings after prime resurgence because it just takes way too long the normal way. maybe even keep the regal aya and make the accessories buyabel with this currency. i wish to see a change in the vault/event because even tho it brings back a lot it doesnt bring back everything players want, and i personally dont like to wait another year or more for the rng to be able to buy all 3 accessories. there needs to be something done here, faster vault rotations or a bigger varzia accessorie shop, anything.i mean i would want to spend 150€ on your game (3x prime accessories release price) but im not abel to and wont be for a long time. 



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5 hours ago, (XBOX)he11raz0r55 said:

They will never do that despite what all said about this game but I been playing this game about 4 months  game play is awesome but the mechanics is a monopoly set not in a good variety luck may hit but will they look past their greed mmm say just like most of the post I seen where player congratulate the developer for taking their money  while most people can't afford to spend money on it and whats wrost is the developer designed the game in such a way where it pushes  the player to buy in game currency and with this event is extremely worst the same money you use to buy platinum is use to buy the aya and a very low rate for the price it's going for and what even more worst you can't even use platinum to get the frames or other items and framing regular aya which only u can get relics and maybe a few more things with which you can spend all day grinding to get but remember farming for aya will lead to other long grinds like busting relics and hope you have enough  to get the parts you need so get you grindy pants on  but me I wait til this is over or probably won't come back to it cause games like ELITE DANGEROUS IS MORE OF A FAIR GAME IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS LOOK IT UP ON YOUTUBE 


You can buy frames/weapons with plat though? Trade for them.

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17 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

I keep seeing this option and... I get it. Honestly for me that would be freaking amazing.

However that is as good as saying 'I want to be able to buy prime access with plat.' 

And... I don't like that. it does not sit well with me as before this point prime access was always paywalled. I find R-Aya as a good step in evolving that..... Now that they've fixed the value for cost to be on rough parity (yes there are no boosters but I view the loss in boosters as balanced by convenience.)

Fair enough.....to a certain degree. Our problem (when  i say "our" i mean veterans like me)  is that we have ALL prime stuff already and still continue to spend real money (not trade to earn plat)  to buy platinum to support the game, and get sidelined because our accumulated wealth in the form of plat is not being recognized as a legitimate investment worthy of obtaining prime access goodies in spite of the end-game milestone we veterans have reached. Could they at least provide us veterans an avenue to fairly spend the plat we purchased with our hard earned cash? let them see how much real money we have poured into the in-game economy and provide us with a chance to liquidate our in-game "investment" from plat to any other "exclusive in-game" commodity?  just because Plat can be freely earned in-game through  trade etc., doesn't mean we veterans who pay actual real life currency to get plat need to be looked at in the same light as plat earners via trade..

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I'd like to say that it was very nice to see you fine folks taking this response from the community into consideration enough to the point that even when it was believed to be impossible to change the way things were set up, y'all still kept looking and found a workaround. I appreciate your hard work, and I've picked out my 15 Regal Aya's worth of accessories I'll be grabbing (That Spiritsail Armor set especially looks tempting)! I felt as if this was above and beyond what typical companies in the industry would do for their playerbase, and I really do hope this bestselling event gets even better for DE like it's gotten better for us.

As it may have been mentioned earlier, if including platinum in the Regal Aya packs wasn't something that was hesitated upon because of the pack's overall value, but rather to keep the premium currencies separated in their purchases, then perhaps if Prime Resurgence returns in the future, the prices for the pack could be lowered, and the platinum left out? I believe there would be a similar well-received response to this premium economy if platinum were removed again and the pack prices were halved, as that would closely resemble the projected value the platinum included in the Prime Vault bundles would have had if you looked at it as part of the package itself and not as a bonus, but ultimately the specific numbers would be up to you folks.

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1) Plat makes regal aya redundant

2)Players trade with plat. Plat makes DE money.

3) The event is a good idea because the vault is only getting bigger.

4)Make ducats and Regular Aya interchangable

5)The players want to support you


Platinum is the premium currency. Why is DE adding a new one? Even if it was something pushed by Tencent to "make more money" it still doesn't make sense. Every player of Warframe wants DE to do well and make profits. Obviously investors like Tencent want this also. Profit in this game is what results from happy players  with VALUE offered to them for their money. Not "seeing what you can get away with" by offering a shiny new currency that's several times more expensive.

The main point I REALLY WISH I could get DE to see is that people trade.. WITH PLAT. For a trade to happen in this game someone has to BUY it first. Whatever advice Tencent has to offer you guys about turning more profit in a game is garbage just look at their track record. You have already positioned yourselves better all alone and you don't need to take notes from cash cow competitors. Plat could literally be a crypto currency where farming for things to sell is the mining. Facilitating trade will make you guys more money than trying to create more expensive premium currencies. I'm telling you guys you are on to something big with this game and you are selling yourselves short trying to do what the competitors do to increase profits. 

The event itself is a smart idea. The regular Aya not even an entirely bad idea. The regal aya just doesn't make any sense when you could have just charged plat for all the same things. Y'all seem to have this mentality like trade is hurting your profits but I'm telling you its the opposite. The event is a good idea because the list of things in the prime vault is only getting bigger which means longer rotations between each item. Having an equalizing event like this is clever. The concept of regular aya is great (similar to Anomaly Shards) but choosing to place it in fully RNG based content with several other options in the drop table was not the best choice. Especially since Aya is basically just a placeholder for a random currently unvaulted relic. An easy fix would be to make Aya and Ducats interchangable. This would let you crack existing relics and exchange the prime gear for ducats to get the event relics to then crack. Also, it would be a nice step in the right direction of giving us uses for the stacks of things in our inventory that have no purpose AND it would provide another useful function for ducats which consequentially makes both Baro's items AND prime gear more valuable. (If people can exchange ducats for aya, they will conversely have less to spend on Baro, and also be more likely to exchange their current prime items for ducats)

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Regal Aya still feels like a scam on the website there was Originally a bonus for purchasing regal aya which was purchasing the $80.00 one gave 3 extra regal aya on top of the 15. Your still not getting the same value of plat even though the price of a acess pack is the same as 15 regal aya.


nidus prime acess pack gives everything + 2552 platinum For $80.00 in the post you wrote when y'all decided to add play you only get 1200p with the 15 regal aya.

Your getting less then half the platinum for the same price in my opinion its it's not worth buying. The accessories from the primes being priced in regal aya I get that it was apart of the packs fine.

The noggle heads I know are apart of the pack too but give us a break here and change them to purchasable with regular aya.

If we can't get the same amount of platinum for the same amount Of dollar then the accessories all of them in my opinion should be free through regular Aya purchase.


Half those armor accessories have a special animation which you can't even do anymore because you DE got rid of channeling. Nyx's smoke,  volts lightning, embers fire, nekros souls & etc. If we get less then things should be cheaper. As of current the regal aya is just a massive honey pot to get the same dollar, give less platinum, and a way to force people to purchase more regal aya & platnum. If you do the math on all the prices most of these will leave you one or two regal aya short forcing you to spend another $40.00.



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i think the biggest reason for Regal Aya is due to bank transaction fees.

theres alot of items that are cheap and if you bought them with real money one at the time DE would lose alot of money to bank transaction fees.

and the reason they dident use plat is due to them wanting the unvaulting still being close to before aka not purchable with plat.

Edited by Oggyswe
changed You to DE
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The bonus has always been included in the number, not additional. Platinum functions the same way.

DE made a compromise with the feedback presented. That's life. It's really not as much of a big deal anymore. Sales will prove whether we see this system again.

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But people don't buy items one at a time they buy plat in chunks to then get several items and only buying plat involves banks.

So to keep it not purchasable with plat they made it purchasable with something else instead? What so people who already have plat have to buy something else too?

Still don't make sense to me. And if it's gonna be a big deal event I should be able to spend my time entirely towards the event and not get Ayatan stars and endo instead of what im running these missions for the 2000th time for. Orphix was a great event with a pool of several very good awards and clear progression to acquiring them. This is a slight adjustment of the drop tables and you have a week to farm RNG for a mission reward of a relic placeholder currency so that you can then crack the relics and hope you get the parts you want out of them. Personally, im just gonna wait and buy my missing primes with plat from fellow Tenno.

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They said what the real reason is. Prime unvaultings were taking up too much time trying to juggle relic packs and relics. So they put the relics as shop purchases and drop Aya instead. Suddenly they no longer have to care about changing the drop tables for each unvaulting, and they can unvault everything very regularly. So that's a benefit to us all.

The Regal Aya is the same but for the prime packs, the stuff you had to buy by purchasing a pack, now is available as individual items (for the same price, sans plat). Lots of people were complaining they coudln't buy just one syadana or skin because they were locked behind an all-or-nothing prime pack. So now you can buy the bits. This too is a a benefit for players. DE might also benefit if it drives more, smaller, sales.

Nowhere did plat ever come into it. The stuff you buy in the shop was always either totally unavailable or was real-money purchaseable only. Now you can get the vaulted relics through gameplay, and the rest is still real-money purchasable only. The stuff you cannot buy with plat, you still cannot buy with plat as its all untradeable anyway. The primes you want to buy with plat - you can, you always could. but you can also buy the relics with ordinary aya that drops in game as well. Bonus.

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18 hours ago, (XBOX)CountessaJay said:

I'm already in a clan but there never on. Lol atleast not when I am. I don't mind farming the resources that are needed. I have maybe a few primes. Btw lol I'm not a him. Lmao


oops  srry.  Its just natural seeing how i dont run into alot of girls on games.  I didnt mean to offend you by that

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On 2021-11-18 at 9:30 AM, RashFever26 said:

"conspiracy-believing", stopped reading there, seeing things as they are isn't a conspiracy, opinions you don't like aren't a conspiracy. Sounds like the average take you would read on Reddit main subs lmao. And there's only one "greedy" side and it sure as hell isn't the community regardless of toxicity and whatever.

Seeing things as they are isn't a conspiracy (unless you are actually looking at conspiracy, of course 🤪).

What I was referring to was... well, let's call it a theory then... the "theory" that DE has implemented the event as a first step to "scam" or/and "defraud" us of our real-world money, and that "the secret plan" is to change future unvaults to resemble the event (as it was before DE introduced plat). Now THAT is  "conspiracy-believing", whichever way you turn it. Of course, by DE now actually including the plat this "theory" has sort of crashed, burned and imploded, all at once.

As to "greed", just speed-read this current "we will now fulfil your wishes and give you plat instead of endo"-thread (in which we currently are) and count how many posts includes demands for even "more", often for "less".  That the clear majority simply says "thank you" is a shining ray of hope from the Warframe community, but some posters do have another take on this...


"...money for nothing and the chicks for free..."

Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits

Edited by Graavarg
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22 minutes ago, (XBOX)Demiwolf0606 said:

oops  srry.  Its just natural seeing how i dont run into alot of girls on games.  I didnt mean to offend you by that

Not a lot of players you know are girls, anyway. I'm don't know what percentage of Warframe players are what gender, but since you can easily go for months without hearing anyone use voice chat, it becomes down-right impossible to tell at a glance.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)TrueDeMoN100 said:

nidus prime acess pack gives everything + 2552 platinum For $80.00 in the post you wrote when y'all decided to add play you only get 1200p with the 15 regal aya.

Because that Nidus pack only gets you Nidus, the 2 weapons, and the glyphs. Where as the Regal Aya gets you...

  • A Warframe
  • 2 weapons
  • Both accessories
  • The glyphs
  • And 10k endo

... for 6 Regal Aya. Meaning you have 9 RA to buy another pack and still have 3 more to buy accessories, or mix-and-match however you want. You're comparing apples and oranges.


Half those armor accessories have a special animation which you can't even do anymore because you DE got rid of channeling. Nyx's smoke,  volts lightning, embers fire, nekros souls & etc.

Was that not changed to activate at 2x combo like they said?

Edited by KitMeHarder
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1 hour ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

Not a lot of players you know are girls, anyway. I'm don't know what percentage of Warframe players are what gender, but since you can easily go for months without hearing anyone use voice chat, it becomes down-right impossible to tell at a glance.

We're all Tenno anyway, right 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

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5 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

You're not getting to buy premium exclusive cosmetics with plat, and it's silly to think otherwise.

While its true they won't do this, the expectation is reasonable:

aside from the non-tradeable starter 50p, the rest came from and continues to come from only real money.  and in fact their own market prices can establish a direct plat<->regal exchange rate.

the reason for the creation of regal is to prevent people from buying prime cosmetics with money DE has already collected and spent.

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Now I just need the option to buy multiple Regal Aya packs at once, instead of having to go through the entire order process all over again for another pack. Probably just being nitpicky, but I tend to spend quite a bit of money on this game since I work a lot and don't have the time to grind as much as others, and I like being able to buy multiple quantities of a thing all in one transaction.🤔

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