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Prime Resurgence: Post-Event and Next Steps!


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1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

While prime resurgence was basically pointless for me because I had all the prime items already and there was literally 2 items for aya if you didn't need relics, it did, imo, show that there could be a better system for players getting relics. 

I have so many relics sitting in inventory, gained from farming for the ones I don't have, that I'm basically never going to have enough time to work my way through them all.  Every time a new prime frame/weapon comes out we end up needing to farm new relics meaning often as not we get even more relics to add to the pile of unused ones. 

Having seen the convenience of buying the exact relics you want, after farming a universal but specific currency, I'd like to see a change from farming relics to just farming aya and buying the exact relic(s) you want.  Ideally I'd like to see prime items converted into something we can just buy with aya but I doubt that will happen so the idea of making getting the exact relic seems a bit more viable. 

Now I'm not suggesting all relics are 1 aya because DE will still want to get people to buy prime packs but we could have a higher price (in aya) for the most recent one or two prime releases and then all older ones could be a lower value.  Obviously some maths by DE would need to be done to work out a fair balance for the conversion. 

Unlikely due to the fact that DE wants you to play the game. More grind = more game time. More game time = more incentive to spend money. It's how this all works.

1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

Other than that I didn't agree with noggles being regal aya and felt considering they were 'freebies' in the past they could have been used as an item you could buy with aya, even if limited to just one for aya and any more would be a regal aya purchase. 

I also felt value of the aya to ducats conversion needed to be at least 15 ducats to match the minimum value of a reward from cracking a relic, it was just poor value. 

If prime resurgence comes back there's going to need to be more items than just relics for aya if it's going in the reward table, hell even if it's just things like forma, exilus adapters, potatoes, kuva bundles etc, the sort of things you get in events/nightwave because as it stands now there's literally no reason, other than for trade, for long term players to get aya.

I read this from someone else before. But you're forgetting that the 15 ducats as a minimum value is sans the time investment to crack the relic. This means less time spent playing the game. See above point I made.

The value a void relic grants in terms of ducats on average for an unrefined relic without forma is 23.3 ducats. 19.4 if it has a forma as a common drop. Of coruse that's not 100% truth since sometimes you refine a relic to have better chances. In the end the real question is, what does DE think the value of game time is. It seems they feel it is about 15-20 ducats. Is that fair? Well they have the numbers. Can't say if it is or if it isn't. The only thing you can do is decide for yourself if it is.

Now you can of course decide to just buy relics with them and crack them. Or be lazy and trade them in. In the end, the value for you doesn't change. You just got an extra option. 

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14 minutes ago, RazerXPrime said:

Unlikely due to the fact that DE wants you to play the game. More grind = more game time. More game time = more incentive to spend money. It's how this all works.

Hence why I said it wouldn't be 1 aya and new stuff would be higher cost as well. 

14 minutes ago, RazerXPrime said:

I read this from someone else before. But you're forgetting that the 15 ducats as a minimum value is sans the time investment to crack the relic. This means less time spent playing the game. See above point I made.

The value a void relic grants in terms of ducats on average for an unrefined relic without forma is 23.3 ducats. 19.4 if it has a forma as a common drop. Of coruse that's not 100% truth since sometimes you refine a relic to have better chances. In the end the real question is, what does DE think the value of game time is. It seems they feel it is about 15-20 ducats. Is that fair? Well they have the numbers. Can't say if it is or if it isn't. The only thing you can do is decide for yourself if it is.

Now you can of course decide to just buy relics with them and crack them. Or be lazy and trade them in. In the end, the value for you doesn't change. You just got an extra option. 

When you consider the likely user of the exchange is a longer term player , who probably has most of the things baro drops (issue for another day lol), and considering we can do a capture mission in around 1-2 minutes on average I still don't think 5 is a fair deal and as such I didn't use it, even with my excessive (1000+ if my maths is right) number of spare relics lol.

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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

When you consider the likely user of the exchange is a longer term player , who probably has most of the things baro drops (issue for another day lol), and considering we can do a capture mission in around 1-2 minutes on average I still don't think 5 is a fair deal and as such I didn't use it, even with my excessive (1000+ if my maths is right) number of spare relics lol.

Not everyone does capture missions to crack relics. But it's true that you can speedrun a lot of them. That said, it doesn't take away from my point. It's about the value that DE implies on the time investment. DE did the math probably (probably) and figured this amount is the amount that makes you think twice before running 50 bounties and then insta turning the 100 aya you got into ducats without actually playing the game. You got to look at it that way.

Plus again it's no loss for anyone. You don't have to revert them to ducats directly. You can turn them into a relic and run a 2 minute capture mission. No loss, just an option for those who are feeling lazy.

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Really enjoyed the Aya/Regal Aya idea (even if couldn't buy anything, but had all non-cash prime stuff already), and I kinda wished it stayed.

It would be nice if Aya was obtainable by exchanging relics for it. Maybe a Radiant relic for one Aya or something, maybe with adjustments for Axi and Lith (Axi and Neo gives 2, Lith and Meso gives 1). This would break down RNG a lot while also giving something for those piles of unused relics. Could lead to some lower availability on prime parts for trading, but the market on that self regulates. With Baro, we can change unused prime parts for other stuff, but with a system like this we would be able to exchange unwanted relics (without having to open) into other relics that we actually want.

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Resurgence is actually a good event imo. However, it'll be better if the rotation is streched a bit longer. (Either one prime sets per 2 weeks, or two sets per month).

Knowing that more primes will enter the vault, it is inevitable that DE adds a much shorter unvault events.


In addition, add navigation area in Maroo's Bazaar. So players can easily trade one aya per run.

Edited by Rasdan
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12 hours ago, Yakuza121 said:

The unvaulted primes and accessories that are out now, will they be brought back to the store(Prime Vault)? Because we cannot buy accessories from Varzia if we don't have regal aya.


Prime Vault is currently Rhino/Nyx as far as I'm aware, the current Prime Access/ories is Harrow, you can buy his accessories/packs through the website the usual way.


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i enjoy content for games, every gamer does, but i dont enjoy content that is going to break my neck, and this did.

FIRST, lets start with a big thing here, you lied to us...you removed the ghoul bounty stating that it was causing issues with server lag, lagging people in cetus, i am sure ive not got every detail here, but rounding it out, the ghoul purge was causing to much lag during the aya event......you dont host the games, us as players do. would i agree that cetus was packed, yes, but people can load directly into the plains. what really happened? players found an easy way to farm aya, and you did not like it. you said it was causing game issues, and you would take it out UNTIL the event was over...your words. what happened? you changed the aya on the loot table and slapped it back in BEFORE this "event" ended. you lied, and i wont trust you again, and neither should any other person playing your game. it would've been easier for you to state you over looked something, state you were changing it this way, and then do it. leave the BS out of it...


now, onto the meat and potatoes.

the idea for this instead of what we normally get is sound. i like it, it could work. it needs to be looked over, tweaked, released again for testing, and when you release it for testing, keep your d@mn fingers out of your players wallets.

i dont like my RNG with a side of RNG. doing bounties so much that i end up brain panned and drooling, hoping it dont bug out for a chance of 1 aya is mind numbing, but, i've got to go with the "get a chance of 1 aya to hope to get a chance of an item im looking for after i open a relic", sucks. we spent all that time farming for a CHANCE to get a currency, for a CHANCE to get an item we're looking for from a relic that currency provides. you need a better way to distribute that currency.

if you're going to go only with the bounty route, you need to have people come up with a bounty rotation better then what you have. if we're spending 8 hours doing the same bounties over and over and over again, new bounties need to be put in to keep people engaged in what they're doing. the same bounty over again for 2 hours destroys the last brain cell we've got left, it was horrible.

1 week for 2 frames PLUS their weapons, PLUS pets and archwings and cosmetics, those we could buy with standard aya, caused brain damage. how many people who work went without sleep, or called out because a useful frame came up, and they wanted to get it to form a group of synergy with their friends? how many kids caught a butt whoopin for staying up late to try and pound out aya and relics, or had their gaming systems and rigs taken from them because they had to rush? 2 frames, all of their stuff, make it last 2 weeks, every 2 months. give people some time to put the work in to get the items. dont force it so that people MUST buy plat, or regal aya to get what they want because event ends in 1 day, and they're missing 1 component because they opened 40 radiant relics and did not get the rare item from it, and yes, i called out, your relic system, it sucks....

dont drop multiple events all in one go next time. you wasted an opportunity here. you dropped the prime resurgence event, and then released harrow, AND new story content on our heads all at once. not only did this cause MORE of a rush, but you could've released these in spaced intervals to make the content last longer, and you could've released the new story content in 2 hour spirts to give freshness. dont do this again. it was painful for us, and painful for you.

i know bounties are not everyone's thing, and you did put aya in the void missions, but this also sucked, it was inconsistent. 4 hours of survival, might get 1 aya. you could've put it on a constant thing, 1 aya for sure every second or third C rotation or something. it would've drew more people away from the main hubs, lessening the congestion, and felt way more rewards, engaging, and smooth.

on the subject of bounty rewarding aya, the bounties need fixed, you know, and we know, they are bugged, and you knew they were bugged before you even released the event. why were they not fixed BEFORE the event was released? i've got my theories, but i will keep them to myself. the bugged bounties, and the repeat bounties are a reason i wont do a resurgence event again, UNLESS everything is fixed, all bugs, fresh bounties are put in (if we're going to stay on this kick of doing bounties to get aya), and tested to make sure they work properly, and im not rushed to break my neck to try and get these items. we as players are coming to play the game, forget our miserable lives, and have fun. games dont need to be jobs. are you guys going to refund me all the aya, or items worth the aya that i spent time in trying to get, that i could not get, because the bounty bugged out and bonus failed?

if you're going to have aya drop in bounties, and bounties are at all the main hubs, the drops for the aya need to be even across the board for ALL of them. not 50% chance here, 25% chance over there, not 40% here. if it would've been even across all bounties in all 3 areas, i dont think people would've been as bored, as they could've had a change of scenery when one area became to much..

regal aya was a BAD idea. look, i know you're a company owned by a company known for killing games off, and companies need to make money, but being scummy scammy, and there is a difference in being scummy and then being scammy, but you were both here made you look bad...and i dont mean bad, but i mean predatory " i've got candy come get in my van with me so i can touch you places" bad. this is a free to play game, and yes, micro transactions have to be a thing, but you make a murderous killing off of us as is. have to buy warframe slots, 20 plat a pop, need weapon slots, 12 plat a pop for 2. constant reactors and catalysts. this adds up QUICK, and yeah, you do offer "free" ones, but there are not enough "free ones" to give players what they need. yeah, you give one or two out in nightwave (which you've extended, which means no new free ones for players to work towards right now), lotus event from time to time, but that's it, and im not saying hand them out like candy, but, you could put in a difficult series of missions to grant some of these items. could even do regular hard mini mission events. point im trying to make here, you've got a market FULL of items that you're selling for peoples cash, regal aya did not need to be a thing. you could've sold the warframes, with their weapons and trinkets in a pack, so people knew exactly what they were getting, and knew exactly what was going on, and not fished in their pockets for that 50 dollars bill. that sucked, you suck for doing it, enough said.

i could go on, but these are some of the harder points for me, but, none of the devs are going to read these constructive posts, and they're not going to play their game to the point that we do to see how what they put in is working before releasing it. we get ignored until we call them out on something that is going to cost them a loss of major funds, then they fix it, regal aya packs were proof of that.

to put it simple, dont use your players, listen to your players, play your game to see how something is functioning, then profit. any game these days are failing at this.

on a side note, yes i know my punctuation was bad in this, yes there are probably some misspelled words or improper words put in places, and yes, i know some grammar nazi is going to come along and make a comment, at this point i dont care, so dont waste your energy. be constructive about the topic with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seem many didn't mind the good and bad of the event but me personally I tried to avoid this event like the plague and only farmed a few bits till i felt its was just less hassle to buy regal aya I feel this was done deliberately by DE and it felt less hassle to just get what I wanted then and instantly  then go do other things in game not the event itself.

For me unfortunately it just seemed like a quick money grab and altho the older relic systerm is long winded so to say I just prefer it to the current aya farm we had as I felt value in my chosen farming method for relics after the ghoul purge was ripped away it just felt like a boreing endless farm and my time spent didn't feel very rewarding at all 

I hope if this is to return in future the aya drops are at-least given a better chance to drop and adding it to other things in game.

Other than that keep up the great work DE looking forward to reading the recent survey results 😀 I sure hope you publish them to be viewed by the community 😉



Edited by (XBOX)XGN Zemus 7
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2022-01-24 at 10:24 AM, [DE]Danielle said:


Prime Resurgence is coming to a close on January 25th! 

After 8 weeks of Prime rotations and a 2 week ‘Last Chance’ to top it all off, we’re here to thank you for participating in Prime Resurgence! This was our first attempt at a very ambitious Unvaulting event that, after some bumps in the road, had ultimately turned out to be a very successful way for us to provide access to Vaulted content. 

While the event did extremely well, it’s time to review the details holistically now that it's over to answer the question: What is the future of Prime Resurgence?

While important next-step decisions are being made, the following covers what you can expect in terms of Prime Vault content in the wake of Prime Resurgence:

The Interim Return of Prime Vault

To not disrupt player accessibility to Vaulted content, a traditional Prime Vault will be returning in February. In traditional Prime Vault fashion, packs will be available through the in-game Market (and stores on Consoles) and Vault Relics will be added to the Drop Tables. More details on specifics to come! 

Varzia’s Post-Event Wares

Varzia still resides in Maroo’s Bazaar with a selection of wares. You may choose to purchase the items listed below from her shop with the remaining Aya or Regal Aya you may have:

Items available for Aya:

  • Volt Prime, Valkyr Prime, and Nyx Prime Relics*
  • 5 Ducats 
  • Apis Syandana
  • Spektaka Liset Skin or Necraloid Bundle

Items available for Regal Aya: 

  • Prime Warframes
    • Volt Prime + Odonata Prime
    • Valkyr Prime
    • Nyx Prime
  • Prime Weapons
    • Cernos Prime*
    • Venka Prime* 
    • Scindo Prime*
    • Hikou Prime* 
    • Burston Prime
    • Fang Prime
    • Lex Prime
    • Braton Prime
  • Prime Accessories* 
    • Edo Prime Armor 
    • Kazeru Prime Sugatra 
    • Targis Prime Armor Set
    • Vala Prime Sugatra 
    • Liset Prime Skin 
    • Saita Prime Suit
  • Past Prime Gaming Gear
    • Vistapa Prime Syandana
    • Spektaka Prime Syandana
    • Spektaka Prime Sugatra
    • Filigree Prime Liset Decoration
    • Static Reactor Prime Sigil
    • Avia Prime Armor Set
    • Avia Prime Syandana
    • Vayas Operator Prime Accessories
  • All of the Prime Noggles that were available during the rotations. 

*All of the above were available during the rotations and were listed in our original “Items Available After Prime Resurgence” with the exception of the Volt Prime, Nyx Prime, and Valkyr Prime Relics, Weapons, and Accessories. Since these Warframe’s Relics are permanently unvaulted and obtainable via gameplay, it only made sense for the rest of their collection to remain available through Varzia. Prime Resurgence brought a lot of ‘firsts’ for Vaulted content, so we’re continuing that trend with the inclusion of Prime Accessories outside of the event and traditional Prime Vaults. 

During this interim time we will not be adding any new items to Varzia’s shop - since Aya and Regal Aya are no longer obtainable there should be no item gatekeeping for players who do not have any stock leftover. 

Next Steps: Aya & Regal Aya

A hotfix will be going out on all platforms tomorrow, January 25th to replace Aya with the Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime Relics in the Drop Tables. Regal Aya packs will also be retired at the time that the event comes to a close.* 

  • *For our Nintendo Switch Tenno, those packs will still be in the Nintendo eShop until January 27th (due to Nintendo store rotation scheduling). Any Regal Aya purchases made post-event can still be used in Varzia's shop keeping in mind that the items available for purchase will have switched over to her new setup as disclosed above. 

If you choose, any remaining Aya/Regal Aya can be used in Varzia’s post-event shop (as listed above) or can be held onto for potential future Prime Vault efforts. While the future of Prime Resurgence is still being determined, priority in any instance will be to provide options that appropriately meets player expectations for premium purchases. 

It is worth reiterating before we sign off, that the nature of Prime Resurgence was wholly experimental. We wanted to give players an alternative to Prime Vault and ultimately increase access to Prime gear, and that required much risk consideration and community contribution in the early stages and launch of the event to get right. So thank you for continuing to be an integral part of the development process and success of endeavors such as these. We’ll check back in with you for tomorrow’s Hotfix!

I so pass no o e will help me

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