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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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Just now, Freyjah said:

Please, learn to read. I dunno if you are purposefully playing oblivious, but at this point you cannot be serious. 

Everyone can bullet jump with any Warframe, period. Except the Tennos, because *inhales* TENNOS ARE NOT WARFRAMES.

I know lol. Why did you even bring up tennos to a discussion regarding the mobility of warframes to begin with. Tennos can't bulletjump (void dash is/was the equivalent, and is currently faster than bulletjumps), let alone use the "mobility elite" tools pointed by the other guy to who i was replying.

Just now, Freyjah said:

The Tenno's fastest and best way of movement was the curent traversal dashes. You cannot bullet jump with a Tenno. Do I have to spell it out? 

No need to spell it out. But the point is rather simple and you may be the one in need of having it spelled out:

What if DE wants to stop the Tenno from being the fastest way to move around? I guess it's safe to say that they want players to make use of other tools instead, like parkour in normal missions and archwings in open worlds.

Just now, Freyjah said:

I will cry over the void dash changes, because I personally do not like the change, and I prefer the previous one.

Sure! That's unlikely to make DE hold back the shown changes.

Just now, Freyjah said:

Am I not allowed to share my opinion on the forums? 

It's a public forum, you're allowed and even entitled to share your opinion here. Am i not allowed to do the same?

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4 hours ago, Kokomala said:

There's no need to exaggerate what was shown on stream. Go to 1:05:20 and slow it down. Setup and travel time combined was approx. 1s, with roughly 0.25s setup, 0.75s travel; with Rebecca completing 2 dashes in slightly under 2s. Now obviously we don't know if Mind Sprint was working properly, nor do we know if anything else was affecting it or not, or what other focus related reworks/abilities may augment the speed/distance of void dash. Considering DE typically showcases things without any mods of augments, and the fact that the showcased void dash range appears to be roughly that of the current default one (12m), I'm leaning towards Mind Sprint either being completely reworked or not working properly in the demonstration, as Naramon school was also not unlocked.

Honestly, after slowing it down and replaying it a few times - it's actually not all that slower than what we have now, Looks roughly 30% slower (if that), but the momentum gain on exit may make up for this difference due to extra distance travelled. Hard to tell from the stream, but exit speed looked to be higher for longer dashes compared to shorter ones, which may have interesting results when chaining them together.

Obviously people are going to have to rebuild muscle memory, however the main question I'm now curious about with the new void dash - do we automatically dash when the range is maxed out?

  • If yes, then this should be pretty easy to use.
  • If no, then there is now an increased player skill element for those who want to maximize void dash in the shortest amount of time possible.

I'm also assuming you were sarcastic regarding people getting killed. You're immune for the entire time you are in void mode including void dash travel time. There's practically zero difference in switching into operator and void dashing to safety between the two versions. Between the two, you are probably looking at 0.5-1s increased time for 2-3 new void dashes, so technically you gained an increase in invulnerability time.

I'll reserve judgement regarding the ability range, due to unknowns regarding Waybounds and the possibility of Mind Sprint not working. Hopefully the workshop will come out sooner than later.

 Yeah i did exaggerate you have a solid point! Still tho the need for setup is what most people are angry about and I get it. They could have just changed the animation and chopped 25% of the initial length in favor of added momentum right? Setup makes no sense for a movement ability, what if it was Bullet jump changed to need setup like - slide for at least 0.25 seconds to Bullet Jump, I can think of at least 2 guys that will loose their marbles over such a change. It will cripple the overall flow, and will result in mountains of mistakes due to already built up muscle memory.

Of course learning new stuff is good for the brain, but when you have to fight 5+ Years of muscle memory it kind of makes your head hurt.

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47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

My example is not MY example, I was making a point using the Example of another person, using HIS words to make it clear! Clearly not clear enough for some people tho.

Idk man. The whole "speed elite" point was really dumb from the start to me when we keep in mind that a lot of the people using the frames you mentioned use their mobility powers as a crutch, and even with these crutched they fail to keep up with players who know how to use parkour, and fail even harder at it if the second group uses mobility enhancing mods.

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

I guess it's safe to assume you are being a giant dоuсhе intentionally and obtuse on purpose. Your insult/assumption is based on Nothing, at least mine is based on literal facts you so generously provided. Idk what sick pleasure this brings you.

Literal facts? Players forming a "speed elite" composed only by frames with mobility powers? That doesn't sound like a fact, just a slippery slope.

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

I very well know how to pilot a frame fast, since i have been playing even Before Operator's existed! I see what you are trying to do, twist my point to look like I am complaining.

Good, then it shouldn't be hard to adapt to bulletjumping more and void dashing less, assuming the void dash change is enough to not keep it faster than bulletjump chains.

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

My point is not for me, it is for newer players! Veterans can do crazy stuff, we have been cooking in the parkour environment for over 7 years, which is exactly why one cannot assume everyone knows how to animation cancel and carry momentum from day 1, noone is born taught.

So? New players are gonna get used to our parkour tools just like we did get used to them after DE changed coptering in parkour 1.0 to bulletjump on the current parkour. New players will also learn to use the new void dash instead of the current one, making this whole "think of the children" point moot.

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

Dude, really? THAT is exactly the POINT! Can you read? Let me self quote:

I love how you left that part out in your quote, truly masterful work there +10 points in manipulation technique!

I left that part of the quote simply because a lot (yes, a lot, not all) of tje players who use those frames do it because these abilities are their only way to catch/keep up with faster players. 

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

 I never said meta. And YES it IS LAME. That is what I am trying to say, it makes no sense to build for speed, if you have other tools and NO default bullet jump will never be able to catch up with a speedier warframe that also bullet jumps.

Oddly enough, based on my 9 years playing warframe, players who use speedy frames are usually the same ones who can't chain bulletjumps to move around, so they end up being faster with said powers than they would without them. Who needs to learn how to use parkour as a combat tool when we can face tank anything thanks to our obnoxious damage rwductions, anyways.

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

Some builds are tight on mod space, one exilus mod can be of alot of difference in ample amount of situations, if you know how to make a build that is!

Only of you're going for a meta or a minmaxed setup. Mobility mods aren't mandatory to go fast, if you know how to move, that is.

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

Did I say " the ONLY TOOL? i am sure i said.

 Oh would you look at that, I DID say it 😱

You quoted my post in there, but doesn't matter since i'm aware that there are different tools to catch up with fast

47 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

Reading is cool, may want to learn how to do it, so you don't embarrass yourself again in the future. 😉

It is indeed cool, but is much better if you manage to understand what you're reading.

46 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

Of course learning new stuff is good for the brain, but when you have to fight 5+ Years of muscle memory it kind of makes your head hurt


1 hour ago, Do_High_Go said:

my point is not for me, it is for newer players!

I'm sure newer players won't have to fight against 5+ years of muscle memory, though.

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On 2022-03-15 at 2:46 AM, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

It baffles me how people still care about Eidolon hunts in 2022... PoE was released in 2017! That content is outdated and boring as Hek! 

I'd much rather play new stuff instead of tediously grinding the older stuff over and over. It's about time DE added other sources for farming Arcanes (Besides Orphix which is not tuned for solo play and was quickly forgotten). 

People care for different aspects of the game, everyone has different preference for content, what you think is boring maybe for me is not boring and vice versa.

Newer stuff eventually becomes same grinding stuff like the old stuff but i agree that DE should make the arcanes drop in other places too.

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3 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

I guess that's what DE wants to stop anyways. We got archwings for open worlds and warframes to be fast everywhere, yet chaining void dash is somehow faster than everything else, otherwise i'm sure people wouldn't be as salty over this change as they are.

I'm sort of salty because I literally put hundreds of hours into making my operator really combat ready, Eidolon hunters and current actual operator players have pointed out how it will be a negative impact on their gameplay and I feel like a lot of people have voiced their opposition to it. It comes down to more than just travel, which I know is the most common use but really it's going to bleed into other aspects of the game.

Pablo has said things about not reworking stuff in the past because of players who liked it, but on a whim they're totally ready to just rework a system that's currently actually enjoyed by enthusiasts who actually PLAY operator now in favor of um.. Just something that totally trust us it's going to be good?

For me, I haven't seen anything that good out of it.. Rebecca was barely moving faster than her Warframe, lazily floating around and missing targets.. How is this supposed to be good for a Protective Dash, getting to an intercept point, basic operator combat. Can we dash backwards, can we gain a lot of forward momentum, what kinds of skills are being introduced to offset this change and questions like that were completely unanswered..

Just shown something shiny and new to replace a system that people actually use and enjoy now without any real explanation as to how it's supposed to make things better, and the gameplay preview was anything but reassuring - Pablo I thought you said you didn't do this kind of stuff and you're going in deep with this on a system that costs players a ton of time to even get into ^^;

They're not messing with something people threw a few forma into over a weekend, but the Operator system which is a massive, bleeding investment and grind without really giving out any info on how they'd offset it.

That's a natural recipe for salt.

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1 hour ago, Twin_Fawn said:

I'm sort of salty because I literally put hundreds of hours into making my operator really combat ready, Eidolon hunters and current actual operator players have pointed out how it will be a negative impact on their gameplay and I feel like a lot of people have voiced their opposition to it. It comes down to more than just travel, which I know is the most common use but really it's going to bleed into other aspects of the game.

To be fair, the operator changes and focus re-rework only make me wonder if DE ever expected operators to be as powerful as they can be. As much as i can see how annoying it is to see years of progress and muscle memory gone, i think it's also worth trying to figure out where does the operator fit in the devs' view of the game which *might* explain these changes (especially since they've been quite tight lipped on the matter).

1 hour ago, Twin_Fawn said:

Pablo has said things about not reworking stuff in the past because of players who liked it, but on a whim they're totally ready to just rework a system that's currently actually enjoyed by enthusiasts who actually PLAY operator now in favor of um.. Just something that totally trust us it's going to be good?

I'd take stuff said on streams with a grain of salt. Steve himself has talked about doing stuff many times, some of which hasn't happened despite being said years ago. Streams are just PR after all.

1 hour ago, Twin_Fawn said:

For me, I haven't seen anything that good out of it.. Rebecca was barely moving faster than her Warframe, lazily floating around and missing targets.. How is this supposed to be good for a Protective Dash, getting to an intercept point, basic operator combat. Can we dash backwards, can we gain a lot of forward momentum, what kinds of skills are being introduced to offset this change and questions like that were completely unanswered..

Without intention to bash Reb, i think it's worth keeping in mind that she exactly what one could call a mechanically skilled player in warframe. Stuff like this leads me to think that DE should -at the very least- let the testing cluster do their thing with these changes in order to get feedback from players after playing it but before making them go live in order to find a compromise between their view and player expectations.

1 hour ago, Twin_Fawn said:

Just shown something shiny and new to replace a system that people actually use and enjoy now without any real explanation as to how it's supposed to make things better, and the gameplay preview was anything but reassuring - Pablo I thought you said you didn't do this kind of stuff and you're going in deep with this on a system that costs players a ton of time to even get into ^^;

I can't say i enjoy the current system since void dash gives me motion sickness (which also made me salty about drifter being just an operator skin instead of having the New War gameplay), so i avoid it as much as i can and try to play without the buffs it offers as much as possible.

1 hour ago, Twin_Fawn said:

They're not messing with something people threw a few forma into over a weekend, but the Operator system which is a massive, bleeding investment and grind without really giving out any info on how they'd offset it.

That's a sunk cost fallacy, and even though DE could give focus and shards used back to offset it, i guess the biggest issue comes from spending time on learning a new system -again-.

1 hour ago, Twin_Fawn said:

That's a natural recipe for salt.

Indeed, we have 18 pages of discussion -and more to come- that prove it ^^;

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4 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Idk man. The whole "speed elite" point was really dumb from the start to me when we keep in mind that a lot of the people using the frames you mentioned use their mobility powers as a crutch, and even with these crutched they fail to keep up with players who know how to use parkour, and fail even harder at it if the second group uses mobility enhancing mods.

Literal facts? Players forming a "speed elite" composed only by frames with mobility powers? That doesn't sound like a fact, just a slippery slope.

Good, then it shouldn't be hard to adapt to bulletjumping more and void dashing less, assuming the void dash change is enough to not keep it faster than bulletjump chains.

So? New players are gonna get used to our parkour tools just like we did get used to them after DE changed coptering in parkour 1.0 to bulletjump on the current parkour. New players will also learn to use the new void dash instead of the current one, making this whole "think of the children" point moot.

I left that part of the quote simply because a lot (yes, a lot, not all) of tje players who use those frames do it because these abilities are their only way to catch/keep up with faster players. 

Oddly enough, based on my 9 years playing warframe, players who use speedy frames are usually the same ones who can't chain bulletjumps to move around, so they end up being faster with said powers than they would without them. Who needs to learn how to use parkour as a combat tool when we can face tank anything thanks to our obnoxious damage rwductions, anyways.

Only of you're going for a meta or a minmaxed setup. Mobility mods aren't mandatory to go fast, if you know how to move, that is.

You quoted my post in there, but doesn't matter since i'm aware that there are different tools to catch up with fast

 All that talking and flexing, and all just random explanations. I don't need You to explain to Me how stuff works. Didn't Ask!

4 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:
5 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

Reading is cool, may want to learn how to do it, so you don't embarrass yourself again in the future. 😉

It is indeed cool, but is much better if you manage to understand what you're reading.

 Yes, exactly, and you are showing no understanding, just selective pickiness for straw man arguments.

4 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:
5 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

Of course learning new stuff is good for the brain, but when you have to fight 5+ Years of muscle memory it kind of makes your head hurt


5 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

my point is not for me, it is for newer players!

I'm sure newer players won't have to fight against 5+ years of muscle memory, though.

  Oh was I talking to you back there? No I wasn't! It's a different conversation, with a different person, regarding that person's opinion and ideas. But sure, quote it out of context, some idiot might fall for it, it just shows how petty, manipulative and weird You are. I honestly cannot stand people like you - desperate for attention, cannot handle criticism, has to be always right..... You convinced me, there is no problem with speed elitists, the actual problem is with supposed veterans like you, people with 3-4 sometimes 5 or 6 "-" symbols in their names put just so they appear top in chat. So silly it is amusing, but i have spent a tad bit too much time trying to have coherent conversation with your person. If you are going to say the same stuff again, don't bother because I Am Not Asking!

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10 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

 All that talking and flexing, and all just random explanations. I don't need You to explain to Me how stuff works. Didn't Ask!

 Yes, exactly, and you are showing no understanding, just selective pickiness for straw man arguments.

  Oh was I talking to you back there? No I wasn't! It's a different conversation, with a different person, regarding that person's opinion and ideas. But sure, quote it out of context, some idiot might fall for it, it just shows how petty, manipulative and weird You are. I honestly cannot stand people like you - desperate for attention, cannot handle criticism, has to be always right..... You convinced me, there is no problem with speed elitists, the actual problem is with supposed veterans like you, people with 3-4 sometimes 5 or 6 "-" symbols in their names put just so they appear top in chat. So silly it is amusing, but i have spent a tad bit too much time trying to have coherent conversation with your person. If you are going to say the same stuff again, don't bother because I Am Not Asking!

I love the smell of handwave everything as just a flex, fall back to ad-hominem, projection of your own flaws on the other side and "not asking". That's a convoluted way to say "i ran out of arguments but still want the last word" with plenty of fillers.

Feel free to have the last word in your next reply if you really want to.

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34 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

I love the smell of handwave everything as just a flex, fall back to ad-hominem, projection of your own flaws on the other side and "not asking". That's a convoluted way to say "i ran out of arguments but still want the last word" with plenty of fillers.

Feel free to have the last word in your next reply if you really want to.

  I am not waving away everything, just your supposed claims for actual ingame experience and knowledge.

Falling back to ad-homiem? Sure, if you can call - calling you out for putting stuff out of context for the sake of your argument - avoiding your position and diverting the topic. Yeah, i got a little heated there, but you are an incredibly annoying individual, so i kinda could not help it. Was i supposed to sit and entertain you with explanations? You have no point, just vague "comebacks" for text you put out of context, but i guess that is a talent of it's own.

What i did not comment about, is what i have nothing to say about, or is there something in the script that I am supposed to argue about every single sentence you say like you do?

I personally did not come to argue, but you apparently did -_- Be free to go and continue to argue with everyone that does not agree with you, and suсk оff everyone that shares your vision, that is how that circlejerk works right?

I never wanted last words, just understanding and open mindedness..... But since you gave the blessing in your last edit, Yoink :D

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33 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

That's a sunk cost fallacy, and even though DE could give focus and shards used back to offset it, i guess the biggest issue comes from spending time on learning a new system -again-.

For me it definitely comes from the fact that I have only seen a preview showing me that their new vision isn't going to mesh well what I like and isn't what I've put so much time into and recently really started to enjoy. The biggest issue for me isn't coming from spending time learning on a new system, it's that I don't like the new system as shown and don't feel like it's going to be as fun or adaptable to even the snippets of operator game modes we have now.

"sunk cost fallacy"

A sunk cost fallacy is when you invest more into something after a loss because you're losing more and more trying to recoup over the anxiety of your initial investment.

I currently really enjoy operator's movement as-is, it doesn't fit this definition ^^;

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10 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

That's fair and totally understandable.

It may not have been the best way to describe things, sure, but i see it as pretty much some sort of anxiety created from trying to protect the current investment from an imminent loss.

Fair enough, as pointed in my previous message, there's a reason why i can't enjoy the current operator gameplay and why i'm looking forward to these changes. However, i'd rather play the new war drifter (or either Kahl, Veso, even Teshin gameplay with drifter skin) instead while people who likes the current operator gameplay gets to keep it.

I also feel like it's fair and totally understandable if it gives you motion sickness, has phone control problems or whatever else other problems. Having both gameplay options would sort of be ideal to me honestly right now.

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The concern I have is the operator dash. Looks real clunky, and micromanagement intensive. A big thing that makes Warframe fun is its   omnidirectional, accurate, responsive, and INSTANTANEOUS movement. The operator dash already has a cooldown built into it. Perhaps just make it cancelable, w a second tap or something, if accuracy is what ur going for? I haven't used Zenurik in years. I just use Madurai, for raw damage mostly, and Inairu for eidolons. I'm ok with a rework to make a WF/Operator tag- team more synergy. Just don't need movement plz 

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9 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

Yeah i did exaggerate you have a solid point! Still tho the need for setup is what most people are angry about and I get it. They could have just changed the animation and chopped 25% of the initial length in favor of added momentum right? Setup makes no sense for a movement ability, what if it was Bullet jump changed to need setup like - slide for at least 0.25 seconds to Bullet Jump, I can think of at least 2 guys that will loose their marbles over such a change. It will cripple the overall flow, and will result in mountains of mistakes due to already built up muscle memory.

Of course learning new stuff is good for the brain, but when you have to fight 5+ Years of muscle memory it kind of makes your head hurt.

The flow will basically switch to a more rhythmic key combination instead of mashing or macroing it to a scrollwheel. It looks to flow better from the video, keeping in mind that the there was a lot of "jank" with Rebecca's setup - maintaining conversation, high parkour, demonstrating changes/new game mode, playing on a lapboard, having paper notes take up 2/3 of the mouse area etc. I don't think it will be that hard to pick up the changes.

There's maybe a dozen tiles in the game that I reguarly dash through, most of them corpus; and this change will honestly have negligible impact on it.

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The new void dash looks absolutely horrendous and neutered. There is absolutely no way to rationalize this change outside of:
1) DE incessant need for form over function, resulting in worse gameplay most of the time.
2) Supposed ease to control, which is a non-started argument since the current void dash is snappier than whatever the presented change is going to be.

And this goes beyond Eidolons, this is a bad change overall, not to mention a lot of the arguments for this change are from people who are either not using the operator on the regular, have no invested in maximizing its potential or lack both the skill and/or the creativity to make good use of void dash.

1) If you don't use void dash as part of your daily routine, for both traversal and utility, what use is your opinion on the matter?
2) If you don't have void dash maximized via Zenurik and Naramon, you lack fundamental understanding on the potential of current void dash and you opinion has no merit.
3) If you can't precisely control the current void dash, that's a L2P issue and should be fixed on the player's side. It's unreasonable to replace a well functioning mechanic with worse one just because a player lacks a rudimentary ability to play the game.


P.S. Don't even get me started on the removal of Void Blast.

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On 2022-03-19 at 9:51 AM, -KyloRen- said:

DE should make the arcanes drop in other places too.

Murex or whatever it was called -like events should be staple IMO. Like 3-4 per year. It will make arcane acquisition process way better (for a player, not for DE and arcane sellers though).

12 hours ago, XAN3MK said:

P.S. Don't even get me started on the removal of Void Blast.

If it's a E button action, i personally used the thing like 3 times since focus 2.0 was released. What are its niches, what it's good at, what'll be affected by its removal?


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30 minutes ago, GREF_TM said:

what'll be affected by its removal?

Quest progression will have to be changed if they remove void blast... some core gameplay will have to be changed too.

Like queen guards. There are quests and missions with them.

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1 hour ago, GREF_TM said:

If it's a E button action, i personally used the thing like 3 times since focus 2.0 was released. What are its niches, what it's good at, what'll be affected by its removal?

Two words - Temporal Blast.

It's an absurdly good CC tool, lasts for a very long time, it is absolved from most CC diminishing returns and it works on most bosses, liches/sisters and iirc Demolysts as well.

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20 hours ago, XAN3MK said:

P.S. Don't even get me started on the removal of Void Blast.

Don't get caught up in this, you may have missed them talking about operators getting abilities (45:45 in the video) for things that would otherwise trigger when you dash or void blast such as Temporal Blast or Guardian Shell. Obviously it wasn't hooked up to the demo.

It remains to be seen how much abilities are customizable or a locked to a particular focus school, and it also remains to be seen of how many remain in a form similar to what exists now.

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I don't know if this has already been brought up by someone else already but it seems like something VERY IMPORTANT to consider for any upcoming focus respec.

I remember seeing mention that the "pool" is getting removed which will be great... except a lot of people are going to have invested a S#&$ ton of focus into some schools in order to then use them on the universally applicable pool. For example if I have every single node for Zenurik maxed out I didn't stop earning points in zenurik afterwards, I kept all those focus lenses on and just took all of that excess focus earned and used it to buy points for the pool so I could slot in more skills from other schools. But if there isn't going to be a pool any more and I have more than enough points to max out whatever is in the updated Zenurik school then... what happens to all of that excess focus just sitting in zenurik?

If you're going to reset everyone so they can respec the best solution probably isn't just giving people all of the points they earned for each individual school but giving people the equivalent number of eidolon shards they can then redeem into the new system. Otherwise there's a high probability of this new system just invalidate a lot of work have done over the years.
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On 2022-03-19 at 3:12 PM, XAN3MK said:


And this goes beyond Eidolons, this is a bad change overall, not to mention a lot of the arguments for this change are from people who are either not using the operator on the regular, have no invested in maximizing its potential or lack both the skill and/or the creativity to make good use of void dash.

I don't get why you people do this....

You see what you just typed here.... This just guarantees that it's never going to get changed....

Look... Not saying you are wrong.... But going about this way is obviously not going to work.... 👀

11 hours ago, XAN3MK said:

Two words - Temporal Blast.

It's an absurdly good CC tool, lasts for a very long time, it is absolved from most CC diminishing returns and it works on most bosses, liches/sisters and iirc Demolysts as well.

You're Probably right.... I guess i just never had a chance to use it because transference has a 30% Chance to Bug Me indefinitely....

20 minutes ago, PlanckZero said:

what happens to all of that excess focus just sitting in zenurik?

You can spend them at the new Focus Vendor they plan on Adding....


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We seriously need a dislike button... of course if you want an actual feedback, i'll smash that thing all day after reading this :S

This "rework" looks like a poor excuse to nerf void dash if you want to improve a school that perfectly fine, heck if you need to nerf something its ok too (we all kow naramon was waaay too powerfull) but there are a lot of other things that are more needed thang nerfing Traveling abilities as u probably read a lot here this is just a Blink nerf 2.0 :(

Sorry for the bad english.

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Gotta say, I kinda like having the slow-down effect of Zenurik's Void Blast. Very convenient in Disruption missions, to lock down a demolisher before they can get to a conduit.

If Void Blast is being removed for instant Warframe melee, how are we going to get the slow?

Also, how is this rework going to impact the "Operator Maneuvers Tutorial" sequence in The Second Dream quest?

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I'd say the best way to implement these changes would be something like The Second Dream quest, but make it optional.

You unlock Transference after completing the quest, and the Focus Trees. In the same vein, you'll ONLY get affected by the changes on Void Dash and Focus Trees after you entered the Zariman, and not 'forced' to accept the changes. That way you can get a balance between risk and reward-i.e you can't access the new content like Void Shell skin and evolving weapons or anything that's related to Zariman syndicate, but you will retain everything on the old Focus system and Void Dash. After a while DE can run data collection to see how many players ACTUALLY wanted to get into the new system after weighing the plus and minuses, since they fully know the plus and minuses of the system.


I can already see most old players opting for the old system, though. The changes in Void Dash and Focus would be devastating to speedrunners and Plat farmers, especially Arcane farmers...which brings another problem: with the changes going on, it means less influx of new Arcanes into the community, since longer runs = less Arcanes per run due to time limit. Less Arcanes = price going up...

Wait...is this what DE planned? Make money from Plat purchases? Surely they're not that greedy, not with the already impending Void Shell releases and new furnishings for the habitat dorms?🤔

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