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Eximus immune to everything plus tanky is unreasonable


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Eximus immune to everything plus tanky is unreasonable.

We can't get a warframe like this why should NPC had such OP permanent ability.

PS: This game is fun because we can had a lot of powerful weapon and ability to play with. If I will to play a game without using ability I will go else where.

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They're getting a 'slight' rework (mentioned in devstream) which basically doesn't change the fact that the operator stripping overshields just doesn't work, especially at high levels..... If you're having troubles just use a meta/high damage weapon and they'll die like normal, just a bit slower.

IIRC they're getting lower overshields and more health in the changes but someone said their ehp might actually end up higher.....  Not being able to CC will remain 🙄

Remember it's all for the 'challenge' that some people have been craving.... it's not a challenge but that's another issue.

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vor 14 Minuten schrieb vitreloy:

Eximus immune to everything plus tanky is unreasonable.

We can't get a warframe like this why should NPC had such OP permanent ability.

no, there is. only here you have to invest a lot.
I bet you don't play long and don't have all the warframes at the moment.

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12 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

They're getting a 'slight' rework (mentioned in devstream) which basically doesn't change the fact that the operator stripping overshields just doesn't work, especially at high levels..... If you're having troubles just use a meta/high damage weapon and they'll die like normal, just a bit slower.

IIRC they're getting lower overshields and more health in the changes but someone said their ehp might actually end up higher.....  Not being able to CC will remain 🙄

Remember it's all for the 'challenge' that some people have been craving.... it's not a challenge but that's another issue.

Go do today eximus interception sorties, you will know how unreasonable it is, it only sorties 1, imaging it is sorties 3.
Just making a bullet sponge and ability immune enemy I don't call it challenge, I'll call it simply lazy.

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" DE halp pls , dis enemy didn´t die in 1 shot! BrOkEn aNd oVeRpOwErEd ! "

Sadly DE will probably listen to you. sigh.

46 minutes ago, vitreloy said:

We can't get a warframe like this why should NPC had such OP permanent ability.



27 minutes ago, vitreloy said:

Go do today eximus interception sorties, you will know how unreasonable it is, it only sorties 1, imaging it is sorties 3.

I did, was pretty fun, mission lasted a few more mins cus enemies actually managed to cap some points and at some points I actually got swarmed.


27 minutes ago, vitreloy said:

Just making a bullet sponge and ability immune enemy I don't call it challenge, I'll call it simply lazy.

Not necessarily a challenge but tougher enemies are always a welcome in my book.

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2 minutes ago, Mag_Gaming said:

" DE halp pls , dis enemy didn´t die in 1 shot! BrOkEn aNd oVeRpOwErEd ! "

Sadly DE will probably listen to you. sigh.



I did, was pretty fun, mission lasted a few more mins cus enemies actually managed to cap some points and at some points I actually got swarmed.


Not necessarily a challenge but tougher enemies are always welcome in my book.

I already mention the key word "reasonable", hate to repeat myself.

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1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

We can't get a warframe like this why should NPC had such OP permanent ability.

You can! You can pick one of the tank Warframes and then use combinations of items such as Primed Sure Footed + Firewalker, Spellbind or Hideous Resistance. It will make you very tanky as well as completely immune to every status effect and knockdown. If that is how you want to play Warframe, it is 100% available to the player.

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21 minutes ago, ReddyDisco said:

a few rare enemies not being cheesable isn't the end of the world, stop being dramatic

Sorties eximus is not a few, it is a wave. It is knock off, magnetic proc etc all come in at once, I even get multiple knock off and stuck, using /unstuck to come back and get knock off and stuck again. Can't use /unstuck because you f****** use it already. You think who is being dramatic? Me or the game?

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1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

Go do today eximus interception sorties, you will know how unreasonable it is, it only sorties 1, imaging it is sorties 3.
Just making a bullet sponge and ability immune enemy I don't call it challenge, I'll call it simply lazy.

Yeah it feels like there's something off with the Eximus Stronghold Sorties. I also did the same Sortie earlier and those Eximi were tougher than the enemies you meet in SP. Easily one of the hardest Sorties I've ever had to do.


But that seems to be an outlier. In general they can be manageable and the incoming tweaks should make them easier to play against even if they become more durable.

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The point in case is disabling warframes or warframe abilities is deconstructing gameplay, deleting gameplay.

... and is possibly the most lazy answer to problems all created by developers.


Problems are like gravity, you can't just disable it in notepad and hope it goes away if you don't talk about it.

The game has problems and it needs a lot of intense work.

Before that can happen, developers need to come back to planet earth and take an actual debate, with actual questions and actual criticism, head in the sand didn't work, time to give reality a shot.

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1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

Go do today eximus interception sorties, you will know how unreasonable it is, it only sorties 1, imaging it is sorties 3.

Silence. This is key to completion of the Eximus Waves modifier. They can still swarm you (to the point of overwhelming in Interception), but they can't spam their abilities.

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18 minutes ago, vitreloy said:

Sorties eximus is not a few, it is a wave. It is knock off, magnetic proc etc all come in at once, I even get multiple knock off and stuck, using /unstuck to come back and get knock off and stuck again. Can't use /unstuck because you f****** use it already. You think who is being dramatic? Me or the game?

I did they same sortie, an eximus modifier sortie would have more eximus. didn't cause any trouble

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1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

Go do today eximus interception sorties, you will know how unreasonable it is, it only sorties 1, imaging it is sorties 3.
Just making a bullet sponge and ability immune enemy I don't call it challenge, I'll call it simply lazy.

While I'm not going to go do an interception (I hate them with a passion) I have dealt with higher level eximus in steel path etc and they're still not really challenging unless you're running beginner gear.... leech can be a little annoying due to telegraphing delays and the push back on the radial blast one is maybe a little excessive but nothing we shouldn't be able to handle if we're doing sorties/steel path.

I can understand the issue on interception with a lack off cc though, especially if you're wanting to do it solo but having said that I doubt anyone in their right mind would want to do an eximus sortie interception solo knowing that eximus are cc immune.

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2 hours ago, vitreloy said:

Eximus immune to everything plus tanky is unreasonable.

They're not immune to damage though.

2 hours ago, vitreloy said:

Go do today eximus interception sorties, you will know how unreasonable it is, it only sorties 1, imaging it is sorties 3.
Just making a bullet sponge and ability immune enemy I don't call it challenge, I'll call it simply lazy.

I'm calling it "bad build" and for 1 simple fact... Do note, this is also going to be the conclusion of anyone in the same situation as me...

... I completely and utterly solo'd Steel Path with badly outdated builds as soon as it came out, including Steel Path Interception in which every enemy was tankier than any enemy in Lich 5 missions (lvl90~110), in which Liches could actually defeat Warframes...

1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

Sorties eximus is not a few, it is a wave. It is knock off, magnetic proc etc all come in at once, I even get multiple knock off and stuck, using /unstuck to come back and get knock off and stuck again. Can't use /unstuck because you f****** use it already.

I believe that the MR9 test opening sentences fit properly in this aspect.

Did you try to actually adapt your tactic? Because killing enemies isn't a requirement for Interception missions, even Sortie ones.

1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

You think who is being dramatic? Me or the game?

I'm not the guy you asked that, but I can certainly point out that its you.

Reasons are already stated above.


Look, if you need help in refining your builds, ask... But acting like the Eximus Stronghold in Sortie mission 1 is the end of the world, because its not. That's lvl50~60, if I'm not mistaken. If you can't do a Sortie mission at that level then you need to review your builds.

And, before I forget, this

2 hours ago, vitreloy said:

This game is fun because we can had a lot of powerful weapon and ability to play with.

is a contradiction. You're clearly in Warframe for the abilities alone, otherwise you wouldn't state

2 hours ago, vitreloy said:

If I will to play a game without using ability I will go else where.

Now, here's the thing, the rework is going to stay... Let that sink in for a while...

... Now think about your options... And choose.

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I just tried the sortie mission to see what you're talking about, and while it was not exceedingly difficult, I did find a few instances where some enemies seemed to take way longer to kill than others, and a single instance where my speed was slowed down to a crawl (I was using Wisp and had motes up).

Honestly, it seems to me like there is a (buggy?) multiplying effect when multiple Eximii show up at once.  It seems like there were always Corrupted Ancient Eximii around when the others gained super armor / health on their overguard, and that multiple Frost Eximii would stack slow on you until you slowed to a crawl.

Overall, I do not think Eximus units ignoring CC is a problem.  However, when so many show up, maybe DE should check to make sure the buff/debuff auras are stacking as designed...

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1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

Sorties eximus is not a few, it is a wave. It is knock off, magnetic proc etc all come in at once, I even get multiple knock off and stuck, using /unstuck to come back and get knock off and stuck again. Can't use /unstuck because you f****** use it already. You think who is being dramatic? Me or the game?

Definitely you.

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Ya know... in days of gaming past..  when a player hit a point where enemies became more challenging than they could properly deal with, ALL IT MEANT was that the player needed to double back and train up/level up/get better gear before proceeding...

Somehow, though, nowadays, all I see on these forums is countless posts of "Hit a wall.  DE REMOVE IT!" rather than "So I've hit a wall, any ideas on how to ascend over it?" 

Now, I am by NO means a tryhard gamer.  I am as chill and casual as they come.  I play for *fun* alone...  but for Ordis' sake, these Eximus are NOT some insurmountable adversary! I've played with newbie gear, I've played with current gear, I've even played on my gf's account that has NO good mods or setups...   And been able to overcome the Eximus every single time :/

Not without some effort, mind you, but games requiring effort occasionally shouldn't be an issue.

Moreover, one poster's complaint in this thread included SORTIES!  S O R T I E S!   The whole POINT of them is to be a "Challenge Mode", with rewards to suit!

Yet, "How dare I not be able to just activate Gloom and sit back and watch as the Sortie wins itself!  DE FIX!" is the cry here?  

I hate to be that guy, but... like...  git gud :/    Sometimes, that IS the answer.  Sometimes YOU need to be the one to put in more effort.

And if you don't want to do that, and it's asking too much of you, that's FINE...  just accept that you'll have YOUR ceiling in the game.

I mean, I don't demand that Chess be made easier just because I can't be bothered to learn more advanced/intermediate strategies....  I just accept that I won't be playing in any Grand Championships :P 

The game/devs do not OWE you everything on a silver platter.  The game is already *free*.  They already give it all away at the cost of $0.   To assume you're *owed* to have it play itself is just... the height of entitlement.

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I agree for "new" players eximus units are too tanky, therefore i appreciate the nerf from DE.


However, Eximus Enemies should stand out of the crowd, therefore the best solution imo would be to make them totally immune to AoE attacks, but more susceptible precision attacks i.e. head shots.

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