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Rework, Buffs and Nerfs Wont Fix The Game


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1 hour ago, kadolaflare said:

Content is taking way too long to be released

Agreed, bigger updates take quite a while to release, that's why I think Tenno Reinforcements & other QoL features that have been in the pipework for way too long (like Pets 2.0, Melee 3.0, Damage something-or-other, Archwing, etc.) need to come out to provide some sense of pacing or rhythm.

1 hour ago, kadolaflare said:

Small Workforce

Considering the fact that they hire more artists than programmers, that's a solid point. Programming is a tough gig, but it's incredibly necessary to bring more into the fold if decade-old problems still persist.

1 hour ago, kadolaflare said:


Before we even start talking about pet cosmetics, let me say that survivability has been a major issue for every single companion, save for Vulpaphylas due to their trump card. Regardless of the odd mod like Reawaken or Primed Regen, your Kubrows, Kavats, Predasites, Vulpaphylas, Hounds, Moas & Sentinels will be eviscerated the moment you step foot in Steel Path. All of the effort that goes into the acquisition & maintenance of these companions becomes irrelevant because they cannot take a hit. They need major stat changes if they're going to be useful. Honestly, I've been holding out for some Plexus-level mod adjustment to just about everything in this game, companions especially.

Cosmetic-wise, I wish those unique Kubrow & Kavat skins (You probably know the ones) were compatible with the various armors. It sucks not being able to use the Kuva armor on the Drahk skin. While we're at it, throw in syndicate armors & skins for every conceivable pet & robot possible. It's minor, but it's something that'll turn a few heads.

Still, 'Frame reworks will always be necessary to level the playing field. The meta deserves to be challenged; no 'Frame should to be left in an inadequate state, especially since very few set the bar so high to begin with.

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19 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

You're right. Their pipeline isn't our problem.

So let's not be prescriptive and say what they do or don't need.

That's not our problem, after all. :cool:

Ah, I forgot Warframe was dead. Thank you for the reminder. I shall get the defibrillator post-haste.

Right, of course. But what if we...hear me out...took out the ways to generate plat into circulation for free? They're all DE-controlled, after all, and if they're so strapped for cash, there's nothing stopping them from ceasing that flow.

Unless there's some super secretive way to generate plat for free without DE's permission. Like I asked...?

Also, you kind of miss the part of willingness to pay in the whole equation. Which do you think players are more willing to do: drop about $13 USD for a rename, or drop 200 plat? Spoiler: it's the plat, because that particular player doesn't need to buy the plat to use it. More people are able to use plat than pay directly. And, crucially, it makes no difference to DE's pocketbook: 200 plat is $13USD. If it's the plat, that just means they got that $13USD at some point in the past, rather than right now.

(Funny enough, the plat route is actually better, financially. You get the money earlier, you invest it, you get interest for a longer period of time. Little trick, that.)

So you're basically saying, "let's use the method that gets fewer people purchasing the same good for the same price." So instead of, say, 200 sales, you're cutting it down to 150. For the same $13USD per sale. A net profit of - let me do some math here - $2,600USD for 200 sales vs $1,950USD for 150 sales.

Whoops, you just lost the company a potential profit $650USD. Oh no.

You clearly haven't read what I said.

In game currency and real life money are 2 different things.


14 minutes ago, (PSN)IndianChiefJeff said:

Agreed, bigger updates take quite a while to release, that's why I think Tenno Reinforcements & other QoL features that have been in the pipework for way too long (like Pets 2.0, Melee 3.0, Damage something-or-other, Archwing, etc.) need to come out to provide some sense of pacing or rhythm.

Considering the fact that they hire more artists than programmers, that's a solid point. Programming is a tough gig, but it's incredibly necessary to bring more into the fold if decade-old problems still persist.

Before we even start talking about pet cosmetics, let me say that survivability has been a major issue for every single companion, save for Vulpaphylas due to their trump card. Regardless of the odd mod like Reawaken or Primed Regen, your Kubrows, Kavats, Predasites, Vulpaphylas, Hounds, Moas & Sentinels will be eviscerated the moment you step foot in Steel Path. All of the effort that goes into the acquisition & maintenance of these companions becomes irrelevant because they cannot take a hit. They need major stat changes if they're going to be useful. Honestly, I've been holding out for some Plexus-level mod adjustment to just about everything in this game, companions especially.

Cosmetic-wise, I wish those unique Kubrow & Kavat skins (You probably know the ones) were compatible with the various armors. It sucks not being able to use the Kuva armor on the Drahk skin. While we're at it, throw in syndicate armors & skins for every conceivable pet & robot possible. It's minor, but it's something that'll turn a few heads.

Still, 'Frame reworks will always be necessary to level the playing field. The meta deserves to be challenged; no 'Frame should to be left in an inadequate state, especially since very few set the bar so high to begin with.

I agree with everything you've said, these are things that definetly need to be worked on. 

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1 hour ago, Joezone619 said:

Trinity, Nyx, Limbo, Frost, Ember, many frames are under performing right now compared some of the more recent

Please, they're monsters provided you know how to mod and use them.

Trinity can be a super tank with infinite health and energy while gaining critical chance with one button push and debuff enemy armor

Nyx can go untouched with chaos and mind control while softening enemies to 0 defense with psychic bolt. Or just use assimilate and be a walking terminator

Frost is a point defense with lots of slowing abilities and avalanche destroying armor while adding a buffer on your health using augment

Ember is now a tank, nuke and CC with her kits after rework, not just world on fire and stand in one place

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Just now, kadolaflare said:

You clearly haven't read what I said.

In game currency and real life money are 2 different things.

Yes, but like many currencies, they have exchange rates. 200 platinum is about equivalent to $13USD. So in order for 200 platinum to enter circulation, someone needs to spend around $13USD. That means if you pay 200 platinum for something non-tradeable, someone had to have spent about $13USD at some point in the past to fund that purchase.

Which means whether you pay $13USD or 200 platinum for that non-tradeable doohickey, DE is $13USD richer than if that purchase and plat - respectively - never existed.

The only way in which a plat system would lose them money is if:

1. People preferred direct payment, which doesn't seem to be the case, or

2. If they gave platinum away for free, but only if the platinum they give for free doesn't encourage other platinum purchases to offset the cost. A "spend $10 to make $100" sort of deal.

And, of course, like I said: they could simply solve #2 by stopping the practice. Which, as someone who I am sure read my post, you certainly knew, right?

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I think many here didn't understand what is happening with the game after the last tennocon....the game is in the process of emptying its team aiming at the new DE project.

Demanding this from DE is the same thing as drying ice....

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9 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

Try out new equipment combinations? Try new weapon builds? Try out new warframes (and I mean actual builds and plays not get them to lvl 30 and leave them in the inventory)?

No , I am not into boring repetitiveness. 


8 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Frost is a point defense with lots of slowing abilities and avalanche destroying armor while adding a buffer on your health using augment


please tell me you are being sarcastic


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Reworks, Buffs and Nerfs won't fix the game on their own. They are certainly part of the puzzle though and hold quite a bit of weight in the perception of players. I feel like that is just common sense. The foundation of a game is certainly responsible for both enjoyment and distaste. 

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2 hours ago, kadolaflare said:

Digital Extremes needs to make more money. How?

When did they say they were strapped for cash?

And they've already come up with something to bring in cash if they really do need money that badly and it's called Regal Aya.

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frost has his uses , even with the overguard introduction , he still can somewhat use his 3 seconds i-frame snow globe , hydroid is currently gimpd , he cant even cc stuff to save his a** now .

DE team didnt dissapoint with ember and garuda reworks and maybe overdid on zephyr in which im not complaining , we expect same or similar level of relevant rework for hydroid 

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I wouldnt actually hyper fixate on hydroid but when hydroid prime was given freely with a new cinematic and with his latest skin , so  lot of ppl including me was very hyped for some updated version of hydroid ... that dissapointment still stays , they made the game somewhat better in this 3 year period which i thought would not even occur . 

The cool thing about hydroid is that theres lot of room for creativity with water and pirate themes , a cool a** looking frame shouldnt be let down like this imo , i even like his default look.

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2 hours ago, kadolaflare said:


If yareli gets buffed, will that make you play the game 4 days a week instead of 3? No, why? The overall experience is still the same.



I played the Zephyr rework for a few hours, and then bought the Harrier collection from the same update. Then proceeded to play Zephyr for a week straight testing her in every game mode. I now have another Warframe in my regular Warframe rotation lineup.

DE got money from me because I was motivated to play the game more. My overall experience using Zephyr changed dramatically. I used to never use her. The rework influenced my playtime in the game, as well as earned a purchase from me.

If Hydroid got a rework that is both powerful and fun, I would instantly buy his deluxe and play with him for weeks. 

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Gerade eben schrieb CoffeeElemental:


Yes. because there are enough warframes. where do we see new warframes? correct! nowhere! because they are pointless and very poorly designed. 100 armor, no def/cc skills. should be clear that it can not work!




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4 minutes ago, quxier said:

I wonder if that's so easy to do. I mean frames have different skeletons.

Yea my bad, not like replicate the frames but like replicate the design of the frames. Like get a khora prime skin but for a pet


See what I mean?

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I still think, reworks buffs and nerfs, wont fix some issues, but in most cases it make game more fun.

Im for DE making us a playground, and we make the fun out of things inside the playground.

AoE itself isnt bad, but bad is that AoE with all the ''fixes'' or '' nerfs'' or '' challenging enemies'' is more and more only viable efficient option, and other weapons doesnt even come close. I mean to enjoy weapons of all types its better to play mmo game solo, than in squad. Because in solo you get to kill enemies, while in squad with meta weps you more likely turn into loot collecting simulator(for me a natural born leech its not as bad, but still if missions like survival-even sp- you dont get to kill a thing, it can take a toll of game enjoyability)

On 1 hand DE want people to enjoy playing, on the other they discourage you to go try long endurance runs, excusing themselves with ''powercreep''.

Of course having build to kill lvl cap enemies, making lvl 30 to 200 enemies a tutorial lvl enemies, since even lvl cap is getting killed with in few shots, using all what game offers to fullest. Yet on the long run it gets punished... because of being too op.

But in the end if nerfing 1 thing, so some other options are usable, and nerfed thing becomes useless isnt good either.

But then again im just a Grendel with a stug, who just rolls arround starchart.


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vor 13 Minuten schrieb AntifreezeUnder0:

Of course having build to kill lvl cap enemies, making lvl 30 to 200 enemies a tutorial lvl enemies, since even lvl cap is getting killed with in few shots, using all what game offers to fullest. Yet on the long run it gets punished... because of being too op

that's not true. because you can easily test it in simulation. example would be viral ogris vs elite lvl 180+ grineer. nothing works here without secondary/mele. and if they attack me too, then i'm most likely dead!
and i have top builds with maxed mods or whatever.

there is currently only one aoe weapon that can perform well in almost all missions and that is kuva zarr! only this weapon needs heaps of warframe buffs, premium and very rare mods to make it better than ignis wrath! And only experienced players have that. plus 400 logins for primed sure footed.

kuva zarr i would never play without chromas fast reload, volt 2nd, wisp buffs, harrow 3nd + 4nd, rhinos roar etc. because the weapon otherwise has lousy performance and for normal mission something like ogris is more than enough.

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I would like to point out the content "problem". Warframe has tons of content for casual players (and new players) to explore.

Unless you are like those who "farmed more than enough void feathers to max the Zariman syndicate and to buy every item on day 1 of release" that kind of vet, otherwise it will take a very long time for a casual player to exhaust the existing contents.

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