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Cross Play and Recruiting Chat

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OK PC players, here is what the numbers mean.

Post maker: Arbitration 123

Player: Sees and wants to join. For Xbox typing takes a while so we type in Recruiting chat. "123" This tells you see the post and want to join without giving a direct message.

Post: TriCap 888

Response: 888

He will then invite you.

Secondly: Not sure if this is widely used but XBOX players use "LF" as in Looking For

LF Narmer Bounties

This is a post of you wanting to join someone but don't wanna host.

PC players also care much more about the density of the squad so PC players are typing 3/4 signifying they need one more person

SP survival 30 mins 3/4


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1 hour ago, (XBOX)elementXGHILLIE said:

Player: Sees and wants to join. For Xbox typing takes a while so we type in Recruiting chat. "123" This tells you see the post and want to join without giving a direct message.


On PC I get people inviting me in response to my "H( [Lith K5] relic 2/4]" message. It is easier to just put it as a message. Don't make the work harder on us expecting us to type out your name for an /invite or do something. Most of the time I will ignore if you are going to fill up the bottom of a screen with a message.

Just makes it more frustrating to have invite spam people constantly expecting to become the new host or expecting someone takes the time to type out the name for a proper invite. Just put it in a little bit more effort and type out YOUR message in the trade or through a whisper so that the person who is being the generous host doesn't have to.

Please don't be going around inviting everyone that has the relic you are looking to do a relic share with ffs, it isn't helpful. Doing what OP said and providing a nice easy route to getting an invite through a code share or message is a lot easier for both PC and Xbox players.

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Console players care less about the density of the squad?

Afaik the "3/4" is there to entice potential candidates to join. The idea is, if someone sees just "Meso W2 radshare" he might not join even though he's potentially interested in that relic because he could be stuck waiting for the full squad, meanwhile missing out on other opportunities. But if I type "radshare 3/4" potential candidates know there'll be no waiting so they're more willing to jump in.

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Wow that's wild to hear about.  On Playstation platforms we don't do anything like that.  Just click the name of the person who is hosting in the chat, and type "inv" and then they invite you.

It's always super interesting to hear about how different communities do things!

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)elementXGHILLIE said:

Doing so on PC isn't worse just different.

I mean, it is spammy and clutters the Recruit chat. Imagine the spam when PS and Switch join as well.

I do understand it is easier for people over at Xbox to do this (strangely, I read some people on Reddit saying this isn't a thing on PS or Switch), so maybe DE could do a system to make it easier for people on consoles to join hosts from Recruit Chat.

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1 hour ago, Turboameeba said:

Uhmm... Absolutely not.. DO NOT start to spam the Recruit chat with your responses "21342431252134" its already flooded enough. I will be reporting every single "213421" for spam, if people start to send even their responses to that chat.

People were spamming long numbers for no reason, but there is a reason for up to 4 digit numbers. It simplifies an Xbox issue. Don't like it? Cross platform is toggleable.

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5 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

Uhmm... Absolutely not.. DO NOT start to spam the Recruit chat with your responses "21342431252134" its already flooded enough. I will be reporting every single "213421" for spam, if people start to send even their responses to that chat.

^this is the kind of thing that worries me about cross play...

The Xbox community is way more laid back. This entitled attitude seems to be WAY more common on PC.

Like... settle down, Big Fella. It'll be okay.

Dude will spend entire nights of his life reporting us for recruiting like we have for 7 years instead of just giving it some time to see how things shake out with an open mind.

There will be changes to the way EVERYONE does things.

Maybe the number callouts won't catch on. Maybe they will. They are the most efficient way to recruit currently on Xbox.

Once we are all one family, chat might move too fast.

We'll see. Try being patient.

...and kind, maybe?


I didn't see much of any skill difference between the random PC players and normal Xbox randoms, but we definitely have some cultural differences...

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13 hours ago, (XBOX)elementXGHILLIE said:

here is what the numbers mean.

not sure why you're doing the whole "123" system, it takes like 2 seconds to click on the username which posted it, select "talk" and then just type "Inv" or "Inv Plz" (I like to be polite but sometimes it's a mad rush on those radshares NGL.). usually most posts look like this:

H [Axi T8 Relic] RAD 2/4.

- H = hosting, but when joining another person's group, and you're still short one or two players, it's fine to put this in recruit chat; who specifically hosts the game doesn't really matter unless there's a huge difference in Internet speeds. 

- while it can be a pain to do sometimes, it's ALWAYS best to actually link a relic so that people can see exactly which one they need and if they have it. there are so many relics in the game that even DE cannot keep track (usually one of the first hotfixes after a new PA is correcting a relic's name, and this time was no exception), so it's easy for people to pick up the wrong one, and few things are more annoying than when someone puts up the wrong relic in a lobby.. talk about red rag to a bull...

- RAD just means radiant; some lobbies will accept Flawless, particularly if they're after an uncommon part, but if you're going for the rarest drop, either bring it radiant or don't bother. the whole advantage of a radshare is maximising the statistical chance of getting a specific drop, so anything that hampers that isn't good. plus Radshares can take a while to actually set up, it's not always efficient.

- the numbers afterwards are the number of squad members, usually if this number isn't here it means that person is on their own and needs 3 people. 2/4 means 2 people are needed, 3/4 means there's only one spot left. pretty straightforward. 

- LF= Looking For. other people sometimes use this, but this basically says "I'm not willing to host but want to play". this is understandable if your connection is bad or whatever, but generally I find I have better luck getting people if I offer to host for them. sometimes people may put H/LF which means they can go either way, just as long as they can get in a squad.

as for how things will go once crossplay hits, I imagine we will all get along fine: it doesn't take long for the majority of people to learn online lingo (ever thought about a time when you didn't even know what LOL meant, but it's just part of your vocabulary now, isn't it?), and I imagine most of us will stick to what we know. 

dunno why PC plyers apparently be using secret number codes or something but I guess as long as you know what each other is saying it's fine. 

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10 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

Uhmm... Absolutely not.. DO NOT start to spam the Recruit chat with your responses "21342431252134" its already flooded enough. I will be reporting every single "213421" for spam, if people start to send even their responses to that chat.


Don't be like that I'm sure people will stop eventually as they get used to cross play, change doesn't happen immediately

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