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best frames VS nullifiers



I am too tired of the damn bubbles that strip my buffs in a blink of en eye. DE seems to never change that and since my favorite frames depend on buffs/abilities (Wisp, Ivara, Rhino, Harrow) I just try to avoid playing ANY corpus/corrupted content at all just because of this issue for the 4+ years playing this game. 
 Whenever I HAVE TO farm something from bubble-missions I grab Inaros, but so tired of him that I wonder what other frames suffer less against buff stripping to have some choices.

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I would go with a max health melee Inaros. And just forget abilities and instead jump straight into the bubbles and massacre all nullies.

Otherwise any melee with a maxed range and a stance that doesn't propel you forward will make short work of the bubble. 

Oberon's 2 (Hallowed Ground) with a large enough Range (to get to 360 degrees) is a good "early warning system" in missions where you can stay in place. Any nullie approaching will pop Hallowed Ground before they get close enough to "pop" you. It is a good ability in general, and even better with the augment.

Many guns melt the bubbles fast, but one good and "current" example is Phantasma Prime (standard fire, not the alt-grenades). This comes from it being a six-beam shotgun (and you can add even more beams with multishot mods) in combination with it's infinite "body punch-through" (no way for enemies to body-block your beams, you will hit and melt the nullie bubble even in a throng).

In earlier times I used a "big range" Zenistar as a bubble-popper, but since the nerf that is not really functional anymore. The same goes for Azima, which was kind of "total-nerfed" a short while ago.

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On 2022-10-10 at 2:25 AM, (NSW)HedEmpTy said:

"People hate him so much it made me love him"

I will never understand the Hydroid hate - He's decently durable, his 1 damages Null bubbles and creates area denial, his 2 can be augmented to protect from status effects, his 3 can be augmented to heal you, his 4 can be augmented to give you extra loot (and that double loot chance even applies to his passive too!)

Plus he's a pirate, which is already cool.

What I usually hear is that other frames just do what he does better. Maybe he could receive a couple of improvements like Zephyr, but I hope DE does not change his skills radically. He's fun to play.

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Octavia is probably the easiest.  Mallet's reflected damage affects the nullifier bubble like any other enemy, so it gets destroyed as soon as they enter range.

18 hours ago, (XBOX)Deputy Facepain said:

Mag doesn’t care about nullifiers much. Only thing they can really do is detonate magnetize early. Give her a try sometime. 

This too, Mag really doesn't struggle with them.  She's also excellent versus corpus since Polarize strips shields.

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On 2022-10-09 at 8:19 PM, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

I can't tell if I'm misremembering this, but I don't remember Octavia ever having trouble with nullifiers. 

Whether that means the amp damages the bubbles or I simply dealt with them before they became a problem is something I don't remember, but I don't ever recall a nullifier deleting my amp.

So long as the Nullifier doesn't walk right over the Mallet Orb, the Mallet Orb will damage their bubble then kill them outright. Considering the Range Octavia can have on Mallet, it's damage ramp up; I wish the Nullifier good luck. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

So long as the Nullifier doesn't walk right over the Mallet Orb, the Mallet Orb will damage their bubble then kill them outright. Considering the Range Octavia can have on Mallet, it's damage ramp up; I wish the Nullifier good luck. 

Ah that's what I remembered, but I wanted to know for sure, ty.

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Frame wise? I fee like Octavia is strong against nully bubbles. her mallet definitely knocks them out quickly.
You can also just make fast firing weapons part of your kit. For the longest time I ran akstilleto on my Mesa for nullifiers.
And don't forget about the miter with its mod also.

Otherwise, I feel like, slowing down and manually attacking the nully shields do the trick most of the time regardless of frame or weapon you use. Just being aware of them, you know?

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On 2022-10-09 at 7:16 AM, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

I also hate nullifiers, and I also understand that if you're going fast,  it's stupid easy to run into them going through a door or around a corner, and it absolutely feels like BS everytime, because it's this instant mechanic.  I'm on your side.


But:  don't depend on your frame.  Put a fast weapon in at least one of your slots, or do what I do and use a 7xx amp on Op.  Because of how the bubbles take damage, a fast weapon or amp melts any bubbles regardless of enemy level.  They're still a stupid mechanic, and they still don't add anything fun to the game, but there's ways around them.  Just not with your frame, really.

One of a very few answers that actually works for me. I use 777 amp and didn't really think about using operator to kill bubbles, ty.

To the guys who imply that I lack skills to avoid bubbles - you really miss the point. 

1. Warframe is NOT a skill based game at all, it is more about preparations before the mission starts.

2. "Bubbles slowly walking at you" is not the main problem:

- relic missions where a nullifier can literally spawn on your head and dispell you

- half of demolishers dispell in a pretty wide invisible area around them and you gotta face them in a narrow hallway most of the time

- falling out of bounds which can happen at high bullet jumps where you don't see any border and it's height veries a lot

- one of the Acolytes can randomly teleport you next to himself and dispell you

- at some point bubbles spawn freaking everywhere that you can just give up on any buffs you have (if you ever tried a long corpus/orokin mission).

And if you say "why don't you just recast you buffs as soon as you leave the bubble" - you probably don't like and ignore finetuning and use game mechanics like [Pax Bolt]+[Growing Power], [Power Drain], [Molt Vigor], Nidus/Equinox/Madurai/Zenurik buffs and the allmighty ability range+str buff from relics. They all work super cool on endless and drain abilities as soon as you collect all those buffs and activate the ability. And whenever you get dispelled - you have to do it all from scratch. Even being downed doesn't remove all abilities and buffs and you can come back by using Last Gasp.

Example: Rhino with [Ironclad Charge] + any other buffs activating easily 200-300k of Iron Skin. First you collect str buffs, then find a crowd of enemies, run through them, use skin. You are stomping enemies to replenish % of your Iron skin and doing well even in early Steel Path. Until one touch - and you lose it all.

another one: Ivara - you collect every possible buff and activate your Prowl, then do the same and make big crit damage Dashwires, then you can do the same with Artemis Bow if you like and even then add Gloom to slow everyone down. And then a dude with a bubble spawns on your head, taking away everything you just spent your time on (probably the whole rotation time) and walks removing your dashwires unless you put them so high that you don't even see enemies on your map. Acolyte can randomly teleport you while you are invisible on a wire and strip you.

Wisp: thank Void the buffs can be built for more range and doubled by relic buffs and then placed somewhere at the ceiling where nobody will ever dispell it (unless you die and dont come back by Last Gasp). 

Xaku: nullies just walk around and remove your nicely placed armor stripping enemies. When you are dispelled - you lose 1,2 and 4.



There is no too big issue with short missions, even if you die a couple of times it's not a big deal, you aren't going to invest so much in all those buffs. Buff dispell hurts all the mentioned buffing sources at long runs.




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48 minutes ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

One of a very few answers that actually works for me. I use 777 amp and didn't really think about using operator to kill bubbles, ty.

To the guys who imply that I lack skills to avoid bubbles - you really miss the point. 

1. Warframe is NOT a skill based game at all, it is more about preparations before the mission starts.

2. "Bubbles slowly walking at you" is not the main problem:

- relic missions where a nullifier can literally spawn on your head and dispell you

- half of demolishers dispell in a pretty wide invisible area around them and you gotta face them in a narrow hallway most of the time

- falling out of bounds which can happen at high bullet jumps where you don't see any border and it's height veries a lot

- one of the Acolytes can randomly teleport you next to himself and dispell you

- at some point bubbles spawn freaking everywhere that you can just give up on any buffs you have (if you ever tried a long corpus/orokin mission).

And if you say "why don't you just recast you buffs as soon as you leave the bubble" - you probably don't like and ignore finetuning and use game mechanics like [Pax Bolt]+[Growing Power], [Power Drain], [Molt Vigor], Nidus/Equinox/Madurai/Zenurik buffs and the allmighty ability range+str buff from relics. They all work super cool on endless and drain abilities as soon as you collect all those buffs and activate the ability. And whenever you get dispelled - you have to do it all from scratch. Even being downed doesn't remove all abilities and buffs and you can come back by using Last Gasp.

Example: Rhino with [Ironclad Charge] + any other buffs activating easily 200-300k of Iron Skin. First you collect str buffs, then find a crowd of enemies, run through them, use skin. You are stomping enemies to replenish % of your Iron skin and doing well even in early Steel Path. Until one touch - and you lose it all.

another one: Ivara - you collect every possible buff and activate your Prowl, then do the same and make big crit damage Dashwires, then you can do the same with Artemis Bow if you like and even then add Gloom to slow everyone down. And then a dude with a bubble spawns on your head, taking away everything you just spent your time on (probably the whole rotation time) and walks removing your dashwires unless you put them so high that you don't even see enemies on your map. Acolyte can randomly teleport you while you are invisible on a wire and strip you.

Wisp: thank Void the buffs can be built for more range and doubled by relic buffs and then placed somewhere at the ceiling where nobody will ever dispell it (unless you die and dont come back by Last Gasp). 

Xaku: nullies just walk around and remove your nicely placed armor stripping enemies. When you are dispelled - you lose 1,2 and 4.



There is no too big issue with short missions, even if you die a couple of times it's not a big deal, you aren't going to invest so much in all those buffs. Buff dispell hurts all the mentioned buffing sources at long runs.




Ignore them, dude.  Understand who you're actually arguing with.  I've seen people in this forum make the case that multishot and firerate are detrimental on beam weapons.  There's a lot of people talking from the wrong set of cheeks in these forums.


I told a guy in here that nullifiers absolutely can sneak up on you because they can literally clip through the floor.  I was called a liar because "DE is perfect and said they fixed that, and that means it's fixed."


He got an instant response with a pic that took me zero time to go out and take of a nullifier bubble coming up through the ground.  Never heard back from him.  A lot of these people are here to be contrarian and run damage control for free.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

He got an instant response with a pic that took me zero time to go out and take of a nullifier bubble coming up through the ground.  Never heard back from him.  A lot of these people are here to be contrarian and run damage control for free.

Shoot, the bloody fields for Thrax Warframe denial goes through floors. If that does, Nullifers for sure will clip through from time to time. 

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I've tried a Steel Path relic survival against Corpus yesterday. After minute 55 I needed to run through one hallway to pick up some personal life supports and I was jumped by 4 nullifiers in this hallway, they all spawned in little pockets of this hallway and not visible when I started my bullet jumping through this hallway. When I was in the middle of the hallway - I was touched twice by their fields, then 1 more time on my way back. This is incredibly annoying, as I've lost my double ranged (activated during ability relic buff) Gloom and Desecrate that I was keeping up since second rotation. 

This is especially annoying since there are abilities that work through  bubbles like Khora's 4.
There are buffs from mods and arcanes like [Health Conversion] that stay after interactions with Null Fields, falling out of bounds, moving through zones of Sanctuary Onslought, etc. This means it is possible to make everything work like this at least in theory.

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51 minutes ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

I've tried a Steel Path relic survival against Corpus yesterday. After minute 55 I needed to run through one hallway to pick up some personal life supports and I was jumped by 4 nullifiers in this hallway, they all spawned in little pockets of this hallway and not visible when I started my bullet jumping through this hallway. When I was in the middle of the hallway - I was touched twice by their fields, then 1 more time on my way back. This is incredibly annoying, as I've lost my double ranged (activated during ability relic buff) Gloom and Desecrate that I was keeping up since second rotation. 

This is especially annoying since there are abilities that work through  bubbles like Khora's 4.
There are buffs from mods and arcanes like [Health Conversion] that stay after interactions with Null Fields, falling out of bounds, moving through zones of Sanctuary Onslought, etc. This means it is possible to make everything work like this at least in theory.

Yep nullies can be a right pain at times if you don't see them and committed to something your doing. 😱 We just gotta live with them and smite them when spotted.

The 4th skill of Khora does not work through nullies any part of the dome that gets nulled disappears, I've had nullies that continually pop their field while hanging and it's like looking at tarzan swinging through the trees, going from one vine/chain to another so to speak, it is funny to watch, though it pays to kill them quick, at least it's not like a Limbo dome where it just gets nuked if touched, Khoras is chain based so it has sections that can be nullified.

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4 hours ago, Shirasik said:

Fissure may appear just atop of your head with null already having its bubble active. This is especially funny when it happens during long SP defence run.

just had it a minute ago in Kuva survival, a bubble spawned right next to the life support and me with already half-full bubble, removing gloom and desecrate, there was literally nothing at all I could do, it's just a random buff removal at this point, you can not be safe from it in any way, only if you don't play i guess..

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Am 8.10.2022 um 10:35 schrieb Scar.brother.help.me:

I am too tired of the damn bubbles that strip my buffs in a blink of en eye. DE seems to never change that and since my favorite frames depend on buffs/abilities (Wisp, Ivara, Rhino, Harrow) I just try to avoid playing ANY corpus/corrupted content at all just because of this issue for the 4+ years playing this game. 
 Whenever I HAVE TO farm something from bubble-missions I grab Inaros, but so tired of him that I wonder what other frames suffer less against buff stripping to have some choices.

you already said it. warframe that has no buffs. example could be khora. very good cc, lots of armor and health.
cheapest option could be excal umbra. very easy to get and he has a lot of tank + usable for speed runs.

so you can attack nullifier directly.
or you work with a fast-firing weapon.

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To be frank this seems more like a skill issue rather than a game issue. There are a large selection of weapons that can almost instantly pop the bubble not to mention the "Neutralizing Justice" mod for the Miter and a myriad of other ways to deal with them instead of just switching Warframe. 

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17 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

They are so slow and obvious......  You must be playing with a blindfold to actually get nullified. 

Even if you play "Melee only" you can just attack the bubble to remove it.   Or you can use operator to remove the bubble.

DE sped them up I reckon, never been that fast in the past, I've had nullies sprinting towards me before I've gone nope no you don't. :tongue:

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