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best frames VS nullifiers



I am too tired of the damn bubbles that strip my buffs in a blink of en eye. DE seems to never change that and since my favorite frames depend on buffs/abilities (Wisp, Ivara, Rhino, Harrow) I just try to avoid playing ANY corpus/corrupted content at all just because of this issue for the 4+ years playing this game. 
 Whenever I HAVE TO farm something from bubble-missions I grab Inaros, but so tired of him that I wonder what other frames suffer less against buff stripping to have some choices.

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36 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

I've had nullies sprinting towards me

Melee nullifiers do that (dual prova).  They are still not faster than a butcher or a scorpion....or Toxic ancient.


I would say....the issue here is that when someone uses Defensive ability (and uses Tank frames often), they tend to stop paying attention (coz defensives are too strong)..

Sudden loss of "godmode" tankiness is like a cold water bucket to such people.     Coz they are not used to avoid anything....and now they have to.


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I love how you listed several frames that don't even suffer that much from them lol. All of those frames can easily just recast their buffs when their out of the bubble.

Gara, Saryn, and Equinox tho. Getting hit by a nully while playing one of those is a complete disaster. Especially Gara. I know splinter storm is insanely powerful, but potentially losing thousands of energy and several minutes worth of stacked damage in an instant is not okay. Something needs to be done about how that works.

Vauban, limbo, and frost also have an unfortunate matchup with them since they can break their area denial abilities.

Just bring a rapid fire weapon to deal with them. I wish their little drone things hovered directly above them instead of slightly to the side so it wasn't impossible to shoot them 50% of the time, so you could consistently deal with them with slower weapons tho.

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22 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

Melee nullifiers do that (dual prova).  They are still not faster than a butcher or a scorpion....or Toxic ancient.


I would say....the issue here is that when someone uses Defensive ability (and uses Tank frames often), they tend to stop paying attention (coz defensives are too strong)..

Sudden loss of "godmode" tankiness is like a cold water bucket to such people.     Coz they are not used to avoid anything....and now they have to.


Yeah they're cheeky buggas, I hear that bubble pop the other side of a wall and I'm outta there until I can get to them and deal with them.

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15 hours ago, Kainosh said:

They are so slow and obvious......  You must be playing with a blindfold to actually get nullified.

You are Clearly Thinking about the Old Nullifiers.... The New Has City and Corpus Fleet Nullifiers have Melee Variants.... Melee AI is not as Slow and Skiddish as Ranged Enemy AI.... They Will bum Rush you with Their Bubbles....

14 hours ago, Kainosh said:

Melee nullifiers do that (dual prova).  They are still not faster than a butcher or a scorpion....or Toxic ancient.

Considering those Enemies Are Also Complained about... I would say that Makes Them Fast Enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

14 hours ago, Kainosh said:


I would say....the issue here is that when someone uses Defensive ability (and uses Tank frames often), they tend to stop paying attention (coz defensives are too strong)..

It's Either That Or Enemies have a Tendency to Sneak Up on you if you Don't Camp in a Spot where you can Easily See where Enemies are coming From..


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I also hate nullifiers, and I also understand that if you're going fast,  it's stupid easy to run into them going through a door or around a corner, and it absolutely feels like BS everytime, because it's this instant mechanic.  I'm on your side.


But:  don't depend on your frame.  Put a fast weapon in at least one of your slots, or do what I do and use a 7xx amp on Op.  Because of how the bubbles take damage, a fast weapon or amp melts any bubbles regardless of enemy level.  They're still a stupid mechanic, and they still don't add anything fun to the game, but there's ways around them.  Just not with your frame, really.

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"People hate him so much it made me love him"

I will never understand the Hydroid hate - He's decently durable, his 1 damages Null bubbles and creates area denial, his 2 can be augmented to protect from status effects, his 3 can be augmented to heal you, his 4 can be augmented to give you extra loot (and that double loot chance even applies to his passive too!)

Plus he's a pirate, which is already cool.

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Nullies have definitely had their AI changed somewhere in the past couple of updates. Even the ranged ones will run at you now, sometimes - I'm not sure what obscure condition in their AI has to be met before they do. (Melee nullies are just plain obnoxious and have been since I started playing, but ranged nullies trying to run at me is new.) I've had some memorable moments where a ranged Nullie ran up behind me.

As for Warframes that are good against Nullies - Lavos has a large health pool and high armor, and doesn't rely on buffs basically at all. Hydroid (who nobody likes for some reason) isn't the best but he's not squishy, and is unique in that his 1 ability damages Nullie bubbles (and it's Helminth-able). Someone else suggested Excali Umbra, which yes, he's also a good pick for a reasonably tough Warframe who doesn't use buffs for survivability.

I hate how the little drone moves around so much (and it seems to have a really weird hitbox, I've had my shots visually hit it directly without any effect before)

EDIT: Oh, and never, ever disarm a Nullie. That makes them pull out a melee weapon and run at you while their bubble comes back up.

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A few ways to deal with them. 

Weapons with high fire rate to just shred the bubbles. The bubbles/nullifier fields have their own weird damage attenuation, they have minimum/maximum damage thresholds, so weaker damage can be buffed/stronger damage nerfed (relatively), so becomes about applying additional damage fast. Beam weapons, high fire rate dual pistols etc are great. Alternatively, as a reminder, Nullifier bubbles have that little device that is a weak spot and will destroy the whole bubble if it destroy it. Also applies to AMPs you use as well, some that are fast firing are great against Nullifiers. 

Warframe in particular. Naturally tanky, health tanks are pretty strong. I personally find Lavos great, since his abilities are cool down based. Can just run into bubbles and kill them with melee, or shoot them, use your abilities after. Only real concern is your 3 being negatively affected, so just be aware of that. Inaros likewise doesn't really care. Nidus will lose stacks by standing inside, but it shouldn't really be an issue unless there are a lot of Nullifiers around you constantly, but if thats the case, should also be a lot of Corpus in general you can use to get more stacks etc I uh actually personally find Ivara and Wisp strong against them as well. Wisp with the Fire Rate increase. Plus remember you can put your Motes in places Nullifiers can't get to, and you are invisible in air/flight with your passive. You should always be able to get away to get your buffs back up. Ivara likewise, just needs to find a safe place to recloak. 

Good luck!



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Hydroid's Tempest Barrage (skill 1) breaks the nullifying bubbles. I think he is good in general against Corpus with his magnetic damage. People hate Hydroid so much that it made me love him since you will rarely see another one in a mission. I even put 3 Umbra Forma in him and use him in the steel path. The Tidal Impunity augment works great against Acolytes. 

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