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Trading and Crossplay


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59 минут назад, Marvelous_A сказал:

There is a high chance that we won't ever get a cross-platform trade. Even if we get cross-platform trade you platinum is likely not shared among all platforms.

yes, Sony will be "very happy" that players on their platform will receive thousands of platinum bypassing their store🤭

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No one will know exactly how prices will change until DE announces how cross save will work.

Though I assume the most likely solution will be having a different plat "wallet" per platform. That way players can't platform hop to abuse discounts, each platform can still incentivize plat sales, and the player economies remain untouched. But this assumption is just as baseless as anyone else's at this point.

Edited by trst
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Cross Trade hasn't been enabled yet.

I do not know how it would work based on how platform % cuts and cross save would be implemented. But I'd imagine those would likely play a big role.


If I had to hazard a guess I am going to assume prices would likely drop across the board due to having more availability both on the end of the purchaser and purchasee. Guessing about a 50% drop in prime parts and about 10% drop for the more rarer gear like wolf sledge parts. With about a 25-40% drop in middle of the range gear like mods.

One of the big things about why prices are relatively high right now despite the abundance of parts is due to the barrier to perform a trade for both ends, if say a trading block was implemented then almost everything would be taking a nosedive 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2022-12-09 at 2:33 PM, trst said:

No one will know exactly how prices will change until DE announces how cross save will work.

Though I assume the most likely solution will be having a different plat "wallet" per platform. That way players can't platform hop to abuse discounts, each platform can still incentivize plat sales, and the player economies remain untouched. But this assumption is just as baseless as anyone else's at this point.

that is the plan they have for cross save

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On 2022-12-09 at 4:04 PM, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:

I don't think it's going to happen. Which is unfortunate. But I have a feeling a certain company will prevent it.


Looking at you Sony.

i dont see why sony would block crossplatform trade. allowing it would more likely gain them more money then lose because people can buy more stuff then they could in the past. 

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12 hours ago, (XBOX)ShadowWolf19 said:

i dont see why sony would block crossplatform trade. allowing it would more likely gain them more money then lose because people can buy more stuff then they could in the past. 

buying more stuff IN-Game is not the same as buying Platinum from Sony's PSN Store.

in-game transactions have no monetary value to Sony, it is only the $RMT$ for the initial platinum conversion that they get paid for

even allowing trading of Just Items but not Plat would be a problem as this would alter the spending power (and thus incentive to purchase) Platinum on various platforms.

You could potentially get a deficit situation, where platinum primarily gets purchased for discount on PC, while consoles become hardcore item farmers.

Edited by (PSN)haphazardlynamed
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2022-12-09 at 3:48 AM, Merrcenary said:

yes, Sony will be "very happy" that players on their platform will receive thousands of platinum bypassing their store🤭

I mean it’s been done even without cross-platform trading so what would be the issue? Have they not noticed it happening, if they haven’t then I doubt they will know when it happens

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)BoogieDa Vibez said:

I mean it’s been done even without cross-platform trading so what would be the issue? Have they not noticed it happening, if they haven’t then I doubt they will know when it happens

How?  I'm very sure Sony takes a cut of every single plat purchase made on a PS account, whether through the PS Store or DE's website.  Plus, there is the promotion via the annual Booster Packs.  We do not know the specifics of that deal, but I can bet it was inked in a way to benefit both parties.  Now DE wishes to move in a direction that hurts Sony's bottom line, is there any wonder Sony would be unhappy?

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On 2022-12-10 at 4:26 AM, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

Logs in for PC plat discount. Logs onto PS4 for market discount. This cross save model is great.

Markets HATE him! Learn how to save ALL your plat with this one weird trick...

Edited by Skoomaseller
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On 2022-12-09 at 5:00 PM, (NSW)SoulReaperX said:

since there is a working crossplay has the prices of items taken a steep dive or have they relatively stayed the same

there is no crossplatform trading yet so prices are most likely still the same

when it does happen however I think all prices will drop/increase to PC level considering that's the most populated playerbase

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  • 10 months later...

Why can’t DE just remove plat sales from steam and PS etc and just sell directly through their website? FFXIV functions exactly like this with its MTX.

(Halfway through writing this I think I figured it out so here’s my answer to my own question 😂) Warframe is a F2P game, F2P games make Sony money through the store and don’t require PS+ to play online. The other way games make money for Sony is paid game sales and requiring PS+. So it seems like the game would have to fundamentally change for this to be a thing. What an absolutely stupid and complex thing…

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Am 9.12.2022 um 10:25 schrieb (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1:

Not affected. No trading between platforms yet. 

Prices will either decease or increase depending on your platform. 

but only if you use the website?
A few years ago things were still being sold in the chat for 10x the price. At the beginning you might think that someone wrote one “zero” too many... but no! mistake! that is intentional.

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Cross trading hasn’t been enabled yet, but I’ve seen a  nice drop in the price of vaulted frames. Probably because we can all share opened relic rewards, so more people are getting more prime sets, thus making it cheaper. Not complaining, I hope the same happens to glaive prime. 

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