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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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4 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Me neither. 

"I look forward to use the warframe launcher to play elden ring lite."

These are not my words. Another user wrote this. And this was exactly what I thought when the video was shown. 

This is the first comment that made me react in complete confusion and surprise. 

"I didn't say it I just announced that I completely agree with the statement."

Holy #*!%. I'm tapping out. Happy Duviri Everyone lol

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4 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

"I didn't say it I just announced that I completely agree with the statement."

Holy #*!%. I'm tapping out. Happy Duviri Everyone lol

I got carried away saying ripoff and I got carried away saying Elden Ring lite but the resemblance made me react that way. Many people reacted in this way too. 

if someone who knows nothing about games seems both game plays for the first time, they will perceive the similarities and even get confused. It was my wrong choice of words. True. That is my fault. Sorry. 

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Drifter is a fitting nickname, because those slams look, as well as sound, drifty and anemic as Ruk. Did they refurbish Bonewidow's dry-silk-rag-hitting-sand heavy attack moves? C'mon, step it up.










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I'm glad once they can move on from the rest of the ideas the old, burnt out dev team had.

Duviri is the half formed spiteful demo of Soulfrmae, which is just another soulsborne clone.

They really gotta get someone to make nicer animations and someone to improve the crappy AI in Warframe, that's the stuff that would excite me. Every time I read about old stuff getting improvements and fixes, that's what I like to hear.

I've been here a long time and I have watched this game grow longer and longer and man, I'm ready for more girth!

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On 2023-03-29 at 2:53 AM, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Maybe I’m alone. But watching this game play of what looks like a slower discount Elden ring knock off mobile game. Just not feeling it, and doesn’t get me excited. I can’t get over the fact that this doesn’t feel like Warframe anymore. Just more not Warframe and vary slow and clunky gameplay. Sarcastic Season 9 GIF by The Office

this took DE the better part of 5 years, 5 YEARS to put this together. Yikes.

what is everyone else thoughts here? Does this gameplay excite you? Are you looking forward to it? Why or Why not? 

That IS Warframe gameplay, just slower. But yes, it's clunky with outdated animations and gameplay. The entire gameplay needs an overhaul, but that'll never happen. There's no point even pointing this out anymore.

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11 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Have you seen From Software copycating other developers in their production? 

Given your generous definition of "copycating" as "I see a resemblance", then From Software probably "copycatted":

  • Wizardry, by Sir-Tech
  • Legend of Zelda, by Nintendo
  • Dragon Slayer, by Nihon Falcom
  • Mercenary, by Novagen
  • Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, by Origin Systems
  • ... among countless others.

There is nothing inherently new that Demon's Souls brought to the table, except for a particular combination of punishing gameplay, open-world, and action RPG.  All have been done before and with countless titles, but combining it all at a time when punishing gameplay was entirely out of vogue was a refreshing experience that started a trend.

That you see slow gameplay in a fantasy setting and immediately yell "copycat!" is just downright being dishonest.

11 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I practice mathematics. It's part of my education. Ethics and morals plays a big role in professionalism. 

Then why do you make false claims about me, about DE, yet refuse to apologize or address them?  Also, didn't you claim to be an architect?  Are you now claiming to be a mathematician instead?  I do wonder just how much you write here is true.

11 hours ago, Felsagger said:

hmm, I am still not convinced with this. 

Dec 21, 2022  FromSoftware has made $928.9 million in lifetime revenue.


Digital Extremes Total Lifetime Revenue: $89.8m



Let us get more intriguing.

Digital extremes has exactly 418 Employees.

From Software has exactly 349 Employees. 


For a supposed mathematician, you sure do not seem to be able to do simple arithmetic.  Let's break it down for you.  DE has been around for more than 10 years.  For simplicity's sake, let's just count 10.  I'm sure their employee count has been up and down, but let's just say an average of 350 over the 10 years.  Total cost of employee compensation also varies widely, but let's just assume they are terrible slave drivers and only average spending $100,000 per employee.  Over the 10 years, they would have spent:

$100,000 x 350 employees x 10 years = $350 million on employee compensation alone.

Do you really believe anyone would keep them operating, let alone pay money for them, if they only made less than $90 million total?  Would you keep any company running if they already lost $240 million for you?

11 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I haven't heard that one. I read Chomsky. He is one of the best writers. His work is outstanding. 

Oh really?  Which books of his have you read?  Without looking at Wikipedia or asking ChatGPT, what is Chomsky known for?

11 hours ago, Felsagger said:

You want Oreos or Klondike bars with that apology? 

There is no false claim to be made since everything is written and catalogued on the forum board. There is no way of falsifying what you wrote or what I wrote. The record states that you wrote ME. I simply omitted it. I already stated that. 


No, all I ask for is a single ounce of honesty from you, yet even that appears to be asking for too much.  So I am done with you.  There is no point conversing with someone who will write anything and everything just for the sake of argument.  I will not be seeing any more of your lies now that I've ignored you, so farewell for good.

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16小时前 , ant99999 说:

Man, this thread is such a souls-like! The ammount of dodges being used is insane, I've seen some parries even. And locking on to a subject is all over the place.

The animations are a bit stale though, and the attack variety is lacking.

But there is no infuriating traps and "praise the sun" meme is nowhere to be found here.

Poor rip-off, will not play, 1/10

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On 2023-03-31 at 6:10 AM, Felsagger said:

I choose where I post and when. I state positive things about DE and I critique things that can improve in DE and their game. 

Do you have any problem with that? 

I'm gonna be honest with you Fel

You are wasting your time with the other person (and others) here, no matter what you say, prove or otherwise, you will NEVER be able to pull them from the fanboyism mentality, it's a losing battle and you know it deep down, they will keep gnawing down at you until you either give up or block them. Hell, you don't even have to hear what I think, but all this is gonna end up with is the pair of you going back and forward, over and over (unless the topic gets locked). 

You CAN NOT win against fanboyism, it's in the  definition itself: Blind, Aggressive Devotion

I am offering you a rather easy way out of the mess here, the other person will continue to blindly post memes or other absurdities at you until "They Win"

However at the end of the day, Nothing is stopping you from posting when or what you want, all up to you in the end, but I'd move on from the person if I was you, I have likely -many- people of the same type who have either blocked me, because they share the same reasoning or outright hate me, etc, They know who they are, even outside of Warframe, other games have the same type of people, hell I'm even guilty of being a Fanboy when it came to Destiny 2 (Glad I got out of that habit tho)

All in all, I hope you have a pleasant day (or whatever timeline you are in, no pun intended, given the context of paradox)

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4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Given your generous definition of "copycating" as "I see a resemblance", then From Software probably "copycatted":

  • Wizardry, by Sir-Tech
  • Legend of Zelda, by Nintendo
  • Dragon Slayer, by Nihon Falcom
  • Mercenary, by Novagen
  • Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, by Origin Systems
  • ... among countless others.

I do understand the envy that many developers feel when they do not win something by their own merit. Kojima production, Guerrilla Games, From Software carries their own weight pulling off their work. It is understandable when another developer wants a scoop of that success. But as a player I will pick up the best product available instead of playing something similar. 

Sorry that's how it is. 

4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

There is nothing inherently new that Demon's Souls brought to the table, except for a particular combination of punishing gameplay, open-world, and action RPG.  All have been done before and with countless titles, but combining it all at a time when punishing gameplay was entirely out of vogue was a refreshing experience that started a trend.

The size of the contribution made by From Software is what counts and the innovation inserted in each iteration. Are people going to purchase similar experiences twice? I am not the only one saying that is similar. 

4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

That you see slow gameplay in a fantasy setting and immediately yell "copycat!" is just downright being dishonest.

According to this poor logic you have many people are dishonest because they saw many similarities with the GAME MECHANICS of the video shown. 

Is he dishonest? 

He titled his video Elden Ring inspired combat. 

Is he dishonest too? 

Many people in this thread feels the same way. They think and I think that experiences are way too similar. That doesn't make us dishonest in the minimum. This is how we felt and reacted for what was shown. 

4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Then why do you make false claims about me, about DE, yet refuse to apologize or address them? 

People are reacting for what they are seeing. Sorry if this troubles you this much. They sees things that are way too similar. This motivated many of us write such things. I am not the only one who things this way. 

4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

For a supposed mathematician, you sure do not seem to be able to do simple arithmetic.  Let's break it down for you.  DE has been around for more than 10 years.  For simplicity's sake, let's just count 10.  I'm sure their employee count has been up and down, but let's just say an average of 350 over the 10 years.  Total cost of employee compensation also varies widely, but let's just assume they are terrible slave drivers and only average spending $100,000 per employee.  Over the 10 years, they would have spent:

$100,000 x 350 employees x 10 years = $350 million on employee compensation alone.

Do you really believe anyone would keep them operating, let alone pay money for them, if they only made less than $90 million total?  Would you keep any company running if they already lost $240 million for you?

Tencent did. Ask them. 

4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Oh really?  Which books of his have you read?  Without looking at Wikipedia or asking ChatGPT, what is Chomsky known for?

Cognitive science and linguistics. 

4 hours ago, MqToasty said:

No, all I ask for is a single ounce of honesty from you, yet even that appears to be asking for too much.  So I am done with you.  There is no point conversing with someone who will write anything and everything just for the sake of argument.  I will not be seeing any more of your lies now that I've ignored you, so farewell for good.

Imagine if the developers admit that they got inspiration from Elden Ring. If they, themselves say that they are inspired in Elden Ring and they want to follow this road then I will not even mention this topic at all. People would not be here making a fuss out of it. 

Have a nice day and carry on eating your Klondike bar. :D

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2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I'm gonna be honest with you Fel

You are wasting your time with the other person (and others) here, no matter what you say, prove or otherwise, you will NEVER be able to pull them from the fanboyism mentality, it's a losing battle and you know it deep down, they will keep gnawing down at you until you either give up or block them. Hell, you don't even have to hear what I think, but all this is gonna end up with is the pair of you going back and forward, over and over (unless the topic gets locked). 

You CAN NOT win against fanboyism, it's in the  definition itself: Blind, Aggressive Devotion

I am offering you a rather easy way out of the mess here, the other person will continue to blindly post memes or other absurdities at you until "They Win"

However at the end of the day, Nothing is stopping you from posting when or what you want, all up to you in the end, but I'd move on from the person if I was you, I have likely -many- people of the same type who have either blocked me, because they share the same reasoning or outright hate me, etc, They know who they are, even outside of Warframe, other games have the same type of people, hell I'm even guilty of being a Fanboy when it came to Destiny 2 (Glad I got out of that habit tho)

All in all, I hope you have a pleasant day (or whatever timeline you are in, no pun intended, given the context of paradox)

I'm afraid that you are correct. I think that guy is beating a dead horse by now going in rants calling me dishonest for saying things that feels obvious between products. Again, that's my perception. I could be wrong but many people points out that the products are way too similar according to the videos shown. 

I think developers will do better if they show finished products near the release. That could save them from lots of backslashes and misinterpretations and perceptions. 

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16 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Dec 21, 2022  FromSoftware has made $928.9 million in lifetime revenue.


Digital Extremes Total Lifetime Revenue: $89.8m



Let us get more intriguing.

Digital extremes has exactly 418 Employees.

From Software has exactly 349 Employees. 



If we select the total lifetime revenue between DE and From Software the comparison would be deeply unfair for Digital Extremes. 

89.8 Millions for Digital Extremes versus 928.9 millions for From Software. 

Which doesnt actually add up to what the site you used for FromSoftware claims. Which states that WF had a revenue of $74.1 million in 2020 alone. And the estimated yearly revenue for DE as of 2020 was slightly over $100 million according to another site. And according to a tweet from the same year (June 6th) the 2019 revenue was $175 million, which was a 12% drop from the previous year and still equalled 80% of Leyou's total revenue.

I mean, DE spent nearly as much on game development in 2019 as you claim their total lifetime revenue is. Maybe uhm check how up to date the site you cite is. It doesnt even mention Soulframe, nor the colab for Wayfinder, the failed Amazing Eternals or any of the other "recent" developers they've worked with either for colab or as publishers. So how many years behind is the info on that site?

edit: Also to note. The levvel site puts WF at the following numbers for revenue. 2018 $180.5 mill, 2019 $175 mill, with 2020 showing a YoY 18.9% revenue loss. And that loss is stated to be caused by covid since they couldnt rely on what feeds the game i.e new content releases as a f2p gaas game. Rooted in harsh quarantine rules within Canada.

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15 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Which doesnt actually add up to what the site you used for FromSoftware claims. Which states that WF had a revenue of $74.1 million in 2020 alone. And the estimated yearly revenue for DE as of 2020 was slightly over $100 million according to another site. And according to a tweet from the same year (June 6th) the 2019 revenue was $175 million, which was a 12% drop from the previous year and still equalled 80% of Leyou's total revenue.

I mean, DE spent nearly as much on game development in 2019 as you claim their total lifetime revenue is. Maybe uhm check how up to date the site you cite is. It doesnt even mention Soulframe, nor the colab for Wayfinder, the failed Amazing Eternals or any of the other "recent" developers they've worked with either for colab or as publishers. So how many years behind is the info on that site?

edit: Also to note. The levvel site puts WF at the following numbers for revenue. 2018 $180.5 mill, 2019 $175 mill, with 2020 showing a YoY 18.9% revenue loss. And that loss is stated to be caused by covid since they couldnt rely on what feeds the game i.e new content releases as a f2p gaas game. Rooted in harsh quarantine rules within Canada.

Ervin, that's what the site said. Even if they are wrong, I'm not an expert in finance neither are any of us. 

Despite how much money they make it is not our concern anyway. 

I do enjoy when developers follows their own projects like Warframe and stick to what they do instead of following other trends in general. I had good times with Unreal 2004, Unreal and some Warframe chapters like Deimos and now Railjack with some friends in the clan. 

I'm sure I'll have good time riding horses with wings and teaming up with other players in Duviri playing as the Drifter. I'll choose story mode and see Duviri as it was meant to be played by the developers. I can rest for a while without using the warframes. 

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I will point out the very simple fact that 'it's not a soulslike' seems rather daft and a bit of denial considering it's called Soulframe AND it even uses the Demon's Souls font for the title.

The devs themselves are, rather blatently, signposting it as a Soulslike (would they have called it Soulframe if Soulsborne games weren't a thing?) without calling it one, come on people...

But that's a whatever issue...as mentioned the biggest issue currently for Duviri is that the melee combat looks...jank...no weight, no impact, lack of hitstop, hitflash, lack of the Drifter putting their full body behind the basic swings and instead flailing it around infront of them as if it didn't weigh anything. Currently the combat looks like Lords of the Fallen or the first Surge game.

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7 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Ervin, that's what the site said. Even if they are wrong, I'm not an expert in finance neither are any of us. 

Despite how much money they make it is not our concern anyway. 

I do enjoy when developers follows their own projects like Warframe and stick to what they do instead of following other trends in general. I had good times with Unreal 2004, Unreal and some Warframe chapters like Deimos and now Railjack with some friends in the clan. 

I'm sure I'll have good time riding horses with wings and teaming up with other players in Duviri playing as the Drifter. I'll choose story mode and see Duviri as it was meant to be played by the developers. I can rest for a while without using the warframes. 

But the main question is, why did you not use the same site for both? You clearly play an angle here to scew the results to fit your agenda and not the truth. The true and most recent info was available from the same site you used for FromSoftware. A company that also has up to date data on the other site as opposed to DE that is extremely outdated, which any person can see at a glimpse.

7 minutes ago, Dr_Mechano said:

I will point out the very simple fact that 'it's not a soulslike' seems rather daft and a bit of denial considering it's called Soulframe AND it even uses the Demon's Souls font for the title.

The devs themselves are, rather blatently, signposting it as a Soulslike (would they have called it Soulframe if Soulsborne games weren't a thing?) without calling it one, come on people...

But that's a whatever issue...as mentioned the biggest issue currently for Duviri is that the melee combat looks...jank...no weight, no impact, lack of hitstop, hitflash, lack of the Drifter putting their full body behind the basic swings and instead flailing it around infront of them as if it didn't weigh anything. Currently the combat looks like Lords of the Fallen or the first Surge game.

Aside from the fact that they've said it wont be. The name comes from a mechanic/theme in the game, not the souls system. And are you seriously saying they are the same font? Maybe time to get glasses?

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8 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

But the main question is, why did you not use the same site for both? You clearly play an angle here to screw the results to fit your agenda and not the truth. The true and most recent info was available from the same site you used for FromSoftware. A company that also has up to date data on the other site as opposed to DE that is extremely outdated, which any person can see at a glimpse.

Ervin, all this conversation steamed because people puts too much faith on one developer over the other. Yes maybe the site could be wrong, I could be wrong and many times I am. I don't hold the truth either but I do know what I'm seeing when people don't applaud or get the approval they are looking for. 

How about if we ask everyone else what they think about Soulframe, Duviri and if the whole experience gives the impression of the game Elden Ring? If I want to play Elden Ring, I play Elden Ring. If I want to play Warframe, I  plug my PS5 the game Warframe. That is all what I am saying. 

Could Soulframe become a fairly good game? I don't know. I have to try it. But if I want to play a good game that is actually reviewed, recognized by the public, the media and the gaming community, I go for Elden Ring. 


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2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Ervin, all this conversation steamed because people puts too much faith on one developer over the other. Yes maybe the site could be wrong, I could be wrong and many times I am. I don't hold the truth either but I do know what I'm seeing when people don't applaud or get the approval they are looking for. 

How about if we ask everyone else what they think about Soulframe, Duviri and if the whole experience gives the impression of the game Elden Ring? If I want to play Elden Ring, I play Elden Ring. If I want to play Warframe, I  plug my PS5 the game Warframe. That is all what I am saying. 

Could Soulframe become a fairly good game? I don't know. I have to try it. But if I want to play a good game that is actually reviewed, recognized by the public, the media and the gaming community, I go for Elden Ring. 


Could be? It is wrong, simple as that. Which is why looking at several sources is important for starters.

I've also learned from years of experience to take first looks of a pre-alpha and alphas at that with a grain of salt. Especially when that pre-alpha is showed in a devstream that also highlights the company approach to early development and ideas. For the love of all things unholy, just look at the massive difference in WF alone between pre-alpha, alpha, beta and "beta" release overall. Then also stop and consider how several modes have changed drastically between the concept stage and actual release, no matter if it's been Liches or RJ, the differences are massive. Yet people sit here and act as if the Soulframe piece we saw as a full release version of a game just around the corner.

Never mind that if we stop to consider what type of game it might be, the parts shown may also be a very early game experience, similar to how WF is still very slow at the start compared to at the late progression stage. Does no one remember their first encounters in the game, where your guns and abilities didnt evaporate, disintigrate or annihilate an enemy with a sneeze? We even saw it showcased when Eximus units were reworked and people showed their TTK with those basic weapons in the game (with mods at that). Which doesnt compare to the speed of WF later down the line, even versus eximus that turn into 1-hit-wonders.

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20 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Could be? It is wrong, simple as that. Which is why looking at several sources is important for starters.

It was a deviation from the topic to be honest. I just threw myself in that pit. That's my fault. 

20 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I've also learned from years of experience to take first looks of a pre-alpha and alphas at that with a grain of salt. Especially when that pre-alpha is showed in a devstream that also highlights the company approach to early development and ideas. For the love of all things unholy, just look at the massive difference in WF alone between pre-alpha, alpha, beta and "beta" release overall. Then also stop and consider how several modes have changed drastically between the concept stage and actual release, no matter if it's been Liches or RJ, the differences are massive. Yet people sit here and act as if the Soulframe piece we saw as a full release version of a game just around the corner.

Never mind that if we stop to consider what type of game it might be, the parts shown may also be a very early game experience, similar to how WF is still very slow at the start compared to at the late progression stage. Does no one remember their first encounters in the game, where your guns and abilities didnt evaporate, disintigrate or annihilate an enemy with a sneeze? We even saw it showcased when Eximus units were reworked and people showed their TTK with those basic weapons in the game (with mods at that). Which doesnt compare to the speed of WF later down the line, even versus eximus that turn into 1-hit-wonders.

Smart developers discloses work that is ready and satisfactory to the public. This way developers evades misconceptions, unfair critique, misinterpretation and confusion.

You already stated it, GAAS games evolves. Nothing is definitive. However I am not thrilled at all of starting another GAAS game that feels like a DEJA VU of a previous game that I already played. I think Warframe was more than enough. People likes experience that starts and have an end instead of a grinder like Warframe or Soulframe. This is why many people enjoy Elden Ring. It is a finite product, it is far from perfect, but it is more than satisfactory and enjoying. YOU DON'T have to excessively farm and waste time playing the game for the items you want repeating the same action again and again. Yes, everything requires some grind, there's fun in it but somehow moderation helps a lot designing the grind for these games. 


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1 hour ago, Dr_Mechano said:

I will point out the very simple fact that 'it's not a soulslike' seems rather daft and a bit of denial considering it's called Soulframe AND it even uses the Demon's Souls font for the title.

The devs themselves are, rather blatently, signposting it as a Soulslike (would they have called it Soulframe if Soulsborne games weren't a thing?) without calling it one, come on people...

We're talking about the Duviri Paradox. The update that comes out this month. Soulframe is an entirely seperate game with a very weird title.


1 hour ago, Dr_Mechano said:

But that's a whatever issue...as mentioned the biggest issue currently for Duviri is that the melee combat looks...jank...no weight, no impact, lack of hitstop, hitflash, lack of the Drifter putting their full body behind the basic swings and instead flailing it around infront of them as if it didn't weigh anything. Currently the combat looks like Lords of the Fallen or the first Surge game.

Yeah that's definitely still fair. The slow AI is one thing, aggression can probably be tweaked fairly easily. I've been complaining about weightless Melee for ages before and it's coming to a head here.

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1 minute ago, Loza03 said:

We're talking about the Duviri Paradox. The update that comes out this month. Soulframe is an entirely separate game with a very weird title.


Yeah that's definitely still fair. The slow AI is one thing, aggression can probably be tweaked fairly easily. I've been complaining about weightless Melee for ages before and it's coming to a head here.

Entirely true. That's what Elden Ring gets right. 

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If it is a content i can do once and then forget to go back to normal warframe, like TNW quest, i'll probably enjoy the momentary change of pace and alternative gameplay.

If it becomes a new weekly chore to gate-keep some powerful endgame gear like it happened with kahl mission, i'm gonna start hate it even earlier.

I agree that the base warframe became too bloated in powercreep, but resolving the problem by forcing new non-warframe gameplay everywhere is gonna alienate the players. I think we all created an account because of warframe gameplay.

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3 hours ago, Dr_Mechano said:

I will point out the very simple fact that 'it's not a soulslike' seems rather daft and a bit of denial considering it's called Soulframe

So I'm guessing SoulBlazer, Soul Edge, Soul Hackers, Soul Calibur, Soulbringer, Shining Soul, Mugen Souls, Beyond: Two Souls, Wayward Souls, Swords & Souls, SoulWorker, Soul Knight, Crossing Souls, Soulblight, Soul Void, Soul Tide and Tormented Souls are all soulslikes then?

Fromsoft's little subgenre does not have a monopoly on that word.

1 hour ago, DebrisFlow said:

I think we all created an account because of warframe gameplay.

And what about players like me, who created our accounts before Warframe's current gameplay was put in? Because what people now try to claim is "Warframe gameplay" was only added in after multiple sweeping changes to what came before.

If anything, the Drifter's more moderate pace is a return to form.

To me, the core appeal of Warframe, even back then, was always that DE were willing to experiment, to add in new stuff, to be different and unexpected. Acting as if the game can only be one narrow thing with no room for deviation feels like missing the point to me.

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2 hours ago, DebrisFlow said:

If it is a content i can do once and then forget to go back to normal warframe, like TNW quest, i'll probably enjoy the momentary change of pace and alternative gameplay.

If it becomes a new weekly chore to gate-keep some powerful endgame gear like it happened with kahl mission, i'm gonna start hate it even earlier.

I agree that the base warframe became too bloated in powercreep, but resolving the problem by forcing new non-warframe gameplay everywhere is gonna alienate the players. I think we all created an account because of warframe gameplay.

I cannot agree with you more. This is my issue too. Kahl should be optional story quests. Locking end game items behind content like this is mid boggling and with the incarnon adapters, it looks like duviri will do this too.

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45 minutes ago, Corvid said:

So I'm guessing SoulBlazer, Soul Edge, Soul Hackers, Soul Calibur, Soulbringer, Shining Soul, Mugen Souls, Beyond: Two Souls, Wayward Souls, Swords & Souls, SoulWorker, Soul Knight, Crossing Souls, Soulblight, Soul Void, Soul Tide and Tormented Souls are all soulslikes then?

Fromsoft's little subgenre does not have a monopoly on that word.

And what about players like me, who created our accounts before Warframe's current gameplay was put in? Because what people now try to claim is "Warframe gameplay" was only added in after multiple sweeping changes to what came before.

If anything, the Drifter's more moderate pace is a return to form.

To me, the core appeal of Warframe, even back then, was always that DE were willing to experiment, to add in new stuff, to be different and unexpected. Acting as if the game can only be one narrow thing with no room for deviation feels like missing the point to me.

If you had an account before operators were introduced then you know it's not Warframe gameplay. It's not a return to form in any way shape or form. The old parkour required timing and precision unlike being able to teleport everywhere like operators can and bullet jumping.

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