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TennoLive Teaser dropped, what are your hopes for this?

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2 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

I see two in General Discussion about Requiem words and the Opreator being a doppelganger, but from what I can tell those appear to be different topics.

nvm I guess DE have decided "What is the operator" and "Tennocon speculation" are the exact same thread.

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Yes, this is in Deimos in the habitation of the Entrati documents. 

The voice heard in the video is that of Albrecht Antrati and apparently the images tell the story of entrati and his encounter with wally in addition to saying: ''Was it me who escaped? or.. the other?''

Apparently Entrati is not Entrati and wally has planned everything from the beginning. Aizen is that you?

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Also, I hope you realize that the Drifter is a Paradoxal version of our Operators, the Drifter literally explains that they are from a timeline where they were not rescued and were not given the powers of Transference and Warframes.

There's a theory that it was the Drifter that accepted Wally help, hence that's how Duviri was re-created. Wally just said he could save the Drifter, he did it by using  Drifter power to re-create Duviri thus gave him/her slow aging (the Zariman Ten Zero accident happens hundred years ago).

The Operator will always had the Void power, NOT gifted by Wally.

Edited by BroDutt
Duviri was re-created from the book based on old kingdom before Orokin era
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8 hours ago, Zahnny said:

I see two in General Discussion about Requiem words and the Opreator being a doppelganger, but from what I can tell those appear to be different topics.


8 hours ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

Already threads about it. 

My thread had a different title before the mods or whoever changed it to be vague. I originally wanted to talk about if the operator is even the same person as the drifter, which is why I included that trailer. 

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10 hours ago, Zahnny said:

nvm I guess DE have decided "What is the operator" and "Tennocon speculation" are the exact same thread.

Yeah, but to be fair the correct title should be "Tennocon Speculation Thread" rather than trying to rationalize what it could be and having titles like "Omg, Opeator is The Terminator"

11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Thank you for the Meme

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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My hopes are the same as previous content.

A story mission focused on a humanloid or a previous experiment done by the same entity that created the heart of deimos and the portal to the void, this serving as the tutorial (meaning the gameplay is solo and the objectives are detailed so you learn the ropes)
It will likely require heart of deimos and duviri quest lines to be completed.

Main cement warframe BP droping from the quest

Open world in the void with some sort of bounty system or replayable content so you can aquire the remaining parts (chassis/neuroptics/systems)

Am i certain? No, far from it to be honest, it's just a guess.

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Not really sure how people have managed to arrive to the teaser having to do with Drifter/Tenno.

1. The protagonist of the teasers and trailers have been a female tenno for a long time now.

2. Narrator in the trailer here is male. So not the Drifter or the Tenno, which is a woman/girl.

3. Wally in trailer is a female tenno lookalike.

So the narrator is quite obviously Albrecht given the images shown aswell, like the clock, the drive and his helmet, and the backstory we already have regarding his visit inside the void and questioning himself after getting out. 

The trailer hints at the next big update being about Albrecht and Wally. Or just a continuation on the Wally story with Albrecht simply there as a "the road so far" in the trailer.

9 hours ago, BroDutt said:

There's a theory that it was the Drifter that accepted Wally help, hence that's how Duviri was re-created.

"Both" accepted the deal. Wally just never promised to save the protagonist. The Drifter is what could be seen as a form of conceptual embodyment performed by Wally, either created by Wally to serve a purpose in the void, or simply seperated from reality to serve a purpose in the void. Likely to serve as a tool to help Wally break free.

While according to eternalism there is also an outcome where the deal isnt made (since in eternalism everything happens that can happen), it is of no interest to Wally since it serves no purpose for him, so we never see and experience that outcome through him. Because in that outcome the children are never saved, the tenno and drifter never exsists so cant help Wally with whatever he plans to use us for.

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Its to do with doors , maybe they will introduce an option to allow players to call upon the power of wally , the near godlike being for a task not possible by one single being. To open friendship doors.



Jokes aside i expect there to be something that starts in deimos , expands into the void (either single quest or regular mission) has very very basic overlap with railjacks reliquary drive. And comes up with some new lore completely irrelevant to any exposition done in the past cause "eternalism" and so everything is happening and its all true.

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Not really sure how people have managed to arrive to the teaser having to do with Drifter/Tenno.

1. The protagonist of the teasers and trailers have been a female tenno for a long time now.

Really? Nothing at all?

1. The canonical Operator is a female named Mara (canonical as in that's the internal name they're using in the game's code)


2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

2. Narrator in the trailer here is male. So not the Drifter or the Tenno, which is a woman/girl.

2. The narrator is Albrecht, that's his lines from the Requiem's entries

Since the same thing that happened to him happened to us, it's not far-fetched to say we will learn more about the Operator's role in Wally's plan when we learn about Albrecht himself

That's like saying the next story quest won't have anything to do with Albrecht because it's not his name specifically in the quest's name


2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

3. Wally in trailer is a female tenno lookalike.

3. Again, that's just Wally taking Mara's appearance


2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

The trailer hints at the next big update being about Albrecht and Wally.

See point 2



49 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Jokes aside i expect there to be something that starts in deimos

Considering Deimos was supposed to come out after TNW, that's very much possible

The Heart & the Void Gate still haven't been used much

Edited by -Krism-
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1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

Really? Nothing at all?

1. The canonical Operator is a female named Mara (canonical as in that's the internal name they're using in the game's code)


2. The narrator is Albrecht, that's his lines from the Requiem's entries

Since the same thing that happened to him happened to us, it's not far-fetched to say we will learn more about the Operator's role in Wally's plan when we learn about Albrecht himself

That's like saying the next story quest won't have anything to do with Albrecht because it's not his name specifically in the quest's name


3. Again, that's just Wally taking Mara's appearance


See point 2

I really have no clue what you even try to say or correct here.

Since all I'm saying is that the next update will involve Wally again, and possibly also Albrecht. And that the whole "Was it I who escaped?" part of the trailer (that some took as a reference to the tenno/drifter, OP among others) is simply about a recap of what happened to Albrecht and nothing else. It has nothing to do with if Drifter or the Tenno plot twists into being Wally.

Also, what same thing happened to Albrecht? He never interacted with Wally, he saw him and accidentally lopped his finger off as he tried to grab Albrecht. No deal, no powers, no revisits (as far as we know) and so on. He also went into depression from it, wanting to end his life the Orokin way, which the Tenno never seemed to.

And mentioning the obvious, that it will involve the Tenno/Drifter and further build on the story, well that is kinda redundant, since what else would we play and experience it as? I sure as hell hope you didnt think I ment it will be content without the Tenno/Drifter involved.

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31 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It has nothing to do with if Drifter or the Tenno plot twists into being Wally.

That's exactly what I was talking about, it has everything to do with us, but I already explained why in my first reply


31 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Also, what same thing happened to Albrecht? He never interacted with Wally, he saw him and accidentally lopped his finger off as he tried to grab Albrecht. No deal, no powers, no revisits (as far as we know) and so on.

You don't need to have a deal to have an interaction, you completely missed the part of the story where Wally took Albrecht's from & "stole" his memories


31 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I sure as hell hope you didnt think I ment it will be content without the Tenno/Drifter involved.

Why the #*!% would I say that? Seems like you just didn't understand anything of what I said

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21 minutes ago, -Krism- said:

That's exactly what I was talking about, it has everything to do with us, but I already explained why in my first reply

It seems you are completely missing my point regarding this. I'm saying that it isnt about the Tenno/Drifter being real, Wally or some completely different person as the OP asks "Is the Drifter the original and the operator literally not even the same person?", "I originally wanted to talk about if the operator is even the same person as the drifter, which is why I included that trailer.". It is just about what happened to Albrecht when he ran into Wally, and it tells us the next big update will expand on the Wally story.

The "Was it I who escaped?" part is what I ment has nothing to do with the Drifter/Tenno when I said.

4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Not really sure how people have managed to arrive to the teaser having to do with Drifter/Tenno.

Since we know we didnt escape from anything and we also know who we actually are from playing the game, which also means we know who the Drifter is since the two are now also one and the same. So them being something else at this point would be uhm one of the strangest plot twists I can imagine.

21 minutes ago, -Krism- said:

You don't need a to have a deal to have an interaction, you completely missed the part of the story where Wally took Albrecht's from & "stole" his memory

No but it is a big step saying Albrecht and the tenno went through the same thing, when they clearly didnt. 

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to what ive come to understand of this entity and the warframe externalism

OG operator made a deal  with said entity to survive in void this , somehow, removed all variations of that person (operator) except for as we know for now , two version (also turned all the other kids into operator like entities (helmith refers to this as demons of light and dark) 

one that survived alone on zariman/duveri that created their own world in void hellscape acting as king (drifter) 

one empowered by the void that could leave the void and return to their origional solar system (operator)

now wally aka the doubleganger , has also had some evolution within the game, the eyes have solely changed since initial showing via the war within , started out as a gold/metalic eye, then eyes with micro dots circling (kinda like a galaxy)  , this coloration and effect was only in the pupil , NOW with the current version the eye is complexly saturated in that golden effect and almost a completed look to it , making me wonder at this progressions significance ? prior wally wore lotus helmet blocking our view of the eyes, until the narmar final fight / operator flash back , making me think this new eye change is in correlation to their growth/empowerment ? 



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Edited by (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako
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