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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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From the perspective of someone who's never bought Prime Access and still hasn't directly bought any Regal Aya (I only have one through the Tennocon pack), the fact that the middle tier is so expensive thanks to the Regal Aya is absolutely a greedy move. There should absolutely be an option to buy just the skins and signas without the Regal Aya. There's no excuse here. It just feels like pure greed from my view.

And the worst part? I'll probably get the lower tier pack just for the technically discounted platinum. Not even the skins.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


Well I think you have both made a few decent agreeable points, and some points, that I may not personally have agreed with entirely, but thought they were well written and formulated. I also mean agreed with entirely in the sense, I didn't necessarily disagree, I may just have wanted more context or evidence or just lack personal understanding on a reference or point made. 

That being said, I can also sympathise with them, because, and I mean this with kindness and politeness, but you do come off a bit argumentative and insincere at times, and just a touch condescending. Also like... this is a long thread, I don't read every single reply from every single user and follow different conversations and back and forth between users, so I totally get that maybe I missed examples of users treating you in a such a way, as to influence your tone. I myself for example, think I probably come across condescending unintentionally too sometimes. 

In short, I can see why that other user wanted to disengage with you. I think it was a bit of a shame, because I think you both could have continued your conversation, but in a more amicable and friendly way, as such topics can be interesting to read and learn about. When some passive aggression and small barbs find themselves involved though, well many peoples fatigue just sets in too. Cheers. 

This ChatGPT?

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As a Tenno that loves this game and have played for over 7 years thousands of hours played, dozens of prime access packs/accessory packs purchased to help support the game over the years I find the price tag on this pack to be a spit in the face especially as a celebration of 10 years of warframe this is ABSURD. Not having options to buy the skins only for a reduced cost is disgusting. Some of the veteran players that have played this game for a long duration of time have no need for regal aya using that and a small amount of platinum to inflate the price tag to $90USD is not cool. These skins should be available to buy for in game platinum or shouldn’t be more than $20 USD each. 
Hopefully DE adds heirloom packs of frost and mag and future frames of just their skins/color palette without regal aya and platinum for a reasonable cost on console. Please listen to your community on this DE these unreasonably priced packs are a really bad look if this is the future of how you will add cosmetics and packs you are going to push us all away. 

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vor 37 Minuten schrieb Vortex:

I mean, a lot of founders literally supported this for the first time and was happy for the past 10 years for it, a lot just sitted in relays or any mission with your excalibur prime while everyone else was crying because of the lost oportunity, but you all was happy with your ego in the skies.

But magically the same guys now are crying because someone else can be more exclusive than them if they don't keep "supporting like a hero" as they always said.


Can you please stop lumping all founders together?

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19 hours ago, (XBOX)Lady Ukita said:

Not only do they release these overpriced cosmetics, but they also had the audacity to bring back Dog Days. Talk about a double whammy.

Why was it audacious to bring back an event they bring back every summer...?  That is like saying "they had the audacity to bring back Nights of Naberus halloween event in october"...  I'm not knocking on you to be mean, I'm just not seeing what the problem with dog days returning as it normally does could possibly be.

19 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

nah kid... I'm just simply a working family guy.

Same... which has led me to consider the value of the money I spend more than ever since I have people relying on me to NOT throw away money.  This isn't saying "don't buy luxuries", no, not at all... it's "don't buy overpriced luxuries"

The pack is a bad value.

19 hours ago, RecklessCarnage said:

This honestly bumbed me out so hard. This ruined tennocon for me. Im just so sad DE is doing this. I dont know.

Same... I saw some people posting their look links before I had looked at the packs and prices... My thought was the packs would be priced like other similar skin bundles.  Deluxe skin bundles typically offer the skin, some cosmetic that can be bought separately for plat, and a deluxe bundle exclusive cosmetic. Having a similar setup with similar pricing would have been zero issue.

Then I went to the market, and saw the packs, what was included... and the prices.

The inclusion of regal aya was a flat out mistake.  I am not one of those "regal aya should never have existed" players. I will, and have purchased regal aya.  But I completely 100% understand those players, support their objections to the regal aya, support their decision to vote with their wallets, ect.  I completely understand the negative contraversy around regal aya... And including regal aya in the pack as a mandatory inclusion is a bad decision.

That there is no option for buying JUST the skins... that too was a bad decision.

The FOMO aspect of the argument as well, I have no issue with FOMO stuff, because I do not have the fear of missing out. If I miss out, I miss out. It is what it is.

HOWEVER, combining limited time exclusive purchase along with the pricing... bad decision, DE.  THAT is indeed pretadory, especially with the short window of time for such a high priced cosmetic.

And let's all be extremely clear and transparent here... these are skins.  You don't even get a base frost and mag with reactors and slots in the bundle...  It's all purely cosmetic.  For a price tag that is up around prime access pack prices.

It's like buying a bare bones basic economy car for luxury car prices because it has some fancy exclusive paint in it's paint job... no wait, it's not, it's buying the paint for the full luxury car price, but you don't even get the no options included economy car in the deal... just the paint.

These packs are a pure cash-grab.  No shade towards the creators of the skins. Total shade to whoever set up the pricing.

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1 hour ago, NecroPed said:

Thats my bad I forgot about the plat, but it still clearly contributes to a considerable chunk of the value of the pack. 

And if I'm buying plat I'm preferable to buying more platinum at once, I lose value in getting that amount of platinum in a bundle at that price. 

Exclusivity to some cosmetics is not worth close to $100 for me since I don't really want the regal aya or the plat at that value. And the cheaper packs separate the items in such a way that actually deincentivises both cheaper packs for me. 

And at what value is that? You reason as if the plat is set at the worst possible value while it really isnt the case since the cosmetics themselves are not based only on current deluxe skins since they are limited collector type items. I mean it has been covered already what the bare value is in the pack. But since the skins and halos likely have a higher value you also end up with what is effectively discounted plat/aya. Sure it sucks if you dont want the aya, but you are still not looking at more than around €15 of things you dont have any use for at that point, which is with skins valued at the lowest possible and without halos included at all.

That is €15 spread across 8 items, with skins valued at the lowest and halos not taken into account, with the worst possible return regarding plat pricing aswell from the pack. Which means the halos probably eat up around €8-10 already out of that, leaving €5-7 spread across the other 6 items.


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Yes! Exactly what I was going to say.

I genuinely want to give DE my money, for making such a great game that I've sunk 2000 hours into over the last couple years, I just simply cannot afford to spend £30 every couple of months buying a 1000 platinum pack... which just so happens to also contain the new prime weapons that I actually want. I don't even want 1000 platinum period, I'm already sitting on 300 and don't have much I want to spend it on. I would be buying something almost every single prime access if every single pack wasn't inflated with an absurd amount of platinum.

And the exact same applies to heirlooms: I love that Mag skin, and would be very happy to pay for it, but I can't afford to also buy the Frost skin (I don't play frost) and 6 regal aya (which I would need to wait until next prime resurgence to find anything to spend it on). If they would release more skins in the heirloom collection, I would buy some of those as well! But again, I can't.

Oh well, I guess I'll just deny one of my favourite games the money that it needs to run it's servers and create new content.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Vortex:

I mean, a lot of founders literally supported this for the first time and was happy for the past 10 years for it, a lot just sitted in relays or any mission with your excalibur prime while everyone else was crying because of the lost oportunity, but you all was happy with your ego in the skies.

But magically the same guys now are crying because someone else can be more exclusive than them if they don't keep "supporting like a hero" as they always said.


Your negativity is insane. You judging the majority of founders because the minority had bad habits. 

I am a founder and like many of us I would allow the Community to get their hands on Excal Prime.

And whats the consequence of your judging? Because of envious people who get toxic in their perception of founders they are prejudging them for playing with excal prime.

I had such situations too. The one part of people are friendly and say things like: „wow cool an excal prime. What an honor to see one“ and the other part are extrem toxic and offend you because you play him. 
And whats wrong when an Excal lover who has the Prime sits with him around in a relay? Nothing. He just sits there. But it says a lot about you that you feel offended by them sitting around.

Also fact is that the majority of the founder barely plays excal prime. He just gets dusty in the arsenal.

Most of the founders in my list never play him. Some had ages ago already their most play time on the non-prime oberon or other frames. Not on excal prime because they barely played him ;)


And no: for a founder like me I dont have a problem with other people being exclusive. 

a) its the price and package politic which builds the anger for all tenno - founder and non founder

b) DE had said there will never be such exclusivity like Excal Prime again

c) its the 10th celebration package which excludes many tenno by the horrendous price

Edited by Alpha-Braten
Corrected typing and clearence
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Paid cosmetics are one thing, then there's this: "Let's celebrate the game's 10 year milestone with fans by releasing a limited time bundle that includes a bunch of padding and a 10 year support badge whether or not you were there since the beginning. All for the low, low starting price of $30**.  **note** must pay at least $70 to get the cosmetics that people ACTUALLY want <3"

I mean the last time I spent money on Warframe was on the Nova Prime accessory pack WAAAAY back when Prime Vaults existed. Stopped spending ever since Prime Resurgence became a thing (plus how it was initially handled didn't inspire confidence).

Edited by SkySplitter
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11 minutes ago, Alpha-Braten said:

Your negativity is insane. You judging the majority of founders because the minority had bad habits. 

I am a founder and like many of us I would allow the Community to get their hands on Excal Prime.

And whats the consequence of your judging. Because of envious people who get toxic in their perception of founders they are prejudging them for playing with excal prime.

I had such situations too. The one part of people are „wow cool an excal prime. What an honor to see one“ and the other part are extrem toxic and offend you because you play him.

Also fact is that the majority of the founder barely plays excal prime. He just gets dusty in the arsenal.

Most of the founders in my list never play him. Some had ages ago their most play time on non prime oberon or other frames. Not on excal prime ;)

Yeah, it'd be nice to use Excal P without the associated heat. 

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1 hour ago, Vortex said:

I mean, a lot of founders literally supported this for the first time and was happy for the past 10 years for it, a lot just sitted in relays or any mission with your excalibur prime while everyone else was crying because of the lost oportunity, but you all was happy with your ego in the skies.

But magically the same guys now are crying because someone else can be more exclusive than them if they don't keep "supporting like a hero" as they always said.


I think that's just some rationalization to your bias, Tenno...
I RARELY ever see an Excal Prime walking around and can readily attest that the /whispers associated with doing so range from being creepy to just plain insulting.

As to the rest, there's no magic involved— 
Founders were the same folks making complaints about the pricing on the Prime Accessories packs...
The same ones arguing for the Prime Resurgence (in each iteration)...
The same ones posting threads demanding transparency in drop rates for Prime items in the void...

What you are seeing from Founders currently is 10 years worth of perspective given that we've seen this done before and it didn't end well the last time either.

Some will buy it regardless and others will not.

All the whale-logic, Founder whining, and Dr. Phil-osophizing on the definition of Fear and Rationality amounts to less than nothing in the larger scheme of things.

Choose to buy it or Choose not to. I highly doubt that it will be the only frames offered in this manner and it's likely going to wind up being a black eye for DE eventually until such time as the playerbase forgets it about it. 


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Yep, agreed with the topic really. It's not like I'm a stranger to spending money on this game, I've probably spent like $500 at the very least over the years. But that's all been purchases that felt worth it and not insulting by including trash that I don't want. If this is the way the monetization of the game is going I'm not going to buy anything at all, this kind of stuff degrades the developer and there's plenty of other games out there. But imagine if any other business worked this way? Sure, you can buy a new washing machine for your house, but you also have to buy a microwave and three trucks of fertilizer or we're not selling. Who does that?

Yes I know I'm just some random person and very insignificant, still gonna vote with my tiny wallet.


Edited by Ruddertail
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As a long time fan, player, and supporter of this game, I hope my opinion is not as insulting as the price of an Heirloom Pack. 80$+ for a package of skins and 600 platinum with a couple regal aya is really disappointing to see. I (and I believe many others) have a tough time justifying an 80$ expenditure on anything today, let alone a digital skin. The heirloom cosmetics simply don't deliver 80$ worth of content. That price is what we pay for Prime Supporter packs to help benefit the company, and gain the feel of a potent boon to our gameplay. Spending nearly 100$ on a video game OUTFIT is something that gets children grounded, something that gets couples in arguments, and certainly raises expectations of the game itself. For 80$ I could buy the deluxe edition of literally almost any AAA game title anywhere. If this is the trend of Warframe's current wave, I fear for its longevity. Imagining you eventually made heirloom skins for just the first ten frames, were at 5×80$ to own them all.. 400 dollars you'd allow people to spend on.. art? Pretty art.. but still, I'm not excited, and I honestly hope you do the math from an ethical viewpoint and recognize the damage you could do to the trust and enjoyment of the players, and their pockets. 

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Gerade eben schrieb Dunkelheit:

I never use him, because I need to forma him a couple of times. Umbral looks better as well,

Not only umbral looks better. He has tons of umbral slots on Excal and his Exalted. Also he resets the sentient resistance. 

In reality his release was a shadow nerf for Excal Prime and there is not realy a logical reason to play him over Umbra…

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I, Player who has holes in his pockets and a burning desire to look as cool as I can while playing this game with my friends, hereby BOYCOTT any and all purchases of Heirloom Packs. I will not be party to overcharging, price gouging, or FOMO marketing techniques. This situation is unfortunate, but I do not believe people will gain any lasting satisfaction from such a purchase. I support Warframe and it's community of wonderful minds and players, but I will abstain from wasting my money on this. I cannot expect people to universally agree with me, but I plead, that players recognize this is too expensive and simply damaging to your overall enjoyment of the Title. 

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

Eh in comparison of the $200 artbook 90$ but for the stuff i use frequently and things i was going to get eventually its alright.

The worth is very dependent on  your view of mag and frost. And hiw much use you'll get from the crowns. 


The big problem is that even if you love Mag and Frost and these new skins you're still forced to buy 6 regal aya to be allowed to buy the skins, which is the part that has me scratching my head.

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While I agree that the bundles are not good, this

1 minute ago, (XBOX)ForcedGecko632 said:

The heirloom cosmetics simply don't deliver 80$ worth of content.

is factually wrong.

Zenith pack is 81€.
600 plat is like 25-27 €. (depends on what pack you buy)
6 Regal Aya is 37 €.

81 - 25 - 37 = 19 € 

19 Euro for the two skins, two signas, sigil, glyph, emote, color palette and accolade.
The price is correct.

However, I think that there should be a pack for 20 € that would contain only the skins for people who don't care for the premium currencies.

tl;dr The price is absolutelly correct. There should be 4th pack with the skins only.

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1 minute ago, Alpha-Braten said:

Not only umbral looks better. He has tons of umbral slots on Excal and his Exalted. Also he resets the sentient resistance. 

In reality his release was a shadow nerf for Excal Prime and there is not realy a logical reason to play him over Umbra…

Reason to never play Umbra: Sentience passive always disabling abilities/buffs.

New one I learned in SP Circuit: Sentient Umbra will walk up and shoot at invulnerable disco mode Jackal and die instantly (which somehow pulled me out of Operator once!).

The sentience passive is so bad. It can be a death sentence... and it's really dumb.


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8 minutes ago, (XBOX)ForcedGecko632 said:

I, Player who has holes in his pockets and a burning desire to look as cool as I can while playing this game with my friends, hereby BOYCOTT any and all purchases of Heirloom Packs. I will not be party to overcharging, price gouging, or FOMO marketing techniques. This situation is unfortunate, but I do not believe people will gain any lasting satisfaction from such a purchase. I support Warframe and it's community of wonderful minds and players, but I will abstain from wasting my money on this. I cannot expect people to universally agree with me, but I plead, that players recognize this is too expensive and simply damaging to your overall enjoyment of the Title. 

This makes me want to drop the money and buy the pack. 

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb nslay:

Reason to never play Umbra: Sentience passive always disabling abilities/buffs.

New one I learned in SP Circuit: Sentient Umbra will walk up and shoot at invulnerable disco mode Jackal and die instantly (which somehow pulled me out of Operator once!).

The sentience passive is so bad. It can be a death sentence... and it's really dumb.


Ok my bad. Forgot about that passive… 

But I have to say I always boycotted Umbra because they gave so many advantages about Prime. But thats my personal thing :D

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