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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Was it much worse? Or did it just not include the plat? That ironically no one wants know

Yes. It was much worse because it did not include the plat. Everyone spelled it out in their complaints, and even DE spelled it out in their update on the workshop post.


We misunderstood what some players valued most in the prior Vault packs: Platinum.


These values were chosen to closely match the Prime Vault, while also accounting for the fact that these are re-purchasable whereas Prime Vaults are not.


We did not want the Premium currencies to overlap, but players do because of the value in our prior Prime Vault offerings.

Edited by PublikDomain
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I mean I totally agree with this, only thing I care in this skin its mag skin, I don't even like how frost currently plays, DE forcing both skins on us, not allowing to use platinum to acquire one or the other, pushing ridiculous pricing to just some skins accesories and emotes that will be used for a few minutes until they lost their novelty, thats just straight up tencen, if this its the path forward this game will be severely hurt. whales usually spend once or twice, long lasting players are the ones who really support a old game like this. 

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The skins look pretty great, but its a hard sell to me because I already have multiple tennogen skins for these frames. I'm not really sure how often I'd actually use the skins... Maybe I'd prance around in them a few times but I'm pretty happy with the current cosmetic loadouts I've got. 

I'm not a big fan of Mag either... so ultimately for me this comes down to a skin for Frost because I rarely ever dust mag off to use her.

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The whole Item sorting its dumb whit these overpriced packages, despiet the classic whiteknigth trying to defend this.


Just make a mag/frost only pack with the skin, the head thingy, dont include plat or aya, and price it correctly like 20ish USD and itll be fine, I mean I wont pay 90USD for a good boy badge and a frost skin(specially since I dont like his kit), some stupid emotes and glyph that Ill use for like a second or two and a color pallete.

Edited by prodi1600
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8 минут назад, prodi1600 сказал:

The whole Item sorting its dumb whit these overpriced packages, despiet the classic whiteknigth trying to defend this.


Just make a mag/frost only pack with the skin, the head thingy, dont include plat or aya, and price it correctly like 20ish USD and itll be fine, I mean I wont pay 90USD for a good boy badge and a frost skin(specially since I dont like his kit), some stupid emotes and glyph that Ill use for like a second or two and a color pallete.

I completely agree with you and I really hope that DE will listen to the opinion of the players and the situation will be resolved.

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This is absolutely disgusting behavior.

Once upon a time Warframe was lauded as the pinnacle of what F2P should be like, having the fairest monetization in the industry and was used as an exemplar. It was talked about how it avoided most pay-to-win pitfalls, and the customer focus was highlighted with quotes from them about them removing the system around kubrows people were paying real money into like rolling on a slot machine and they removed it entirely despite all the money they were making because they saw it was predatory and decided that wasn't who they wanted to be...

Here we are a few years later, and we have a cosmetic pack that has been launched that for some reason they think is fair to release totally unable to be purchased for plat and earned in game, which was one of the major hallmarks of what made their monetization so great. This has been a slope they've been sliding down with different premium pack things for a while now, not counting the ever present special exception that has been Primed Accessory packs... But this time it's just egregious.

I would love for someone at DE to be able to give me any sort of an argument why, exactly, it is that it is in any way reasonable to charge $90 for this set of two skins and small assortment of profile bling and S#&$.

To put this into context: Baldur's Gate 3, which is currently being lauded as one of the greatest CRPGs ever made, a blow to the whole video game industry showing how great games can be, and how they can do it with epic scope, single player games that will make money hand over fist with no awful DLC practices exists, sold for $60, and is one of the highest reviewed game titles of all time.

And DE apparently thinks that two skins, some profile bullS#&$, a bit of plat, and enough regal aya to get a few primed accessories or two frames is 50% more valuable than Baldur's Gate 3's entire #*!%ing game.

I've been playing this game for 10 years, I've spent a fair amount of money over the years on this game. I have had waning feelings about it off and on as I've felt the community has been ignored, and I've been (I think) justifiably angry about the direction of the game many times. This is the first time I've ever been righteously angry enough to want to see people straight up boycott DE's bullS#&$. I genuinely hope that people flatly refuse to buy these, and kick up a stink about this. Not only is this absolutely abusive pricing, but they made it limited time explicitly to inspire FOMO off the fact that Excal Prime and his weapons from the founder's packs are forever exclusive to the founder's packs. This is outright predatory behavior in a way that should be outlawed. If it was JUST that, I would, very sadly, just shake my head about it being yet more of the same bullS#&$ the video game industry has been pulling for years... But this is DE. This is Warframe. This is the supposed paragon of virtue in the F2P space that has done a better, less predatory job of monetization than full priced AAA games from EA and S#&$, pulling an absolute EA or Activision tier of #*!%ery. This bullS#&$ should be shamed. This bullS#&$ should be boycotted. This bullS#&$ should not be tolerated at any level, should not be handwaved away as the state of gaming. But this bullS#&$ should be accepted absolutely least of all from a company that has built itself off the reputation of fairness it made off our word of mouth advertising and spreading the word about them, now being turned into egregiously predatory abuse of the customer base.


Edited by Zeshil
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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Voltage:

Nobody knows more about FOMO in Warframe than a Founder. Even I can't contest to that. @ShogunGunshowabsolutely knows what they are talking about within the context of this package and Warframe's monetization as a whole.

You are wrong in this point. At the day they released the Excal Prime Bundles no one thought „oh no I could miss that“. Back in these days it was like crowdfunding. They hardly needed our financial support and they tried to offer something for our financial risk (thats the reason for that minimal reskin). Because would it fail we had nothing but a gone game. 

Your view at the founders is so toxic. Realy sad. 

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5 minutes ago, Zeshil said:

This is absolutely disgusting behavior.

Once upon a time Warframe was lauded as the pinnacle of what F2P should be like, having the fairest monetization in the industry and was used as an exemplar. It was talked about how it avoided most pay-to-win pitfalls, and the customer focus was highlighted with quotes from them about them removing the system around kubrows people were paying real money into like rolling on a slot machine and they removed it entirely despite all the money they were making because they saw it was predatory and decided that wasn't who they wanted to be...

Here we are a few years later, and we have a cosmetic pack that has been launched that for some reason they think is fair to release totally unable to be purchased for plat and earned in game, which was one of the major hallmarks of what made their monetization so great. This has been a slope they've been sliding down with different premium pack things for a while now, not counting the ever present special exception that has been Primed Accessory packs... But this time it's just egregious.

I would love for someone at DE to be able to give me any sort of an argument why, exactly, it is that it is in any way reasonable to charge $90 for this set of two skins and small assortment of profile bling and S#&$.

To put this into context: Baldur's Gate 3, which is currently being lauded as one of the greatest CRPGs ever made, a blow to the whole video game industry showing how great games can be, and how they can do it with epic scope, single player games that will make money hand over fist with no awful DLC practices exists, sold for $60, and is one of the highest reviewed game titles of all time.

And DE apparently thinks that two skins, some profile bullS#&$, a bit of plat, and enough regal aya to get a few primed accessories or two frames is 50% more valuable than Baldur's Gate 3's entire #*!%ing game.

I've been playing this game for 10 years, I've spent a fair amount of money over the years on this game. I have had waning feelings about it off and on as I've felt the community has been ignored, and I've been (I think) justifiably angry about the direction of the game many times. This is the first time I've ever been righteously angry enough to want to see people straight up boycott DE's bullS#&$. I genuinely hope that people flatly refuse to buy these, and kick up a stink about this. Not only is this absolutely abusive pricing, but they made it limited time explicitly to inspire FOMO off the fact that Excal Prime and his weapons from the founder's packs are forever exclusive to the founder's packs. This is outright predatory behavior in a way that should be outlawed. If it was JUST that, I would, very sadly, just shake my head about it being yet more of the same bullS#&$ the video game industry has been pulling for years... But this is DE. This is Warframe. This is the supposed paragon of virtue in the F2P space that has done a better, less predatory job of monetization than full priced AAA games from EA and S#&$, pulling an absolute EA or Activision tier of #*!%ery. This bullS#&$ should be shamed. This bullS#&$ should be boycotted. This bullS#&$ should not be tolerated at any level, should not be handwaved away as the state of gaming. But this bullS#&$ should be accepted absolutely least of all from a company that has built itself off the reputation of fairness it made off our word of mouth advertising and spreading the word about them, now being turned into egregiously predatory abuse of the customer base.


This is so eloquently worded! Hear, hear!

DE, this is your chance to show that ethics are important to you. I personally don't even expect the skins to be purchable with plat. But I do expect 2 things:

1. Remove the time-limit. People 2 years from now should be able to buy these skins just like people are now

2. Make a reasonably priced pack without the plat and regal aya. In my opinion, reasonable would be ~25 euros for the 2 skins (for reference, I'm expected to pay 81 euros for the pack with skins, plat and aya)

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7 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I'm guessing this isn't so novel as to change anyone's mind, but I'll just weigh in and say that this seems in-line with Prime Access, which I'm fine with.  Warframe is a free game, one that many players play without spending a single cent.  I want DE to keep making this game, and that means I want them to monetize the game.  In that context, I don't see them selling a cosmetic bundle in exchange for currency to be in any way negative.

If the price is something folks are unwilling to pay, or if they would prefer to see the bundle structured differently, that's reasonable feedback that folks should be giving.

But as much as I try to, it's hard for me to understand why people would get genuinely hostile about this, because the worst case scenario is that it's an optional cosmetic in the game that you don't have because you didn't pay for it.  It's a shiny that nobody needs and nobody should feel entitled to.

It's not similar outside of pricing, though, and there are many reasons people are upset beyond just the price point.

Speaking only for myself:

  • I want DE to monetize the game too. That's why I buy platinum and Regal Aya, which I cannot spend on these packs like I can on all other deluxe skins. So unless someone is asking for these packs to be completely free, there is no "entitlement" here. I'm a paying customer and I want to pay for these cosmetics with the premium currency I've already paid for. That's why I paid for it!
  • People have always raised concerns about exclusive content that never returns. This isn't a new criticism, it's just the most recent and highest profile instance.
  • People have always raised concerns about how bundles are padded with unwanted items. This also isn't a new criticism, and many actions have been taken by DE to allow bundled content to be purchased individually. An easy example is Prime Accessories, which were only added as a separate purchasing option later. Another easy example is the Lunar Renwal content, which had bundle-exclusive content but, after obvious and immediate controversy, every year following has allowed the bundled items to be purchased individually.
  • These are full deluxe skins, not the single weapon skin or Orbiter decoration like those found in other cash-only exclusive supporter packs. If you wanted to compare it to Prime Access, it'd be like locking a Prime frame's appearance behind the PA paywall which obviously they do not do.
  • These will never return, unlike Prime Access accessories which always returns later, at a cheaper price, that can be purchased individually, using a premium currency people can have already purchased.
  • The 10-year accolade being locked behind a cash-only paywall feels particularly yucky. Players who buy plat have still supported the game. Players who buy merch have still supported the game. Having the only way to visually show your support on your ingame profile being to pay cash for it just feels yucky. The accolade specifically should either be part of the other 10-year content like the Dex Operator suit, or should be given freely to anyone who has purchased anything over the past 10 years. Wouldn't that just feel so much nicer?

You don't have to understand any of this, but not understanding someone doesn't make them "entitled".

Edited by PublikDomain
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11 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

I really hope youtubers don't turn a blind eye and speak about this, it's gonna impact the entire future of warframe monetization 

Potato has talked about the price already but didn't mention what is (IMO) the bigger issue, the timed exclusivity. We'll see.

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I'm once again going to point to Deep Rock Galactic:

They don't do any marriage of goods shenanigans, they sell skins and ONLY skins in packages costing US$8. And the miners love it so much they keep running out of things to buy, asking the devs for more ways to support development

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1 hour ago, Slayer-. said:

I don't know why some are bothered, when DE introduced a new currency called Regal Aya a lot HUFFED AND PUFFED AND CHEST PUMPED, but Regal Aya is still here and players are buying it.

The same will happen with this pack until its time runs out, who knows, they may start doing this type of thing in the future, it's up to DE to decide.

regal aya isnt fomo tho, and they did change it a bit by including plat in the purchase. My biggest issue is that this is a time exclusive thing, it really leaves a sour taste

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45 minutes ago, Alpha-Braten said:

You are wrong in this point. At the day they released the Excal Prime Bundles no one thought „oh no I could miss that“. Back in these days it was like crowdfunding. They hardly needed our financial support and they tried to offer something for our financial risk (thats the reason for that minimal reskin). Because would it fail we had nothing but a gone game. 

Your view at the founders is so toxic. Realy sad. 

I totally see where you're coming from, but my angle was more like "Founders have experienced the very beginning of monetization". The only people older than Founders in regards to monetization in Warframe are developers.

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Regal Aya's mechanics and role within the economy is deliberate.

The package having the items it does, is deliberate.

The price is deliberate.

The deadline is deliberate.

I think it is good that players are airing their concerns over the price, the FOMO (though some think this is DE's first dance with it for some reason), the package etc, but the decisions DE makes regarding the pricing of assets, especially assets that seem overpriced (eg Credits, Endo) are those prices for a reason - they are decided upon by mathematical models that indicate what will make the most profit.

Hopefully the negative impact on sentiment will have a positive outcome.

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vor 18 Minuten schrieb Voltage:

I totally see where you're coming from, but my angle was more like "Founders have experienced the very beginning of monetization". The only people older than Founders in regards to monetization in Warframe are developers.

OK from this perspective you are right. 

But if we exclude the founder pack from the view this new bundle is realy a complete shift in their pricing and sell politic. Since the start everything was always accessible. Prime Access was also very pricy but it returns regulary. Skins, helmets workshop everything was always available. Also every event Weapon / mod. 

So this new bundle is sadly a complete shift especialy if you consider that DE said there will be never again an Excal Prime like exclusivity. And here we are it is there... 

The main point here is just the overpricing through the regal arya and the exclusion from many tenno who are not willing to pay that much. For a birthday bundle / celebration it is the wrong way. In other games there are often giant presents for zero at such a day. That is what everyone is complaining about. I am realy sure if they had released the skins in this form at some other time and not to the 10th celebration as the bundle for this special day no one would have cared about it or at least not that much.

Edited by Alpha-Braten
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If you were a whale, would you be okay with watching some insignificant nobody outshine you? NO! You wanna be special.

So the more it cost the more rare it is, the more special you are.

And actually much as that's really not my jam, I am all for it. People who spend a lot should get a lot by all means spoil the whales.

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