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After watching the devstream yesterday some people got one Archon shard and others got two. Can anyone explain why?


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So I watched the whole devstream yesterday with a linked account (started 10 minutes before stream). I got one Tau-forged shard, some people got two. So I'm just trying to figure out how the drop system works, I guess.

After the stream there were a lot of "fixes" being discussed in chat, and it's basically all rumors and superstition. Some guy says you have to claim your reward after the first hour of the stream, and again after the 2nd hour or you don't get both rewards. Some people say you have to refresh the page. Some guy says you have to get the 1st reward, then unlink your account, then link it again. Nobody knows.

I know what I got was one bag, and it had one shard. So did everybody just get one bag, and it would randomly have one OR two shards in it? Did people get two bags, with one shard each, and I just missed one somehow?

It's just kind of frustrating that the process is opaque, and still unreliable. Yes, I know a lot of it is a Twitch problem, but I'm asking other people who got the rewards because it's the best & only resource. You can't message support about Twitch rewards, they can't or won't address it. A long time ago the Twitch drop system was simpler & more reliable: you watched it, you got it. Now it seems like it's more complicated & less reliable. So I'm trying to figure out if did something wrong so I can fix it, because I consider things like Umbra Forma & Archon shards to be endgame content (especially tau-forged shards) and don't want to miss out next time.


Edit: So reading through the replies, the consensus seems to be that

1. You have to claim the 1st reward before you start accruing the 2nd one.


2. That the time to watch for each reward was 30 minutes.

IF this is true, I just want to say how terrible it is that this was never explained by anyone involved. We were told "Watch the whole stream, get 2 Tau-forged Archon shards." Which I did. I watch the whole stream, with a linked account, and got half the rewards other people did. In my opinion, D.E. frequently does a bad job of explaining things to players: game modes, mechanics, mission objectives, etc. If this is how the system works, it should have been explained before the stream, and during the stream. If you reach a mark where you're eligible for the first reward, and you need to claim it to get the second, then say so on the stream. "Hey everyone, if you've been watching since the start of the stream don't forget to claim your archon shard, or else you'll only get one instead of two!" This is, again, IF this is how it actually works.

If this is how it works, it's pretty stupid. I understand that the way that it works is up to Twitch and that is not D.E.s fault. If the way it works is confusing & counterintuitive, then I think D.E. should explain it instead of a bunch of people missing out on endgame rewards. R.I.P. tau-forged archon shard, I was really looking forward to it. :(


Edited by Protomorph
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I got two of them both the same, I watched for the entire time, and I didn't walk away, had my first shard at the 30-minute mark, it was really fast.

Once I claimed the first one, I refreshed the browser so Twitch would make sure it started the next one counting down.

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You probably have to claim it to start the next one. I use an extension that automatically claims any twitch drops that are ready so I lurk any stream and set a page refresh timer with another extension if any stream starts later which I can't manually do it for. 

Edited by TheSteelMushroom
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Because they are terrible at explaining. In the announcement post they said tauforged archon shard is the drop for the devstream but failed to mention the watchtime or the option to get two. It wasn't until the devstream they explained you could get two because they enabled the drop again after you claimed your first one, this is par for how they do the weekly drops that allows you get it up to three times in two streams. Which is what I did, claimed it twice and got one inbox message with my two shards in it.

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I haven't gotten any Twitch drops from them since the first part of Tennocon, including the two tauforged shards that were supposed to be for this devstream.  Tried the relink before the stream, got the notifications in twitch and they're confirmed to be claimed from Twitch, but I got nothing.

At this point, I'm just assuming it's a sham on DE's part and that only "lucky winners" get one whenever an interval runs its course.

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5 minutes ago, Raarsi said:

I haven't gotten any Twitch drops from them since the first part of Tennocon, including the two tauforged shards that were supposed to be for this devstream.  Tried the relink before the stream, got the notifications in twitch and they're confirmed to be claimed from Twitch, but I got nothing.

At this point, I'm just assuming it's a sham on DE's part and that only "lucky winners" get one whenever an interval runs its course.

Do you watch it for the whole time or do you leave it running?

I've had a webpage error while watching it that took a refresh to fix, the mate had the same error, so I'm wondering if it's Twitch borking the stream on browsers and those who just leave it running because of late times get screwed over.

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2 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Do you watch it for the whole time or do you leave it running?

I've had a webpage error while watching it that took a refresh to fix, the mate had the same error, so I'm wondering if it's Twitch borking the stream on browsers and those who just leave it running because of late times get screwed over.

Watched the whole time, claimed when it was available, then refreshed the video after claiming.

Both times I received notifications that I could claim them, claimed them both times, even unlinked and relinked my accounts right before, and still nothing shows up in the inbox.

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My sympathies for those that only got one drop.

Here is the explanation though. Whenever you can get more than one drop, you have to claim the first, before the next can drop. This has been the case for like over 3 years. I can understand why there could be a little bit of confusion. For example, its actually a bit relatively rare that Devstreams will have multiple drops, at least the most recent. Usually its only one drop, and usually they aren't as long as the most recent. However over the past few years Devstreams and other Warframe hosted streams have been a bit different in structure. Like currently we get a weekly Prime Time stream, thats longer, a few years ago we used to have around 5 shorter streams per week (usually use to correspond to a different host being on a different platform), sometimes the drops were/are accumulative, over the week, with a max of five, depended on the specific campaign/drops. 

In short, there shouldn't be any rumours or superstition from others, also such things are often explained, you just have to know where to look, past precedent, and to be careful around misunderstandings, mistaken assumptions. Like you want to be careful about how you "quote people and what they said exactly" versus your interpretation and understanding. Could they do better at explaining how the rewards work? Definitely. You could even make the argument that since Devstreams can be relatively rarer than when they use to be (they use to be more frequent), but also because they often don't happen the month before Tennocon, you might get many new or relapsed viewers who are unsure about how it works, but also... at some point, how much repetitive info do we want them to cover, versus the ability for people to just learn the info for themselves? People can even ask in the Devstream preview thread and people would be able to give answers, since how it works is well known and established. Again, I understand peoples frustrations and sympathise too. Maybe you don't want the streams often, maybe last time it was only 1 drop, and thats all you are familiar with, and at Tenncon they were reminding people with specific times and everything, maybe you expected something similar? 

I really don't think its as confusing or counterintuitive as someone might claim. There is a tracker that shows your progress, there is an option to claim. You claim, to get the progress going for the next reward if there is additional rewards. Including streams with up to 5 rewards (or single streams you can get up to 3 via time restrictions, with the other two in a different stream that week). As someone who has had to wake up at 3am before to catch a stream and hazily stay awake long enough to click claim, yeah it can be... annoying. Still. Sometimes the time value will change slightly too, IIRC, sometimes 30, sometimes 40, but the having to claim part has been pretty consistent. 

Again sympathies, but also reminder. If there are multiple drops/potential drops, remember you will probably have to claim. Its also why the wording for the past Devstream was "...not only could you get one, you could get two..." as opposed to, you will get two if you watch the stream. Phrasing and wording like that, is often particular for such reasons. 

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I just wish they'd not make the obtained item(s) random, which is a quibble I have with all their drops in general (not just this tauforged shard thing). I would have greatly preferred a crimson and an azure, rather than the crimson and amber I received. I'll obviously find a use for the amber later, but at the current moment I could've used that azure...

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18 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Watched the whole time, claimed when it was available, then refreshed the video after claiming.

Both times I received notifications that I could claim them, claimed them both times, even unlinked and relinked my accounts right before, and still nothing shows up in the inbox.

After doing all of that I'd put in a support ticket to DE and see if they can help.

8 hours ago, (XBOX)LadyWinterstorm said:

Can't believe i got two yellow shard.... It's just disappointing 

I got the same two yellows.

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6 hours ago, Hexerin said:

I just wish they'd not make the obtained item(s) random, which is a quibble I have with all their drops in general (not just this tauforged shard thing). I would have greatly preferred a crimson and an azure, rather than the crimson and amber I received. I'll obviously find a use for the amber later, but at the current moment I could've used that azure...

There is nothing they can realistically do to change the RNG since it is simply what Twitch can support with their drop system when it comes to things like shards, decorations etc. unless DE were to limit it to one predetermined shard/deco chosen by them for the stream. Or if they gave us one of each, but that would result in just as many complaints since not everyone would need one of each etc.

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3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

There is nothing they can realistically do to change the RNG since it is simply what Twitch can support with their drop system when it comes to things like shards, decorations etc. unless DE were to limit it to one predetermined shard/deco chosen by them for the stream. Or if they gave us one of each, but that would result in just as many complaints since not everyone would need one of each etc.

Or the grab bag could include a token you take to Chipper, that he exchanges for a tauforged shard of your choosing. Would require literally no more dev work than adding any other item to an existing vendor, and swapping the grab bag mail's content.

Similar process for any other Twitch drop.

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2 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Or the grab bag could include a token you take to Chipper, that he exchanges for a tauforged shard of your choosing. Would require literally no more dev work than adding any other item to an existing vendor, and swapping the grab bag mail's content.

Similar process for any other Twitch drop.

Such an obvious and simple solution that just didnt cross my mind.


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18 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Such an obvious and simple solution that just didnt cross my mind.

"Honey, where are my glasses?"
"They're on top of your head, dear."

I dunno what it is about the human brain that makes us miss such obvious things, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Keeps life amusing, you know?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Till this day i havent gget any of those 2 tauforged from the stream, i know i claimed them. A friend reclaim them... last week i hunted Amar with a friend and got a tauforged... now i go to the helminth and there NO tauforged. 

Sooooo... nice, really nice, bugged i guess.

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