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Warframe community is terrible, mostly public matching.


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I've been playing since closed beta, we've had players afk or leaving early/quitting, but never to this degree, it angers me everytime i play on public matchmaking i see this behavior so often that i avoid other players, i would rather play solo and be able to pause the game. Here are some types of players i have noticed:

1.Early leavers, extracts as soon they can, usually one is enough to make the other two to leave aswell, they ruined an endless mission, nobody plays a full AABC rotation and they join back, i caught all 3 leaving and joining the same mission, 1 of them quitting before extraction, again.

2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens).

3.Afk-ers. For an entire mission, what was so important that you cannot leave the game before, why do they join an endless mission only to not play.

4.Solo playstyle in public, terrible in fissure survival spreads enemy spawns, loot, fissures spawn but have no enemies to corrupt.

5.Speedrunners, they do the mission so fast and now we have to wait for void enemies to spawn or they stop spawning.

6. The bloodthirsty, they see red, forget about objectives, mission fails.

7. HumanNukes that ruin a afissure mission by killing everything too fast.

And many more, most of the problems i face are in endless, fissures, open worlds, anywhere it benefits to be in a team of 4. Recently i had a guy in eidolon hunt hold a shard and killing vomvalysts in a necramech, just place the f# shard, after capturing the second eidolon one player decides to extract, while holding another shard so we cannot spawn the next one, then he/she realised that they can leave the group in open worlds to solo extract. I've had so many players leave the moment lotus opens extraction that farming the Circuit, Voruna, Citrine, prime parts, sanctuary, relics became so painful that i would rather solo the entire game(i could try but would be more boring than it is now).

The community is plain terrible, failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room.

If anyone tries to say how great the community is, look at the vets, complaining to not change this and that because they can no longer one shot level 9000 enemies, they can't break the game over and over, finish a mission in 0.2 seconds, farm 100 relics in 10 minutes, those pleople that change their opinions when their favorite warframe content creator makes a video. New players have no idea what's going on because there's a guy holding two seers going on a rampage as the drifter.

#Edit: It seems some of you missunderstood my frustration, maybe it was my fault writing the post while i was angry from a recent case.

What i've been trying to say is that: endless missions are intended to go as long as possible, if we both choose to play with random people in a endless type gamemode i assume everyone intend is to stay for longer than 1 round, atleast 2. For some reason i see this pattern too often, 3 people want to battle, 1 decides to leave, second person decides to follow so is the 3rd, now you are left alone after 5 waves. In the circuit usually the first person to decide is what everybody follows, this made the gamemode harder to farm, reason why i avoid it, i tried to solo steelpath but after 2/3 waves of defense first mission i gave up, if i had a few decrees i could've succeed.

In fissures if you kill uncorrupted enemies you don't get reactant, you don't get a prime, simple as that, i'm not telling you to not play nuke frames, i'm telling you to wait for the enemies to become corrupted.

Everybody advice towards me is: play solo, stop playing, play with a premade team, this is simply avoiding the problem that you don't want to admit it exists. It has happened before hence why we have black boxes with a "?" After killing bosses.

There're other reasons why this community is terrible for game development, listening to the playerbase cries to change something is going to ruin the game, this community is going to kill the game before DE does. All of this problems come from high MR players, people that played for longer and have knowledge of the game, same people that ignore new content in favor of 30seconds capture mission for efficiency. Same people that tell others to stop spending money on the game and just spend time to trade for plat, i wonder why you can't buy heirloom skins with plat? Some of us have 10k (i barely have 200 bought plat).

Edited by (PSN)Zbeatza
Making things clear for the readers. I tried.
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Ok well thanks for sharing your laundry list of all the people you've come to hate over the last 10 years I guess.

There isn't a solution for you, since playing solo is not an option you are willing to live with. Either make friends who think and play just like you, or may as well just quit.

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so here's what the devs can actually do about these issues:

#1: outside of literally punishing people for leaving early, nothing can be done. and in warframe, you can't leave until extraction comes up (in most cases) anyways which is when the devs intend for you to be able to leave so you can't really consider it early.

#2: maybe have a short matchmaking lockout if you leave a public mission (not complete, only quit), although i can only really see this being a thing in fissure missions since there's no point in punishing this behaviour in other missions.

#3: sometimes people just need to go for a bit, but we already have anti-AFK measures. wukong's celestial twin and excalibur umbra will stop moving if you're marked AFK and if you're marked AFK when extraction happens you will get no loot. 

#4: DE could add more incentive in survival to stay together, as well as educate new players better on staying together in survival. sometimes however, i do this not because i want to play solo but because someone else is running a build that messes up how my build works (for example, running chroma when someone is running an overguard styanax) so i have to stay out of their ability range. 

#5: nothing can be done about this. warframe is a grind-based game, people will optimize the speed at which they get loot. all DE can do is balance the game better.

#6: people like killing stuff, that's basically how the game works. there is no way to fix this.

#7: this is the big one: DE could fix this (and make #5 less of a problem) by balancing the game better. the issue there is: are you going to tell the AOE spammers that they're getting self-damage back? are you going to tell the ability spammers that the energy economy is going to receive big nerfs? 



also, what region are you on? hell? i see these things too but they're not that common. 

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17 minutes ago, kamisama85 said:

Ok well thanks for sharing your laundry list of all the people you've come to hate over the last 10 years I guess.

There isn't a solution for you, since playing solo is not an option you are willing to live with. Either make friends who think and play just like you, or may as well just quit.

True, there is no solution to a problem created by the community, so i have to look for the minority that actually plays the game. I don't need people to think or play like me, i want people to play the damn game. Go solo instead of taking up a slot in public matchmaking. Warframe is exactly like a mobile game, extremly short missions, yet people quit because they've got a phone call.

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Then play solo? I only play solo and if I wanted to team up, I'll play exclusively with clanmates only. I know the consequences of playing with public/randoms that's why I don't play public matchmaking. If you want to play with plans/strats/chill runs, then recruit players that interested in your runs or maybe your clanmates. Or just fricking communicate with your random/pubs players, if they don't want to communicate back or just want to speed run, then leave!

Do you think that you are so special? You're playing from closed beta and complaining about this problem? I believe you have the same experience as I am, but you choose to be angry at random/pubs because they don't want to play just you intended.

When Circuit released, I tried to play with randoms, too. I complained because this particular dude just AFK while playing Nidus. I realized my mistakes because I'm with randoms that don't want to play nicely and just disconnected the run quickly. Do I choose to mald and stay inside the Circuit while being furious at this dude? No, I choose to GTFO and sacrificing my runs. After that, I play Circuit only with clanmates.

You have the option to choose, but you pick the one that makes you angry. You're funny.

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I do sympathise, to a degree. 

I can't say that I gave experienced all that you have described as the majority let alone even a sizeable minority of my Warframe PUB experiences. I also don't necessarily think anger is the best reaction. Not that I am trying to tell you how to feel, or anything, nor invalidate your experiences. What I mean is... well, how are you at communication? Have you tried using it in some of your situations? How did it go? For example, the early leavers who do the mission again? Could they just be misinformed? People who AFK, do you report them?

Also I am not saying communication solves every issue, sometimes it doesn't, but in the rare instances there is some sort of conflict in my group, a lot of the time, friendly communication does solve the issue. Yes not always, sometimes, some people will get angry, and blame you or others just trying to help, but just because you can't always control other peoples reactions and attitude, doesn't mean you can't control your own. A lot of peoples moments of frustration, errors, mistakes and so on, can lead to conflict, but if you have patience and try and give them a way to save face or be more agreeable, many will often take it, especially when they realise others aren't looking for a fight. 

I do solo quite a bit, but usually thats just because I like to pause the game, or go at a slower pace with a bow and arrow, get head shots etc, when I do PUG, well, things can occasionally get a bit tense or small conflicts can happen, but its usually a lot more positive and friendly and even small conflicts get resolved and end up being chill and friendly. Community therefore as far as generalisations go, is pretty sweet and friendly to me. Again though, you have my sympathies if your experiences are radically different. Maybe you do try your best to be friendly, chill and defuse conflict, but just have bad luck with the types of people you encounter, thats unfortunate. Maybe try and use forums or recruit chat to find more like minded people? 

Best of luck to you. 

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As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it.

You are just as terrible as them, 'just play solo', i already do because of this community, again, i did not make endless missions, DE created them to stay longer in a mission and farm, but those randos decide to open one relic at a time, i keep bumping into them when playing any mission that is endless, i leave when they leave and i find them again playing the same mission, just stay for 10 minutes or more, leave when enemies get harder to kill then reset. If i choose to quit anytime someone does something, i would be a quitter like the people i complain about. The only time i quit a mission is when people decide to troll, hold data of mobile defense, grendel eating enemies that we have to kill so that we can damage the archon. Those players are MR 15 above, not newbies at all.

This is a bigger problem than your stupid universal vacuum and less of a problem than a game breaking bug.

I've heard people complain how terrible drop rates are but i have yet to meet a 3 people that stay for a full rotation, even in the sanctuary you get no reward leaving at 3 or 5 rounds, as i said one has to leave and the other two follow.

You feel special calling people special or what?

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I do sympathise, to a degree. 

I can't say that I gave experienced all that you have described as the majority let alone even a sizeable minority of my Warframe PUB experiences. I also don't necessarily think anger is the best reaction. Not that I am trying to tell you how to feel, or anything, nor invalidate your experiences. What I mean is... well, how are you at communication? Have you tried using it in some of your situations? How did it go? For example, the early leavers who do the mission again? Could they just be misinformed? People who AFK, do you report them?

Also I am not saying communication solves every issue, sometimes it doesn't, but in the rare instances there is some sort of conflict in my group, a lot of the time, friendly communication does solve the issue. Yes not always, sometimes, some people will get angry, and blame you or others just trying to help, but just because you can't always control other peoples reactions and attitude, doesn't mean you can't control your own. A lot of peoples moments of frustration, errors, mistakes and so on, can lead to conflict, but if you have patience and try and give them a way to save face or be more agreeable, many will often take it, especially when they realise others aren't looking for a fight. 

I do solo quite a bit, but usually thats just because I like to pause the game, or go at a slower pace with a bow and arrow, get head shots etc, when I do PUG, well, things can occasionally get a bit tense or small conflicts can happen, but its usually a lot more positive and friendly and even small conflicts get resolved and end up being chill and friendly. Community therefore as far as generalisations go, is pretty sweet and friendly to me. Again though, you have my sympathies if your experiences are radically different. Maybe you do try your best to be friendly, chill and defuse conflict, but just have bad luck with the types of people you encounter, thats unfortunate. Maybe try and use forums or recruit chat to find more like minded people? 

Best of luck to you. 

You get it, i meet frinedly people aswell but they become rare, i asume is because they play solo or in a premade team, i try to communicate in every match, telling people to group or to slow down nuking.

Anger is not the best reaction, but it didn't happen 10 times in row, it happens "almost" every single public mission in the past few years. When eidolon hunting was introduced people quit because we didn't know the meta, all i want is to capture one hydrolyst a night, if we get two even better, i'm a casual player, i know that staying a full rotation is more rewarding than getting A reward over and over again.

In the circuit everyone leaves after stage one or after hitting the first defense, because a youtuber told them to avoid defense as the plague, it's not going to get destroyed because we barely started the match.

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I may have the same problems, but I've come to terms with it.

Recruit chat is where I can join people with commitment for endless mission, this way I don't have to deal with random players leaving early.

The point 3 and 4 of your list kinda works against each other, mostly in endless missions. People who are Solo-playing in public obviously does not go AFK, but when everybody is together in the same spot, AFK people will most likely use that chance to not participate.

For point 5, you must be very unfortunate to get a speedrunner that kills too fast in Void Fissure. It does happen a lot, but thankfully there are some speedrunner that waits for enemies to get corrupted. 

After all, this is you vs random people. There are good ones, there are bad ones, but you cannot change everybody. Blaming the entire community is also kind of a stretch, because it sounds like there are no good players here.

I usually just report those who griefs or AFKs, and my anger ends there. Don't make those bad apples fill your mind too much, it's kinda unhealthy and affects the mind negatively.

Have faith.

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Just now, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

You get it, i meet frinedly people aswell but they become rare, i asume is because they play solo or in a premade team, i try to communicate in every match, telling people to group or to slow down nuking.

Anger is not the best reaction, but it didn't happen 10 times in row, it happens "almost" every single public mission in the past few years. When eidolon hunting was introduced people quit because we didn't know the meta, all i want is to capture one hydrolyst a night, if we get two even better, i'm a casual player, i know that staying a full rotation is more rewarding than getting A reward over and over again.

In the circuit everyone leaves after stage one or after hitting the first defense, because a youtuber told them to avoid defense as the plague, it's not going to get destroyed because we barely started the match.


Thanks, and I am sorry to hear that about meeting less friendly people, and your efforts to communicate not being as successful. 

Ah, and sorry to hear about your experiences as well. Yeah Eidolons can be tough, I can solo pretty casually, 4x3, but I usually pretty taking on some newer and less experienced players, for Eidolons, so they can have a friendly and slower experience, so they can learn, but also have me to do the damage and deal with lures so they can rest assured they will get rewards and all that. Often a lot of conflict exists because of the day/night cycle, and a lot of people feel pressure because they make their Platinum via Eidolon Arcane sales, but since only certain Arcanes are valuable, well... Its a sad combo of potential conflict. I try and remind people that whilst Plat is nice, its still a game, and actual people can be more important to consider overall. 

Ah yes thats so true about Circuit. Defence isn't that scary or threatening. My luck in Circuit tends to be decent, as long as Host stays, I stay, and most I come across tend to go to ay least round 6 or 7. I always at least hope for 4. 

Hope you have better luck with randoms in the future! You might run into less than ideal team mates, but nothing wrong with switching to solo for a break, and then trying PUG randoms again. Sometimes we can be surprised by the community in a positive way, even if they can also seem negative and tiring a lot too! Take care and best of wishes! 

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37 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

You feel special calling people special or what?

37 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it.

Look, I get it, it sucks but you've been around long enough to know why this isn't EVER going to be an option and with everyone who asks for one we know their types. Sorry bud but it isn't gonna happen, if you keep running into "bad people" then you really should try to join a Clan or try Recruiting Chat (even if it's a cesspool).

Instead of helping yourself, you decided to make a forum post about it and when someone does point out that you can only help yourself, you resort to this, Now, all this does is make you look like a player throwing a tantrum because someone spoke out against you and didn't feed your sympathy points.

Find a Clan, Use Recruitment Chat or Go Solo, a PuG is just that and you can't expect everyone to follow your needs or play as you want, you want to do an Endless run, find people who want to do the same, trying to do it on a PuG is a gamble, you'll get good people or bad people.

This is all you can do, help yourself and don't resort to throwing a fit, it'll just make you look worse than the others.

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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@(PSN)Zbeatza WF community is very normal. You should talk to devs about game design though. Most of the things you mentioned, if not all of them, are caused by the game design. Game puts max level players in the same missions as level 0 players, fully modded players with unmodded players. Objectives are different for every gamemode and also for every mutation (non-relics vs relics, normal missions vs sorties etc.). Game also gives you higher rewards for staying long in some missions, meaning players will more likely go afk into a long mission rather than be active in a short mission because that would be wasted time, especially since high level players kill everything anyway. Also the game itself is very boring at core (grinding something for hours only to spend 12-24 hours to craft it and repeat) which promotes AFK further. The other side is missions that dont scale with time like exterminate, and thats where you meet the speedrunners, because logically better time means higher rewards. The more times you restart the mission the better rewards you get.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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41 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it

Bad idea that breeds toxicity and a feature that would be abused

41 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

I did not make endless missions, DE created them to stay longer in a mission and farm, but those randos decide to open one relic at a time, i keep bumping into them when playing any mission that is endless, i leave when they leave and i find them again playing the same mission, just stay for 10 minutes or more

DE also created a way out of the mission which is valid and there's nothing wrong with wanting to leave whenever you want.

Nothing more annoying wanting to open a single relic and every option is an endless mission.

The only issue you actually listed is afk and people that leave after checking the relics people brought, for afk you can report them to support. 

The people that dodge squads because they didn't get the relic they wanted you just laugh at them cause they're wasting their time trying to find specific relics instead of just creating a squad for it.

Edited by (XBOX)C11H22O11
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31 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it.

While I get the frustration that having teams that don't synergize well with you can cause, this has been suggested many times and my reasoning for why I'd never like to see this is because it'll be exploited and abused. If someone is breaking rules or conducting themselves very poorly (AFKing / leeching, griefing, etc.) just report them via in-game.

I'm not sure if this is a region or timezone thing, or maybe the specific missions you're doing, but I've personally not had more than a handful of AFKers or anything in 10 years; people leaving early doesn't tend to bother me because it's public matchmaking, and some people want to level equipment, some to get one resource, some to do node completion, etc. and I completely get that.

This game is very drop in and out, with each person completing their own objectives. If I want a long farm for something, like steel essence or kuva survival, I'll use the recruiting chat for that purpose, not the whims of public matchmaking. A lot of these issues you've listed just have no solution, as players are quite literally playing the game as intended if they're not AFKing / intentionally trolling or griefing. The game has some definite power creep that can cause things like fissure spawns not occurring frequently enough, but outside of that there's really no way to solve most of these unless the game modes are changed completely / force cooperation / force a time commitment.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

True, there is no solution to a problem created by the community, so i have to look for the minority that actually plays the game. I don't need people to think or play like me, i want people to play the damn game. Go solo instead of taking up a slot in public matchmaking. Warframe is exactly like a mobile game, extremly short missions, yet people quit because they've got a phone call.

Every person on your list is playing the game whether you agree or not. They just aren't playing it the way you personally prefer, which is EXACTLY why you need to find people who think and play like you do.

The entire community isn't terrible. They all have their own priorities, needs, and pace. No game has a perfect pub experience. The best multiplayer experiences are always pre-formed parties with people on the same wavelength or your own friends.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

1.Early leavers, extracts as soon they can, usually one is enough to make the other two to leave aswell, they ruined an endless mission, nobody plays a full AABC rotation and they join back, i caught all 3 leaving and joining the same mission, 1 of them quitting before extraction, again.

2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens).

3.Afk-ers. For an entire mission, what was so important that you cannot leave the game before, why do they join an endless mission only to not play.

4.Solo playstyle in public, terrible in fissure survival spreads enemy spawns, loot, fissures spawn but have no enemies to corrupt.

5.Speedrunners, they do the mission so fast and now we have to wait for void enemies to spawn or they stop spawning.

6. The bloodthirsty, they see red, forget about objectives, mission fails.

7. HumanNukes that ruin a afissure mission by killing everything too fast.

And many more

So you want to play with random people, but you also want those people by chance all:

Stay in the mission for at least 20 minutes, have no emergencies or sudden visits or calls happen, stick to you like Robin to Batman, play at exactly your pace, do all the objectives for you, not use any nuke abilities and/or generally just don't kill anything they don't absolutely have to.

Ithink what you're looking for is a slave, not a random person.

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1. This could be just players who don't have enough time to play, but if they just star mission again don't really know what it's about then.

2. I do this with Stephano Uranus because I want map with only one defense target not the one you need to run around four points. This also happens when new prime comes out players don't want to farm relics and rather leech or something like that.

3. This is annoying but usually AFKers don't get rotation rewards if they trigger AFK detection.

4. 5. 7. This is more like problem with fissure mechanic itself. Sometimes enemies don't spawn enough etc. DE should do something to improve fissure mechanic.

2 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room.

Spy missions are kind of problematic because you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Others don't want you to leech but if you go into vault and mess everything up that's also bad.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it.



You are just as terrible as them, 'just play solo', i already do because of this community, again, i did not make endless missions, DE created them to stay longer in a mission and farm, but those randos decide to open one relic at a time, i keep bumping into them when playing any mission that is endless, i leave when they leave and i find them again playing the same mission, just stay for 10 minutes or more, leave when enemies get harder to kill then reset. If i choose to quit anytime someone does something, i would be a quitter like the people i complain about. The only time i quit a mission is when people decide to troll, hold data of mobile defense, grendel eating enemies that we have to kill so that we can damage the archon. Those players are MR 15 above, not newbies at all.

This is a bigger problem than your stupid universal vacuum and less of a problem than a game breaking bug.

I've heard people complain how terrible drop rates are but i have yet to meet a 3 people that stay for a full rotation, even in the sanctuary you get no reward leaving at 3 or 5 rounds, as i said one has to leave and the other two follow.

You feel special calling people special or what?



Never going to happen, if there was one though then you become as moronic as the ones who WILL abuse the feature, so no I'm glad DE don't have one.

Your burnoutout is strong, take some time off or get in a Discord and play with friends.


I've got no friends this month because the direct debit didn't go through. :laugh: Seriously though get some friends or do set pubs.

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

1. This could be just players who don't have enough time to play, but if they just star mission again don't really know what it's about then.

2. I do this with Stephano Uranus because I want map with only one defense target not the one you need to run around four points. This also happens when new prime comes out players don't want to farm relics and rather leech or something like that.

3. This is annoying but usually AFKers don't get rotation rewards if they trigger AFK detection.

4. 5. 7. This is more like problem with fissure mechanic itself. Sometimes enemies don't spawn enough etc. DE should do something to improve fissure mechanic.

Spy missions are kind of problematic because you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Others don't want you to leech but if you go into vault and mess everything up that's also bad.

1. One player doesn't have enough time, leaves, the other two follow, the player who knew he did not have time could've play solo or not at all, the other two are just sheep, they will join the same mission and do it again.

2. That's an exception, i don't like the 4 defense objectives changing every wave instead of every 5 waves, but it is interesting just as grineer mission when the trail moves back and forth or the elevator moving the defense up or down.

3. The issue with afkers is they keep up a slot, where an active player could've join, i had one in sabotage that went afk at spawn the entire mission, he got nothing but i wonder why didn't he leave, maybe didn't care.

4-7 in sabotage/capture if you complete it too quickly all enemies stop spawning(doesn't happen often) it can be avoided if the player did not do it so fast. As for the nukes or survival, it happens because enemies spawn in one direction and in the other you get empty fissures, the drop chance is low, players make it lower by killing non corrupted enemies.

And for spy, players avoid it until they have to do it, you can leech in sorties, i don't care, i joined public hopefully i meet another guy that can speed things up, but please do not trigger the alarms and then quit, especially if you are the host. Every spy mission has One or two pathsthat are always open, kuva fortress, lua, uranus, jupiter are by far the hardest spy rooms i struggle with.

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There are more than those 7 reason why i don't like the community, players complain about universal vacuum when companion abilities are mods and not integrated just as warframe used to be. They complain about lack of content when they ignore said content because is too long and not rewarding by the hour comparing it to a capture mission(looking at railjack).

I played warframe with all 4 boosters, playing it again without them is awful, the whole game feels different and i don't understand why. I complain about slots being a thing when it takes 2-3 days to farm and fully craft a weapon, 5 days or more for a warframe, farming and crafting if you are limited by time. I complain about people that ruin a match then they leave, not learning from their mistakes.

All of this and more, i actually like low MR players because of how the so called vets play the game. I have no expectations from them.

Also did you know that if you let your Crew pilot your railjack in freeflight they start talking while flying around, is very relaxing listening to them, sometimes they spew some lore bits.

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

1. One player doesn't have enough time, leaves, the other two follow, the player who knew he did not have time could've play solo or not at all, the other two are just sheep, they will join the same mission and do it again.

2. That's an exception, i don't like the 4 defense objectives changing every wave instead of every 5 waves, but it is interesting just as grineer mission when the trail moves back and forth or the elevator moving the defense up or down.

3. The issue with afkers is they keep up a slot, where an active player could've join, i had one in sabotage that went afk at spawn the entire mission, he got nothing but i wonder why didn't he leave, maybe didn't care.

4-7 in sabotage/capture if you complete it too quickly all enemies stop spawning(doesn't happen often) it can be avoided if the player did not do it so fast. As for the nukes or survival, it happens because enemies spawn in one direction and in the other you get empty fissures, the drop chance is low, players make it lower by killing non corrupted enemies.

And for spy, players avoid it until they have to do it, you can leech in sorties, i don't care, i joined public hopefully i meet another guy that can speed things up, but please do not trigger the alarms and then quit, especially if you are the host. Every spy mission has One or two pathsthat are always open, kuva fortress, lua, uranus, jupiter are by far the hardest spy rooms i struggle with.

For the first point it could also be that leaving player is Host or players just don't want to continue without full squad. I leave if host leaves because there's chance that host migration fails and you'll lose everything.

But if Warframe frustrates you I would suggest taking a break. 

I'm personally kind of taking break because I've burn out and have nothing to do in game neither. But Warframe can get frustrating because all the issues it has so it's OK to take break and come back later.

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

For the first point it could also be that leaving player is Host or players just don't want to continue without full squad. I leave if host leaves because there's chance that host migration fails and you'll lose everything.

But if Warframe frustrates you I would suggest taking a break. 

I'm personally kind of taking break because I've burn out and have nothing to do in game neither. But Warframe can get frustrating because all the issues it has so it's OK to take break and come back later.

I get you but i still enjoy warframe, i still have a lot of things to do untill the next update, when i burnout i play something else for a month or more, but my biggest issue is the community complaining about the dumbest reasons, for example: voruna not being a quadruped because furries are horny or the hate mesa prime got for having a small butt because other  people are horny

And as the title said mostly public matchmaking, everytime i join in a mission i get people that ruin the mission, even failing the mission, i had two people mid-high MR WALKING the entire map looking for caches in sabotage, one of them even looked at me waiting at extraction and walks away. To be fair it was a good troll but i was angry af.

The worst of all, again, is people leaving, all of them, farming for citrine alone a full rotation because everybody left after 1 round is boring. It took longer than needed to get that frame, i should've played with a premade team but i hoped to get better teammates in the next mission, i was wrong, my bad.

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Post title: 

Warframe community is terrible, mostly public matching.


3 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

The community is plain terrible


2 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it.


2 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

You are just as terrible as them


1 hour ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

I think you are stupid.


1 hour ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

Those people have no emergencies

I could get more, but I see no need. Irony and projection at its finest, from a toxic player trying badly to paint a community in a bad light. Specially when people don't blindly agree with the rant.

And no, the community is not perfect, and I also have my own gripes with it, but it's not as bad as disgruntled people often make it out to be. Specially when you put it side by side with most other games out there.

I won't echo what others have said, nor engage in pissing contests, but the above quotes pretty much highlight what I wanted to say. Don't assume other people's needs or preferences. Your freedom ends where other people's freedom begins and vice-versa.

It's easy to become toxic after playing for a long time, dominating the game and the most effective ways to play it and expect people to be as knowledgeable as you are after all this time, or share the same priorities. Specially if we're talking casual players vs veteran players.

And I should know, since I'm also on Warframe since it first launched on PS and have seen the meta and "social expectations" shift countless times during that time. But even after all this time I know I have to make my own expectations, not make others adhere to my personal mindsets.

That's it. Kudos.

Edited by (PSN)Hikuro-93
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there needs to be a disclaimer when you switch to public matchmaking, one that explains how anything can happen, and you could get a bunch of pro meta bois, a bunch of trolls and AFKers and anything else in between, and that you understand that by selecting Public Matchmaking, you are willingly giving your consent to be matched with literally anyone in the world. 

otherwise recruit chat is your best option for trying to find like minded players; if that doesn't work for you, then solo, and if THAT doesn't work for you, then you're just gonna have to deal with it or quit, because those are the only solutions you're getting.

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