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Warframe community is terrible, mostly public matching.


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Overall, I don't really encounter much actual toxic behaviour, thankfully. Just a whole helluva lot of AFK/leeches, noticeable because I generally (but not always!) find myself topping the stats screen anytime I bother looking. I could state the exact reason why this issue exists, but my post would get summarily deleted by the mods.

I ultimately generally play solo for this reason. Sadly, my friend group doesn't really play the game anymore.

17 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

sympathize to a degree, but corruption spawns for reactant are 100% DE's fault

This one understands the actual issue with the relic grind.

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41 minutes ago, (PSN)Hikuro-93 said:






I could get more, but I see no need. Irony and projection at its finest, from a toxic player trying badly to paint a community in a bad light. Specially when people don't blindly agree with the rant.

And no, the community is not perfect, and I also have my own gripes with it, but it's not as bad as disgruntled people often make it out to be. Specially when you put it side by side with most other games out there.

I won't echo what others have said, nor engage in pissing contests, but the above quotes pretty much highlight what I wanted to say. Don't assume other people's needs or preferences. Your freedom ends where other people's freedom begins and vice-versa.

It's easy to become toxic after playing for a long time, dominating the game and the most effective ways to play it and expect people to be as knowledgeable as you are after all this time, or share the same priorities. Specially if we're talking casual players vs veteran players.

And I should know, since I'm also on Warframe since it first launched on PS and have seen the meta and "social expectations" shift countless times during that time. But even after all this time I know I have to make my own expectations, not make others adhere to my personal mindsets.

That's it. Kudos.

It's easy to nitpick the bad things i said and call me toxic, you can call me whatever you want and i might agree with you, i'm frustrated when i can't play the game in public matchmaking because players are leaving as soon as extraction opens(THIS is my number 2 issue, first is the bugs), If the only response people can give is: play solo, don't play the game, find a clan or premade team, then you avoid the existing problem public matchmaking has. Don't believe me, play steelpath circuit in public and tell me how fast do you end up solo or how many times everybody leaves after 1 stage. Even normal sanctuary people leave after 1 round, another player joins in the second round and leaves before the third, both playing one round then leaving.

I'm also sick of the players pretending warframe has the best community when it is as toxic as any other game, not more or less, it is exactly the same, if you search for good folks you will find them, but most players are terrible. And some of you assume i force people to play how i want, when in reality i want them to stop ruinning a fissure because they do whatever they want then leave after missing a relic drop.

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Regarding point 2, it's the fault of the system. If you create a system that trades limited inputs (relics you have to spend time to get, especially Axis) that involves gambling, some people are going to do their best to manipulate the odds in their favor. To some, it's not "worth the relic" if there isn't a chance of a big roll or roll they are looking for (ie vaulted item). Without changing how the system works, there will always be people who queue, check the relics, and then leave if they aren't 'good enough', and even putting penalty on it probably won't stop them (they would just take the penalty and alt-tab out of the game for a bit).

The only real way to solve it would be to make a matcher that essentially let's you queue up for "only missions with LIST OF RELICS I WANT", which would create a different issue (since it would drastically lower apparent population levels). Also, it would require a matchmaker of any kind to actually exist instead of the system we have that was outdated by the 2000s (seriously "watch a chat and click fast" was archaic matching when WOW was in beta).

Edited by Void2258
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1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

there needs to be a disclaimer when you switch to public matchmaking, one that explains how anything can happen, and you could get a bunch of pro meta bois, a bunch of trolls and AFKers and anything else in between, and that you understand that by selecting Public Matchmaking, you are willingly giving your consent to be matched with literally anyone in the world

We need a disclaimer? I think the word "public" does this already. 

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8 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

Can't say I relate despite playing almost exclusively PUG. If you want to go full rotation in endurance missions you should be ready to do it solo or recruit others in the recruit channel. No one is obliged to finish full rotation in a PUG so it's just fair.

I know, i don't expect them to do a full rotation anymore, but not even half, if i wanted to leave after 5 mins i would play solo and be able to pause the game. I play public because somewhat i enjoy not having to do everything myself, more players, more enemies, more loot.

It is low effort to play with others, switch to public, pick your mission, you get 1-3 people or you don't. If you play survival fissure i assume you want to open more than 1 relic.

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24 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

Don't believe me, play steelpath circuit in public and tell me how fast do you end up solo or how many times everybody leaves after 1 stage. Even normal sanctuary people leave after 1 round, another player joins in the second round and leaves before the third, both playing one round then leaving.

Rarely I experience this. Most ESOs go minimum two rounds full crew. After that anyone with an affinity booster has already capped their MR and it is expected they leave. Last two ESO i had full squads to level 8.

Circuit is certainly more frequent with a round 1 or 2 premature exit. However, again, to be expected. The setup warrants this for ayers who get a bad RNG roll. It's happened to me, too, where I'm dying fairly quickly, then second round is a defense or assassination and I won't stick around for that. But, I'll go as far as I can until I'm dying a few times, or more, per round. It's to be expected by the rando nature of weapon fodder one receives in Circuit. I almost never get any good weapon choices. They are nearly always third tier weapons with zero forma and decree-dependent. Combined with an unfamiliar frame and yeah, see ya. Blame the game, not the player.

How hard is it to at least include a WF's signature weapon, or perhaps one additional choice that is random from your top twenty weapons with the most forma? So you at least have one decent weapon.

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This is why I play solo now. Early on you definitely need help so you kind of have to be in public to get carried as shameful as that is to admit. I've been playing the game so much happier doing things alone aside from when I actually go to recruit chat for something I need or if I feel like helping new players. Random public matches you will absolutely get the most angsty, edgy and weird people. I dont mind the weird people but sometimes they're too much. I've had too many weird people say they love me and be their best friend please friend me but yea they're better than the rude people. Few months ago I had someone say F you to the whole squad cause we didnt wanna wait for acolyte in an incursion that we had finished in under 2 minutes. I told the guy that we may have to sit here for 3 to 4 more minutes for it to spawn and its much faster to just farm them on a survival instead. He didnt like that and said F you and quit. It is what it is.


One thing that is annoying when I have to ask something I dont know and go to one of the warframe forums on steam, reddit or here and I get people just being kind of trolli or going off topic or simply trying to start an argument. I try not get baited but easier said than done.

Only thing I can advise is trying to make friends in warframe and just playing with them or seeing if friends you have already will play with you. I'm just waiting for cross save and all that to play with my nephews.

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5 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

I've been playing since closed beta, we've had players afk or leaving early/quitting, but never to this degree, it angers me everytime i play on public matchmaking i see this behavior so often that i avoid other players, i would rather play solo and be able to pause the game. Here are some types of players i have noticed:

1.Early leavers, extracts as soon they can, usually one is enough to make the other two to leave aswell, they ruined an endless mission, nobody plays a full AABC rotation and they join back, i caught all 3 leaving and joining the same mission, 1 of them quitting before extraction, again.

2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens).

3.Afk-ers. For an entire mission, what was so important that you cannot leave the game before, why do they join an endless mission only to not play.

4.Solo playstyle in public, terrible in fissure survival spreads enemy spawns, loot, fissures spawn but have no enemies to corrupt.

5.Speedrunners, they do the mission so fast and now we have to wait for void enemies to spawn or they stop spawning.

6. The bloodthirsty, they see red, forget about objectives, mission fails.

7. HumanNukes that ruin a afissure mission by killing everything too fast.

And many more, most of the problems i face are in endless, fissures, open worlds, anywhere it benefits to be in a team of 4. Recently i had a guy in eidolon hunt hold a shard and killing vomvalysts in a necramech, just place the f# shard, after capturing the second eidolon one player decides to extract, while holding another shard so we cannot spawn the next one, then he/she realised that they can leave the group in open worlds to solo extract. I've had so many players leave the moment lotus opens extraction that farming the Circuit, Voruna, Citrine, prime parts, sanctuary, relics became so painful that i would rather solo the entire game(i could try but would be more boring than it is now).

The community is plain terrible, failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room.

If anyone tries to say how great the community is, look at the vets, complaining to not change this and that because they can no longer one shot level 9000 enemies, they can't break the game over and over, finish a mission in 0.2 seconds, farm 100 relics in 10 minutes, those pleople that change their opinions when their favorite warframe content creator makes a video. New players have no idea what's going on because there's a guy holding two seers going on a rampage as the drifter.

Maybe these reasons are why there's this thing called recruiting chat that was made to get people to run the same things as you? 

If that's not enough, there's also this other thing people use called discord that basically does the same thing.

For example, if I Wanted Voruna, I would probably go to a Warframe discord and go "can anyone please help me farm Voruna?"

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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5 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens).

Sometimes the game will have a connection issue and force a player back into the Orbiter during loading or just after joining the game. Happens to me occasionally during load screen, but even had it happen seconds after loading finished (when the annoying animation plays with Warframe dropping in from an air vent).

I also tend to see players leave when encountering Kuva Zarr players, Thermal Sunder players, etc...

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

Those people have no emergencies, they join survival axi fissures because it is the only one and instead of opening the relics they want, they leave 5 minutes and join the same mission again, opening one at a time, why i assume they try to get a new prime from other people relics.

Try switching to Steel Path Void Fissures. Pub players in Steel Path endless missions tend to play a bit longer.

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On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

I've been playing since closed beta, we've had players afk or leaving early/quitting, but never to this degree, it angers me everytime i play on public matchmaking i see this behavior so often that i avoid other players, i would rather play solo and be able to pause the game. Here are some types of players i have noticed:

1.Early leavers, extracts as soon they can, usually one is enough to make the other two to leave aswell, they ruined an endless mission, nobody plays a full AABC rotation and they join back, i caught all 3 leaving and joining the same mission, 1 of them quitting before extraction, again.

2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens).

3.Afk-ers. For an entire mission, what was so important that you cannot leave the game before, why do they join an endless mission only to not play.

4.Solo playstyle in public, terrible in fissure survival spreads enemy spawns, loot, fissures spawn but have no enemies to corrupt.

5.Speedrunners, they do the mission so fast and now we have to wait for void enemies to spawn or they stop spawning.

6. The bloodthirsty, they see red, forget about objectives, mission fails.

7. HumanNukes that ruin a afissure mission by killing everything too fast.

And many more, most of the problems i face are in endless, fissures, open worlds, anywhere it benefits to be in a team of 4. Recently i had a guy in eidolon hunt hold a shard and killing vomvalysts in a necramech, just place the f# shard, after capturing the second eidolon one player decides to extract, while holding another shard so we cannot spawn the next one, then he/she realised that they can leave the group in open worlds to solo extract. I've had so many players leave the moment lotus opens extraction that farming the Circuit, Voruna, Citrine, prime parts, sanctuary, relics became so painful that i would rather solo the entire game(i could try but would be more boring than it is now).

The community is plain terrible, failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room.

If anyone tries to say how great the community is, look at the vets, complaining to not change this and that because they can no longer one shot level 9000 enemies, they can't break the game over and over, finish a mission in 0.2 seconds, farm 100 relics in 10 minutes, those pleople that change their opinions when their favorite warframe content creator makes a video. New players have no idea what's going on because there's a guy holding two seers going on a rampage as the drifter.

#Edit: It seems some of you missunderstood my frustration, maybe it was my fault writing the post while i was angry from a recent case.

What i've been trying to say is that: endless missions are intended to go as long as possible, if we both choose to play with random people in a endless type gamemode i assume everyone intend is to stay for longer than 1 round, atleast 2. For some reason i see this pattern too often, 3 people want to battle, 1 decides to leave, second person decides to follow so is the 3rd, now you are left alone after 5 waves. In the circuit usually the first person to decide is what everybody follows, this made the gamemode harder to farm, reason why i avoid it, i tried to solo steelpath but after 2/3 waves of defense first mission i gave up, if i had a few decrees i could've succeed.

In fissures if you kill uncorrupted enemies you don't get reactant, you don't get a prime, simple as that, i'm not telling you to not play nuke frames, i'm telling you to wait for the enemies to become corrupted.

Everybody advice towards me is: play solo, stop playing, play with a premade team, this is simply avoiding the problem that you don't want to admit it exists. It has happened before hence why we have black boxes with a "?" After killing bosses.

There're other reasons why this community is terrible for game development, listening to the playerbase cries to change something is going to ruin the game, this community is going to kill the game before DE does. All of this problems come from high MR players, people that played for longer and have knowledge of the game, same people that ignore new content in favor of 30seconds capture mission for efficiency. Same people that tell others to stop spending money on the game and just spend time to trade for plat, i wonder why you can't buy heirloom skins with plat? Some of us have 10k (i barely have 200 bought plat).

While I understand your frustration, it may be in your best interest to step away from warframe for a little while.

We tend to get more and more easily frustrated when consistently engaged in repetitious acts. The more one does a thing the more difficult it becomes to accept the imperfections of that experience. 

Take a month or two off and try something new. When you come back to warframe you will probably feel refreshed and the trivialities of unrealistic expectations (as related to the actions of others) may be less frustrating.

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It is just what the game promotes and it is what to expect when running PuGs generated through RNG in any online game really. If you arent prepared to put up with that either run solo or do pre-made runs. I run solo 99% of the time myself these days and have done so for a few years now since I got fed up by public runs, not only because of "bad" behavior but because there is zero scaling in the game to engage a full group of players in a worthwhile way. Only benefit to grouping is in fissures with more relics to pick from.

The few times I do run with a group is when I have a mandatory interception and dont want to dash around all over the map to defend 4 points solo. Or when I really wanna try to improve my chances to get X rare prime BP, which still doesnt really come easier in a PuG since I'm mostly alone to run that relic anyway.

This is also why I hope we'll never ever see raids or anything similar to it in the game ever again. This game serves best as a solo experience with very optional co-op.

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On 2023-10-01 at 11:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

The community is plain terrible, failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room.


This is the one thing I hate the most.

Adding to this, I always make an active effort to call out the vault I am entering, As in B, C or A. then some schmuck enters it and most of the times fails to complete it, forcing me to call an air support to stop the timer and rush inside and save the day.

I mean come on guys, proper spy mission etiquette...

Also quitters the moments something goes wrong... like, dude, stick it out.

Oh and lack of communication through chat. Often times i will ask something to the benefit of our team and no responses. Sometimes. but when it happens it pisses me off. 

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On 2023-10-01 at 6:21 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Rarely I experience this. Most ESOs go minimum two rounds full crew. After that anyone with an affinity booster has already capped their MR and it is expected they leave. Last two ESO i had full squads to level 8.

Yeah, I can't say that I've had predominantly bad experiences or anything either. Sure, I've sometimes seen people bounce way earlier than I think makes sense, but I shrug it off and just move on. Maybe they had something come up, maybe they just got tired or developed a headache, maybe a friend they were waiting for got online and they're bouncing to go group up with their friend... I don't know what's going on in their head, and trying to second-guess and ascribe motive to them is just a path to madness.

(Both in terms of "I am very mad at people" and also "I have built up enough frustration that I've lost my mind".)

That said, it may be a case of like rewarding like. I do try to be social and communicate things, like if I notice I'm the session host I'll ask how many rounds folks want to go (so that I don't bail early and cause host migration) or if I'm on a time limit mention "Since I see I'm the host... just FYI, I've only got about 45 minutes before I need to step away from the game." in case someone wanted to go for an hour+ in Arbitrations or whatever and will end up disappointed. Or ask "Hey, I have fairly good Circuit rolls this time; can we go at least four rounds? If folks are planning to skip out early, I'll bounce now to let you find another so that I don't lose the rolls." Stuff like that.


2 hours ago, Kaggelos said:

Adding to this, I always make an active effort to call out the vault I am entering, As in B, C or A. then some schmuck enters it and most of the times fails to complete it, forcing me to call an air support to stop the timer and rush inside and save the day.

I mean come on guys, proper spy mission etiquette...

I will grant this one does annoy me, to the point that while I'll happily pub almost everything in the game, Spy missions in Sorties/Archon Hunts are something I will generally either run solo or just with friends. It's just not generally worth the headache, given the chances of an instant fail.

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On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

1.Early leavers, extracts as soon they can, usually one is enough to make the other two to leave aswell, they ruined an endless mission, nobody plays a full AABC rotation and they join back, i caught all 3 leaving and joining the same mission, 1 of them quitting before extraction, again.

These players aren't leaving "early", they're leaving when Warframe's designers said they could leave.  So if you've got a problem with this, the devs are where your finger should be pointing.  If you want to play with people who will stay as long as you want, you can recruit like-minded people to guarantee you're with such players. 

On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens).

Don't know about this one.  I see lots of connection issues at the very beginning of missions even outside of relic missions.  But certainly could be folks trying to match with relics they don't have.  I really wish the devs would just design better match-making systems for relics, seems like it would handle a lot of issues like this.

On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

3.Afk-ers. For an entire mission, what was so important that you cannot leave the game before, why do they join an endless mission only to not play.

I see this so rarely that I'd never even think to complain about it, but I'm guessing you see it often?

On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

4.Solo playstyle in public, terrible in fissure survival spreads enemy spawns, loot, fissures spawn but have no enemies to corrupt.

I'm going to categorize this one as a design problem as well.  Players like you and I who understand the game know that it's best to stay together for both loot and reactant...but the game never explains this to casual players.  It seems like this is something the Lotus should be telling players every time one of these missions start.

On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

5.Speedrunners, they do the mission so fast and now we have to wait for void enemies to spawn or they stop spawning.

Again, I think this is a design problem.  It's absolutely bonkers that the fissure system is designed so that doing a mission too fast results in failure.  The Warframe devs know how people play the game, yet they designed a system that quietly fails when players play that way?  And again, without even giving players an explicit instruction to play differently?  I can't blame this on the players.

On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

6. The bloodthirsty, they see red, forget about objectives, mission fails.

Haha, y'know, we've all been there!  So accustomed to Warframe being easy that we forget things can actually fail.  But hopefully that first failure acts as a wake-up call so when that same group goes back in things go smoothly the next time?

On 2023-10-01 at 1:06 AM, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

7. HumanNukes that ruin a afissure mission by killing everything too fast.

Yet again, I say this is a design problem.  Killing enemies quickly?  In a hoard shooter?  Who would do such a thing!?  The game never tells you to do otherwise, yet punishes you for playing the game the exact way players play it.  It's silly.

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I do think the general community used to be better. It's never been perfect, but recently it feels like there's more salt - not so much verbal but rather behavioral.

Could be because of crossplay, or maybe just the new recruits are bringing toxic behaviors in with them - intentionally or unintentionally - from other games, idk. Maybe it's just because most everyone who knows how to play the game well has left until the Oct update xD

Pubs do try my patience more than they used to, that's for sure. Fissures in particular - seems like 70% of the time there's one person who just will not come to extraction on purpose and we all just have to sit and wait for him to finish breaking crates, teabagging or whatever it is he feels he needs to do at our expense.

I agree with a lot of these things being the result of design flaws for sure though, like so many have accurately pointed out.

I do still get some good squads, people who know what they're doing and are willing to stick with it, and they aren't what I'd call rare, but they aren't common either.

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2 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

XP farming has evolved to the point people can go from 0 to 30 in five waves

There's also people who are only in for the AA rewards and not any of the BC

I don't think they farm xp when all of their weapons are 30, i check the gear of my teammates because i might want to use it. The people that only go for AA are really not that common, they leave after one round, AA is two rounds, they never make it that far.

It is simple fact that players don't play the game anymore, they join random missions in public get bored and leave, i used to play league and csgo ranked, nobody would leave the game and those go for longer than warframe, players would tell you let's finish quick they have to leave. There is no penalty for leavers in warframe, it shouldn't be, the fact that we have unindentified items now is proof of players quitting mid mission.

How do you level up 0 to 30 in 5 waves? I can do it solo can't i? I don't have to ruin somebody else game.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

How do you level up 0 to 30 in 5 waves? I can do it solo can't i? I don't have to ruin somebody else game.

OK, around here you're not considered to be "ruining" other people's game just by leaving a defense mission before them. It's a little more gauche if you cause a host migration, but if you're the client? You're the only person here who calls that "ruining" the game. It's just normal in these parts

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Heh, I wonder why that rant was posted just a couple of days ago. I was doing fissures for a while yesterday, and about one in three missions started with a host migration before it had really been on the ground. Mind, that was a rather unusual experience, and I wouldn't call it the norm.

I guess I was part of "the problem" during one run, where I was already waiting at extraction before the last player had collected all his reactants. Oops. That was a reminder to pay more attention to the numbers on the screen.

The issue with SO and ESO is part of the design. As most people play those modes for leveling and not for the rewards, it's more or less expected that people leave after they are done leveling. I personally make sure though not to leave after the first round, if it's just about topping up the last one or two levels after I had been left alone in the first run.

As far as endless missions are concerned, I always assume that some of the random players will just want to clear the node or need just one piece of a specific resource. That's just how it is. Sometimes it's also experienced players who leave because they only want to play if the other players don't spread the spawns.

Edited by TurjanMi.ir
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