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Abyss of Dagath: Update 34


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Why the heck you dont remove the #*!%ing shield gating its a S#&$ no matter you see it its a nerf of the damage we make WHETHER IS STRONG OR NOT THE ENEMY SHOULD DIE INSTANTANEOUSLY if we achieve that amount of damage and Catalyzing Shield is stupid nobody will want this DE THAT IS JUST 1.33 SECONDS, 1.33 MISARABLE SECONDS REMOVE THAT S#&$ , SHIELD GATING DOESNT MAKE SENSE FOR enemies they one-shoot players anyway by the amount of enemies we fight 😒

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

As announced in Devstream 173, Cross Platform Play Clans will also be launching in the near future now that Abyss of Dagath is live! A dedicated thread will be posted on launch with all of the details.

This is NOT what was said on the Devstream.

We were told that Cross Clan would be coming WITH ABYSS OF DAGATH!

Don't make promises you can't keep and then go back on them and act like nothing happened. The term [DE]layed exists because you guys have done this so much, that it's synonymous with your identity now. That is not a good look.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixes towards the Dex Drifter/Operator Suit not taking on black and dark saturated colors very well. 

  • Pure black ended up to be more of a shiny medium silver, and saturated colores ended up with a lot of white mixed in. Only very pale colors accurately reflected player color choices prior to this fix. 


Great, now can the nidus deluxe skin get the same treatment? Because for several updates now it has the same problem. Initially we could have a true matte black (or dark colour) on him. Now everything looks greyed out....

As mentioned here:




Edited by TazMman
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1 hour ago, CookieCutter said:

Can we get a fix for Nova's Wormhole ability? For months now it's been bugged in that while using it mid-air, often when you go through the portal you end up with your camera facing a random direction instead of facing straight ahead, the same way as it was facing when you entered it. This bug makes the ability very unreliable and annoying, That bug makes using Wormhole in mid-air, in aimglide, really annoying and makes doing Wormhole chains super risky as you aimglide through the wormhole you end up facing another random direction than the one you wanted to go, slowing down the gameplay and making the ability too much of a risk to use.

I'll 2nd this...

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Well, in my opinion, this new warframe doesn't even make me want to play with it.

this rework of the hydroid is a bit weak i think skill 3 should give corrosive damage and the skill shouldn't be used to push enemies. and skill 4 of the hydroid the tentacle should pull mobs to the center where the skill is used. and not suspend mobs.

i love hydroid deluxe but this waframe for me will continue to be sidelined.

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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Health: Base Rank - 2110 (from 550) / Max Rank - 2310 (from 2200)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 2215 (from 575) / Max Rank - 2415 (from 2300)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

What happened to the 3k+ unmodded health for Inaros prime you showed in the dev workshop? as The Official #1 Inaros player in the world, this was the change I was most excited for. with the new changes to explosive barrels it became much harder to stay alive in most missions since each barrel takes 3k-5k health. Inaros doesn't have shields nor have other means of getting consistent damage reduction, so the extra 715 health would have helped him a lot, at least letting him withstand 1-2 more explosive barrels. Please DE, give us back the base 3,015 base max rank health inaros prime and give base Inaros around 2,800 base max rank health, or at least give him an armor bonus to bring his max armor to 300.


Until this is fixed, I, The Official #1 Inaros player in the world, will wage an all out war on all barrels, whether explosive, non explosive, real, or fake. The blood of all of the barrels will be on your hands.

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10 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Added two new Reward Options to the Steel Path Circuit Reward Path: Rivens and Kuva!

  • With Drifter Opportunity Intrinsics at Rank 9, you will be presented with reward options of a Veiled Riven or 20k Kuva in addition to the weekly Incarnon rotation for your Circuit Reward Path!
  • Just like the Incarnon Geneses, the order you pick these rewards will determine what Rank you need to complete in the Circuit to earn them.


great but, could add some pathos clamps in there

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10 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Auto Melee 

Adding an Auto Melee button has been a frequently requested topic over the years as a way to mitigate repeated button presses. Your days of spamming E are over with the new Auto-Melee functionality! Here’s how it works:

With Auto Melee, players can trigger melee swings through the familiar repeated melee inputs, or they can simply hold the melee input button to repeatedly swing their melee weapon for as long as that input is held. Combos can be executed while auto-meleeing by simply adding the required inputs -- i.e. to start Slide Attacking, simply start sliding while holding the Melee Input, etc.

In short, the Warframe melee that you know isn’t changing - the only difference is that instead of needing to press your E hundreds of times, you only need to press (and hold!) it once. 

Our goal is not to alter the main way you play Warframe melee if you prefer the precision of individual inputs - auto-meleeing is an additional way to play the game. This mechanic has been released as a permanent functionality of the Melee system, as we’ve designed this so that both individual input and auto-melee can co-exist without issue. 

Since Auto-Melee is removing a lot of the active element of meleeing, we are working on an addition to this system called “Perfect Heavy Attacks” that aim to release with Whispers in the Walls. 

Exclusions to Auto Melee
Due to the mechanics of Auto Melee mirroring that of thrown melee weapons, the following weapons will not have Auto Meleeing enabled for them:

  • All Glaive Weapon Types     
  • Wolf Sledge

there is no toggle option for auto melee to disable it if you so wish.
auto melee soft lock, if you are downed well meleeing and push 5 to last gasp you will become stuck repeatedly void blasting unable to use your amp or abilities.

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Great update DE! I've looked mostly at your Sentinel changes... it's going to take me way more time to parse these patch notes!

Here's what stuck out to me:

  • Metal Fiber is now 250% armor
  • Synth Fiber is still 100% armor for 12 seconds.

I think you forgot to update Synth Fiber! Am I wrong?

Synth Fiber is what we used to use to reliably proc Health Orb mechanics because equipping Synth Fiber enabled us to always pick up Health Orbs before this patch. But now that we can always pick up Health Orbs to trigger mechanics... I think you need to buff Synth Fiber to make up for this loss of utility and also because it's really really bad compared to Metal Fiber right now.

I propose something like this:

  • Synth Fiber should buffed to something like 300% armor for 12 seconds.

You do better than Metal Fiber for a temporary amount of time. There is no other real benefit like before with the Health Orb mechanic. Sure, you get a small holster bonus I suppose. Something like 300% seems more fair!

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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers are now officially supported in Warframe on PC (for Windows 8 and up users)!


no adaptative triggers for dual sense?? :c kinda disappointed, but okay i guess...

Edited by Lamenzin
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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Universal Enemy Radar
Players now have a Universal Enemy Radar set to 30m to help new players navigate through their missions. Warframe is more fun when you know where your foes are, and we felt that this important mechanic no longer needed to be tied to game progression.

Existing Enemy Radar Mods will simply add to the base Enemy Radar values!
ie. your Enemy Radar with Enemy Sense equipped would now be 60m!

I assume this stacks with Ivaras passive.

Though I would rather she get a new passive if everyone has radar.

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  • Spare Parts: Previously Spare Parts would cause Sentinels to drop rare materials on death. This Mod now causes your Sentinel to mark an enemy for 5 seconds, choosing a new target every 15 seconds. Killing the marked enemy increases their loot drop chance by 200%.
    • Since Companions no longer die, we wanted to change their resource drop to something that was more interactive and rewards combat instead of your Sentinel randomly exploding.

But does the enemy still have a higher chance of dropping a rare material?  This was the only reason I ever used the mod.  

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i would really, really, REALLY love to see a rework of the companion mods for opening lockers. the kubrows take way too long to open a single one due to the animation, and while the kavat IS faster since its just a single swipe, it takes them forever to open multiple lockers because after every one they have to walk away, get a new target, get close, play the animation, repeat. it can take up to 15 seconds for a companion to lock on a single locker and it makes rooms full of red lockers take anywhere between 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes depending on how many lockers there are, the pathfinding ai, the phases of the moon, whether or not your kavat bit you the last time you tried to pet it and what i can only assume is wally doing some voodoo S#&$ in the background

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After spending a fair amount of time today playing around with this patch, here's a few things I wanted to give some positive feedback on:

  • Universal enemy radar is a long overdue change that makes the game more enjoyable for new players and veterans alike. This change particularly matters because of how important using the minimap has gotten to quickly hunt down groups of enemies through obstacles with the increased power level and speed of the game. 
  • After having spent many hours trying out Grendel builds this week I was pleased to find that Grendel Prime feels great with the new shield gate mechanics after sticking Catalyzing Shields on him, and the new Prime skin does look pretty sweet. Breach Surge + Regurgitate is still a beastly combo that wrecks rooms full of armored enemies at any level and now that his shield gate effectiveness is attached to a mod instead of Decaying Dragon Key we should be able to use him effectively even in long SP Circuit runs.
  • I had mixed feelings about the shield gate changes at first because even with Catalyzing Shields on it feels more difficult to shield gate effectively on certain squishy frames than it did before the patch due to the increased shield caps across the board. However, after spending some time with it I feel that these adjustments are good for the game as it makes trying to balance energy efficiency, shield levels and mod loadout an interesting avenue of player choice instead of a default of "use Decaying Dragon Key and stick Brief Respite + Rolling Guard on absolutely everything to stay alive". It's no longer objectively the "best" to make shield caps as low as possible all the time and I think this will encourage more variety with builds and playstyle and players get over the initial uncomfortableness and explore the new mechanics.
  • Hydroid rework feels like a great array of improvements across the board and honestly I'd be happy to see even more buffs in the way of added survivability tools like some sort of damage resistance mechanic because I don't think his relatively low health and armor stats are enough to tank hits in Steel Path even with the temporary armor you get from Plunder. Compared to Atlas who has a similar armor mechanic Hydroid is kind of fragile and the loss of Undertow makes it more difficult for him to shield gate in a pinch. That being said, his offense and crowd control all around feels much more powerful, his passive is actually really interesting and effective in that it encourages unique corrosive-heavy weapon builds, and I think he's a very solid alternative now to Nekros and Khora as a loot farming frame with Pilfering Strangledome.
  • I find a lot of the UI changes to be very helpful, like the health bar animation when we get healing now.

There's a whole bunch of other changes like the upgrades to Kahl's mobility and weapon variety and the companion updates that sound really great but I haven't had time to experiment with, but overall this seems like a great array of quality of life improvements and hopefully this keeps people coming back and playing more often.

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12 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Can you explain why you want this? Is it an accessibility problem of some kind?  Our current thinking is that if people prefer "tap to swing", nothing is stopping you from tapping to swing.  Auto melee is intended to be an optional convenience here that can be avoided by just letting go of the key like the way melee has worked for a long time.  Let us know if we've missed an important detail

I think one issue is fast weapons and holding down the button just long enough to trigger a second attack (which could feel very disruptive with attacks that have lots of movement), while you still expect only one attack because to you it felt like just a press.

11 hours ago, Leon_Von_Comarre said:


If you've bound melee to the mouse wheel, it's not precise enough to consistently do single inputs, and you keep getting unintended follow-up attacks that can be really annoying if they have forced movement or such that you didn't want to make use of at that time by ending the combo early.

Presumably you've bound melee to mouse wheel because scrolling the wheel is less annoying than mashing E. But you can just hold E now, have you tried that? Genuinely asking, I used the mouse wheel trick with Khora's 1, but I would prefer to just hold down a button.

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1 hour ago, --N-- said:

I think one issue is fast weapons and holding down the button just long enough to trigger a second attack (which could feel very disruptive with attacks that have lots of movement), while you still expect only one attack because to you it felt like just a press.

Presumably you've bound melee to mouse wheel because scrolling the wheel is less annoying than mashing E. But you can just hold E now, have you tried that? Genuinely asking, I used the mouse wheel trick with Khora's 1, but I would prefer to just hold down a button.

I was using the mouse wheel because it was more comfortable than clicking all day while still giving me the precision to end melee chains early and switch to different chains or go back to the start of the chain. Just holding down E is antithetical to what I want, and since the engine isn't set up to read a short mouse wheel flick as a single input like a button press, it's impossible to have that level of fine control over my combos without using a button which I find less comfortable when melee-ing a lot over extended play sessions. If the input engine was made to read a single step on the mouse wheel as a single input rather than a held press, that would also fix the issue for me.

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8 hours ago, nslay said:

Great update DE! I've looked mostly at your Sentinel changes... it's going to take me way more time to parse these patch notes!

Here's what stuck out to me:

  • Metal Fiber is now 250% armor
  • Synth Fiber is still 100% armor for 12 seconds.

I think you forgot to update Synth Fiber! Am I wrong?

Synth Fiber is what we used to use to reliably proc Health Orb mechanics because equipping Synth Fiber enabled us to always pick up Health Orbs before this patch. But now that we can always pick up Health Orbs to trigger mechanics... I think you need to buff Synth Fiber to make up for this loss of utility and also because it's really really bad compared to Metal Fiber right now.

I propose something like this:

  • Synth Fiber should buffed to something like 300% armor for 12 seconds.

You do better than Metal Fiber for a temporary amount of time. There is no other real benefit like before with the Health Orb mechanic. Sure, you get a small holster bonus I suppose. Something like 300% seems more fair!

Just a heads up, Synth Fiber is multiplicative with other armor mods. So before if you ran both metal fiber and synth fiber it would make you go from like 200% armor to 400% armor. Now it will make you go from 350% to 700% when you pick up a health orb. I don't think it needs to be buffed to match the other armor mod since the effect is different.

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1 hour ago, Leon_Von_Comarre said:

I was using the mouse wheel because it was more comfortable than clicking all day while still giving me the precision to end melee chains early and switch to different chains or go back to the start of the chain. Just holding down E is antithetical to what I want, and since the engine isn't set up to read a short mouse wheel flick as a single input like a button press, it's impossible to have that level of fine control over my combos without using a button which I find less comfortable when melee-ing a lot over extended play sessions. If the input engine was made to read a single step on the mouse wheel as a single input rather than a held press, that would also fix the issue for me.

I tried mouse wheel down for melee, and I think you're misinterpreting what's happening.

It seems the game queues up one extra attack if it receives more than one single melee input. For example, Tapping E two times (while the first attack is still in progress) executes two attacks, as expected, but tapping it three times executes two attacks as well. The mouse wheel is sending single inputs, but it's sending a lot more than can be executed, so you get this one extra attack. So if my theory is correct, just disabling auto melee will not fix your issue.

I'm not sure how it worked before the update, but I did use melee to switch back from operator to warframe, and when I pressed E multiple times, it would queue up multiple attacks (but I don't remember if it was only two or more).

Edited by --N--
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40 minutes ago, --N-- said:

I tried mouse wheel down for melee, and I think you're misinterpreting what's happening.

It seems the game queues up one extra attack if it receives more than one single melee input. For example, Tapping E two times (while the first attack is still in progress) executes two attacks, as expected, but tapping it three times executes two attacks as well. The mouse wheel is sending single inputs, but it's sending a lot more than can be executed, so you get this one extra attack. So if my theory is correct, just disabling auto melee will not fix your issue.

I'm not sure how it worked before the update, but I did use melee to switch back from operator to warframe, and when I pressed E multiple times, it would queue up multiple attacks (but I don't remember if it was only two or more).

All I know is that before the update, while using the mouse wheel I could consistently do single attacks with the mouse wheel, and stop on a dime any time I wanted during a melee chain by changing how fast I was jiggling the wheel, and since the update and the inclusion of auto melee I'm getting an unwanted follow up attacks like 80-90% of the time while using the wheel, while I can still precisely stop attacking whenever I want when using a button or key. I just want the same level of control with the mouse wheel again as I had before.

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That's a hell of a lot to read DE, well done, that looked like a lot of work to put it all together. 👍

20 hours ago, iHeuksal said:

Great. Another frame being slapped onto a useless dojo exclusive room.

Did you guys not receive the feedback about Yareli being also dojo exclusive? No one liked that approach, as this is pretty lazy and excludes lots of players from obtaining a frame being that specifically restricted. I have no issues getting that frame, yet the room will be destroyed once people got the frame, and newcomers will have just bad luck never getting that frame, I guess.

Nice work, DE.

So to get the frame we need to build ANOTHER Dojo room. :facepalm:

Well that screws over our Dojo, I have to destroy rooms and rebuild things to have space now, the old builders didn't think much about the future and now it's come back to bite us me on the arse seeing I do all the upkeep now.

Oh well, I guess I have heaps of time to stockpile the resources I need to research the blueprints for the frame, please STOP adding rooms just for ONE Warframe, as much as it looks an awesome room DE please stop, rebuilding dojo to have room is time-consuming.


Great looking update DE, time will tell how it all plays out. :highfive:


Edited by Slayer-.
Typo 'frame' not 'frames'
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vor 15 Stunden schrieb CookieCutter:

Can we get a fix for Nova's Wormhole ability? For months now it's been bugged in that while using it mid-air, often when you go through the portal you end up with your camera facing a random direction instead of facing straight ahead, the same way as it was facing when you entered it.

@CookieCutter @LittleLeoniePrime Could you please confirm if this issue still happens on the current patch? I just checked with Host and Client and found no issues. We fixed some very similar issues with Operator Transference and Titania earlier this year, possibly that also fixed Nova Wormhole?


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