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Incarnons have been great, when do you guys expect the next set of incarnons and what weapons do you want to see?


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Not all incarnons have been great. Zylock and Vasto are not very good, either to charge or for their actual incarnon form fires. Also I am personally quite sick of the extreme overemphasis on headshots for nearly everything, especially on weapon types not known for accuracy (cheesing it with lots of multishot on a shotgun and STILL only getting a single pellet worth of incarnon charge is annoying) or on guns that are too finicky about exactly  (to the pixel) where you have to hit to count as a headshot.

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My hope moreso lies in having new incarnons that are unique instead of making them different variations of one another (Braton and Burston for example) or having incarnons that aren't just "it turns into an AOE rocket launcher"

That said, personally want to see one for the Glaxion for some reason. Also incarnons for some corpus weapons like the Dera since i believe we don't really have a corpus weapon that has one and also incarnons for some snipers, like the Vulkar and maybe some more melee ones for the more unique weapons like the Kestrel for glaives or the Sarpa (or Redeemer) for gunblades.

6 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

Not all incarnons have been great. Zylock and Vasto are not very good, either to charge or for their actual incarnon form fires. Also I am personally quite sick of the extreme overemphasis on headshots for nearly everything, especially on weapon types not known for accuracy (cheesing it with lots of multishot on a shotgun and STILL only getting a single pellet worth of incarnon charge is annoying) or on guns that are too finicky about exactly  (to the pixel) where you have to hit to count as a headshot.

Also do wish some weapons were easier to charge the incarnons for. Some weapons can activate their forms really quickly while others take multiple shots just to be able to activate it. Could also be interesting to see some of the less interesting incarnons be buffed. I see no reason to use the Gorgon's incarnon over just murdering everything with my prisma gorgon for one example.

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I love the idea of different weapon types having incarnons. I was surprised to see 2 scythes and 2 heavy hammers. Instead of say, Korrudo or hirudo, weapons that belong to the very underused sparring weapon type. Shaku or even the already arguably good ninkondi might've been nice as well, the stance is so much fun for nunchaks. On the weapon side of things they change so incredibly much that it doesn't matter too much which weapons are incarnoned because their alter-ego can be a completely different weapon-type tbh. And then it's more about what the incarnon version of a weapon does and I'm more interested in odd interesting effects than what the 'parent' weapon was.

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8 minutes ago, crazywolfpusher said:

I only want the Vasto Incarnon evolution to be automated. Having to manually evolve it every few shots it's very annoying. That or increase it's magazine by a huge amount.

I really feel you. The vasto was such a disappointment. They really should have done the euphona or something.

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1 hour ago, Goldenrice said:

Giving incarnon upgrades to older and weaker guns have been one of the best additions in recent years.  I'm excited to see what other weapons get the incarnon upgrade

I just want an incarnon that is a one shot laser that has infinite punchthrough, massive beam width and a holy metric buttload of damage.

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Hopefully the devstream at least drops a hint that more Incarnon or a parallel  are in the works.

47 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

guns that are too finicky about exactly  (to the pixel) where you have to hit to count as a headshot.

Which ones?  The one  I one I expected to have this problem was Miter because of its large projectiles, but it's extremely forgiving.   There are several I still haven't made yet though.

The most difficult one for me is Strun, but that's an overkill issue a lot more than an accuracy issue.  Once I'm dealing with tough enough enemies, I have no problems with it.  And several weapons have disproportionately high charge ceilings for the payoff.  But again, that's a different sort of issue.

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Tigris incarnon where it makes the Tigris full auto, firing dragon's breath rounds.

Kohm incarnon that turns it into a beam shotgun not unlike the phantasma.

Veldt incarnon that turns it into an LMG, with infinite body PT and LOTS of ammo.

Daikyu incarnon that fires multiple homing arrows per draw, all homing in on the heads of different targets.

Hema incarnon that lasts for a set duration, much like melee incarnons. chain beam that draws ammo from your health and restores it on kill.

Amprex incarnon where it turns the amprex into an auto-charge weapon (like the Gorgon incarnon). Each shot will chain up to 7 instead of 5 enemies dealing massive damage. retains the funny chain beam punch through interaction.

Karak incarnon given the ricochet mechanic, with better damage and stats.

Flux Rifle incarnon given Ocucor's tendrils. Was gonna say Spectra here but didn't wanna take this away from the Ocucor in the same weapon slot.

Opticor incarnon that fires a beacon, and, after a few seconds, calls in an orbital strike. (idea 1)

Opticor incarnon that fires an extremely wide and big laser. (idea 2) 

Hikou incarnon that turns the shurikens into giant fuma shurikens. much, much wider projectile with no arcing and infinite punch through. bonus: have the Naruto shuriken sound effect play as the projectiles are in flight.


Edited by Skoomaseller
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Ghoulsaw incarnon


Especially if it can shoot saw blades on heavy attacks. That 1.0 follow through will be amazing for that.


1 hour ago, Thural said:

Scindo would be appreciated, little guy got left behind :(

Ehh, it's an early game heavy blade.

Yes Duviri makes 2h Nikana an easy farm now but it's still a different weapon type.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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I expect we wont see any more incarnons. As is standard in WF, new stuff comes out, gets attention and updates, and then is forgotten and the new thing is made.

DE have said they're done with duviri, so I'd really not expect any more incarnons, especially if they try doing the whole "you can buy it with plat" thing again, cause that didn't get a lot of good feedback!

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1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:

Which ones?  The one  I one I expected to have this problem was Miter because of its large projectiles, but it's extremely forgiving.   There are several I still haven't made yet though.

For charging the incarnons, the pistols all have this. ASome are more anoying that others. The Vasto and Zylock are horrible feeling compared to the Lex or Lato just due to how small their incarnon ammo is and/or how finky they are too use, so you spend a lot of time visibly hitting the heads and not getting charges because you were JUST to the side because you keep having to reload them.

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3 hours ago, (NSW)Malikili said:

I would love to see a Stug Incarnon 

Would unironically use it

Worst gun ever gets an incarnon mode that makes it statistically the best gun ever.  Would be great.  All you have to do is get a few headshots....with a Stug....a basic form Stug....

Ya know, maybe we should at least get a Kuva Stug first so that we'll have a basic form gun that won't rely on depression as ammo.

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24 minutes ago, Raarsi said:

Worst gun ever gets an incarnon mode that makes it statistically the best gun ever.  Would be great.  All you have to do is get a few headshots....with a Stug....a basic form Stug....

Ya know, maybe we should at least get a Kuva Stug first so that we'll have a basic form gun that won't rely on depression as ammo.

Headshot kills would be bad, but Stug is not that bad to get headshots with.  One of the slowest projectiles, multi probably won't count at all, and its "contact" damage doesn't work for headshot triggers.  But the explosion is very forgiving about them.  Plus, one of the many, many perks of being the Stug is there's not much chance of overkill!

Not that I'd enjoy it if it needed, say, 40 headshots to fully charge, lol.


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  • Dera (it needs so much help!)
    • Incarnon form idea: Imagine the Incarnon Dread/Paris, but full auto (of course, weaker per shot).
    • PLEASE have basic critboosters on evolution 4 (akin to how the Braton has 3 good critchoices).
  • Baza
    • Incarnon form idea: Sonic cannon, but silent (ironically)! Basically, it could function similar to a full auto Catchmoon (of course, weaker per shot).
  • Grinlok
    • Incarnon form idea: Think semiauto Opticor beam, but instead of the beam being explosive, the beam simply pierces enemies in a thick, hitscan line.
  • Exergis
    • Incarnon form idea: More of the same; LOTS of multishot, with 50% of the pellets having high punchthrough, the other 50% having homing ricochet (Like Lato/Bronco).
  • Akstiletto
    • Incarnon form idea: Superfast-firing, superbig-magazined fullauto laserbeams (think Tenet Flux Rifle gone bonkers).
  • Twin Gremlins
    • Incarnon form idea: Fullauto shotgun nailgun, with enemy punchthrough and terrain bounces.
  • Sicarus
    • Incarnon form idea: Shoots 3 vertical blades, with very fast travel speed. 1 blade is always dead centre, the other 2 spreads slowly apart. Damage is very slash-centric, and has high punchthrough.
  • Fang
    • Incarnon form idea: Phantom reverb: All attacks are copied 0,1 sec after by an after-image. These copy attacks deal less damage (like 30%) and has less combo chance (like 50%?).
  • Twin Basolk
    • Incarnon form idea: Heavy attacks produce powrful fiery explosions in front of you.
Edited by Azamagon
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1 hour ago, Raarsi said:

Worst gun ever gets an incarnon mode that makes it statistically the best gun ever.  Would be great.  All you have to do is get a few headshots....with a Stug....a basic form Stug....

Torid and Angstrum Incarnons don't require headshots, so why would Stug? it can just be made to get direct hits instead, I've been fooling around with it recently and when it crits, it can actually damage steel path enemies, but even with crit mods it never wants to do it. it's really sad that this s the ONLY gun in the game that's basically never been buffed in any way, but knowing DE a Stug Incarnon would probably end up being stupidly strong, and it's be glorious.

I'll run SP circuit for any new Incarnons regardless, but for the Stug 2.0, I will dive into the depths of the void itself!

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Not sure about when. We had to wait a fair bit from the first generation of Incarnon to the second generation, but with the second generation, we did get a seventh wave a few short months after. Could also be possible, that we get a new system or a modified system as well. Or just another new wave, I'd enjoy that too. As far as what I'd want? 

Tigris Incarnon. Is probably my most wanted and desired. I just really like the gun, and think it being a top or the top meta option for shotguns would be fun. For historic and legacy reasons. I still use it, its still fun, and its still decent but eh... Daikyu Incarnon. Importantly though, I want the Incarnon to lean into the bows design, and specifically not be like the Paris or Dread. The draw should still be slow and heavy, and the Incarnon should reflect that somehow, whilst also being devastating. Sybaris. Just really like the gun and design of lever actions. Could be the kind of weapon, that even if the Incarnon isn't necessarily great, I would enjoy the basic buffs. Not saying I want the Incarnon to be bad but yeah. There are a few others too, that I would like, like a sniper weapon, maybe an Archgun too. 

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