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My account got banned, please help


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I got an email from the Warframe game, that my account was banned for some unreasonable reason. Previously, I had made many product purchase transactions via Steam. And why does Warframe ask me to pay 2198 currency to restore my banned account? Is this a scam or something? This is blackmail. Please follow up again. Whatever it is, it's not allowed. I've purchase a lot in here. Thank you warframe team Please give return my warframe account


you can see the picture below





Edited by FREIREN
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Did you recently do a high value trade?  If so, likely what happened is the person you traded with had platinum that was fraudulently obtained.  Unfortunately what happens in cases like this is innocent people get caught in the crossfire as despite the fact that DE seems to be able to track how platinum moves through the playerbase, they choose to remove it from and punish the person who currently has it, rather than the person who illegally obtained it.

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I don't know that problem. I play with my brother/sister and trade stuffs. just like good mods or bundle pack gift, is that illegal? Why don't they limit it? How horrible this game system, as a new player that want to play serious, i'm getting ilfeel.

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Negative plat balance, nothing new there.


Basically, you traded with someone who acquired plat through illegal means (stolen credit cards for example), someone reported the theft, and DE pulled that illegal plat out of the system.

Since it happened to be in your wallet at the time, and your remaining balance after that removal is less than zero, you went into the negative.


It's not so much that DE is trying to blackmail you, it's just that you happened to become the victim of someone else's crime.



That said, this is the user forums, not the support desk. We can't do anything to help you. All we can do is tell you that you're not the first who had this happen to them, and you won't be the last.

All you can do is purchase the plat needed to get into the positive again. It sucks, but that's how it works.


In the future, don't trade for stupid amounts like 2K, and never spend more plat at once than you'd be willing to purchase with real money.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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6 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

TBH, you're better off just abandoning the account and starting a fresh one

and its better than having to pay off that debt

I just casual player, im rarely to play and when im playing its time to play together.

If i make a fresh account, its wasting my time. 

The problem its not fast progress or something, but this is my account


Its not about how expensive the platinum is, if i pay the debt will i get suspend again after another trades in other day?


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20 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Negative plat balance, nothing new there.


Basically, you traded with someone who acquired plat through illegal means (stolen credit cards for example), someone reported the theft, and DE pulled that illegal plat out of the system.

Since it happened to be in your wallet at the time, and your remaining balance after that removal is less than zero, you went into the negative.


It's not so much that DE is trying to blackmail you, it's just that you happened to become the victim of someone else's crime.



That said, this is the user forums, not the support desk. We can't do anything to help you. All we can do is tell you that you're not the first who had this happen to them, and you won't be the last.

All you can do is purchase the plat needed to get into the positive again. It sucks, but that's how it works.


In the future, don't trade for stupid amounts like 2K, and never spend more plat at once than you'd be willing to purchase with real money.

They said they trade with their sibling. So not always “illegal”.  This could be a result of a charge back, which some banks have been known to do for things like microtransactions in games without the card holders authorization. Especially if those funds are going to another country (Canada in this case) (Assuming OP is not Canadian)

This is pretty common in FFXIV

Edited by (PSN)FirmBizkit
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6 minutes ago, FREIREN said:

if i pay the debt will i get suspend again after another trades in other day?

Only if your platinum goes in the negative again, which it shouldn't since the chance of getting handed illegal plat twice in a row is quite low.


As I mentioned before;

20 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

In the future, don't trade for stupid amounts like 2K, and never spend more plat at once than you'd be willing to purchase with real money.


1 minute ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

They said they trade with their sibling. So not always “illegal”.  This could be a result of a charge back, which some banks have been known to do for things like microtransactions in games without the card holders authorization. Especially if those funds are going to another country (Canada in this case) (Assuming OP is not Canadian)

Well, maybe one of the siblings got handed bad plat before OP did.

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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

Only if your platinum goes in the negative again, which it shouldn't since the chance of getting handed illegal plat twice in a row is quite low.


As I mentioned before;


Well, maybe one of the siblings got handed bad plat before OP did.

…or that too. Just elaborating on different possibilities.

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They gave me the platinum and i gave them some mods or prime to help their progress, and i have to paid their platinum again Thats funny system, i tot the trades works for mutualism but they dont

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There's nothing anyone can do to help you. You'll have to buy plat to get your balance back above the negatives. Also just as a note since it was mentioned earlier, if you do make a new account you might get banned again on that one for "ban evading" if DE finds out.

Whatever you do if you make it back into the game somehow be wary of making large scale trades in the future. Even if the plat comes from someone you know make sure to find out where they got the plat from.

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hace 2 horas, FREIREN dijo:

I play with my brother/sister and trade stuffs

You all live and play in the same place? If the answer is YES then I have the bad news for you that it is illegal to trade with the same IP/moden.

That's why you have to read ALL the rules of the game.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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2 hours ago, FREIREN said:

It's alright if they won't return my account, i'll find another game with friendly-multiplayer system like Elden Ring or Monster Hunter World. Thank's for wasting my time.

You've been told multiple times to contact support.


Again, this has nothing to do with DE trying to scam you, you just happened to be in the wrong trade at the wrong time.

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3 hours ago, FREIREN said:

It's alright if they won't return my account, i'll find another game with friendly-multiplayer system like Elden Ring or Monster Hunter World. Thank's for wasting my time.

No one here can do anything to help besides telling you to go to support. Give it a shot and explain what happened in detail and professionally.

Also when the trade is big don't spend plat you recently acquired immediately, wait a bit if the quantity is that big

Edited by (XBOX)C11H22O11
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2 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I have the bad news for you that it is illegal to trade with the same IP/moden.

No, it is not. It is illegal to trade between your own accounts. But two separate accounts on same IP are totally fine.

Edited by Zakkhar
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7 hours ago, FREIREN said:

They gave me the platinum and i gave them some mods or prime to help their progress, and i have to paid their platinum again Thats funny system, i tot the trades works for mutualism but they dont

its the anti laundry system (criminals transferring the bad plat to another so its safer to spend), unfortunately. the general advice is that you dont spend any plat you got in a suspicious (overly generous) trade for around a week just in case is a bad plat.

The only ones that can help you now is support, explaining the situation - and remember to be "polite".

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This is why you should always be weary of large plat trades

If you got negative platinum you either

A. Bought plat, spent it, then refunded it (charged back)

B. Found a scammer who gave you a ton of platinum, then charged back just too screw you

A is on you, while B can be fixed… it’s possible if you remember the username of the person you traded you the platinum in the first place. You can send a ticket to support about it. There should be logs about it. 
Edit: On closer examination it seems your forums account was made less than 2 weeks ago… curious

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hace 3 horas, Zakkhar dijo:

No, it is not. It is illegal to trade between your own accounts. But two separate accounts on same IP are totally fine.

As long as he can ''prove'' the 3 accounts are operated by 3 different people, he shouldn't get in trouble. He need to prove it because ''DE'' is not going to verify it so much.

For example, if he opened his account on his brothers PC or his brothers opened their accounts on his PC, that may imply that it is the same person and I'm not saying that's the case but that's how DE or any other game company can understand it.

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