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Survival. WTF???

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Why one mission i have all 10 reactant in like 2-3 minutes then in the next I get 9 because one fell down in an abyss. Seriously WTF is wrong with DE? It's annoying as hell to get a squad for a rad share but to have a 10th reactant drop at 4:59 and it falls off a walkway over a bottomless pit after 5min in mission is frustrating as ALL HELL.

Survival should drop the 11th reactant, at a minimum, at 4:50 so if for some reason the tenth is out of reach you have a bot of time for the next one. 

Rant over. Ugh

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Uh...I've had a lot of situations where more than 10 reactant have dropped in survival fissures (which disappear when the 10th is picked up), the only way not enough reactant will drop in my experience is if the group is spreading the spawns or there's an overzealous nuke frame.

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The only time I've ever had this happen specifically in survival is when all the players in the session are super spread out, and they keep selectively hogging the fissure spawns (and subsequent reactant drop). I'd make sure everyone is staying together and that they give ample time for enough enemies to become corrupted by the fissure (i.e. not instantly nuking all enemies within' a 50m radius).

I do think they should raise the reactant drop rate (or void fissure / corruption rate) a bit, but in my experience this issue is rather rare compared to the amount of relics run (happens maybe once or twice every few weeks to me).

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I can see how that would suck. IMO all corrupted enemies should be guaranteed to drop reactant, that way DE don't have to worry about the spawn differences on PC vs console, and we can open relics faster. it would also be great if reactant was shared in normal missions like it is in Railjack missions, so that late-joiners don't hold people back in public games. 

oh, to live in a perfect world...

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My biggest beef is doing low level exterminate fissures with a full squad. Especially on the Earth tilesets. Because unless you're going super slow, you will never spawn enough reactant to crack the relics. DE seriously need to buff the drop rate of reactant in missions or just straight up rework fissures in general so enemies don't need to get corrupted first in order to drop them.

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10 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

just straight up rework fissures in general so enemies don't need to get corrupted first in order to drop them.

Honestly, just having the fissure itself spawn in already corrupted enemies would be nice too, so you don't have to wait for enemies to group around it and then be invulnerable as they stagger for a few seconds. Idk how that works from a thematic point of view (enemies becoming corrupted by fissures requires enemies, so are these new ones coming from the void or what) but it's an improvement for gameplay at least.

They could also go the route of "all enemies in this mission are corrupted from the global fissures" and just make them all drop reactant to begin with too, but I think they're less likely to make that change unless they nerf reactant drop rates (due to the sheer number of enemies that would be present and all corrupted).

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58 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I did not reference disappearance of reactant AFTER getting 10. I am talking about missions where the 10th reactant spawns a few seconds before 5min. 

You seem to be under some impression the game decides to only spawn 10 reactant and at predetermined spots 

No. The game spawns reactant after X number of kills (between about 1 and 10) and will happily spawn 30 or more if you can kill corrupted enemies that fast

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The issue is people just don't know how fissures work in missions. Five minutes is long enough of a time spam for 10 reactant to drop. Even Disruption rounds are short enough to give out 10 reactants. 

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1 hour ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

it's a console problem. Low spawn = low drop.

Not really, it's survival itself, especially on the very first two rounds. In comparison, Railjack enemies are maybe ten times more likely to drop reactants. 

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Players running through nuking all the enemies before they have a chance to corrupt is what causes reactant to be scarce. (unless you spawn into the mission late, which is another separate issue).

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Why one mission i have all 10 reactant in like 2-3 minutes then in the next I get 9 because one fell down in an abyss. Seriously WTF is wrong with DE? It's annoying as hell to get a squad for a rad share but to have a 10th reactant drop at 4:59 and it falls off a walkway over a bottomless pit after 5min in mission is frustrating as ALL HELL.

Survival should drop the 11th reactant, at a minimum, at 4:50 so if for some reason the tenth is out of reach you have a bot of time for the next one. 

Rant over. Ugh

Are you fighting near the rifts or camping out in one spot elsewhere?

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1 hour ago, VibingCat said:

Not really, it's survival itself, especially on the very first two rounds. In comparison, Railjack enemies are maybe ten times more likely to drop reactants. 

The purpose of survival is to kill as many enemies as possible to maintain life support. While in Railjack it's possible for some players to never encounter enemies, thus the drop rate is both higher and Reactant is shared across players. These are two entirely different situations.

And no, the issue really is players. Even with low spawn rates all anyone needs to do is wait for Corrupted enemies. Players killing non-corrupted enemies or doing other things to hinder spawn rates are intentionally hindering the mission.

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Playing pub groups I've noticed rather than staying in the same room/area or at least a room over players seem to split off across the other side of the map and get there 10 because well they may have got a better spawn route of enemies, yes it's a pain in the arse. I get around it by when the time is in the last minute or two I'll run around the map to where everybody else has been before to top off the 10 if I hadn't already gotten mine where I was.

The simple answer DE needs to turn off enemy density or up it for consoles, equal rights blah blah.



Seeing you're now playing with the big boys/girls on PC.   /j

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So there are a few different potential problems possibly interacting here, each with different or similar solutions. I'll leave my personal opinion for last. 

1. One issue is different hardware can offer different enemy density. I'm not personally certain on the exact discrepancy, as far as different PC's specs, the difference between console generations, so on, how it affects other modifiers like Steel Path, but yeah.

2. Somewhat similar, even on the same platform, certain maps, tile sets, factions, can have certain issues that influence Reactant gain. Certain Corpus tile sets and enemy behaviour can impede goals.

3. Player understanding and behaviour. I want to clarify though, that I am not necessarily claiming that this overall issue is something all players need to work around, but it is a variable. With players that know to stick together, and employ the really basic ability to stop shooting for a second or two... Like on certain maps, there are actual spots, that the Void likes to breach to corrupt enemies. If you ignore such areas a little, to let enemies get there, more of them will be corrupted, leading to more Reactant faster. If you do enough Void Relics and observe a little, you just come to note such areas. I know them really well on Defence tile sets, since I move around less. You can actually speed up missions this way too, since a 1 or 2 second pause to get more Reactant faster, gets you to 10 faster and then you can kill harder and faster without a care. 

4. Somewhat related to above, but player behaviour. Having players split up and go across the map from each other... 

5. Compounding issues. I remember playing a Conjunction Survival with one particular PC host, where enemies constantly flooded each player from every direction. They were spread out a bit, and I would move between them (to kill Thrax, Acolyte), it was great, felt swarmed from every direction. I imagine with that sort of enemy density, it could lead to certain players not thinking that sticking together is a necessity. If a player usually does Steel Path Kuva Survivals, Reactant isn't rarely ever an issue, so doing a normal Lith Survival against Corpus might see issues they don't encounter elsewhere. 

As far as solutions, well there are some player side solutions, because there are ways for players to avoid or minimise above issues... I do think the game could do more though. Some scenarios need the help more, but it really doesn't feel good when the success of your mission is dependent on random players behaviours and actions. As in one random player who runs away from the squad and takes enemy aggro with them. Even if I think some players could benefit from understanding the corruption mechanics and locations... and just being more tactical, also don't think other players time should be wasted if such players just go full on trigger and ability happy with nuking. Player scaling options in normal missions would be nice too. I personally opt for Steel Path because of this, but I also find Steel Path a breezy experience, and I don't think thats necessarily fair. Alternatively some way to ensure Reactant even if enemy density is less, could also be an alternative solution. 

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hace 22 horas, VibingCat dijo:

Not really, it's survival itself, especially on the very first two rounds. In comparison, Railjack enemies are maybe ten times more likely to drop reactants. 

I see... well I have my own anecdote about it. I went on vacation a few years ago and well, I took my Switch and Xbox with me and what op says happened to me over and over again in the  two consoles but oh well, what a surprise it doesn't happen to me when I'm the host in pc  but it does when the host is a console player, it's an interesting coincidence I suppose then.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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1 hour ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I see... well I have my own anecdote about it. I went on vacation a few years ago and well, I took my Switch and Xbox whit me and what op says happened to me over and over again in the  two consoles but oh well, what a surprise it doesn't happen to me when I'm the host in pc  but it does when the host is a console player, it's an interesting coincidence I suppose then.

It's also true that console hosts have worse spawns, I noticed that too.

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10 hours ago, trst said:

As always wait for enemies to get corrupted before killing them especially in situations where the spawn rate is lower.

As I wait in front of 10 or so enemies waiting for them to get corrupted, someone will always catch up and nuke them before they become corrupted. The only solution is to head back where you came from and pick off stragglers that they ignored. You then see the rest of the squad heading back where I’ve been cause those enemies actually dropped reactant. A problem with a lot of the missions is that players think having the highest kill count is the objective of the mission. When players know what they are doing, you can get 10 reactant in under a minute right at the start of the mission so you can go nuts after that.

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8 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

simple answer DE needs to turn off enemy density or up it for consoles

You're assuming i was the host. I wasn't. But even if I was I have no issue with spawns on the xbox series x. I don't see a difference at all if im host or not. Being wired cat6 seems fine.

Edited by (XBOX)Player244024418
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vor 12 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)Player244024418:

Why one mission i have all 10 reactant in like 2-3 minutes then in the next I get 9 because one fell down in an abyss. Seriously WTF is wrong with DE? It's annoying as hell to get a squad for a rad share but to have a 10th reactant drop at 4:59 and it falls off a walkway over a bottomless pit after 5min in mission is frustrating as ALL HELL.

Survival should drop the 11th reactant, at a minimum, at 4:50 so if for some reason the tenth is out of reach you have a bot of time for the next one. 

Rant over. Ugh

true. Apparently there are hardly any bots. so why not do the whole thing like in railjack??? So one player can collect stuff for the whole team and no one complains. because what the hell is that supposed to mean? someone is at the bottom of the world and far from the team. and no one gets the mats for relic unlock`???????????????????
WHAT THE ???????????????????

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