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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.1


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Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.1


  • Adjusted GI Lighting in the Orbiter to improve lighting on various Decorations. 
    • Also fixed an issue with the glass shelves appearing translucent in the Personal Quarters. 
  • Removed the ability to use Noctua in Archwing/Submersible Archwing.
    • This matches the standard for other similar Exalted weapons.
    • This change also fixes cases of Dante losing access to his Secondary weapon and Abilities when in Submersible Archwing with Noctua active.
  • Added a duration cap to Chroma’s Guardian Armor Augment Mod.
    • This Augment was intended to offer players a way to extend its duration but was released uncapped, resulting in some pretty impressive numbers. For the sake of balance, we have capped this bonus time at your current modded Vex Armor duration.


  • Fixed being unable to trade newly Unveiled Rivens.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Tributa Dojo Decorations to load in the wrong order, which would affect the displays players created using them.
  • Fixed context action to access Deep Archimedea appearing in the Sanctum Anatomica.
  • Fixed issues with the new GI Lighting in the Obiter, Railjack, and login screen that caused crucial real-time lights not to appear based on certain Video Settings. 
  • Fixed the Rogue Bonewidow’s Morgha having an extremely high fire rate for Clients compared to Host. 
  • Fixed Red Energy colors appearing pink/magenta across Warframes, Attachments (notably VFX-heavy Syandanas), and Weapons. 
    • Also fixed cases where red, orange, and brown Energy colors looked like they were more yellow.  
  • Fixed returning from a Host Migration with Noctua equipped resulting in an unmodded version of Noctua replacing Dante’s secondary weapon.
  • Fixes towards Fog of War being white instead of its original default gray with the new GI Lighting system in Orbiters. 
  • Fixed Elemental FX applying to the entirety of the Tequihua Polearm Skin instead of just the striking end. 
  • Fixed Entrati Lanthorns dropped from the Gruzzling counting as progress towards the “The Hunt is On” (Find X Syndicate Medallions) Nightwave Act. 
  • Fixed a loss of function that could occur when accessing your Incubator’s Imprint list.  
  • Fixed getting stuck auto-meleeing after interacting with the stay/leave screen in the Circuit. 
  • Fix Slam Attacks not benefiting from Melee Slam Damage Mods. 
  • Fixed the “Ammo Pickup” secondary stat not being visible inside of the Magazine tooltip.
  • Fixed Rogue Bonewidow not appearing in the Codex. 
  • Fixed Onos having animation misalignment issues during its Incarnon Form blast attack.
  • Fixed being able to walk out of the map in the Albrecht's Bureau and The Abandoned Vessel Captura Scenes.
  • Fixed a case of leaving the Leverian resulting in a black screen and players having their game be black and white. We will neither confirm nor deny if this brought you back to Warframe 1920.  
  • Fixed issues with the Onos’ beam effect having sporadic motion.
  • Fixed being unable to progress in the Rising Tide Quest if attempting to repair Railjack without being in a Clan (which was an old requirement from back in the day that snuck back in somehow!).
  • Fixed clipping halfway into the ground when deploying Archwing as Chroma while Effigy is active. 
  • Fixed Protea’s utility belt clipping through many Syandanas. 
  • Fixed getting an error when attempting to purchase something from Cephalon Simaris. 
    • Error message read: “The transaction could not be completed. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later”. 
  • Fixed some minor visual glitches that could occur on some Weapon attachments. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by the “Return to Duviri” context option that appears in the Undercroft lobby when more than 50% of the Squad is still in Duviri (introduced in Dante Unbound).  
  • Fixed a crash caused by the new Armatus node on Deimos. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by Dante’s Final Verse ability.
  • Fixed a crash caused by hovering over the Tenno Guide while in a mission. 
  • Fixed a crash in Captura while in any of the Duviri Landscape Scenes.
  • Fixed an extremely rare crash that could occur when joining a mission in progress. 
  • Fixed several script errors caused by Gruzzling enemies. 
  • Fixed a script error that could break the Chat window if you opened it while being disconnected. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by the Batch Remove option in the Friends list. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Yareli’s Merulina. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Loki’s Damage Decoy Augment Mod. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Incubator UI. 
  • Fixed several script errors caused by Dante’s Final Verse ability. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Rhino’s Roar ability. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by viewing Crew Members at Ticker. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Gauss’ Mach Rush ability.
  • Fixed a script error caused by Chroma’s Vex Armor ability.  
  • Fixed a script error caused by Inaros’ Scarab Swarm. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Rogue Necramechs in the Whispers in the Walls Quest. 
  • Fixed a script error in the Netracell caused by carrying the Knifestep Keyglyph and using Transference/Merulina/Necramech. 
    • Additionally, fixed Knifestep not activating consistently while moving. 
  • Fixed a script error when sorting by Owned/Rarity in the Arcane list accessed from the Upgrade screen (this was causing a loss of function). 
  • Fixed a script error when interacting with the Steel Path Bounties in Cetus, Fortuna, and the Necralisk. 
  • Fixing a script error caused by removing Noctua off Dante via Helminth and then casting his other abilities. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Dante’s Pageflight ability. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by one of the plaques in Dante’s Leverian. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by the new Map Legend (introduced in Dante Unbound). 
  • Fixed several script errors (notably while riding Merulina/controlling Necramech)  in the Effervo, Assassination mission on Deimos. 

For list of known issues for Dante Unbound, visit our dedicated thread: 

Edited by [DE]Megan
added 2 missed fixes (Rivens and Tributas)
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Heya! Just curious about the bug with Parasitic Vitality showing strengths scaling in the UI: is this intended? Because if it's supposed to scale with strength it is not working. Also, if it's not intended, it should be.

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed Red Energy colors appearing pink/magenta across Warframes, Attachments (notably VFX-heavy Syandanas), and Weapons. 
    • Also fixed cases where red, orange, and brown Energy colors looked like they were more yellow.  

So... What about us with the Black+Orange energy?


'Cuz it's still not changed.


Also, the Orbiter looks barely changed.
The only thing I THINK changed is that my colors on the Warframe itself no longer reverse themselves.
EDIT: Hold on, think the problem still exists. It's just in other areas.
Great hotfix guys, keep your hands off the lighting engine once it's PROPERLY fixed.


Guess we're getting this fixed in 2035, huh?

Edited by Binket_
It's right there.
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4 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed a script error when interacting with the Steel Path Bounties in Cetus, Fortuna, and the Necralisk. 

Is this referring to the acknowledged issue of incorrect standing gains? If so, I did a mission on Zariman and it had the same issue prior to the hotfix. Only got 3 plumes from a T5 SP bounty instead of the expected 8 plumes.

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3 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

I'm disappointed on the nerf to exodia contagion, it doesn't feel that good to use anymore. Oh well, it was inevitable I guess.

Wasn't a nerf, this was intended to be fixed some time ago, can't remember what update it was, but it didn't take hold and so they finally were able to fix it as it was an unintended interaction. :)

Jim Bean Dancing GIF

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21 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.1


  • Adjusted GI Lighting in the Orbiter to improve lighting on various Decorations. 
    • Also fixed an issue with the glass shelves appearing translucent in the Personal Quarters. 


I appreciate that you are looking into this (as I reported here: 


However, I dont see any change after this hotfix, the whole orbiter still looks pretty dark to almost black, sadly.

Edited by -FrutyX-
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Ty for the hotfix! My orbiter is now a bit brighter! Would really like to see some source lights that we could move around that didn't cost capacity, so those who have heavily decorated orbiters can make theirs a little brighter and let in some more light!wTkISg0.png

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Love the changes to Inaros so far, but one small thing:


His 4th scaling with just health, although it does a pretty useful guaranteed proc corrosive damage, doesn't feel quite powerful enough. I'd love a small sprinkle of Ability Strength also affecting it, even if it were to be like 10% Health * ((1+Ability Strength)/2) or something


Inaros has LOTS of health yes, but 10% of even 10k will be, at best, 1k non-true-damage/s for 15 seconds, which means that AT BEST(in a neutral case) it does 15k damage total. Most enemies I tested against(the higher level ones that have lots of armor) are taking about 100~500 even at max corrosive stacks


Or maybe make it spread more easily, by allowing each new instance(summoned by the cats) to infinitely spread like saryn's 2, by adding a fresh new 15s timer to each(also, is it just me or is the corrosive debuff going away once the ability ends?)

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5 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Is this referring to the acknowledged issue of incorrect standing gains? If so, I did a mission on Zariman and it had the same issue prior to the hotfix. Only got 3 plumes from a T5 SP bounty instead of the expected 8 plumes.

This is not related to incorrect Standing earned from those missions. That is still a known issue that we are investigating. Thanks for your patience!

Edited by [DE]Taylor
small grammar tweak
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Black still appears as white when customizing energy color. Many people mix black with brighter energy colors to get a noticeable yet unobtrusive appearance to many abilities, while still looking nice. This is no longer possible.

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Just now, [DE]Taylor said:

This is not related to incorrect Standing earned from those missions. That is still a known issue that we are investigating. Thanks for your patience!

Ah, understood. I will continue to wait patiently... I've got my Netracells to do anyways!

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13 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Added a duration cap to Chroma’s Guardian Armor Augment Mod.
    • This Augment was intended to offer players a way to extend its duration but was released uncapped, resulting in some pretty impressive numbers. For the sake of balance, we have capped this bonus time at your current modded Vex Armor duration.

This is disappointing. Other similar augments, like Eternal War, cap it at a number higher than the modded duration. Eternal War is double the modded duration.

This augment feels pretty bad honestly. Weak healing, poor duration buff.

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