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This Event just shows how lazy warframe players are

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The belly of the beast event is a total joke, easily 60% of the missions i either get someone afk or someone sitting with a revenant in the middle of the elevator doing nothing(same thing) or having people just sitting killing enemies and not collecting a single piece of fuel(loot is more important)

Can we please just do something about it because i might start just going afk too if it just doesnt matter, either add some kind of barrier that moves with the elevator some distance below it so people cant just stay on the spawn or far down and if they do they get teleported to the elevator, the afk issue would be nice to fix too, if they start to afk for too long they will get kicked.

If nothing gets done about the lazy afkers i will start afking myself so my team gets to carry me every mission because i dont see the point try harding all the time.

Thanks DE

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Not liking AFK players is fine, but saying "if this problem isn't addressed im going to be a part of the problem." is a childish way to react.

Plus, this is Warframe, where every single mission can be easily done solo, at pretty much max efficiency. Other players being AFK doesn't really slow things down at all unless you're in a full squad and all 3 other players are afk, so there isnt much of a reason to be this upset.

Yes there should be a way to report players who are afk, maybe the afk timer should be a bit better, but that's no reason to not enjoy the game or new event.

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4 minutes ago, IggySnow said:

Not liking AFK players is fine, but saying "if this problem isn't addressed im going to be a part of the problem." is a childish way to react.

You can find it childish, but they aren't wrong. If you don't address this behavior, don't be surprised that it's the status quo for a population of the playerbase.

Edited by Voltage
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If you're going to be lazy, do it right. Don't AFK instead spam legerdemain, Miasma or do something else that progresses some sort of objective. Don't just cast Mesmer skin and call it a day, you can still play a frame like Revenant without being AFK.

I'm using Ivara's Prowl and invis arrow. Makes the extraction part a breeze and no lasers to worry about during the mission.

That 60% AFK number is exaggerated though, there is no way it is that high from my experience.

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54 minutes ago, 2003kamil said:

someone sitting with a revenant in the middle of the elevator doing nothing

Sounds like you're just playing the event wrong.


If it bothers you enough, fill the group from your clan/alliance and not LFG. Personally, I'd rather not have people waste the pickups and let me do all of them. Mission goes by faster for me when I have something to do.

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I get it, it can be frustrating to see someone leeching.  Even though they're technically not doing anything to you, it just feels like you're being taken advantage of, and that's a bad vibe.

So if you find that you're in a group with someone who's AFK the whole time, by all means, report them.  Rebb has explicitly stated in the past that this falls under the category of "griefing" and is considered an offense.  So report them and then move on knowing you've done your part to clean up the streets (or shafts, as it were).

But I caution you against becoming part of the problem; not only do two wrongs not make a right, but it's self-destructive because then you'll be the one getting reported.

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That sounds like an unfortunate experience, I sympathise. Personally, and I am not saying my experience is the norm or anything, but I haven't actually experienced that in all my runs. I have done about 120 - 150 runs. Mostly just have the new Arcanes to max out. I have pretty good groups on average. Personally I don't really like playing with people who strictly AFK (as opposed to low effort, but relatively active), and rely on others to do everything, I prefer playing with active people, with certain exceptions within reason (if someone has to AFK for real life reasons, versus as a habit or behaviour). Might also be a Region thing or time of playing variable. 

That being said, what do you also mean by AFK? Do you mean players who have a general understanding of how the automated AFK detection systems work, and exploit and abuse them, by occasionally moving their Warframe around a little, every 40 seconds? Do you mean players who are relatively more active who just stay on the elevator and don't find vial charges or beacons and don't do much damage? 

There is something we can do, and thats to report such players, document their habits, submit a ticket, etc. Thing is? Really actually make sure they are AFK in the way that DE is against. I often see people make claims about other peoples behaviour in the game, but often its just that player with a really strong preference about things, unhappy with other peoples playstyles. I am not saying that is the case here, I am saying that evidence, documentation and proof, separates valid claims from more subjective interpretive player suspicions. Personally I come across AFK players so little, when I occasionally do, its not that big a deal. That and I am a little lazy. If it was happening in 60% of my matches, I would start to actually document such behaviour and report it. Maybe even make a little montage clip (blurring out names) to illustrate how severe the problem is, and to back up my own claims, so no one thinks I am being hyperbolic or exaggerating. 

Don't necessarily think your plan is the wisest though. Are you angry at people who AFK because of envy or the idea they are getting rewards from others efforts and you wish you could too? See for me, going AFK sounds like a punishment. I play Warframe to play a game and enjoy it, to be active. I would rather play with other active people generally. I wouldn't want to add or contribute to the problem out of spite, and to spite people who are active, and punish myself by... not being able to play the game. Especially when, if the issue is that bad, i could just document it, and report it (which again, I don't personally encounter the problem nearly enough to think the issue is bad) Again though, not saying my experience is the norm, mission can be done pretty fast and its been over a week, maybe I have been relatively fortunate. Hence my sympathy for those who are experiencing such issues. 

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DE has been fighting AFK or Room Nuke AFK for years.

Comically it's at least in part their fault for having nothing worth while drop from enemies anymore. It's all about the mission complete and pretty much any mission type you can just let players do that for you. Do you think it would be as much a problem if enemies dropped motes? I for one was going nuts killing things for Riven Slivers but seems DE didn't like enemies in a looter shooter dropping loot so now much like most missions. There's no point to killing unless you have to.

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Sadly this is an issue almost as old as the game at this point. And the only times it wasn't a huge problem was before DE started caring about players automating the game with macros.

Unfortunately all one can really do about it is to continue to complain at DE about it, bother to go through with reporting offending players, and stick to playing with those you know or go solo.


25 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Comically it's at least in part their fault for having nothing worth while drop from enemies anymore. It's all about the mission complete and pretty much any mission type you can just let players do that for you. Do you think it would be as much a problem if enemies dropped motes? I for one was going nuts killing things for Riven Slivers but seems DE didn't like enemies in a looter shooter dropping loot so now much like most missions. There's no point to killing unless you have to.

It doesn't matter what they drop as if it was worthwhile players would just occasionally go around picking up everyone else's drops then return to being afk. Also the event is one that already incentivizes playing with collecting boosted capsules. Things would be faster if they helped instead of relying on the rest of their team to know about it and having the ability to collect them all.

All in all it's a sucky issue but one that isn't so easily solved without risking collateral damage.

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I believe that at this point, anyone complaining about PUGs in WF kinda deserves their outcomes. 

I've been saying it for years: random players equals random results.  If by now you haven't figured out that PUGs in general (and events in particular) more often than not will lead to a negative experience,  why continue to PUG?

I'm not even trolling.  I'm genuinely curious as to why anyone who can either run solo or with clan mates opts for what is likely a frustrating time?

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14 minutes ago, trst said:

It doesn't matter what they drop as if it was worthwhile players would just occasionally go around picking up everyone else's drops then return to being afk. Also the event is one that already incentivizes playing with collecting boosted capsules. Things would be faster if they helped instead of relying on the rest of their team to know about it and having the ability to collect them all.

All in all it's a sucky issue but one that isn't so easily solved without risking collateral damage.


It doesn't help missions like Defense with a finite number of enemies. I just think back to when I actually used to fight in Mobile Defense missions trying to push enemy spawns because getting R5 Core drops was a notable thing. Same with Interception. Both missions I just lock it down and sit there because killing enemies just makes the mission harder. This event does rely on pickups but the AFK player doesn't have to care. Slower or Faster it will get done or others are trapped.

If I cared about it. I miss a lot of Endo each mission when it's actually moving fast. That's the difference in designs.
Like I said, I was going nuts on those Riven Slivers though. Now they nerf'd it and I see a lot more lazy players.

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20 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


It doesn't help missions like Defense with a finite number of enemies. I just think back to when I actually used to fight in Mobile Defense missions trying to push enemy spawns because getting R5 Core drops was a notable thing. Same with Interception. Both missions I just lock it down and sit there because killing enemies just makes the mission harder. This event does rely on pickups but the AFK player doesn't have to care. Slower or Faster it will get done or others are trapped.

If I cared about it. I miss a lot of Endo each mission when it's actually moving fast. That's the difference in designs.
Like I said, I was going nuts on those Riven Slivers though. Now they nerf'd it and I see a lot more lazy players.

Endo, slivers, and anything else could drop from enemies in any quantity and it still doesn't change my point. There's no reason for a player to bother when they could just get the drops from those who are actually playing the game. And if other players afk because someone else is then they're just making things even worse for themselves as now they're making no progress and getting no drops either.


32 minutes ago, zThulsaDoomz said:

I believe that at this point, anyone complaining about PUGs in WF kinda deserves their outcomes. 

I've been saying it for years: random players equals random results.  If by now you haven't figured out that PUGs in general (and events in particular) more often than not will lead to a negative experience,  why continue to PUG?

I'm not even trolling.  I'm genuinely curious as to why anyone who can either run solo or with clan mates opts for what is likely a frustrating time?

Except players being intentionally afk is supposed to be a reportable offense.

Random results is one thing but expecting the rules of the game to be followed should be the absolute minimum of expectations. And players shouldn't be expected to go out of their way or to stick to a specific mode just to have their minimum expectations met.

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8 minutes ago, trst said:

Endo, slivers, and anything else could drop from enemies in any quantity and it still doesn't change my point. There's no reason for a player to bother when they could just get the drops from those who are actually playing the game. And if other players afk because someone else is then they're just making things even worse for themselves as now they're making no progress and getting no drops either.


Dumb players I suppose. Higher kill rate, higher spawn rate, higher drop chance, higher drop amount.

If someone wants to nerf their own drop potential to AFK then that's the player. I'm talking about game design catering and discouraging it.

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Sorry folks, but the mission is an "afk" mission. "Wait here to progress". Get a few green things, then AFK till the elevator gets to the top. I'll be Trying to be active and play but, one or two fast Tenno can easily get all necessary green things, and I'm left just hopping around or waiting on the elevator.

Enemy spawns are low and spread out, and slaughtering enemies doesn't make the elevator go faster. One or two fast Tenno can easily end enemies, and I'm left just hopping around looking for enemies or waiting on the elevator. 

I like the event and mission, I really like the big elevator shaft with floors full of enemies, with the ability to freely parkour all around the elevator shaft. I like it, but after a few hours, it's actually kinda boring. It's a waiting gamemode.







The mission plays best with a few AFK players. There just isn't enough "things to do" for a full squad. Full squads with all active players, most boring variation of the mission.

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3 hours ago, 2003kamil said:

someone sitting with a revenant in the middle of the elevator

I'm In This Photo, And I Don't Like It”: The Meme With A Dark Side And How  To Combat It | Pixsy

Another thread where someone in pubs didn't do the thing OP wanted them to, so they're really bad and need to be removed

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I honestly don’t think it’s much of a problem. Even if the other 3 people in the squad are afk, sustaining the elevator by yourself isn’t exactly difficult. So I don’t really understand why you’re getting so upset about it.

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It is probably the most boring mission added to the game in a while. It's hard not to sit around when there's nothing to do for the majority of the mission.

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47 minutes ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

I honestly don’t think it’s much of a problem. Even if the other 3 people in the squad are afk, sustaining the elevator by yourself isn’t exactly difficult. So I don’t really understand why you’re getting so upset about it.

Why should one person be made to solo the mission for the benefit of others? The whole point is that it's unfair for others to get to do nothing while someone who just wanted to play co-op gets stuck with carrying leeches.

It's fine for someone to not be bothered by having dead weight in a squad, some even prefer it for spawns. But not everyone wants to put up with it and don't want to be taken advantage of by people who are already breaking the game's rules.

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3 minutes ago, trst said:

Why should one person be made to solo the mission for the benefit of others? The whole point is that it's unfair for others to get to do nothing while someone who just wanted to play co-op gets stuck with carrying leeches.

It's fine for someone to not be bothered by having dead weight in a squad, some even prefer it for spawns. But not everyone wants to put up with it and don't want to be taken advantage of by people who are already breaking the game's rules.

You’re right, it depends on the person. But similar to life, there’s always some points where you just have to be the responsible one. Otherwise, there’s always the abort mission button.

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24 minutes ago, trst said:

Why should one person be made to solo the mission for the benefit of others? The whole point is that it's unfair for others to get to do nothing while someone who just wanted to play co-op gets stuck with carrying leeches.

You aren't "made" to do anything. You're free to play it by yourself if you don't like what the people in pubs are doing. They can do whatever they want as long as it's within the eula.

Edited by Quest
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

Sorry folks, but the mission is an "afk" mission. "Wait here to progress". Get a few green things, then AFK till the elevator gets to the top. I'll be Trying to be active and play but, one or two fast Tenno can easily get all necessary green things, and I'm left just hopping around or waiting on the elevator.

Enemy spawns are low and spread out, and slaughtering enemies doesn't make the elevator go faster. One or two fast Tenno can easily end enemies, and I'm left just hopping around looking for enemies or waiting on the elevator. 

I like the event and mission, I really like the big elevator shaft with floors full of enemies, with the ability to freely parkour all around the elevator shaft. I like it, but after a few hours, it's actually kinda boring. It's a waiting gamemode.







The mission plays best with a few AFK players. There just isn't enough "things to do" for a full squad. Full squads with all active players, most boring variation of the mission.


and people are burnt out after playing this mission 100 times over non-freacking-stop for the FOMO rewards.

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