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Jade eximus sucks because of the intention implementing them.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the introduction of the Jade Eximus, and I must say, I find the approach quite distasteful. These new enemies, designed as an anti-AFK feature, are meant to target and disrupt players who might be standing still too long, even if they're just taking a momentary breather. This feels less like a gameplay feature and more like a mechanism to police player behaviour, which doesn’t sit right with me.

This method reminds me starkly of hostile architecture in urban environments—those benches with dividers that prevent lying down, or spikes on flat surfaces to deter sitting. These designs are intended to control behaviour in public spaces under the guise of maintaining order, but they often end up penalising harmless activities and detracting from the user experience. Similarly, the Jade Eximus seems to impose a strict rule on how players should engage with the game, prioritising constant activity over a more relaxed or varied play style.

In my view, game design should enhance the experience, not dictate it. It should allow for flexibility in how players choose to engage with the game. Measures like the Jade Eximus, while aiming to prevent inactivity, might actually detract from the enjoyment of the game by injecting a sense of surveillance and compulsion into what should be a leisure activity.

Edited by _Eclips3_
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I don't get the fuzz about them, we're very mobile in this game so even if you want to do a more stationary play style it wouldn't hurt you to move for a bit.

Having enemies that change the way you approach the game is a good thing, a game can get boring if the enemies don't offer anything to challenge the way you play

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I might add to pinpoint the main focus, that the Jade Light spawns right above the players. All other Eximus have their ability coming from their own body; Arson's expanding fire Aoe, Blitz's ground blast aiming at you, Shock's homing sparks, etc. meanwhile Jade Light just sees the player and cast a homing Jade Light right above them. Arson's reputation as the hardest Eximus has been dethroned by Jade Light I guess.

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35分钟前 , -AncientWarrior- 说:

I really like the Jade Eximus, then again I dont stay still at all .. but anything that's anti-AFK I appreciate DE implementing :)

A reminder that Revenant can still AFK while bathing in the glory of Orokin Jade LightTM. For a true anti-AFK experience you might need to throw in nully bubble as well.

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44 minutes ago, -AncientWarrior- said:

I really like the Jade Eximus, then again I dont stay still at all .. but anything that's anti-AFK I appreciate DE implementing :)

See, I don't get that mindset, why do you want to control how other people play? Like why do you care?

31 minutes ago, ominumi said:

I use Titania a lot lately. I can just fly to the top of the ceiling then AFK there. Jade Eximus light beam still needs a clearing to hit players.

Nice little way of rebelling against the "I want you to play my way" crowd.

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I genuinely don't even see a major difference between them and energy/health leech eximus, both them and the jade eximus spawn a damage/drain zone, that forces you to move out of the way otherwise you take damage/get mag proc'd, the only difference here is the jade light also follows you for a few seconds, but you can break it by shooting the orb.

Enemies making you interact with their mechanic is not a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, _Eclips3_ said:

the Jade Eximus seems to impose a strict rule on how players should engage with the game, prioritising constant activity over a more relaxed or varied play style.

Jade eximus forcing you to be active and not afk? seems like working as intended.

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, ReddyDisco said:

Jade eximus forcing you to be active and not afk? seems like working as intended.

Clearly didn't read the whole post. Just a pretty snide response.

Edited by _Eclips3_
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54分钟前 , TronionX 说:

I genuinely don't even see a major difference between them and energy/health leech eximus, both them and the jade eximus spawn a damage/drain zone, that forces you to move out of the way otherwise you take damage/get mag proc'd, the only difference here is the jade light also follows you for a few seconds, but you can break it by shooting the orb.

Enemies making you interact with their mechanic is not a bad thing.

So far the main problems of Jade Eximus are,

1. No LoS check, unlike other eximus.

2. The orb clip through ceiling and other hard obstacle (i.e. Boreal pyramid).

3. Jade light deals unholy amount of damage to defense objective, leading to instant mission failure or being exploited for griefing.

It is one thing for players to deal with mechanics, and another thing forcing players to deal with broken mechanics. At this stage, Jade Eximus is still problematic.

If DE release a broken enemy that can see through walls, carries with him a sniper rifle with infinite punchthrough, with infinite damage, so that when they spotted you they can one or two shot you from 500 m away through the entire tileset in all missions, surely you can still bring perma invisible Loki or good old Revenant "to interact with this mechanic" and ask "how come players still do not know how to deal with them", but it does not mean the enemy is fine as is.

Edited by RichardKam
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Well from your pov, I absolutely applaud the implementation. Move it or lose it. Afker's be damned.

Think I detect a whiff of monkey butt somewhere in this thread...

Control how people play? You mean how players can exploit the system? DE taking active measures against that? Awww. Sooooo unfair.

Edited by PrideB4TheFall
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IMO the intention is totally fine, they just need to tune LOS that beams only happen when they can see players, and remove damage to defense object.

And if you are really annoyed by them, subsume a banshee, your are welcome.

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4 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

These new enemies, designed as an anti-AFK feature, are meant to target and disrupt players who might be standing still too long, even if they're just taking a momentary breather. This feels less like a gameplay feature and more like a mechanism to police player behaviour, which doesn’t sit right with me.

I quite like the addition of these Eximus, i also really hope they can go through Limbo's Rift so this stops Limbo leechers from AFKing on some unreachable area in their personal rift.

1 hour ago, -AncientWarrior- said:

I really like the Jade Eximus, then again I dont stay still at all .. but anything that's anti-AFK I appreciate DE implementing :)

Same, i main Zephyr and even her Turbulence i manage to cast on the move by casting it mid airglide so i dont stay still.

7 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

1. No LoS check, unlike other eximus.

Which is a good thing given some players like to AFK in unreachable places where enemies cant shoot them.

Also, wile the beam doesnt require Line of sight, the Eximus does require being alert to the player that its using the light on, if you are on the other side of a wall it wont target you but if you somehow manage to damage the eximus through the wall it will send the light your way.

7 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

2. The orb clip through ceiling and other hard obstacle (i.e. Boreal pyramid).


This being my only issue with them, it would be better if the Prism followed the ceiling high such as Nullifier drones do.

I did notice however its weak to Void damage and susceptible to some AoEs such as the Dissic Scaffold's Alt-Fire, meaning you can break it through the walls and ceiling.

10 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

3. Jade light deals unholy amount of damage to defense objective, leading to instant mission failure or being exploited for griefing.

I havent noticed this "Unholy" amount of damage people keep complaining about and i have been hit by it often with squishy frames. Zephyr's Turbulence doesnt protect against the Jade Light and mine has no Adaptation, yet i havent downed a single time to it.

Just now, dEjAvU5566 said:

IMO the intention is totally fine, they just need to tune LOS that beams only happen when they can see players, and remove damage to defense object.

I dont think line of sight is an issue, it helps the beams catch players idling in hard to reach places.

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1小时前 , BiancaRoughfin 说:

I havent noticed this "Unholy" amount of damage people keep complaining about and i have been hit by it often with squishy frames. Zephyr's Turbulence doesnt protect against the Jade Light and mine has no Adaptation, yet i havent downed a single time to it.

I was referring to defense objective, not players.

If someone was standing on a defense objective (intentional or not) and the Jade Eximus fired the orbital laser, it would be an almost guarantee mission failure.

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Jade Eximus units were only a problem pre-hotfix because they were bugged to do absurd amounts of damage that ignored abilities and were oneshotting frames and objectives with one heat proc tick. Their broken OHKO potential was what made them so horrible to play against.

Now that they’ve been mostly fixed, I’d say these new enemies are in a good place and are a welcome challenge that keeps players moving and engaged. The only issue left really is their beams clipping through ceilings making them difficult to take out in low-ceiling areas, and even then these beams can be tanked, dodged, or lured away.


Edited by ZiIIion
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I haven’t gotten a chance to play much so I’ve barely encountered the new eximus, but a reason to move sits well with me, and can add additional wrinkles to the fight if I have to be displaced at a bad time

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6 hours ago, RichardKam said:

So far the main problems of Jade Eximus are,

1. No LoS check, unlike other eximus.

2. The orb clip through ceiling and other hard obstacle (i.e. Boreal pyramid).

3. Jade light deals unholy amount of damage to defense objective, leading to instant mission failure or being exploited for griefing.

The only real issue i see there is the griefing potential of someone intentionally letting the eximus destroy a defense objective.

Orb clipping can be annoying, but doesn't make them unfair. You are still left with the option to find and kill the eximus, which is a much better option considering that it both stops the current beam and prevents any more until a new eximus spawns.

And i don't mind no LoS check at all, if it was an instant unavoidable hit then yeah, that would be bad, but it isn't.

6 hours ago, RichardKam said:

If DE release a broken enemy that can see through walls, carries with him a sniper rifle with infinite punchthrough, with infinite damage, so that when they spotted you they can one or two shot you from 500 m away through the entire tileset in all missions, surely you can still bring perma invisible Loki or good old Revenant "to interact with this mechanic" and ask "how come players still do not know how to deal with them", but it does not mean the enemy is fine as is.

Yeah, but this is not that kind of enemy, if you really think the jade light eximus are even remotely close to being that bad then i don't know what to tell you other than that they just aren't.

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38分钟前 , TronionX 说:

The only real issue i see there is the griefing potential of someone intentionally letting the eximus destroy a defense objective.

Orb clipping can be annoying, but doesn't make them unfair. You are still left with the option to find and kill the eximus, which is a much better option considering that it both stops the current beam and prevents any more until a new eximus spawns.

And i don't mind no LoS check at all, if it was an instant unavoidable hit then yeah, that would be bad, but it isn't.

Yeah, that's why honest feedback to DE is important, instead of, like some people said, "skill issue I love the instant death it was engaging a real challenge for vet like me if you disagree you must be afk newbies lalala". Before the current hotfix, some people actually thought the damage output of jade light (a mistake admitted by DE) was intended.

Clipping I would say is bearable, but definitely can be better or fixed. No weak point or stuff like that should clip through geometry. That is my baseline.

And like I said, Jade eximus and defense objective still need some tuning. Glad that you agree.

41分钟前 , TronionX 说:

Yeah, but this is not that kind of enemy, if you really think the jade light eximus are even remotely close to being that bad then i don't know what to tell you other than that they just aren't.

It was an exaggerated example of broken mechanic. Don't take it literally.

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2 hours ago, TronionX said:

You are still left with the option to find and kill the eximus,

You can also perform a Finisher attack on any enemy. Starting one instantly dispels any emitters that are following you, regardless of what the Finisher is used on.

So even if you're in a situation where both the emitter and the eximus are somehow untargetable from your current position, you still have a way to counter the attack.

Edited by Corvid
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

Hopefully a change will be added to make the beams eat through Mesmer Skin. Be fun to watch the salt flow from the afk leech bots.


10 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I quite like the addition of these Eximus, i also really hope they can go through Limbo's Rift so this stops Limbo leechers from AFKing on some unreachable area in their personal rift.

Same, i main Zephyr and even her Turbulence i manage to cast on the move by casting it mid airglide so i dont stay still.

Which is a good thing given some players like to AFK in unreachable places where enemies cant shoot them.

Also, wile the beam doesnt require Line of sight, the Eximus does require being alert to the player that its using the light on, if you are on the other side of a wall it wont target you but if you somehow manage to damage the eximus through the wall it will send the light your way.


This being my only issue with them, it would be better if the Prism followed the ceiling high such as Nullifier drones do.

I did notice however its weak to Void damage and susceptible to some AoEs such as the Dissic Scaffold's Alt-Fire, meaning you can break it through the walls and ceiling.

I havent noticed this "Unholy" amount of damage people keep complaining about and i have been hit by it often with squishy frames. Zephyr's Turbulence doesnt protect against the Jade Light and mine has no Adaptation, yet i havent downed a single time to it.

I dont think line of sight is an issue, it helps the beams catch players idling in hard to reach places.


10 hours ago, PrideB4TheFall said:

Well from your pov, I absolutely applaud the implementation. Move it or lose it. Afker's be damned.

Think I detect a whiff of monkey butt somewhere in this thread...

Control how people play? You mean how players can exploit the system? DE taking active measures against that? Awww. Sooooo unfair.

Who hurt all of you, why so spiteful? Getting "Life sucks and I'm bitter" type energy from these comments. Like try to meditate, no need to take out your problems on other people.

Edited by _Eclips3_
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