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I hate Volt, he's the new Limbo


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I hate Volt.

Specifically I hate maxed out power strength Volt firing up his massive speed boost in tight cramped levels and making the entire team slower.

Like Limbo, you can dodge cancel out of it. But it's still annoying.

I mostly play relics and the like as Titania - she's fast enough, she does not need any help from Volt. Quite the opposite - in anything but an open world she becomes unplayable, stun locked too unless you Primed Sure Footed maxed and on.

And Titania can't dodge cancel, not while in Razorwing. Blink doesn't cancel it. You have to exit Razorwing, dodge, re cast it, catch up with the squad only for the motherf***ing Volt bas***d to re-cast the wretched thing.

Please could we have some way to opt out of detrimental buffs? Or maybe just some thought into how abilities interact? Like, Razorwing is already fast and Titania already can buff speed to unplayable levels, maybe it should just ignore Volt's team speed buff?

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32 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Quite the opposite - in anything but an open world she becomes unplayable, stun locked too unless you Primed Sure Footed maxed and on.

Or you know, just use Spellbind, which is already in her kit.

33 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

And Titania can't dodge cancel, not while in Razorwing. Blink doesn't cancel it.

You have to backflip to cancel it, not just roll in any direction like Limbo. And you can definitely backflip in Razorwing, unless there's some other bug I don't know about.

37 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

I mostly play relics and the like as Titania


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Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

And Titania can't dodge cancel

yes she can side slide and back dodges also exist, her forward slide is replaced with blink the other 3 are still there.

Edited by EDM774
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It's definitely not new, speed Volts have been obnoxious for years

I will, however, give a huge shout-out to Volts who run (pun unintended) a Narrowminded build so they only give themselves their speed buffs

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

I mostly play relics and the like as Titania

Congratulations, you've officially declared this as a "you" problem.

It doesn't make the group slower.  It just makes you slower because you've gotten too used to how much faster Titania is compared to other frames.  Meanwhile, whenever I get Volt Speed while playing her, I'm still laughing my head off and enjoying myself even while I'm faceplanting a wall every second since I don't find it annoying, but rather entertaining.

1 hour ago, Traumtulpe said:

With Titania you can just stop sprinting.

This is what I do too.  Feels good sometimes not having to hold down the shift key for that.

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Posted (edited)

I think you're just going to have to get over it or assemble groups for your relics that specifically do not include Volt. You can do this in Recruitment chat.

I don't like working with a Dante, Wisp or Limbo. You're probably aware of why I dislike Limbos, but as for Dante, he makes me unkillable, and this is boring. Meanwhile, Wisp ruins the cadence of my melee attacks. I'm also thankful we can mute Octavias.

Personally I think it'd be a decent precedent to make newer Warframes try not to interfere with the "feel" of each other and I'd probably take a look at how Speed works if I was offered a chance to redesign Volt. (This is my most played Warframe, by the way.) But it's not proper to insist some Warframe should change because it makes you uncomfortable in pubs. I have a bone to pick with like a third of the roster in that case.

Edited by Ventura_Highway
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2 hours ago, Pakaku said:

I will, however, give a huge shout-out to Volts who run (pun unintended) a Narrowminded build so they only give themselves their speed buffs

They're the heroes of our time.

2 hours ago, Pakaku said:

t's definitely not new, speed Volts have been obnoxious for years

Oh I know, I just had one (different ones) 3 missions in a row and found it annoying.

2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

you know, just use Spellbind, which is already in her kit

Spellbind doesn't reset buffs, just element procs.

3 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

You have to backflip to cancel it, not just roll in any direction like Limbo. And you can definitely backflip in Razorwing

I'll try that next time

2 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Titania player detected, opinion rejected

I mean, I'm a player of every frame, including Volt (I used to use him for Eidolons back when that was a thing).

Frames are tools to be used where they work, not statements of allegiance.

1 hour ago, Raarsi said:

t doesn't make the group slower.  It just makes you slower because you've gotten too used to how much faster Titania is compared to other frames.  Meanwhile, whenever I get Volt Speed while playing her, I'm still laughing my head off and enjoying myself even while I'm faceplanting a wall every second since I don't find it annoying, but rather entertaining

This is a weird take, but fine.

Do you think Titania is a privilege I have that you can't? She's not hard to get, and quicker than Volt for lots of tiles.

But again, these are tools for problems not statements of allegiance.

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

I think you're just going to have to get over it or assemble groups for your relics that specifically do not include Volt. You can do this in Recruitment chat

Ain't nobody got time for that. I'm just here for a petty vent.

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

but as for Dante, he makes me unkillable, and this is boring

He's basically built to carry Deep Archimedea teams. He is to that what Saryn is to ESO 

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

Personally I think it'd be a decent precedent to make newer Warframes try not to interfere with the "feel" of each other and I'd probably take a look at how Speed works if I was offered a chance to redesign Volt. (This is my most played Warframe, by the way.) But it's not proper to insist some Warframe should change because it makes you uncomfortable in pubs. I have a bone to pick with like a third of the roster in that case

Fair take, but I'm not insisting, just carping on about an annoyance. 



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3 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Do you think Titania is a privilege I have that you can't? She's not hard to get, and quicker than Volt for lots of tiles.

Obviously you didn't read the line you quoted from me:

4 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Meanwhile, whenever I get Volt Speed while playing her, I'm still laughing my head off and enjoying myself even while I'm faceplanting a wall every second since I don't find it annoying, but rather entertaining.

I have Titania.  I don't play her all the time, but I do play her for mission types that usually go by quicker like captures or rescues.

Even when I'm found in your worst-case scenario of being grouped with a properly-built Volt, I've learned not to complain about it on the forums, but instead to adapt and find the amusement in such a scenario.

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Spellbind doesn't reset buffs, just element procs.

Not to cleanse Volt's speed. I'm saying you don't need Primed Sure Footed on Titania because she already has Spellbind.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2024-07-11 at 4:33 PM, CoNsTaNt1nE-UK1 said:

This didn't go very well.. Volt got a firm backing him 👏😂 I'm personally tired of the titania/thermal sunder builds tbh. Volts staying where he is

Volt mains when Titania mains cry because they can't nuke Void Fissure at optimal efficiency by 10 seconds.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Handshake GIF

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Il y a 4 heures, RyllusPurple a dit :

I just leave the lobby anytime i get a volt player

I'd do this everytime I get matchmade with Rev leeches, but that would also mean I don't get to play the game 🙄

At least Volt provides something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Irony here is that Titania does more harm to Warframe than Volt ever could. Titania saps all enjoyment from new players running fissure missions by nuking the entire map and getting to extraction in under a minute. Which then leaves all other players with nothing to do except run to extraction. I have a suggestion, why don't we take away Titania's speed so Titania mains can feel gratitude for added speed instead of gross entitlement. 

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1 hour ago, TempestSonata said:

The Irony here is that Titania does more harm to Warframe than Volt ever could. Titania saps all enjoyment from new players running fissure missions by nuking the entire map and getting to extraction in under a minute

Are Titanias running new player missions?  Are new players grinding capture missions?

1 hour ago, TempestSonata said:

Which then leaves all other players with nothing to do except run to extraction

Is that a problem? It you join a mission as a newbie and 60s later its all been done? It happens, but it's fine.

Generally, players that are grinding have speed Titania, Wukong, Guess etc setups already. Players that aren't are early game with a wide variety of missions and won't mind the odd relic speed run for them.

1 hour ago, TempestSonata said:

why don't we take away Titania's speed so Titania mains can feel gratitude

Does this game have "mains"? 

I mean, I have every frame ever released. A lot of them have use cases, and some that don't I play anyway just for variety (or sometimes just because of mission vibes). I just built Gauss Prime (for some reason his BP took insane numbers of relics for me and I got Protea Prime first) and he has a similar problem (his 1 becomes unsteerable if Volt shares his speed on top).

If you have to crack a lot of relics you'll have at least one speed run build, and Titania is probably the most consistently fast frame for traversal missions. Volt, Gauss, Wukong, Nezha, etc are all viable too, but only Volt shares it.

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il y a 46 minutes, (XBOX)KayAitch a dit :

Are Titanias running new player missions?  Are new players grinding capture missions?

They're probably not grinding it, but New players must do relics to get past some junction iirc. Which might in turn get them to do more of it, when they understand the joy of getting some loot. Or alternatively, get completely confused as to why there's weird coloured fog everywhere but no enemies in sight.


If you have no consideration for new players and slowing down when you see there are some in your squad, then there's no reason for a single Volt player in your squad not to put a jackhammer over his 2 key.


This thread was basically about how you feel. Have you stopped to consider how others feel?

Running towards extraction having nothing else to do only adds up to get you closer to burning out from the grind.


Everyday I thank the void they made SP fissures a thing. So that I don't have to put up with all the Titanias. Instead I'm locked in my own circle of hell where a bunch of rev mains are leeching about.

Sad Good Morning GIF by Kiszkiloszki

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3 hours ago, TempestSonata said:

why don't we take away Titania's speed so Titania mains can feel gratitude for added speed instead of gross entitlement. 

Well, I guess you need special kind of mission where your speed is 0.25 (not 25%!) and increase +25% for each person in the squad.

1 hour ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

If you have no consideration for new players and slowing down when you see there are some in your squad, then there's no reason for a single Volt player in your squad not to put a jackhammer over his 2 key.


This thread was basically about how you feel. Have you stopped to consider how others feel?

Running towards extraction having nothing else to do only adds up to get you closer to burning out from the grind.

So if new player wants to spend 10 minute in simple capture older player HAVE to do this? What kind of nonsense is this?

The objective is to farm 10 reactant & main objective (e.g. "not" kill capture target). Everything else is extra. If everyone gets 10 reactant then it's safe to extract. Even without full 10 we can talk ('wait for me', or 'let's wait for x').

You have some issues with trolly titanias and use it on random titania user (OP). Don't do this. It's not good.



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On 2024-07-09 at 2:14 PM, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Titania player detected, opinion rejected. Thank you for your service. Stay mad, enjoy the 322% strength.

That's a bit much don't you think

The original post is as well though

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On 2024-07-28 at 4:32 PM, RyllusPurple said:

I just leave the lobby anytime i get a volt player

That's exactly it and the most mature answer. If you don't like the playstyle of a frame that you queue in in a public mission.. you have two options. Give them a chance to see how they play the frame or simply abort and restart.

The third option would be to recruit for a specific group and recruit chat. And if you're the host, determine which type of frames you want in your squad or not and why. People will either play along or they won't. 

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:


Does this game have "mains"? 


Yes. This game has mains. 

You dismiss nuking the whole map empty as not a problem, players can just move on to another mission as you say, but new players frequently voice their displeasure of being led by the nose by veteran players like this. How fun do you really think it is to spawn into an empty level? 

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