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Hotfix 15.5.9


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  • Sent Nullifier Crewmen into Cerberus to help reinforce the Corpus forces there.

So DE, you still continue to ruin the last fun in your game that still have nothing except grinding.

Do you even realize that some frames (like Loki, Mirage, Valkyr, Nova etc) are too fragile and have to rely on their abilities to stay alive and be effective against high level enemies? And according your stupid tradition in game design there will be many freaking nullifier crewmen at the same time on endless game modes (same for napalms, bombards and other special/heavy units) and we will be completely swarmed by them (and enemies they cover).

It looks the person who implemented this disbalanced and game-breaking unit knows nothing about current ingame situation.

Edited by AntLion
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I wouldn't mind Nulifiers, if it wasn't the fact that my Supercharged, fourfold forma'd Dread requires all arrows, that my full build Pyrana needs to be reloaded 10 times, that I need to reload Latron Prime 5 times to destroy ONE FREAKING BUBBLE. That's just Jupiter with it's low level enemies.


And the best of all is how you prioritize updates - take fun away first, fix actual problems SoonTM.

I know right? Screw buffing the Rakta Ballistica, HOW DARE it be stronger than a Lato.

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...You all are a bunch of pansies. The nullifier crewmen are literally as durable as a piece of paper, and I've only encountered the nullifier glitch all of once. It's incredibly easy to run in, spin-attack a group, kill the nullifier and, depending on your weapon choice, his surrounding guard, run out, and get back to capturing a point faster than it takes for your shields to go down. If you guys are incapable of doing something that simple through fear of being either unable to rely on your guns, or taking a little bit of health damage, then I feel really sorry for you.

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(Enters thread. Sees debate about Nullifier Crewmen still raging on.)


You know, I'd be totally okay with this unit if they weren't so... Terrible. You have to bring high ROF weapons into Corpus maps now, you can't rely on your Warframe powers as much as you could before, and that's a terrible thing. Warframe, IMO, is about individuality. Using Warframe abilities to the fullest and using your cool weapons (Since technically every weapon's viable) alongside your abilities to slaughter enemies wholesale.


Nullifier Crewmen take away from that. They limit how you play. You can't use bows, or snipers, or semi-auto rifles. You have to use spray-and-pray rifles to deal with them, that or try to bum-rush them with your melee and hope to god that there aren't ten or so crewmen spraying hot plasma at your vulnerable form. At higher levels, it's pretty difficult to deal with these crewmen, downright impossible if they have enough support.


"Oh no, you aren't skilled enough. GTFO noob." Is what the response to my post is probably going to be.


Yeah, I'm a terrible player. I'm bad at the game. Guess what? There are probably people out there as bad as I am, maybe worse. Guess what? Warframe has a diverse player base, and I LIKE playing this game, even if I'm bad at it. So right now, these nullifier crewmen are decreasing the 'fun' factor in Warframe for all those players who can't pull off melee-combos out of their butt, who don't eat, dream and sleep on builds for their Excalibur or Loki. Not all of us are progamers, not all of us clock eight hours every day.


At least make the shield scale to damage, not the number of projectiles fired at the shield. 

Edited by AsCaLus
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Damn this community really needs to be a lot less dramatic. The unit was officially released today, this game is in beta, and tweaks will be made.

please go away with your ''but muh beta'' comment, they will literally NEVER let it go out of beta so they can have an excuse if they F*** things up.

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Where to start.


I'm a relative unknown here (or maybe not for some people ingame) and it is sad that my first post on this forum will be about this.


I started playing in late august, early september at the insisting prompt of a friend of mine who was playing since the very beginning. After some...Difficult getting used to I found myself liking this game. Then, came my second frame, Rhino like for most, then followed by valkyr.


I found myself loving this game which explain why I played almost 800 hours since then. Which also explain why even through i could have farmed for platinum on my own, instead of buying it I ended up buying lots of it, without most of the time prompt of a discount, or a lotus token, and so on.


If I'm posting now, it isn't to get congratulations about it all, now standing at a solid 14 Mastery rank (which is still nothing compared to 18 and some, here I do not expect any kind of congratulations again.)


I did not participate on the Viver-Nerf onslaught, insisting of taking a wait and see procedure and instead trusting in the devs to listen to their community.


But now...I'm forced to say something because as a player I do not like the direction warframe is taking lately and I could find myself stopping playing all together.



Why, why in the name of why Nullifier crewmen?


I will be the first protesting about Ash sitting on an energy restore spamming 4 until breaking their finger, I played Ash, Forma'd it and then put it back in the closet... For that very reason. But nullifier crewman ARE an issue.


=> Firstly : Lore Wise. Now Lore MAY NOT be everyone preoccupation, but it is one of the reason I'm playing warframe instead of let's say...COD. I like game that make me dream with their lore, like the Elder Scrolls. Lore wise, Warframe is not quite there, but there IS potential. Tenno are basically space gods (Hence the name, Tenno -> Ten-Oh -> Japanese for Kings of Heaven). Their powers are so much shrouded in mystery that thousands of years after the orokin era, it still eludes Corpus, Grineer and so on... Or should I say eluded.

Nullifier crewmen, in the name of trying to "balence" abilities made them useless and threw that notion out of the window.

No, Corpus should NOT be able to stop you from using your abilities, especially in a game where the main niche is those powers in the first place. WHy playing warframe instead of another generic shoot / hack&slash otherwise ?!

Player grind forma, reactors, then build their frame to get satisfied when your abilities are so powerful they nuke a map, it is EARNED. And should not be taken away. Never.


==> Second : Some frames just became useless in corpus High level. I'm not speaking about Ash, or even Mag, I'm speaking about Vakyr, and Loki. EVEN ENTERING THEIR FREAKIN SHIELD... CANCEL YOUR HYSTERIA ? That makes me... Well hysteric. Congrats, frames are losing even more selling points.


===> Third : The shield. The freakin shield. Something balanced, making so homer's drinking bird can't play the game instead of you would have been targeting spots of the shield to make it break from afar THEN use ability but no. Three arrows from my dread (And trust me, it is a maxxed out Dread) don't even scratch it. If that isn't forcing us to use high fire rate weapons instead of pinpoint accuracy one, what is ? I won't open another can of worms with bringing on the table how bad snipers have it in this game. Please, make it so we CAN crush that shield. From afar. Then it will be at least balenced.


=====> Last thing. I won't be someone just complaining about an implement, pointing flaws in something that took obviously a lot of work (I saw how nullifiers were steadily implemented, before moving them to the reason they were created : Viver, Cerberus, same fight really). I will make suggestions about how it could be improved :


Lore Wise : A nullifier shield isn't something that should be. We all know it. Make it so the shield produces interferences stopping from targeting mobs within it. But once inside it, it does not cancel abilities or stop you from using them.

2-To counteract this, apply a damage buffer to corpus within the shield, still making it hazardous to venture inside without a Bulbasaur...Woops, wrong game.

3-Make it so targeting several spot on the shield make it collapse.


I need to thank DE for this experience, warframe is a great game, but it should NOT deny everything it has been made for, to be original, to make us have a great experience. I know you will read this message, I'm not the only one who feels like it, and I truly hope something will come out of this.

^ is DE even reading this post? because it sums everything up

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crewman nullifier make me feel like my warframe abilities shouldnt exist i hope u are happy DE by the way the crewman globe is so OP fully modded boltor prime took me 180 shoots to take it down so yea its so anoying and yea is so OP watch

Edited by xmegarockx
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  • Sent Nullifier Crewmen into Cerberus to help reinforce the Corpus forces there.


I actually feel sorry for those dedicated players who have shown their loyalty to a game.. that dumps on them every opportunity it gets :(


You are consistent DE, i'll give you that.

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Rip Cerberus

inb4 Cerberus gets changed to Hive mission.

Rip Cerberus

Rip in piece Cerberus. May you never be visited again.

Alright people Cerberus is dead.

RIP cerberus

rip cerberus

R.I.P Viver and Cerberus T.T

RIP Cerberus last place to farm good Syndicate points

RIP Cerberus last place to help new players lvl their stuff a bit faster

RIP Mirage use on Cerberus

Rip Cerberus



What are these whiners complaining about?! That there's a little bit of challenge/using brains now, not just [2] or [4] for everything? -__\\


What if i say that you can oneshot those guys with slide-melee or kill them with 1-3 melee hits? Jesus.


*still thinking that locking Regions/nodes on MR is a bad idea, DE?*

Also, thanks for visiting Cerberus, guys! I won't miss you.


...Now i can finally play w/o farmers and those «Press [4] to do everything» peoples.

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  • Sent Nullifier Crewmen into Cerberus to help reinforce the Corpus forces there.


I actually feel sorry for those dedicated players who have shown their loyalty to a game.. that dumps on them every opportunity it gets :(


You are consistent DE, i'll give you that.

The important three words to remember are "PROTECT THE GRIND" and "PLAYERS HAVING FUN".

Edited by Kinjeto
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  • Sent Nullifier Crewmen into Cerberus to help reinforce the Corpus forces there.


Nice fixes and changes!

Especially the Dojo decoration fix :D


Oh and uhm:



I relish the so-called "challenge" as opposed to others who whine and get butthurt over new enemies making their xp farming spots "inefficient"  :D



Nope. The nullifiers are bulletproof too. you need to get close to them.

Their Bubble/Shield shrinks when taking projectile damage.

So Rapid-Fire weapons or Continuous (Flux Rifle etc)= Aaaw yeah.

Edited by Farris
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DE, I love your game, but really, fix the S#&$ that is actually game breaking. Things like players not being able to join each other when they should and consistantly getting "unable to join session" or some crap like that. THIS issue has been around for quite a while yet it feels like you're doing your best to push away players. You want us to play your game yet you don't fix things that actually matter.

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  • Fixed some cases where the last reward shown in a defense or interception mission was not given to some players.




Basically only the host get that last item, especially in those interceptions! Thank you very much Now gonna be doing T4 Int again :))

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