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Probably because it was the only weapon people would use and DE want people to use other weapons, just a guess though, I'm not a member of DE.


I raise you Boltor Prime.


Personally I think the reason it was nerfed is because they want to curb lengthy void missions.  Use dem keys up, son!

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don`t read the 16 pages.

can anyone told DE to hire 1 guy who know russian? :D

cause "elite aride lancer" in quest log - "uniqe (УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ)" in mission on russian T_T i want to hug guy who made this, rly. hug. throat. :)

and some other translation in dialog with celaphon is tottaly wrong T_T. pls die or not  use gogle-translate and wronghands32.dll driver.


and - seems DE forgot to post about kohm nerf :)


my ! is rly burn... i even burned my chair!

Edited by napoBapKa.mp3
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Melee auto targeting still doesn't work properly for blind justice's heeding call combo. the last attack (the big leap attack) still tends to root you in place after the second-last attack kicked the enemy away from you.I would like to hit the leap consistently and stick to the enemy i'm targeting, for a change.

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I would really like to see API fixes. Even if I disabled DX sometimes Warframe likes to stop working. Few times but it happens. I think it's caused by API problems and with DX on it crashes the whole graphics on the PC.

I wonder why there is no fix for that. 

Edited by SkullFace495
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Welp, RIP Synnacor, 12 seconds worth of ammo is useless. If you gotta waste a slot on ammo mutation for a weapon to not be completely S#&$, it's completely S#&$.


The king is dead, long live Rakta Ballistica/Vaykor Marelok!

Edited by Idiocy
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Dear DE;


From my point of view you are wasting precious time and effort trying to catch/please the PvP kiddies.

PvP already has a wide market to satisfy those who like it. Please put more love into the real Warframe.

Second mission of Retribution bugged and we could not evac. Grineeer are still OP beyond all recognition specially compared to other factions. That Frost Prime removal scandal, Keys as void rewards & void droptable over-dilution, Dark sectors stealth nerf (as if taxes werent bad enough) and so many things.


Please DE.

Edited by ArchPhaeton
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I raise you Boltor Prime.


Personally I think the reason it was nerfed is because they want to curb lengthy void missions.  Use dem keys up, son!


Maybe Boltor Prime,


But I've seen a lot more people using synoid gammacor than boltor prime.

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I'm disappointed.

  • Not because of grammacor nerf, I'm used to it now.
  • Not because of the numerous stuff you require to build so you can start building the things you need to build the new frame. It's annoying as hell and I wish you freakin' forgot about those tendencies of yours to make stuff require such tedious actions to get but oh well, I can live with that (if you don't go too far, though you are getting there, slowly but steadily).
  • Nerfing credits where credits were already hard to come by for people not playing constantly is evil and I loath this - reeks of "cash-grab" as my collegaue so nicely phrased it on chat.
  • Enemies have always been an important thing for me. I really loathed the fact that the AI is simply not getting better, all enemies behave like idiots and challenge means enemies that are either bulletsponges, simply 1-hit murder you (especially so since their accuracy is ridiculous and paired with the obviously impossible reaction time, potentially fun-killing), immortal/ignore your stuff, disable you like it's nothing. You practically find every possible way of how NOT to make an enemy. And now these... an ultrafast target to scan that practically makes a joke out of you - you can buy traps to slow them (again, the word "cashgrab" echoes in the distance). And we have a new grineer enemy that - instead of a proper AI - has partial immunity to all your stuff, ability to nullify your abilities and cannot be killed by one hit. REALLY?

    I feel the more I play this game that you not simply ignore what players want but intentionally do things to harass and chase players away. For a LONG time players either accepted (more like beared with) ancient disruptors blatantly taking energy you aquired just by touching you (no idea who came up with the idea, please do not let him do it again), bosses simply ignoring your abilities etc. or HATED it. Nobody in their right mind liked these, forums were filled with complaints - and when people are finally bored of posting the same thing, you add more of the same stuff?


Anyways, I'm seriously disappointed. Practically half the patch feels like an attempt to further slow progression in the game and limit the players' possibilities.

If you have no idea what challenge is, at least stop trying to mess up the game more than it is.



If I'm wrong and these weren't your intentions, sry then - but these are my honest opinions. At this point I'm seriously doubting what Lotus wrote about players testing this for you for X hours... or that you actually listened to them.


I was thinking about updating my concepts and ideas topic, and overall coming back to the forums - since I was interested in the new update. I didn't get the hype fever (thank God I have enough experience and logic to be more intelligent than believing everything I read and hear) but I'm the kind that likes to hope at least a little. Life is too depressing otherwise - but most of the time I got disappointed in these patches. Archwing, Kubrows, etc. all the stuff you added then forgot all about, no improvements, no fixes, even basic stuff like weapons and abilities.


Warframe was more enjoyable around U5. I can't express how sad I am for this game could be so much better.


Of course that's just my opinion. Someone might find this patch the lovelies thing of all times. Again, some people would skin their own dogs out of fun.

Edited by K_Shiro
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synoid gammacore totally useless now!

that ammo use...that damage reduce ....the nerve how they nerved it

really balance your balancing...


i cant imagine that the 75-80% damage drain was needed

ammo well...gone a bit overboard on that


however a nerve was really needed but this is just to much

compared to the other syndicate weapons...synoid just fails now


pritty please balance it up a bit more cause it already has short range

critbuild can do some with creepingbullseye and 4.4x multiplier almost 30%critchance

but really pffff its gonna be sitting in my inventory collecting dust its not in the top 10 anymore,,,and it should be for 100k syndpoints


for the entire everything else...good freaking job! really nice update

thaught yall lost it for a moment but this this this...really this is...its just...gotta say something...uhm awesome!

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Everything I expected from U16 is right here.

Just like any of the big updates, its all a mess and a confusion.


From all this frustration and anguish of not understanding nothing, having no indications, not knowing what to do next, it led me to the point of not wanting to play U16 until I have a proper guidance from the wiki. Cause I'm not ready to embark again in a mighty quest of annoying everyone with 1000 questions either in forums or in the chats. As always the game's codex and tutorials are useless, and do not really help in no way.


To end, the game is becoming a cluster of visual effects noise, too many effects by using and activating abilities, too many effects from environment, from affinity numbers flying all over, etc etc, soon it will be impossible to see anything in this game, since all the actions and items will be under thousands of layers of effects that block the gaze of the battlefield.




Sorry to say, but the game is not improving, this is the work of amateurs.

Edited by 7grims
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It's really weird that the kohm would be changed so substantially and not have it mentioned at all.


It lost about 60% of its damage.

It gained a bit of fire rate.

It appears to be hitscan now, but that's useless because the increased spread and decreased damage makes it useless at long range anyway.

It gained a fair bit of status.

I can't say for sure if it has more pellets or not, but it doesn't seem to?

Its ammo consumption DOUBLED, and it now uses 4 ammo per shot when spooled.  Because it's not like terrible ammo economy was one of the main reasons the weapon was so widely panned on release or anything.


It baffles me that none of these changes were even considered worth mentioning.  Was it just some sort of accident?

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